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Stop the presses! Rod wants a banana split

Wednesday, Feb 19, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Exclusive interview on the plane ride home

The first revelation from Blagojevich actually involved his shoes. He was almost giddy to be wearing decent running shoes, after enduring prison-issued “cheaply made” shoes as he called them during his daily one-mile runs on the prison track.

The comfortable shoes, although conspicuously still on jailhouse white socks, seemed to be a symbol of Blagojevich’s newfound freedom and he would unconsciously rub his hands over them frequently on the flight-seemingly for verification that they were real and he was headed home.

Passengers on the flight were mostly happy to see him and he them. Many offered observations that he had been locked up too long and deserved to be out. Ever-the-candidate-for-something, Mr. Blagojevich played along and appeared to enjoy it.

He told me that in the depths of his years in prison, he couldn’t conceive of those public moments ever happening again.

Early in the flight there was one uncomfortable and raw exchange with the passenger right across the aisle. She told Blagojevich in an angry voice that his corrupt conduct was “offensive and outrageous” and that the Illinois Democrat had become “a surrogate of Trump.” Over the aisle and in a bitter tone, the woman told Blagojevich that he should “sneak away and don’t make it worse.”

* More from ABC7

Blagojevich caught a flight home to Chicago out of Denver around 8:30 p.m. Central Time, and spoke to reporters as he prepared to board the plane. He said he didn’t have advanced warning of Trump’s decision; instead, he found out through the news like everyone else.

“My first thought was, ‘I wonder if I’ll have time to get a run in,’ believe it or not,” Blagojevich said. “Because you get programmed, you have routines and I found that it helps through this time when you discipline yourself every day and you have something to work for, it helps you do it. And so I had a run planned and I think, I wonder if I’ll get that in before I go. And there was this helicopter over the prison so I thought well, maybe I won’t run, so I went and did push-ups.” […]

“I’m going to fight against the corrupt criminal justice system that all too often persecutes and prosecutes people who did nothing wrong, who over-sentences people, show no mercy, who are in positions who have no accountability,” Blagojevich said. “They can do whatever they want. They can put you into prison for things that aren’t crimes.”

* NBC 5

Blagojevich said despite the different party affiliations, “he’s got obviously a big fan in me and if you’re asking me what my party affiliation is, I’m a ‘Trump-ocrat,’” he added.

“I never gave into the false accusations and the railroading that was done to me and my family because if I did that, I would’ve violated my oath of office and my commitment to them,” Blagojevich said. “You know, I wasn’t just some business man who may have done some things that maybe you make a decision because it’s practical, a business decision…I was an elected governor twice by the people of Illinois, they trusted me and I didn’t let them down and so fighting back was a way to not only stand up for my own reputation, and for my children, my wife, of my late parents who raised me the right way, but it was a way to fight for the people of Illinois.”

Among getting to hug and kiss his family soon, he said after a few days of settling in, one thing he is most looking forward to — the idea of eating a banana split.

“I’d like to have three scoops of ice cream, vanilla, and chocolate and strawberry with chocolate syrup on it and cherry syrup, and pineapple syrup, with a whole bunch of whip cream but no peanuts cause my youngest daughter Andy is allergic,” Blagojevich said.

* CBS 2

“I didn’t let (the people) down, and I never gave into the false accusations and the railroading that was done to me and my family, because if I did that, I would have violated my oath of office and my commitment to them,” he said.

Without naming anyone, Blagojevich slammed the prosecutors who pursued the corruption charges against him.

“Fighting back was a way to not only stand up for my own reputation, and for my children, and for my wife, and for my late parents who raised me the right way, but it was a way to fight for the people of Illinois against corrupt prosecutors who have too much power, who are accountable to no one, and who break the law to do their jobs because it enhances their careers,” he said.

As to what his second act would be, Blagojevich said: “I’m going to fight against the corrupt criminal justice system that all too often persecutes and prosecutes people who did nothing wrong, who over-sentence people, show no mercy, and who are in positions that have no accountability. They can do and say whatever they want.” […]

“I’d like to have a banana split, and I’d like to have three scoops of ice cream – vanilla and chocolate and strawberry – with chocolate syrup on it, and cherry syrup, and pineapple syrup, with a whole bunch of whipped cream, but no peanuts, because my younger daughter Annie is allergic to peanuts – so I want to be able to kiss her, so no peanuts, because I can’t kiss her when I eat peanuts – and I want extra cherries on top,” he said.

* Certain teevee reporters have always been attracted to the man

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was laughing and joking with TV reporters Tuesday night after his release from federal prison, thanks to President Donald Trump, and his return home to Chicago.

If you can stomach it, click here to watch his press conference. I’m sure it’ll be a treat.

* And in other news, backing Blagojevich to own the state’s attorney

Sneed has learned Chicago Fraternal Order of Police union president Kevin Graham wrote a letter to President Donald Trump weeks ago requesting the commutation of former Democratic Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s prison sentence.

“I believe everybody should be treated fairly in the city and prosecutors can go into overdrive with excessive sentencing, and I felt Blagojevich’s 14-year sentence was excessive,“ Graham told Sneed. […]

“We just believed a 14-year sentence was over the top … compared to what goes on in Cook County where people don’t get 14 years for murder!” Graham said.

* Related…

* Will Blagojevich Run for (Federal) Office? Some Experts Say Maybe (actually just one expert)


  1. - Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:18 am:

    The breathless coverage last night from airport to plane to motorcade to house was way over the top, as is the coverage of this press conference.

    Also, only Blago would be late to a press conference scheduled on his own front porch.

  2. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:20 am:

    I think I’m gonna hurl…his narcissism is surpassed only
    by Trumps…

    Do your fellow citizens a break and don’t re-enter the public

  3. - Streator Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:20 am:

    His ego is still bigger than Streator’s water tower.

  4. - Yosemite Sam - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:21 am:

    So much for “draining the swamp”. Trump just gave the “swamp” a plane ticket.

  5. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:22 am:

    ===Over the aisle and in a bitter tone, the woman told Blagojevich that he should “sneak away and don’t make it worse.”===

    Good for her.

  6. - Terry Salad - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:23 am:

    “he should “sneak away and don’t make it worse.”

    My feeling exactly.

  7. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:24 am:

    Rod’s quotes certainly support Comptroller Mendoza’s statement regarding Trump and Blago: “Birds of a feather flock together.”

  8. - Progressive Guy - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:24 am:

    To steal the common headline here…

    “Our Sorry State” — sums up everything about Blago. This clown needs to disappear and stop reminding the world how inept and corrupt leadership can be in a state that is sincerely trying to be better for the first time in a while.

  9. - Cheswick - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:26 am:

    He’s not some kind of Johnny come marching home again and I wish the Chicago media would not treat him as such.

  10. - Bourbon Street - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:31 am:

    ==my youngest daughter Andy is allergic==

    Whoa, I certainly hope that’s a typo on NBC 5’s part and not a direct quote on Rod’s part.

    Who do we ask to stop the press from giving Rod any more coverage? That’s the only way he’ll go away quietly.

  11. - Pundent - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:33 am:

    =“I’m going to fight against the corrupt criminal justice system that all too often persecutes and prosecutes people who did nothing wrong, who over-sentences people, show no mercy, who are in positions who have no accountability,” Blagojevich said. “They can do whatever they want. They can put you into prison for things that aren’t crimes.”=

    This is why he’s out. Another voice in the “corrupt system” cacophony. And yet, despite his protestations, the Appellate Court found the evidence of his guilt to be “overwhelming.”

  12. - Jibba - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:35 am:

    “They can put you into prison for things that aren’t crimes”

    Thankfully, that didn’t happen in your case, former Governor.

  13. - Responsa - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:39 am:

    I watched about 5 minutes of the presser starting at about 11:30. Had to turn it off. Describing his prison cell, and said he often felt Patti near him. Was in hell surrounded by crooks, drug dealers and sex offenders. Looks like he cut himself shaving because he was wiping his chin. What an actor he is.

  14. - Dee Lay - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:39 am:

    No one greeted him with jeers and rotting fruit and vegetables?
    We are losing our edge.

  15. - Rocky Rossi - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:40 am:

    Seems like the former Gov. Blagojevich will be larger than life in Chicago and will make millions from his celebrity status.

  16. - Dan - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:42 am:

    Media: Please don’t feed the beast, help him slip away quietly.

  17. - train111 - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:43 am:

    How can Rod go away if the media won’t let us forget him?

  18. - All This - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:44 am:

    I don’t know what nauseates me more, “Trumocrat” or a banana split with pineapple sauce.

  19. - The Most Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:44 am:

    This press conference confirms that literally the only thing that changed about Rod while he was in prison was his hair color.

  20. - Jocko - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:48 am:

    ==I’d like to have a banana split==

    I keep picturing that scene from ‘Casino’ when Michael Spilotro makes the sandwich for the police officer.

  21. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:48 am:

    =“I’m going to fight against the corrupt criminal justice system that all too often persecutes and prosecutes people who did nothing wrong, who over-sentences people, show no mercy, who are in positions who have no accountability,” Blagojevich said. “They can do whatever they want. They can put you into prison for things that aren’t crimes.”=

    Extortion is a crime pal. This is exactly why he should still be in the clink.

    That others have received lighter sentences or served less time is not an argument for Blago, it is an indictment on how easy some of these crooks have gotten off.

  22. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:49 am:

    Ronnie Woo is in the house.

    Woo Rod. Woo Cubs.

  23. - dbk - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    I can’t believe I’m listening to this, but there you have it.

    Also decided to catch up on all things Blago by listening to WBEZ’s Public Citizen A. Boy, it’s good.

  24. - OneMan - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:51 am:

    Just caught him going back into the house and Ronny Woo-Woo was there.

  25. - Anon - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:52 am:

    If you want to punish Blago, ignore him. For me, I can’t get worked up over his being released four years early.

  26. - Veil of Ignorance - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:53 am:

    There’s an interesting journalism vs. eyeballs/spectacle argument that’s going to play out here with TV media. He’s out, fine. That doesn’t mean they need to cover everything he does or says here on out. He was convicted. He was on tape. He’s a disgraced former governor and should be treated as such.

  27. - Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:54 am:

    When some cockamame rube like Blago can play the most powerful man in the world, you know we got big problems. Enjoy your odd banana split, Rod. You deserve a victory lap.

  28. - Leatherneck - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:57 am:

    Is the banana split the “Elvis Banana Split”? Which includes bacon bits:

  29. - Leatherneck - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:59 am:

    - Terry Salad - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:23 am:

    “he should “sneak away and don’t make it worse.”

    My feeling exactly.

    I agree. And he can take his Lt. Gov. with him.

  30. - foster brooks - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:59 am:

    hopefully trump appoints him to head the security and exchange commission.

  31. - Jose Abreu's Next Homerun - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:59 am:

    Ronnie Woo Woo being there was the cherry on top this carnival. Now, which radio station in town is going to hire Rod for his inevitable talk show?

  32. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 12:04 pm:

    That Rod, always the martyr. Here’s a banana…now split.

  33. - Leatherneck - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 12:07 pm:

    - foster brooks - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 11:59 am:

    hopefully trump appoints him to head the security and exchange commission.


    Or perhaps John Filan.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 12:13 pm:

    “… and the one constant had been… Ronnie Woo.”


  35. - JoanP - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 12:16 pm:

    =after enduring prison-issued “cheaply made” shoes as he called them=

    Oh, poor baby.

  36. - amalia - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 12:22 pm:

    I’m so glad he’s a Cubs fan.

  37. - Original Rambler - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 12:41 pm:

    Any clue if he’s going to keep the gray?

  38. - TominChicago - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 12:48 pm:

    Rambler. My bet is he gets the dye job before the banana split.

  39. - Boone's is Back - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 12:56 pm:

    === A Trump-ocrat===

    That’s real rich Rod. Wonder how long you were thinking of that boot-licking line while you were locked up?

  40. - pool boy - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 1:13 pm:

    And so it begins. What a piece of work. Hopefully he will move out of state.

  41. - revvedup - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 1:33 pm:

    Rod portraying himself as a victim and crusader for justice is laughable; reality is optional for him. As for the banana split, I’d pass on the pinapple myself, but there’s no accounting for taste.

  42. - Frank talks - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 1:36 pm:

    He’s not moving he’s staying here and milk this “celebrity” for as long as he can. He thrived in the camera and spotlight, he hasn’t had that forever. The next month will be his coming out party. Late night talk shows, possible Real Time with Bill Maher, 60 minutes etc etc.
    The press will keep him alive. I’m guessing each station has someone near his house to catch him jogging?

  43. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 1:42 pm:

    Rod, you were impeached and convicted by the.General Assembly. Thrown out of office.
    You were convicted by the feds—on three charges

    “I didn’t let the people down.”

    Blago and trump—impeachment buds.

  44. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 2:20 pm:

    Rod reminds me of an ex-wife that won’t shut up and go away …

  45. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 2:24 pm:

    Where’s the regret about missing a large
    part of his daughters’ lives?

  46. - Give us Barabbas - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 2:37 pm:

    He wants to take up running again. That’s great. I recommend he point due East and not stop until there’s bubbles.

  47. - West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 2:54 pm:

    If Blago ever runs for anything again I’ll be out circulating petitions for Bitter Toned Woman to run against him. Good for her and enough of the lickspittal news coverage.

  48. - RNUG - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 3:59 pm:

    == If Blago ever runs for anything again ==

    He can’t run for any State office.

  49. - filmmaker prof - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 4:55 pm:

    Look, I understand it’s the old Apples - Oranges thing, but consider that he did far far more jail time than both Jon Burge and Dennis Hastert combined.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 6:53 pm:

    === Blago was re-elected with the near unanimous support ott the Democratic Party and it’s Chair. Note that more than half the articles of impeachment related to actions during his first term that were well known at the time.===

    Narrator: Trump, a Republican commuted Rod’s sentence and called Rod a good guy.

  51. - fyredog - Wednesday, Feb 19, 20 @ 10:21 pm:

    “This is a time for serious discussion Rod and your fifteen minutes are up………”

  52. - Jerry - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 9:02 pm:

    Hooray for the woman on the plane. I agree he should just shut up and crawl away. Done and Done.

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