Mike Bloomberg And Working People
Tuesday, Feb 18, 2020 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] President Trump and his anti-worker allies in Congress are engaged in an all-out assault on American workers. Republicans in Washington are doing anything they can to weaken union protections, dismantle labor laws, and allow employers to discriminate against women and LGBTQ+ workers. Mike is the only candidate who can fight back against corporate exploitation and win. As president, Mike will honor and protect our country’s workforce by ensuring that anyone putting in an honest day’s work can feed their family, put a roof over their head and build toward a better future. Mike will ban right-to-work laws, pass a $15 per hour federal minimum wage, ensure paid parental leave, mandate paid sick and family medical leave at the federal level, and Mike will support the PRO Act, which will protect American workers and further empower them to organize and collectively bargain. Join Mike in fighting back against the attacks that threaten the very bedrock of the American economy. Read Mike’s full plan to protect and respect the American worker here.