Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** Tribune: Pritzker to issue stay at home order this afternoon
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Tribune: Pritzker to issue stay at home order this afternoon

Friday, Mar 20, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATE *** The Tribune’s decision to publish the story without waiting to see what the order would do has created a lot of unnecessary panic.

If you click here, you’ll see the Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce issued yesterday by the Department of Homeland Security.

I asked the governor’s press secretary Jordan Abudayyeh if the stay at home order would be based on that list of businesses, industries, etc. Her reply…

We may have identified more, but our definition encompasses everyone listed in CISA.

So, again, click here and calm down.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

* I’ve been hearing this all morning from reputable sources, but figured I’d wait to see if the governor actually announced it at 3. It’s sounded to me like he and his staff are calling around preparing people for an announcement. Dan Petrella, Gregory Pratt, Stacy St. Clair and Jamie Munks at the Tribune

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker plans to issue a “shelter-in-place” order for the entire state starting Saturday, essentially commanding residents to stay in their homes as the officials take drastic measures to slow the spread of the coronavirus, sources told the Tribune.

Pritzker is expected to announce the directive at a 3 p.m. Friday news conference along with Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Details are still being worked out, sources said.

Residents can still go to the grocery stores, put gas in their cars, take walks outside and make pharmacy runs. All local roads, including the interstate highways and tollways, will remain open to traffic, as well.

I work from home and because the restaurants and bars were closed, my life won’t change much at all. But that’s just me. Others will be impacted. But I encourage all of you to take a deep breath, not assume the worst and wait to read the full order before you jump to any conclusions.

Most of these state and local orders so far have contained a ton of exemptions (click here for a good explainer about San Francisco’s order). Again, try to stay calm.

Also, the Tribune headline used the word “lockdown.” That’s not what’s happening here, I’m told.

…Adding… WBEZ

A source familiar with the plan tells WBEZ that Pritzker’s order will detail essential and nonessential work and workers. The order will call for the closure of salons, retail stores and recreational places, such as bowling alleys.

But essential employees — such as manufacturing workers — will still be allowed to report to work, so the supply chain can keep running. Other essential workers include grocery store workers, first responders, news reporters and food delivery workers.

Grocery stores, banks, doctors’ offices, gasoline stations and at-home food delivery services will remain open.


  1. - Han's Solo Cup - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:00 pm:

    My 76 year old mother called me a bit ago saying she read the gov was going to shutdown the state and institute a curfew. I told her there would be basically very little change in what is going on and there is no point in a curfew. I asked her “Why would you care if there’s a curfew anyway? You’re in bed at nine every night anyway.” “Well, that’s true.” she replied.

  2. - anonymouse - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:00 pm:

    Why is New York going up 2000 a day positive, and up till close of business yesterday, Illinois had only tested a total of 4200?

  3. - Proud Sucker - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:01 pm:

    ‘Lockdown’ eh? Well, the Trib is gonna Trib.

  4. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:03 pm:

    anonymouse, have you been living under a rock? There is an egregious national test shortage. NY is being prioritized because it’s an epicenter of the virus.

  5. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:07 pm:

    Glad Pritzker is doing it. We have to hit hardest the earliest we can. Strong preventive measures need to be taken by the whole country and world, before the spread worsens.

  6. - LoyalVirus - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:09 pm:

    Our household has already been sheltering in place & leaving just for necessities. Going to have my first virtual happy hour w/my coworkers today. Missing the in person feels but I’m going to thrive off still being able to share life w/office mates. I fear for people that live alone and don’t have pets.

  7. - Jaded - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:09 pm:

    I hope at a minimum they use the Homeland Security (CISA) list for essential business. If that happens it will really not be that big of a deal. They just need to stop saying “grocery, gas, and medical.” That really confuses people. Most existing exemptions are, and should be, way broader than that.

  8. - Pot calling kettle - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:10 pm:

    One big problem is other states. Until they take this seriously as well, our safety measures will only have a limited effect.

  9. - Give Me A Break - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:13 pm:

    I just hope they don’t leave it open ended, even if it means changing it later, they have to say 14-21 days or whatever. Without people being able to see “light at the end of the tunnel” and having a day to look forward to, people are not going to cope well.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:14 pm:

    ===… couldn’t adjust the election and his hands were tied, first admit…===

    … legally they couldn’t.

    === the machine to get their votes===

    Take a breath. The opposite would have been “the corrupt machine refused the voters their chance to vote with an unconstitutional stopping. Look at Arizona and Florida… “

  11. - Leatherneck - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:16 pm:

    “They just need to stop saying “grocery, gas, and medical.”

    Especially in many small towns in Illinois, where Dollar General has become the town’s only “grocery store.” Albeit one that lacks fresh meats and produce.

  12. - anonymouse - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:20 pm:

    Rich, apparently yes. I have kept up on news as best I can. I have not seen that we are testing less than other places. I saw that we only had capacity for 300 a day. I realize we don’t have people dying like Washington. But it is disconcerting to me. I believe JB is ahead of everybody on this. But I know way too many people who have been denied testing and simply told to self quarantine. People recovering from cancer,. I am not alarmist. I guess I am simply frightened. I guess we won’t know we are a hotspot until people here fill the hospitals.

  13. - Pundent - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:20 pm:

    =His administration should be tried criminally.=

    For not doing something that would have been illegal?

  14. - striketoo - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:23 pm:

    Good call. He has us back with the leaders on containment. That’s where we belong if we are to survive.

  15. - LakeCo - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:24 pm:

    So does that mean no takeout & curbside pickup of food? Was planning to “eat out” tonight…

  16. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:24 pm:

    Now, to the Post,

    The exemptions and rationale with the order is heightening the importance to shelter in place, but we will soon see how restrictive, which won’t be, from reports, a full and total “lockdown”.

    I wrote this earlier;

    I want my family, friends, “you”, society to be around to have to worry about money, versus not be around and have nothing to worry about forever.

    None of us know who can get this, or how, or how severe.

    The medical community reminding us to stay home so they can work and not worthy about family and friends is the reality too of this order, I feel.

    Flattening the curve and saving someone, someone who might be close to you, is important as this virus continues and we try to catch up to where it currently is.

  17. - LucasBeans - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:25 pm:

    What happens if you have a lease ending and/or sale of home with a specific date you have to be out by?

  18. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:26 pm:

    ===What happens if===

    How about you take a deep breath, calm down and wait until 3 o’clock when we will all know the answer?

  19. - In 630 - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:27 pm:

    If some folks weren’t still acting like second graders and would do what needs doing, it wouldn’t be necessary, but here we are.

  20. - LucasBeans - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:27 pm:

    Will do Rich. Thanks.

  21. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:28 pm:

    ===So does that mean no===

    Take a breath, calm down and wait for 3 o’clock. Carryout has not been stopped in the other two states. I doubt it’ll stop here, but we will know at 3. Stop jumping to conclusions or worrying about something before it’s even announced.

    From now on, these questions will be deleted.

  22. - SSL - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:30 pm:

    Any idea the timeframe JB will give for the shelter in place?

  23. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:30 pm:

    ===I just hope they don’t leave it open ended===

    He can’t by law. He declared a disaster on March 9. By law, that can only last 30 days. He can renew it, however. I would say prepare for that because this thing ain’t gonna end soon.

  24. - Pundent - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:30 pm:

    =They just need to stop saying “grocery, gas, and medical.” =

    Despite what people might “say” these directives are written and fairly clear on what the exceptions are. And yes, you can go to the Dollar General.

  25. - Flapdoodle - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:30 pm:

    Coming in a little late here, but Springfield and local sources confirm Rich’s reporting (absolutely no surprise there, of course). Apparently to start tomorrow. Will be very interested to see what exemptions are allowed and what enforcement will be.

  26. - Anon y mouse - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:32 pm:

    It’s not a lockdown order. It’s a stay at home suggestion … please. ;)

  27. - Give Me A Break - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:34 pm:

    Thanks Rich

  28. - OpentoDiscussion - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:43 pm:

    “Residents can still go to the grocery stores, put gas in their cars, take walks outside and make pharmacy runs. All local roads, including the interstate highways and tollways, will remain open to traffic, as well.”

    Good. Pritzker is handling this quite well considering the unknowns.

  29. - DownStater - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:45 pm:

    I wonder if he will address the schools again yet? It seems none of us expect the kids will be able to finish the semester in person. So maybe it would help the teachers and parents if they could just call it now - so that folks can reorient themselves to the new normal for the rest of the year? Right now most of us have out kids in makeshift work areas around our houses. But if this is 2 more months… then we might be looking to set up some more long-term work areas for our “coworkers” err… kids.

  30. - McLincoln - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:47 pm:

    What’s up in Milwaukee?

  31. - Real - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:53 pm:

    Certain things are allowed right now, but it seems things are slowly be shut down line by line. After this whats going to be next to shut down next week and the week after? The internet?

  32. - lake county democrat - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:55 pm:

    At least in SF, shelter in place allows going to your business/office, but only for the minimum activity needed to stay operational (at least that’s how I understand it). My big concern is being able to travel to see family, but as long as you’re delivering supplies or doing some essential service you should be included.

    I’m not on here as much as the regulars so let me just send a best wishes/stay safe to all.

  33. - Amalia - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 1:56 pm:

    good. must happen. have to flatten the curve.

  34. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:02 pm:

    “The closing of retail would cut off access to firearms and ammunition including those who are in the middle of a waiting period to pick up newly purchased firearms.”

    Was that in response to this crisis?

  35. - Higland IL - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:08 pm:

    My company has already received one letter stating. “The Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency has determined that these products are an “essential business” necessary to ensure the continuity of the functions the United States needs for economic security, national security, and community public health and safety.”

    Looks like I’m working as long as the supply chain states intact.

  36. - Wensicia - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:09 pm:

    I believe this is a good decision and I hope people refrain from panicking. For the people still reporting to work, don’t forget to thank them for their service.

  37. - ajjacksson - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:14 pm:

    I disagree with Downstater. Let’s take it like the disaster proclamation–30 days at a time. There’s no reason to cancel 2 months this far ahead.

    You can’t take away people’s hope. That’s a key ingredient to recovery–hope. So, if we get to April 6 and need to push the start of school back another 2-3 weeks, so be it. It makes more sense and it’s much easier for people to handle that way.

  38. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:15 pm:

    === Let’s take it like the disaster proclamation–30 days at a time===

    It IS part of the disaster declaration.

  39. - Thomas Paine - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:17 pm:

    === He can renew it, however. I would say prepare for that because this thing ain’t gonna end soon. ===

    Louder please, for the people in the back.

  40. - The Dude Abides - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:19 pm:

    As of yesterday there was still a half dozen Southern states that were still keeping their bars and restaurants open.
    The Florida beaches were open and had huge crowds of young people for Spring breaks. Some of these young people are going to be infected now and go back home and infect others.
    Just a couple examples of bad choices being made.

  41. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:24 pm:

    I do not know this for sure, but if past is prologue Pritzker is following federal guidance on these orders. So follow this link for the Homeland Security (CISA) list of things deemed essential:

  42. - Trash - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:26 pm:

    I sure hope that they pick up the garbage, with everyone home- cans are flowing over

  43. - Huh? - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:42 pm:

    Will pay $20 plus remaining supply of cat food to anyone who will take my wife’s whinny cats.

    Have been held hostage by these two recalcitrant and nagging felines since Tuesday. Please rescue me. I’m begging you, please help me. They are driving me to drink with their incessant and grating meowing. Ear plugs don’t work. Locking in other room just makes them louder.

    Sigh. Had to vent. Spouse would kill me if cats disappeared.

  44. - Retired and Loving it - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:42 pm:

    My wife (and many other women) may argue that Hairstylist are essential!!

  45. - Annonin - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:45 pm:

    Looks like no haircuts

  46. - boycot - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:48 pm:

    Shame on you Chicago Tribune.

  47. - Just the Way It Is One - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 2:56 pm:

    Thanks, Rich, for all of your hard work on this issue, and these latest details. Well, you knew THIS was coming…!

  48. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 3:00 pm:

    Dang, I’m considered essential. Most would disagree….

  49. - Coronanon - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 3:00 pm:

    Huh?: Don’t be too quick in giving up that much potential protein. Who knows where this is going to go. /s

  50. - Nick Name - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 3:08 pm:

    has the briefing started yet? I can’t seem to find it.

  51. - twowaystreet - Friday, Mar 20, 20 @ 3:09 pm: is timing out for me. I’m on the Mayor’s twitter live stream.

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