I’m gonna work hard to get elected, go to Washington, and have his back. I’m gonna help him pass a conservative agenda that’s good for all of America.
Here’s what we’re gonna do: We’re gonna protect the God-given rights to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment. We’re gonna protect the sanctity of life, and we’re gonna work to strengthen and secure the southern border.
I will never be for sale to the highest bidder. Never. You can’t buy me and you can’t buy my vote.
My name is Darren Duncan and you better believe I approve this message.
“God-given rights to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment. We’re gonna protect the sanctity of life” Yup, hit the high points: God, Guns and Family. Meh ad, C+. They could at least find someone who is under the age of 70 to nod knowingly. You know, diversity.
- Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:21 am:
As the son of a minister, I spent 17 years going to Sunday School and church three times a week. For some reason I don’t recall hearing about God wanting us all to have guns.
“You gotta know the territory” is a famous line in the musical The Music Man. This ad is that. Grade B for knowing the territory. I have no idea how it plays when measured against his R primary opponents in this election.
Not the Bible, it’s a reference to the Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,…===
He comes off timid and soft-spoken. Hard to sell the tough guy, strong ‘Merica pitch when you’re whispering past the quiver in your voice. I guess it’s hard to compete with Dr Chuck’s tire flips.
Decent messaging scores a B- in that district. The performer in the ad gets a D because he doesn’t sell it very well.
Well, if that’s what voters in the 15th want, I guess he’s giving it to them.
The “God-given” right to guns and “sanctity of life” look a little cognitively dissonant (as in “chalk on the blackboard” dissonant) marching side by side, but I guess his constituents won’t notice.
That a candidate running for office in the Midwest sees it as advantageous to mention securing the “southern border” in his TV ad strikes me as profoundly sad.
Give the ad a B-. It hits the high points for a primary in the District. It still could have been better because it does nothing to set him apart from the other candidates running in the same primary. If they all just have the same talking points there is nothing to distinguish one from another. Needs to make himself stand above the crowd not in the middle of it.
=That a candidate running for office in the Midwest sees it as advantageous to mention securing the “southern border” in his TV ad strikes me as profoundly sad. =
I’d like to think he’s concerned about a flood of immigrants from Kentucky, but I’m sure that’s not what he meant.
Also, adding to what 47th Ward pointed out for those bashing the God given right:
“The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”
It was worded that way to emphasize the belief of the founders that the rights of Man are endowed by their Creator, not by Government. It does not state that the Government shall grant that Right, but instead that the Government shall not infringe upon that Right.
With that said, I also dont think that stating in your ad ” God-given rights to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment” is much more than more pandering.
Internal polling shows Mary Miller up by 40 pts. The jackals running his campaign get an A for separating a fool from his money and making him believe this community college effort will matter.
47th–Nope didnt forget that part was just pointing out the second part since thats what was being attacked.
“A well regulated Militia” has been defined as “comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. ” check US v Miller from 1939, or this: https://reason.com/2019/11/03/what-is-a-well-regulated-militia-anyway/
===Jesus mentioned having a sword for self defense.===
Gun nuts always trot out this passage, ignoring that Jesus was making a larger theological point about his coming death. Also, just a few hours later, Jesus told Peter to put away his sword, “for all that live by the sword will perish by the sword.” But the gun nuts ignore that too.
===It was worded that way to emphasize the belief of the founders that the rights of Man are endowed by their Creator===
The Second Amendment is a man-made right, drafted by Enlightenment deists, to protect slavery.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:33 pm:
A microcosm of the GOP base, with elderly white voters in the commercial. In Illinois, it’s representative of a shrinking party. It’s short and to the point, so a B.
“Jesus mentioned having a sword for self defense.“
He also said to put away the sword and when hit, turn the other cheek to be hit again. If Jesus was alive today, the GOP base would despise him.
Probably rates an A-/B+. Sad that this is the only message that resonates. The message from the Republican party is becoming increasingly dark and pessimistic. What’s next for his district when people are done being old and angry?
40 points up, show the poll-there are over 50% undecided in the last published poll and Miller is up 40 In a four way primary? She might very well be up but be honest please. Actually it was nice to see an ad without the normal eastern bloc self righteous tone- give it an A-; too bad the money may not be there to widely distribute
==Internal polling shows Mary Miller up by 40 pts. The jackals running his campaign get an A for separating a fool from his money and making him believe this community college effort will matter.==
Prove it. With the undecided number that was posted here recently nobody is up 40. Not possible.
It feels like he’s running for high school student council.
At one point the ad transitions from three people shaking their head in agreement immediately to three people looking like deer staring into headlights.
The United States Senate has his back. That’s the ball game, including judges. This POTUS needs little now.
=== I’m gonna work hard to get elected, go to Washington, and have his back. I’m gonna help him pass a conservative agenda that’s good for all of America.===
Friend, you will be replacing an already Trumpkin vote, it’s not like you’re flipping a seat, lol
=== Here’s what we’re gonna do: We’re gonna protect the God-given rights to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment===
Biblically speaking, there’s no right to bear arms that the constitution decided to add, via amendment, to appease religion. Foolish folks decide that biblically the constitution needs to protect the 2nd amendment. There are smarter answers. This isn’t one of them.
=== We’re gonna protect the sanctity of life, and we’re gonna work to strengthen and secure the southern border.===
Sanctity of life, while ripping lives of children from parents or allowing children to incriminate parents?
See you in church.
=== I will never be for sale to the highest bidder. Never. You can’t buy me and you can’t buy my vote.===
Lemmings don’t need to be bought, they’re lemmings, it’s in their nature to follow whatever it may be, even if it means falling off a cliff.
===… you better believe I approve this message.===
A mouth-breathing disclaimer of this silliness.
My rating?
It’s a B-… the smartly foolish will like it, the Trumpkins will cheer it.
It’s a tad simple and bland and not helping name ID… so no A… no B either.
It’s underwhelmingly appropriate for its audience.
I’m not sure what your definition of liberal is but I take it to mean that anybody that disagrees with you falls into that category. Quite a few commentators here make decisions on facts not political affiliations or purity tests.
Abortions have been in a steady state of decline for years now, net immigration as well. And you can have any many guns as you want. The only thing slowing you down is a bit of paperwork. But where I live you’ve got to complete paperwork to remove a tree so it’s hardly a burden. In fact if these were the issues upon which we measured political success I would say mission accomplished.
Now is it too much to ask to focus on some real problems that effect our daily lives?
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:17 am:
–God-given rights to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment–
Alrighty then. D for anywhere else, B- for the district. The race to “out-’Merica” each other in that primary continues.
- Gob Bluth - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:18 am:
Not the most diverse coalition of supporters in the audience.
Does absolutely nothing to set himself apart as a primary challenger but plays to the district. 3/10.
- Fixer - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:18 am:
Where in the Bible does it mention the second amendment?
- Batman - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:19 am:
Yes, as we all know, Jesus was a noted weapon enthusiast
- Skeptic - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:20 am:
“God-given rights to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment. We’re gonna protect the sanctity of life” Yup, hit the high points: God, Guns and Family. Meh ad, C+. They could at least find someone who is under the age of 70 to nod knowingly. You know, diversity.
- Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:21 am:
As the son of a minister, I spent 17 years going to Sunday School and church three times a week. For some reason I don’t recall hearing about God wanting us all to have guns.
- Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:22 am:
–Where in the Bible does it mention the second amendment?–
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Your Enemies?
Given what we have seen of this field, it’s no wonder some DC folks wanted Shimkus to unretire. Mercy.
- cover - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:23 am:
= You can’t buy me and you can’t buy my vote. =
You already have pledged to give your vote away to Donald Trump.
- JoanP - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:24 am:
He’s clearly not going for the youth vote. What’s the average age in that audience? 70?
- efudd - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:26 am:
Based on how it plays down here
Only thing missing was posing in front of a dead 12 pointer.
Man knows his audience.
- Responsa - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:36 am:
“You gotta know the territory” is a famous line in the musical The Music Man. This ad is that. Grade B for knowing the territory. I have no idea how it plays when measured against his R primary opponents in this election.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 10:51 am:
===Where in the Bible…===
Not the Bible, it’s a reference to the Declaration of Independence:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,…===
- Anon312 - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:07 am:
He comes off timid and soft-spoken. Hard to sell the tough guy, strong ‘Merica pitch when you’re whispering past the quiver in your voice. I guess it’s hard to compete with Dr Chuck’s tire flips.
Decent messaging scores a B- in that district. The performer in the ad gets a D because he doesn’t sell it very well.
- dbk - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:11 am:
Well, if that’s what voters in the 15th want, I guess he’s giving it to them.
The “God-given” right to guns and “sanctity of life” look a little cognitively dissonant (as in “chalk on the blackboard” dissonant) marching side by side, but I guess his constituents won’t notice.
- slow down - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:13 am:
That a candidate running for office in the Midwest sees it as advantageous to mention securing the “southern border” in his TV ad strikes me as profoundly sad.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:31 am:
==dbk @ 11:11==
Sanctity of life…quickly followed by ‘hopes and prayers’. BTW - Couldn’t they find one person of color (or ANYONE under 60) to appear in the ad?
- SO IL M - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:33 am:
Give the ad a B-. It hits the high points for a primary in the District. It still could have been better because it does nothing to set him apart from the other candidates running in the same primary. If they all just have the same talking points there is nothing to distinguish one from another. Needs to make himself stand above the crowd not in the middle of it.
- JoanP - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:35 am:
=That a candidate running for office in the Midwest sees it as advantageous to mention securing the “southern border” in his TV ad strikes me as profoundly sad. =
I’d like to think he’s concerned about a flood of immigrants from Kentucky, but I’m sure that’s not what he meant.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:41 am:
===Where in the Bible does it mention the second amendment?===
It’s in the Sermon on the Mount. Somewhere. Maybe
- SOIL M - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:43 am:
Also, adding to what 47th Ward pointed out for those bashing the God given right:
“The right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”
It was worded that way to emphasize the belief of the founders that the rights of Man are endowed by their Creator, not by Government. It does not state that the Government shall grant that Right, but instead that the Government shall not infringe upon that Right.
With that said, I also dont think that stating in your ad ” God-given rights to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment” is much more than more pandering.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:43 am:
===I will never be for sale to the highest bidder. Never.===
Because you’ve already sold out to Trump.
- Walleye Soup - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:53 am:
Internal polling shows Mary Miller up by 40 pts. The jackals running his campaign get an A for separating a fool from his money and making him believe this community college effort will matter.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 11:53 am:
SOIL M, you forgot half of the Amendment:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,…”
You guys always forget that other clause.
- SOIL M - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:08 pm:
47th–Nope didnt forget that part was just pointing out the second part since thats what was being attacked.
“A well regulated Militia” has been defined as “comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. ” check US v Miller from 1939, or this:
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:08 pm:
Guns didn’t exist in Bible days. Jesus mentioned having a sword for self defense.
- Tom Willis - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:12 pm:
Guns didn’t exist in Bible days. Jesus mentioned having a sword for self defense.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:24 pm:
===Jesus mentioned having a sword for self defense.===
Gun nuts always trot out this passage, ignoring that Jesus was making a larger theological point about his coming death. Also, just a few hours later, Jesus told Peter to put away his sword, “for all that live by the sword will perish by the sword.” But the gun nuts ignore that too.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:26 pm:
===It was worded that way to emphasize the belief of the founders that the rights of Man are endowed by their Creator===
The Second Amendment is a man-made right, drafted by Enlightenment deists, to protect slavery.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:33 pm:
A microcosm of the GOP base, with elderly white voters in the commercial. In Illinois, it’s representative of a shrinking party. It’s short and to the point, so a B.
“Jesus mentioned having a sword for self defense.“
He also said to put away the sword and when hit, turn the other cheek to be hit again. If Jesus was alive today, the GOP base would despise him.
- Pundent - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:41 pm:
Probably rates an A-/B+. Sad that this is the only message that resonates. The message from the Republican party is becoming increasingly dark and pessimistic. What’s next for his district when people are done being old and angry?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:44 pm:
===Probably rates an A-/B+===
Now, watch it with the sound turned off.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:45 pm:
40 points up, show the poll-there are over 50% undecided in the last published poll and Miller is up 40 In a four way primary? She might very well be up but be honest please. Actually it was nice to see an ad without the normal eastern bloc self righteous tone- give it an A-; too bad the money may not be there to widely distribute
- Fixer - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:52 pm:
47th, I’m aware of the history, simply pointing to it with a bit of humor. Guess I should have clarified that sooner.
- Tom Willis - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 12:56 pm:
God and Jesus wanted us to defend ourselves.
Jesus rebuked people, which is not cheek turning.
Cheek turning is mostly about avoiding conflict from words.l
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 1:05 pm:
===Cheek turning is mostly about avoiding conflict from words===
Is that passage from Luke, or LaPierre?
- Token Conservative - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 1:14 pm:
==Internal polling shows Mary Miller up by 40 pts. The jackals running his campaign get an A for separating a fool from his money and making him believe this community college effort will matter.==
Prove it. With the undecided number that was posted here recently nobody is up 40. Not possible.
- Pundent - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 1:52 pm:
=Now, watch it with the sound turned off.=
Makes a big difference. Never have people seemed so happy listening to a message so dark.
- zatoichi - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 2:15 pm:
You can’t buy me because I have already given myself to Trump.
- Token Conservative - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 2:31 pm:
==You can’t buy me because I have already given myself to Trump.==
Methinks “I support Trump” is a better message than “I’m selling out to $500k from DC insiders.”
- Token Conservative - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 2:34 pm:
==You can’t buy me because I have already given myself to Trump.==
I love you liberals here.
“I support guns. I support life. I support border security. I support Trump.”
Lakeshore liberals think that’s dark. Southern Illinois calls that common sense.
- Token Conservative - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 2:35 pm:
Copied & pasted wrong quote above:
“Never have people seemed so happy listening to a message so dark.”
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 2:43 pm:
It feels like he’s running for high school student council.
At one point the ad transitions from three people shaking their head in agreement immediately to three people looking like deer staring into headlights.
The ad is at best a C and more like a D.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 2:49 pm:
=== President Trump needs allies in Congress.===
The United States Senate has his back. That’s the ball game, including judges. This POTUS needs little now.
=== I’m gonna work hard to get elected, go to Washington, and have his back. I’m gonna help him pass a conservative agenda that’s good for all of America.===
Friend, you will be replacing an already Trumpkin vote, it’s not like you’re flipping a seat, lol
=== Here’s what we’re gonna do: We’re gonna protect the God-given rights to bear arms in the 2nd Amendment===
Biblically speaking, there’s no right to bear arms that the constitution decided to add, via amendment, to appease religion. Foolish folks decide that biblically the constitution needs to protect the 2nd amendment. There are smarter answers. This isn’t one of them.
=== We’re gonna protect the sanctity of life, and we’re gonna work to strengthen and secure the southern border.===
Sanctity of life, while ripping lives of children from parents or allowing children to incriminate parents?
See you in church.
=== I will never be for sale to the highest bidder. Never. You can’t buy me and you can’t buy my vote.===
Lemmings don’t need to be bought, they’re lemmings, it’s in their nature to follow whatever it may be, even if it means falling off a cliff.
===… you better believe I approve this message.===
A mouth-breathing disclaimer of this silliness.
My rating?
It’s a B-… the smartly foolish will like it, the Trumpkins will cheer it.
It’s a tad simple and bland and not helping name ID… so no A… no B either.
It’s underwhelmingly appropriate for its audience.
- Pundent - Tuesday, Feb 25, 20 @ 6:19 pm:
=I love you liberals here.=
I’m not sure what your definition of liberal is but I take it to mean that anybody that disagrees with you falls into that category. Quite a few commentators here make decisions on facts not political affiliations or purity tests.
Abortions have been in a steady state of decline for years now, net immigration as well. And you can have any many guns as you want. The only thing slowing you down is a bit of paperwork. But where I live you’ve got to complete paperwork to remove a tree so it’s hardly a burden. In fact if these were the issues upon which we measured political success I would say mission accomplished.
Now is it too much to ask to focus on some real problems that effect our daily lives?