Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rob Blagojevich blasts Pritzker for being “bitter against my brother”
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Rob Blagojevich blasts Pritzker for being “bitter against my brother”

Thursday, Feb 20, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Carol Marin caught up with Rob Blagojevich, the brother of the former governor

Shame on JB Pritzker for not being a friend and for not being an honorable person. He wanted something from my brother and when he didn’t get it now he’s moved on and he’s now bitter against my brother.

That doesn’t make much sense. Pritzker wasn’t appointed state treasurer and now he’s governor and he’s bitter?

* NBC 5’s Mary Ann Ahern confronted the governor about this today

[Rod Blagojevich’s] brother told us yesterday you were his friend and you wanted the Senate seat and now you’re not his friend and what’s your reaction to that?

It’s not a big deal, but Pritzker didn’t want the Senate seat, he wanted to be appointed treasurer if Alexi Giannoulias, as rumored at the time, followed Obama to the White House.

Pritzker’s response

Well that’s not accurate. [Cross-talk] This was more than 10 years ago, what you’re talking about. I spend every day focused on trying to root out the corrupt politicians in the state, to make sure that we’re passing ethics legislation, real reforms in our state so that politicians don’t go after, trying to enrich themselves and instead are focused on the business of the people of our state.

That’s… not a very good response. At all.

* Back to the questions

Ahern: But can you see where the public says, I know it was years ago, but you were on the tapes, too. You were on the tapes as well. And so how did they say you’re different?

Pritzker: There were hundreds of people who were recorded, to be clear. And let’s also make sure we also understand, what happened more than ten years ago has nothing to do with where we are today in this state. So many challenges, and I outlined many of them yesterday. I think we ought to be focusing on the challenges of today and those include challenges around the budget and challenges around addressing corruption that exists still in this state. More than a decade after he went to prison we still have politicians in this state who are on the take. We’ve got to get rid of them, we’ve got to make sure we find them out, we’ve got to make sure they get prosecuted.

Obviously, being on a surveillance tape is not evidence or even an indication that somebody committed a crime. But he needs a much better answer than this because Rod ain’t going away.

* Meanwhile, this is a surprisingly popular view online…

It’s one of the most ridiculously stupid conspiracy theories out there. So, Rod’s gonna wait until after he served years in prison to dish the dirt? People were saying much the same thing before his book came out and it was a bunch of self-serving nothing.

Not to mention, Blagojevich has been out of the loop since he was arrested in December of 2008. Madigan wouldn’t even talk to the guy for two years before that. So, we’re looking at something like 14 years ago, but Madigan never, ever trusted the coiffed one going back to his time in the House.

That being said, I would expect Blagojevich to publicly go off on Madigan and probably Gov. Pritzker at some point. The man can’t help himself. He also has a reputation for not having a close relationship with the truth, but lots of reporters eat up everything he says.

* This, though, is my all-time favorite, which was handled nicely by a civilian…


  1. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:10 pm:

    It was nice back when alternate reality was just for the delusional. Now it has infected every corner of political life. Yeah, I would love for Madigan to be gone. I’m just not going to dream up nonsense to try to make it happen.

  2. - Anyone Remember - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:12 pm:

    Oswego Willy -

    Since Blago had a personal relationship with Tom Cross (Cross’ father conducted the christening of Blago’s daughters), think we could prevail upon Cross to get Blago to play at least 9 holes of golf daily? At a course that doesn’t permit press on the grounds? /s

  3. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:16 pm:

    For the love of Pete, that’s an awful response by the governor to Rod’s brother… wait till Rod goes after the Governor. That response will sound even worse, if that’s possible.

    The governor here does not have the luxury of the “years ago” yearbook answer of the textbook “I’m rooting out… “, since no one cares a stitch about that context. It’s sounds like a pat response built around the “don’t say anything directly to it that something later might show will be damaging”. Saying zero isn’t a hero move, it’s a “can’t use that to rebut something else”

    Indeed, “Rod ain’t goin’ nowheres“.

    There doesn’t need to be a full-on revisiting of the released wiretap or other conversations, but there needs to be much better wordsmithing to give a pushback answer that will honesty seem like the question or questions are answered.

    Rod is terribly good at finding an opening, and truthful or not, that snippet gets media coverage as a barb or a sticking line that hasn’t been taken down. Rod don’t be honest it truthful, but ya can’t be bashful or passing to questions designed to not clarify but muddy ya.

  4. - Responsa - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:19 pm:

    Are we not entertained?

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:22 pm:

    ===… think we could prevail upon Cross to get Blago to play at least 9 holes of golf daily? At a course that doesn’t permit press on the grounds?===

    Former running buddy Tom Cross seems to be a perfect “babysitter” type of buffer. I can’t imagine Mr. Cross has had much contact, but I could be wrong.

    Ever since Cross threw my own golf bag and clubs in a pond I’ve tried without luck to get another 9 holes with Tom, make amends. If I can get Rod and Tom to play golf, even at Medinah on Primary Day, March 17th, that’s probably my biggest contribution to this state that I could make.

    Between us - Anyone Remember - I’ll keep you updated. I’m guessing Cross is more inclined to golf with Rod than me, so there’s always a chance.


  6. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:22 pm:

    “happened more than ten years ago ”

    I guess he is pointing out that the statue of limitations has run on any criminal exposure

  7. - Perrid - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:22 pm:

    People seek appointments. JB didn’t offer or give any bribes. I don’t know or care if they were “friends”, but there’s nothing there, that I can see.

    Even on the tape where JB was floating the idea of being made treasurer, when Rod, with a wink and a nod, asked for a “campaign contribution” JB turned him down flat.

  8. - Responsa - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:23 pm:

    This is another lesson to the current governor in how talking points that probably sound good while you’re shaving or petting the dog often don’t play as well out in the public sphere and with media.

  9. - Donnie Elgin - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:26 pm:


  10. - ILPundit - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:27 pm:

    Let’s face it. Rod was always bitter because even after he became Governor, he never cracked the code of tapping into the “legal” graft that have made so many — including the Speaker and others — very rich in their public careers.

  11. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:28 pm:

    Rod was the governor at the time. Our great Senator was on his way to becoming President. Appointments to open positions were being made as the Governor is entitled to do and I inquired. Many people did. But I along with the people of Illinois came to realize that the governor was not honorable and had violated our trust.

  12. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===he never cracked the code of tapping into the “legal” graft===

    Please. He was bitter because he was only governor so he could be president.

  13. - the Patriot - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:33 pm:

    I don’t think assuming the only conversations JB had with Rod were the one’s we know about. Rod was never given an opportunity to dish the dirt because they were not cuttting him a deal. The feds left and Lisa Madigan never looked into any State Court crimes. Had she done her job, Rod would still be in prison.

    We have no idea what he has because no one asked.

  14. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:37 pm:

    Patriot, your comment is just flat-out wrong on just about everything.

    ===Rod was never given an opportunity to dish the dirt because they were not cuttting [sic] him a deal===

    If he had dirt, his attorneys would’ve used it either before one of his two trials, before he went to prison or during his appeals. Don’t be a simpleton.

    ===The feds left and Lisa Madigan never looked into any State Court crimes. Had she done her job, Rod would still be in prison===

    The feds asked her to shut down her investigation so it wouldn’t interfere with theirs. She turned over all the documents and the feds never used them. If they had, Rod would’ve likely done a much longer term.

    ===We have no idea what he has because no one asked===

    When did RRB ever wait to be asked about anything?

    You’re a moron. Plain and simple. Find another place to comment.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:38 pm:

    === Rod was never given an opportunity to dish the dirt because they were not cuttting him a deal.===

    What do you base this on?

    If anything, Rod choose far before they came to his house that fateful morning, and every single day after, even after conviction, to deny his guilt, and pronounce his innocence…

    … almost verbatim to what Rod said… yesterday.

    Were you paying any attention to Rod? lol

  16. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:39 pm:

    Carol Marin must be teaching a “Sensationalism on TV News” course for her students. When the better journalists fall in for this crazy nonsense, what hope do we have that her students will learn anything valuable from her. I mean other than how titillation keeps the viewer from turning the channel.

    The media enablers need to stop fawning over this corrupt and unrepentant loser. Make him disappear by ignoring his lies and pleas for attention.

    Be better, people, and be better people too.

  17. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:41 pm:

    Also, Rod Blagojevich is now and always has been a liar. His conviction is proof because he flatly denied breaking any laws.

    If that’s your savior, it says more about you than him.

  18. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:42 pm:

    =Rod was never given an opportunity to dish the dirt because they were not cuttting him a deal.=

    Actually no. It was precisely because they captured his conversations on tape that there was no deal. You cut a deal when you have additional information to offer up. Rob didn’t have any give.

    Your assuming that the Feds had additional information on other crimes and simply gave up? You obviously don’t know Patrick Fitzgerald well. And you might also want to familiarize yourself with the actual role of the AG of Illinois not what you believe it to be.

  19. - Jocko - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:47 pm:

    Rod is, and always has been, the Ned Ryerson of Illinois politics. Until the media learn to ignore him, every day will be groundhog day.

  20. - the Patriot - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:50 pm:

    I think Rod told JB to get his shine box…

  21. - dbk - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:51 pm:

    I’m just getting acquainted with RB - listened to his presser yesterday and I’m catching up with “Public Official A,” but I sense he could become a problem if the press (for their own reasons) don’t stop giving him a soapbox.

    Time for the governor’s staff to figure out how to conduct anticipatory damage control - quickly.

  22. - 19th Ward Guy - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:55 pm:

    My point of a couple days ago. I’m not saying any of its true, or that he knows anything, but he’s going to be a pain in the backside for Dems. He’s lost his mind and he’s a Trumpocrat. A dangerous intersection.

  23. - Once Wijcek - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:56 pm:

    Moving forward, Rod is not a Republican problem, he is a Democratic problem.
    He is the proverbial skunk at the picnic and probably will be until someone pays him or Patti not to be.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:58 pm:

    === Trumpocrat===

    … which makes Rod far more damaging for Trumpkins who still can’t explain for its “ok” that Trump commuted Rod, “but Democrats”

    Rod himself says “if he *can* vote” he’s voting for Trump.

    Ya think that’s helpful to the ILGOP?

    Leader Durkin stated Trump seems to all but conceded Illinois to Democrats.



  25. - JS Mill - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:59 pm:

    =I guess he is pointing out that the statue of limitations has run on any criminal exposure=

    And the GOP just pointed out how much they like to give criminals a pass…again.

    @Oundent offered a pretty sound response for Pritzker, his team needs to hire him because he should have been better prepared.

    I would offer that Pritzker should simply laugh when these asinine questions are asked. Blago has zero credibility and the media knows that.

    Maybe they should ask Blago if he feels lucky his wife wasn’t in the cell next to him?

  26. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 12:59 pm:

    The Blagojevich brothers have had their moment. Time to move on. Fox News interview last night should be the last time Rod is on TV. But, I am sure he will take every chance to get on TV. The man craves attention.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:01 pm:

    === Rod is not a Republican problem, he is a Democratic problem.===

    Except when he continues to tout Trump and the Republicans… is that at all good?

    Pritzker needs to clean up his mess with Rod, but can’t see how Rod being commuted by Trump is bad for Dems versus the damage Rod will cause the GOP

  28. - Back to the Future - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:07 pm:

    I also believed his sentence was excessive, but I was
    not in the court room.
    Now that I have witnessed his nonsense over the last two days, I am convinced his sentence was appropriate.
    Mayor Lightfoot was absolutely on target with her comments.

  29. - Demoralized - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:11 pm:

    There is one good thing about social media - it exposes the kooks. Puts them out there in the light of day for everyone to see. You really have no idea how many of them there are in the world until you take a walk through social media.

  30. - Try-4-Truth - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:12 pm:

    #1.) As a former state govt. employee, I can tell you this… Both Madigans (Lisa and Mike) HATED Blago, with a white-hot passion. Personally, professionally, politically, spiritually, they hated him.

    #2.) === Rod is not a Republican problem, he is a Democratic problem.===

    That used to be true, now, the Democratic Party is the one who impeached, tried, and removed Blago from office. The Republican Party just let him out of prison. R’s own Blago now. Which is why the commutation makes no sense. But, our President is not known as a card carrying member of Mensa….

  31. - Maryjane - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:15 pm:

    I wish Blagojevich could be ignored; to death.

  32. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:15 pm:

    =My point of a couple days ago. I’m not saying any of its true, or that he knows anything, but he’s going to be a pain in the backside for Dems.=

    Maybe for some. But Lightfoot set the right tone yesterday. This should be easy for the Dems. They voted unanimously (with their Republican colleagues) to impeach Blagojevich. The President set him free claiming he was a good guy done in by a corrupt justice department and judiciary.

    Ask any Dem if they think Rob is a good guy who should have been let go. Ask them if they think he got a raw deal from the DOJ and judicial system? They will unanimously say no. End of discussion.

    Now ask a Republican. They might say no. But if they do they’ll then have to explain how they can support a President who claims otherwise.

    I suppose you can offer up the explanation of “I don’t always agree with everything the President does.” But calling prosecutors and judges corrupt is no small thing. We can’t have a guy running the country who has appointed himself the arbiter of what is and isn’t legal based on his own personal needs. That’s not a democracy, that’s a dictatorship.

    As Bloomberg has been saying, “you think this is bad, just wait and see what happens next.”

  33. - DIstant watcher - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:15 pm:

    Republicans can explain how their candidate for president exercised wise judgement by letting this unrepentant felon out of jail early.

  34. - Phenomynous - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:20 pm:

    -Rod is not a Republican problem, he is a Democratic problem.-

    I think it’s safe to say that he is everyone’s problem now.

  35. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:22 pm:

    It’s always the people who use some form of the word ‘Patriot’ as their online persona.


  36. - Powdered Whig - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:25 pm:

    I don’t think his sentence was excessive - not sure why people continue to state that it was.

    If anyone knows anything about federal sentencing guidelines - they are harsh and they are lengthy unless you give up some useful information to federal investigators. Its why there are so very few federal corruption trials - if you lose, you are going to do hard time. Add the fact that this bozo did everything he could to thumb his nose at the Federal judge, the prosecution, the legislature and just about everyone else who called him to task for his actions. He has been the leading figure in destroying the public trust in State government. Whats even more galling is that he got out and is still as indignant as the day he was arrested. The fact that anyone defends the guy or gives him the time of day is disgusting.

  37. - JS Mill - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:28 pm:

    =Moving forward, Rod is not a Republican problem, he is a Democratic problem.=

    Hmmm…the democrats impeached him.

    What did the GOP do with Trump?

    Trump released Blago.

    GOP problem when the general election comes around.

  38. - Dotnonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:41 pm:

    I did time with a fellow whose hair turned gray…and who insisted it was Silver…like Blagojevich…he was a self-malignant narcissist…too…royally.

  39. - dbk - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:46 pm:

    –Also, Rod Blagojevich is now and always has been a liar.–

    I think it’s a little more than that - he seems to me to fall into the category of “charismatic narcissist,” and such individuals, if given a platform, can - and will - wreak havoc.

    Best that JB’s team devise a strategy as fast as possible.

  40. - statehoss - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 1:58 pm:

    >===he never cracked the code of tapping into the “legal” graft===

    You’ve forgotten the PB real estate scandal.

  41. - My New Handle - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:02 pm:

    How much press can this guy get? Is the public any better off with his name in the news? Try very hard, News Media, to eschew his name. Besides stroking his ego, why is he news?

  42. - Sue - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:09 pm:

    JB is so full of manure. He could impose ethical changes by executive orders all by himself and force thru meaningful legislative fixes as well. Madigan is in no position to get in the way because whether he admits to it or not he is a subject of the biggest corruption investigation since Operation Board Games. Not being. Target is meaningless because you don’t become a target until your indictment is imminent. All Pritzker has done is pontificate - why not demand Madigan resign as Chairman of the Party. What’s stopping him.

  43. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:11 pm:

    == Besides stroking his ego, why is he news?==

    Because he’s the only political-type in Illinois dumb enough to keep talking to them. “No comment” makes for boring articles, whereas Mr. “I’m a freed political prisoner” is the gift that never shuts up

  44. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:15 pm:

    == He could impose ethical changes by executive orders all by himself==

    Lol, I bet Bruce Rauner wonders why no one told him about this.

  45. - James - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:18 pm:

    As long as one news channel covers him, they’ll all feel obligated to cover him.

  46. - Sue - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:22 pm:

    Mustache- what’s so humorous. The Governor tomorrow could direct all Executive departments to report any contacts with legislators of lobbyists attempting to influence State business

  47. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:22 pm:

    =All Pritzker has done is pontificate - why not demand Madigan resign as Chairman of the Party.=

    All Rauner needed to do was win an election and regain control of the House and Senate as he said he would do. But he didn’t. And the Democrats, including Madigan, only became stronger.

    You want change, make the case and get enough people to vote for it. What’s stopping you?

  48. - A Jack - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:25 pm:

    The article I read in the Tribune states that Blagojevich still has to serve out a two year parole. So he has to find employment. So unless Rod wants to serve as a greeter at Walmart, he may want to tone down the rhetoric towards anyone who might be able to influence future employment. And I am pretty sure he will violate his parole if he tries to leave the state on a speaking tour.

  49. - Sue - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:30 pm:

    Pendant-I am responding to the Big Man saying today how he is bringing people to account and cleaning up corruption. He has done squat on this

  50. - Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:36 pm:

    ==And I am pretty sure he will violate his parole if he tries to leave the state on a speaking tour.==

    If Rich ran a poll on those opposed/in favor of Blagojevich leaving the state, how do you suppose that would go?

  51. - Pundent - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:39 pm:

    Sue - So Pritzker should demand the resignation of the Chairman of the Democratic party because you think he’s guilty of something? You must be outraged over what the U.S. Senate just did with the Big Man. Although I suspect your views on corruption come down to who’s doing the corrupting.

  52. - Demoralized - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 2:45 pm:

    ==What’s stopping him.==

    What’s stopping him? Getting his agenda through the General Assembly. Didn’t some of you learn anything from the Rauner years? How did that Madigan whining work out?

    ==Big Man==

    And don’t you get tired of being a dolt with your continued innuendo about his weight? Grow the heck up.

  53. - Valley City Roller - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 3:21 pm:

    Newsflash: Trump wasn’t winning Illinois before he set Blago free and since the state GOP is already in shambles, how is Rod going to make things worse for them? His release can only damage the Dems.

  54. - JoanP - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 3:30 pm:

    =Which is why the commutation makes no sense. =

    Sure it does. It’s proactive deflection of criticism of the Roger Stone pardon that is coming. Trump will point to Blago’s commutation to argue that his actions are bipartisan.

  55. - Dotnonymous - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 3:43 pm:

    In the final analysis, Rod Blagojevich will be but an arcane footnote in the Annals of Political Corruption…which no one will care to read.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 3:45 pm:

    ===Rod going to make things worse for them?===

    44 and 19 will dwindle, the 6th and 14th stay Blue…

    It’s like folks hear only the voices in their heads.

    ===His release can only damage the Dems.===

    Tell that to Leader Durkin, lol

  57. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 4:03 pm:

    == what’s so humorous. The Governor tomorrow could direct all Executive departments to report any contacts with legislators of lobbyists attempting to influence State business==

    Is funny because agencies already have this. It’s usually referred to as “legislative affairs”. What exactly is it that you want JB to do about these contacts? You think legislators will just agree to not contact the agencies that they are responsible for funding on a yearly basis? They aren’t going to just blindly follow orders from the executive branch, this isn’t the US senate

  58. - SOIL M - Thursday, Feb 20, 20 @ 5:01 pm:

    This will be a R problem more than a D problem.
    What’s most entertaining to me is watching those who think Trump does no wrong and back him 100 percent, as well as those who think he does nothing right and oppose him 100 percent. This shows the problem with today’s climate where you can’t disagree with some things and agree with others, that someone does.
    How soon will we see the statement from Durbin thanking Trump for this? Expect it about the same time as the statement from Bost condemning it.

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