Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Pritzker orders gatherings of 50 or more be canceled
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Pritzker orders gatherings of 50 or more be canceled

Monday, Mar 16, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker is having a press conference in Springfield today…

There is new guidance out just moments ago from the President of the United States, and we can talk more about that in the questions and answers, but as a result of the guidance that’s been given, I am mandating that any gatherings of the 50 people or more guidance by the CDC will be canceled

This post will be updated. And, again, remember that I’m using Otter for my transcription, so there will be some typos.

* IDPH Director Ngozi Ezike…

We have two new counties that have developed cases, Peoria and Will counties. So the numbers of cases are increasing each day as is the number of locations. People should assume that this novel coronavirus is in their community and take steps to protect themselves and reduce the spread. There is evidence that the transmission of the virus often occurs when symptoms first develop. So it’s important to limit close contact with people as much as possible, even if you don’t feel that sick. […]

It is important that we reduce the amount of virus circulating in the community. This happens by reducing the number of people who come in contact with the virus. Bottom line is, stay home as much as possible.

* Missed this from Gov. Pritzker earlier…

And I want to express my sincerest gratitude to the many unsung heroes who keep this operation moving 24/7. The vast majority of whom the public will never know, Springfield is also home to one of our three state run COVID-19 testing labs, which are also located in Chicago and Carbondale, these facilities and their personnel, deliver deliver us from sorry Deliver us some of the fastest results of any state. When it comes to COVID-19 testing and support our Sentinel surveillance operation to monitor for the virus, all across, Illinois. 15 hospitals statewide are running the program with more to come, three hospitals here in Central Illinois seven hospitals in Cook County, three hospitals in other areas of Northern Illinois, and two hospitals in Southern Illinois. All performing this Sentinel surveillance together. Our state lab and hospital partners are ramping up testing to the levels necessary for us to better understand the presence and patterns of the spread of the virus in Illinois.

But to get a full picture of that we need the federal government to lead. Follow or get out of the way. From the beginning, I’ve been pressing the White House for a rapid increase in test deployment nationwide. There are COVID-19 tests available right now that have been approved for use in Europe, and use in Asia, that are not available in the United States so I’m calling on the FDA to review and approve these tests as soon as possible. precious time has been lost because the White House made some bad decisions early on, which led to the current low levels of testing across the United States. But at the state level, we’ve had to scramble to create more testing capability on our own, our hospitals and our research centers in Illinois which are some of the finest in the world were finally given permission by the federal government to develop our own tests, which has expanded testing availability, but still more must be done by the federal government to the people of Illinois, and to all the people across Central Illinois and Springfield.

* The governor was asked what he would do with business owners who defy the restaurant/bar closing order…

Obviously you can’t police everything all the time and so we obviously want communities to understand what the limitations are and understand what the orders are that have been given, and to follow them. And so we’re gonna, you know, we’re going to do our best to help the communities, managing themselves. And I think you’ve seen on social media and elsewhere, the public, the vast majority of the public understands what needs to be done here. There are a few people who want to resist and want to talk about resistance against it, but I think at this point, you know, the public is kind of reining in those outliers. […]

I would say to them that, weeks from now, months from now, when one of those party goers, one of those people that they defied the order to have into their establishment that becomes sick, perhaps dire. Somebody perhaps might die and they should know that they are responsible for that.

He also said the 50 person limit could be lowered to 10.

* The governor was asked about the 50-person limit and how that would apply to election day tomorrow…

Look, we have to have our elections continue in my opinion, this is the right thing to do our democracy needs to go on, we need to elect leaders. If we cancel these elections you know when we have an election, would be a question I might ask, but the most important thing is that we’re taking every precaution. Every time somebody goes and votes on a voting machine that people are touching, it’s being wiped down. We have guidance to all the election judges to make sure to to maintain social separation distance.

We’re making sure that we have sanitizer at the locations that people are voting at, and then just remember we have a terrific early voting mechanism across the state. Not only can people go in over the last 44 days and today to early vote, but also we have vote by mail, and we’ve had record vote by mail in many areas of the state so I feel good about the decision to have the election on tomorrow with another question. […]

As you know, the process of voting is a very short, relatively short process … You’re with a machine really you’re facing people to check in, and they’re going to give social, you know, social distance to people. But the total time in a location and engaging with a group of people, isn’t very much and doesn’t doesn’t really happen. So, we think it’s, we do believe it’s safe. We’ve certainly consulted experts and we think that the election will be just fine.

* The governor was asked about IRMA’s plea to make sure grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, etc. be allowed to remain open…

You’re asking questions that I can’t fully answer today because the scientists and medical doctors don’t have answers to those things either.

Obviously the fundamental functions that people need like being able to put gas in your car and all that. I cannot anticipate, I do not anticipate that we’ll be doing anything that will prevent people from getting in their own car if they absolutely need to and suggest to people. They should stay home, but they may need to go to the grocer, they need they need to go somewhere else to a doctor, perhaps, so we’re not going to prevent any of that. But I will say that I don’t know what the next day will bring. I mean, as you’ve seen we’ve had to evolve as the science has evolved. I would add one more thing just for to keep in mind here, because these decisions are not easy. I mean, no one wants to close the schools, no one wants to ask businesses to close them it’s a terrible thing. It’s not what I would do.

* Mass transit…

If you have not been in Chicago today or yesterday, mass transit is, you know, there are many many fewer people in mass transit many many fewer people on the roads. And I think you’re seeing that in Central Illinois as well. So I think we don’t have any answers about what may happen with mass transit.

* In conclusion…

Last thing for the people who think that they’re the least vulnerable and most invulnerable young people who feel just fine and they think they’re just fine because they haven’t heard much about coronavirus affecting people in their age group. They are carriers potentially.

For those out there who think that you’re immune. You’re not.

For counties out there that have said, ‘Well, nobody in my county’s gotten it. I live in an area where people just don’t get these things. This seems like something that only happens in Chicago.’ You’re wrong.

All over the world in rural areas, people are getting coronavirus. It is coming, unfortunately, to everywhere in the state of Illinois, no matter where you live, it will come. And so you need to be prepared. You need to listen to what we’re saying. And we will. As a result of the positive actions that we’re taking in the individuals across the state are taking, we will bend this curve and we will save lives.

Presser ended.


  1. - Hmmmmm - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 2:57 pm:

    Hmmm… I am trying to think of any events this week in Illinois where hundreds of people will be gathering in long lines indoors and making contact with other people?

    Can anyone think of anything like that?

  2. - Pot calling kettle - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:02 pm:

    Time to move the daily briefing completely on-line. Reporters can submit questions electronically.

  3. - SWIL_Voter - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:08 pm:

    That leaves a rather large elephant in the room for tomorrow

  4. - Proud Papa Bear - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:11 pm:

    You’ll find no bigger fan of the governor than me, but we’ve got to either postpone the election or at least extend absentees.

  5. - DougChicago - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:12 pm:

    Kass was right about the election. Illinois political bosses talk a good game — and maybe often even deliver — on public health in the midst of this crisis.

    But don’t think for a minute they’d do anything that might disrupt their grasp on power. A low turnout election where only the most dedicated insiders can marshall people to the polls — an Illinois’ political boss wet dream.

  6. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:13 pm:

    If you cannot have a gathering of 50 or more people how can large businesses stay open or large buildings? Guess that shuts down Chicago city council

  7. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:16 pm:

    === Kass was right about the election.===

    POTUS said they should go on.

    Not ONE of the specialists said they should be canceled.

    Not. One.

    Kass is barely a calming voice to beer can chicken, and invoking “bosses” without fully grasping procedure, not too responsible to… well, honesty.

  8. - Wensicia - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:17 pm:

    It bothers me that the Lake County Health Dept. is not giving out details about the locations and severity of new COVID-19 cases, only the number (5 as of yesterday). I do assume it’s probably in my community, but updates about locations of positive tests would be helpful.

  9. - DougChicago - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:18 pm:

    Keep saying that OW and you might believe it someday.

  10. - Yup - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:21 pm:

    Idea for the Secretary of State from Texas. Texas announced that all driver’s licenses expiring between March 13th and the end of the State of Emergency will remain valid until 60 days after the State of Emergency has ended. Let’s do this in Illinois to protect both the hard working people at SoS Offices and the public.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:22 pm:

    === POTUS said they should go on.

    Not ONE of the specialists said they should be canceled.

    Not. One.===

    That was happening moments ago in the Brady Briefing Room.

    It’s not “alternative facts”, it happened.

    === Kass is barely a calming voice to beer can chicken, and invoking “bosses” without fully grasping procedure, not too responsible to… well, honesty.===

    Kass is hyperbolic, not keen on the procedure aspects.

    I’m confused, what was the there that wasn’t believable?

  12. - Nick Name - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===But don’t think for a minute they’d do anything that might disrupt their grasp on power.===

    If they cared about their “grasp on power,” cancelling the election would be the one thing they’d do. Keep up. And vote.

  13. - Pundent - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:29 pm:

    =Not ONE of the specialists said they should be canceled.=

    Agreed. Quoting Kass in a time of crisis (or really anytime) is about as far removed from reality as you can be.

  14. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:30 pm:

    So, no emergency session or does the GA get an exemption on the 50-person gathering rule? What about the rail?

  15. - cbgb's - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:33 pm:

    Hearing that the feds just lowered the bar to gathering of 10 persons or more.

  16. - Unstable Genius - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:34 pm:

    Governor - just want to make you aware that I saw a large number of people going in and out of some Hyatt Hotels - I think you should shut down all the Hyatt hotels statewide. /s

  17. - Just Thoughts - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:43 pm:

    I’m seeing reporting that an OMA requirement is also suspended. I know Gov’s folks are busy, but it would be helpful if they published the orders so we can see all of the actual language for these things…

  18. - Hank - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:46 pm:

    Why are gym/health clubs still open? The LA fitness near me is packed as people look for something to do

  19. - Archpundit - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 3:55 pm:

    All Exec Orders go up here
    Yesterday’s is up, but not yet today’s.

  20. - Seats - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 4:06 pm:

    I get the feeling we would have had gyms and movie theaters banned today but doing so would have made keeping voting open look questionable.

    Think both would have been closed if not for our election tomorrow.

  21. - @misterjayem - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 4:18 pm:

    “Why are gym/health clubs still open?”

    My park district gym closed for the duration shortly after I visited on Friday.

    I tried not to take it personally.

    – MrJM

  22. - Anony - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 5:52 pm:

    What is the deal with IDOT. Other agencies working from home. Heard some IDOT workers had to bring kids with them to work. Safe for kids??? Probably more than 50 at IDOT JB.

  23. - State employee - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 6:13 pm:

    Apparently IDOC thinks it’s ok to gather hundreds of inmates a day into the school building while all other education is shut down throughout the state.

  24. - Southern - Monday, Mar 16, 20 @ 6:55 pm:

    Apparently IDOC thinks it’s ok to gather hundreds of inmates a day into the school building while all other education is shut down throughout the state.

    Sounds like they treat their convicted felons better than the quarantined citizens from the cruise ship

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