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Question of the day

Tuesday, Mar 24, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Who are you most thankful for in these trying times? Explain.


  1. - Pundent - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 3:53 pm:

    Unsung heroes.

  2. - Flapdoodle - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 3:53 pm:

    People stepping up to what needs to be done, from first responders and medical professionals (to whom a HUGE thank you) to service workers and just plain folks doing the right thing.

  3. - Anonymouse - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 3:55 pm:


  4. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 3:55 pm:

    Most thankful for the people at the front of the frontline, the healthcare workers and first responders, who are, as always, putting their lives and health on the line and struggling with resources and PPE.

  5. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 3:57 pm:

    God. Family. And country. In no particular order.

  6. - JoanP - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 3:57 pm:

    What I just said in another thread: all the people out there, putting themselves at risk, to help make sure that the rest of us have what we need.

  7. - Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 3:57 pm:

    2 groups of people getting little to no acknowledgement. Utility workers and garbage collectors.

  8. - JoanP - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 3:58 pm:

    @ BDD -

    Just in case you didn’t see my response to your post in the other thread - we’re all good. Don’t worry about it.

  9. - west wing - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:00 pm:

    Anyone who has to continue to serve the public, but especially nurses and doctors.

  10. - Practical Politics - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:01 pm:

    Good people making an extra effort to be civil and polite in difficult times.

  11. - Dysfunction Junction - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:01 pm:

    The rational minority who acknowledge emotion but base their actions on science, history, and facts.

  12. - Lhaso - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:01 pm:

    I am thankful for Governor Pritzker. I think about what a mess this would be under the previous three governors and I am glad he was elected. I am also glad to have my sons home from their respective colleges. I have less to worry about with them home.

  13. - njt - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:03 pm:

    My mother who is a triage nurse in NH on the front line.

  14. - Some Anonymous Dude (S.A.D.) - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:03 pm:

    family. Good health. roof over my head. electricity. Heat. Food. Not having to be outside in this weather.

  15. - MakePoliticsCoolAgain - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:04 pm:

    Minimum wage folks that are keeping this country going during this pandemic.

  16. - Bourbon Street - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:05 pm:

    First, what JoanP said at 3:57 p.m. Couldn’t have said it better myself.

    Second, those who are doing what they’re supposed to be doing, i.e. engaging in self-isolation and otherwise following directives, in order to make sure that they and their fellow human beings are as safe as possible.

  17. - OneMan - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:13 pm:

    My wife, she heads into work every day without knowing what she is going to face and manages to keep her head about her while doing it. She also helps the providers on her team keep it together as well.

    I have a bias, but she is my hero in all of this.

  18. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:17 pm:

    Joan. Thanks. I saw.

  19. - Powdered Whig - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:18 pm:

    I am thankful for my beautiful wife, who is incredibly supportive and kind and tolerant of my neuroticism while we are working from home.

  20. - WeAreAVillage - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:19 pm:

    Good friends watching out for each other, in all the ways that entails.
    And Pluto the Dog, PlutoLiving channel on YouTube, because we need to have humor to survive this Bizarro Universe all us Earthlings got dropped in…

  21. - Give Us Barabbas - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:20 pm:

    I elected a governor, as a bonus, I got a mensch.

  22. - Benjamin - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:22 pm:

    My wife, with whom I’m hunkered down. I’m a natural introvert, so being stuck with another human being–even a close friend–all the time for weeks would be torture for me. Except for my wife, the only person I’ve ever known that just makes me feel at ease 100% of the time.

    I can easily deal with being alone. But my wife is the only one I could stand being with for this long.

  23. - Jocko - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:23 pm:

    For the many others who are ’stepping up’ while I sit down…on my couch.

  24. - Honeybadger - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:24 pm:

    All of the essential workers who are on the front lines, medical personnel, first responders, dispatchers and those who are stocking our shelves, delivering our goods and services etc…..

  25. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:24 pm:

    People, I didn’t ask what, I asked who. Deleted like four comments already.

  26. - walker - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:25 pm:

    Nurses, always nurses.

  27. - thoughts matter - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:29 pm:

    There are too many to count. Family first and most of course.
    But any essential worker too. The restaurant, gas and grocery store employees because that’s who I’ve seen this week. The employees at my parents assisted living center.
    The employees at any medical facility or lab- who thankfully I haven’t needed this week.

  28. - Earnest - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:33 pm:

    Reliable sources of information, with Rich and Pritzker at the top of my list.

  29. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:35 pm:

    Dr Fauci who has to deal with a president that does not respect scientists. Fauci has had to speak up and counter some of the falsehoods and half-truths that the president spouts. I would follow the all virus issues. Let’s be St Louis not Philadelphia during the Spanish Flu.

  30. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:41 pm:

    The medical professionals, the scientists, the first responders, the people keeping us fed and supplied, and my family so far being safe.

  31. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:45 pm:

    Every person working to provide necessary services during this trying time, especially medical staff and first responders. I heard Metra is allowing these medical personal free rides on their trains; good on them as well.

  32. - Slugger O'Toole - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:49 pm:

    Tom, Ben and two Jerrys. Actually three if you count musical interludes.

  33. - Blazer - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:54 pm:

    God - Without Whom, we would be lost. Governor Pritzker - He has provided crucial, decisive leadership during trying times. Health care workers - They are literally battling on the front lines to save lives. Grocery store workers and restaurant workers - They provide the food and water to keep us going and to sustain life. Janitorial workers - They risk their lives to keep us clean and safe and to prevent the spread of illness. Faith leaders - They provide hope in the midst of fear. People who stay at home - They are sacrificing to save lives. Neighbors who help each other - They display the true beauty and ideals of America.

  34. - Wylie Coyote - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:54 pm:

    The list is long, but it includes medical personnel and caregivers, truckers and warehouse workers toiling to get supplies into stores, the cashiers who have to deal with obnoxious hoarders, restaurant employees who are still working and trying to feed those who must work and can’t hunker down at home, law enforcement and military personnel who are often trained for these scenarios but never thought it would become a reality, and the parents who are trying to work at home and not knowing if their job will last.

  35. - Boone's is Back - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 4:59 pm:

    Healthcare workers and scientists

  36. - Jay Kay - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 5:09 pm:

    My wife who has been wonderful to be at home with. My kids who have made working from home fun. Dave Ramsey, he is a bit kooky, but his financial baby steps prepared us for this disaster.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 5:14 pm:

    Family and friends - for their concern, love, humor, and appreciating them for making my life whole

    Any and all in food - some are bringing food to market, others selling the food, others preparing the food, the cooks, the delivery folks, those in kitchens or pantries serving our most needy, we all need food, so many are rushing so much fir everyone.

    All health providers - pharmacists, doctors, nurses, paramedics, hospital health providers, lab technicians, they are front line people willing to be at the closest and the ost vulnerable.

    “City, country, state“ workers - the people getting my garbage, answering phones, directing services, those on the streets, the utility people keeping things running so I can be safe.

    Leaders - Governors, support staffs, experts, the secretaries helping all these people, the aids, the people supporting at every tier. I’m grateful for Governor Pritzker, his Crew, and a heck of a support group trying to guide us through.

    Rich, I’m grateful to you. Thanks for this place, and to…

    … the press… the hard work, even after all the work is “done”… they’re still working, writing, reporting, researching, asking questions, getting answers… can’t thank them enough too.

    I’m lucky. Look at all the people I owe so much, and I’m forgetting so many. So, thank you all. We all touch the lives of so many, simple kindnesses i have said here, I’m grateful.

  38. - Amalia - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 5:49 pm:

    family and friends far and near who are keeping me grounded. and Doctors Arwady and Landon who bring calm, sane information to the public.

  39. - Barnaby Wilde - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 6:05 pm:

    My local musicians, who are recording and posting “closed mic night” live performance videos, to fundraise for the workers at the bars and other venues where they usually perform. They’ve been supporting a different establishment every evening, to great positive effect.

  40. - Rutro - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 6:06 pm:

    What you all said, ESPN ally the wife/kids.

  41. - RNUG - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 6:26 pm:

    My wife … even if she is climbing the walls having to stay in.

    Family that video chat every day.

    Friends who check up on each other.

    Our pastor who posts daily inspiration and funny stuff. The funny stuff really isn’t new, but he has stepped it up a level or two; his sales pitch for Charmin is hilarious.

    Everybody doing what they have to do to keep things going and safe.

  42. - Dog Lover - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 6:29 pm:

    God is still in charge.
    My husband is home with me.
    My employer is good to me.
    Take care everybody.

  43. - NorthsideNoMore - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 6:30 pm:

    All the Good people I know doing their best… and Zoom

  44. - Platitudinous - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 6:44 pm:

    My stepdaughter. She bought a restaurant 10 weeks ago. She’s slogging though this with grace, positivity, and a innovative spirit. One of many unsung heroes.

  45. - Because I said so.... - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 6:45 pm:

    My current good health, my family, my husband who tries to reassure me daily that things will be okay, first responders, the entire medical profession, the calm leadership of Governor Pritzker and Mayor Lightfoot, my health insurance and the ability to get some fresh air.

  46. - Ace Laredo - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 6:49 pm:

    “Tiger King” on Netflix.

  47. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 7:19 pm:

    I am grateful for EVERYONE on the front lines, and everyone who keeps the pipelines flowing. And the creative innovators rising to solve problems.

    This is a slow moving hurricane/flood covering the entire country.

  48. - Angry Republican - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 7:38 pm:

    The Who and the WHO.

  49. - Huh? - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 7:38 pm:

    Store clerks and stock persons. The unsung and unseen people who ensure that the food and goods are on the shelves for us to buy.

    My oldest daughter is one of these unsung heroic people. Every day, restocking shelves that are cleared out by fearful people.

    My daughter. My hero.

  50. - Emerald - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 7:44 pm:

    Dr. Fauci. He is definitely the nation’s guiding light as far as the science behind this pandemic. It’s frightening to contemplate where we’d be without his guidance and expertise. I’ve also been quite impressed with Governor Pritzker’s handling of this situation. And of course the medical workers. But also the grocery store clerks - not your typical heroes, but they are lifesavers in the current situation!

  51. - Stones - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 7:59 pm:

    I am most grateful for my healthy, safe and happy daughter.

  52. - Nick Name - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 8:00 pm:

    The cashiers, stockers, and other employees at my local grocery store. Yesterday when I went the store had a young girl spraying down each grocery cart with disinfectant and wiping them down, one at a time, before handing them to customers. The cashiers and other employees remain calm, friendly, and patient, despite all the stress — especialy the stress of knowing any customer could pass them the virus.

    They are heroes, all of them.

  53. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 8:13 pm:

    Scientists, health care workers, folks at grocery stores, drug stores, and Target.

    The responsible folks in the news media (Rich & NPR in particular) who are keeping us informed.

    Gov. Pritzker and his staff.

    My wife, who is too far away, and my almost adult children at home with me.

    All the entertainers who are posting on social media…Here’s some fresh rod y gab for everyone to enjoy:

    As a college faculty person: all the students who are willing to adapt and colleagues and support staff who are working their a**es off to make this work.

  54. - Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 8:16 pm:

    I forgot one of the most important: Dr. Anthony Fauci.

  55. - Arock - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 9:52 pm:

    Thankful that Christ has given so many the strength to step forward and do amazing things for others as he has commanded us to do.

  56. - SAP - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 11:40 pm:

    My high school daughter who was so excited to get her first job a couple months ago at a semi-fast food place and who, without complaint, has had to forfeit her hours so that her fellow employees who need to keep working full time to support themselves can keep working.

  57. - annonamoose - Tuesday, Mar 24, 20 @ 11:52 pm:

    I’m thankful for everyday citizens looking out for their neighbors and doing those little things they can to make this temporary situation better for others. I’m also thankful for Governor Pritzker who is showing he has the leadership qualities this state has been lacking at the top for many years.

  58. - The Jungle - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 3:54 am:

    I am thankful for extraordinary friends and family that look out for others and assist many in any way they can; groceries, water, cleaning, transportation, phone calls, etc. Thankful also for my pets. With sheltering in place they bring comfort and companionship. Amazed and thankful at the way low wage earners adapt and endure the chaos daily. Without God this would not be possible.

  59. - revvedup - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 7:54 am:

    I am grateful for every person who is doing something positive throughout Illinois. The list would be lengthy, and includes every person staying home, washing their hands, keeping social distance, and all the other things that need doing now. There are doers and donors, helpers and haulers, responders and cleaners, businesses and government workers. As Churchill might have said “Never was so much owed by so many to so many.”

  60. - Touré's Latte - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 8:10 am:

    My kids and grandkids sending texts, pictures, video calls. Their good humor is infectious!

  61. - SubRosa - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 11:06 am:

    I am very grateful for my kids, who are being really good even though they’re bored, my husband, who is being essential somewhere in the bowels of a building, and my boss, for keeping us updated and working through this as a team.

  62. - @misterjayem - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 11:27 am:

    “Who are you most thankful for in these trying times? Explain.”


    Same as every other day.

    – MrJM

  63. - Just Peachy - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 11:56 am:

    Becca, Brian, Cindy, Mary, Irene…all of the nurses in my immediate family who are working on the front lines to keep us safe!

  64. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 12:13 pm:

    Thankful for my union protected job with DHS.

  65. - JDuc - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 3:48 pm:

    Grateful for family, health, and just being alive. Less traffic, less congestion and the sun is out.

  66. - Nameless - Wednesday, Mar 25, 20 @ 4:10 pm:

    The very few friends I have.

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