Question of the day
Tuesday, Mar 17, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller * In all the chaos I forgot it was St. Patrick’s Day. So, how about let’s talk about our favorite St. Patrick’s Day political moments in days gone by? …Adding… Musical interlude…
- Rutro - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 4:05 pm:
Al Gore going into B___’s house on 103rd waiting for the parade to start to use the John!
- Andy Raucci - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 4:35 pm:
State’s Attorney Ed Hanrahan, after being dumped by Cook County Democratic Party in 1972, releasing white doves as a peace offering at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
- Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 4:38 pm:
Roland Burris in the st. Patrick’s Day Parade used in The Fugitive. People actually thought it’d help him win the 1994 Democratic Gubernatorial Primary. Apparently couldn’t compete with the pool shots. /s
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 4:55 pm:
Marching in the South Side Parade with Board President Phelan shortly after he reinstated abortions at Cook County Hospital. I still have PTSD from that. Had to use our campaign signs as shields.
- Practical Politics - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 5:33 pm:
Former Cook County Treasurer Ed Rosewell got lots of parade footage camera time in “The Fugitive” too.
- SKI - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 5:42 pm:
Capitol 61 - Westside Springfield seemed on pace for normal turnout. I was 134 @ 4:45p
From eyewitness reports elsewhere (friends saw it first hand) - lady showed up to vote at Sangamon County Clerk’s office at 1:45 or so with a mask on saying she was supposed to be in quarantine. Not sure if it was a joke or not.
Had a friend in Saline 4 (Madison County - Highland) be handed a GOP ballot by an election judge wearing a Trump 2020 hat,after requesting a Dem ballot. He reported it to election authorities. This was 2ish this afternoon.
- SKI - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 5:46 pm:
Sorry about that- was supposed to be in the precinct reports.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 7:38 pm:
Sitting on the Channel 2 float next to Walter Jacobson. Everybody was shouting his name as we rolled by - until we turned a corner, and my friend Lydia had organized everyone to shout “Soccermom!” Walter was perplexed.
- AnnieH - Tuesday, Mar 17, 20 @ 7:38 pm:
I once scheduled a motion in federal court for the 17th. My opposing counsel, an a perfectly pleasant assistant AG I usually got along fine with, called me up and SCREAMED at me for scheduling it on that day. Somehow I’d missed the memo that Hartigan expected 100% of his staff to be out making the rounds of bars with him on that day.