About that mask requirement
Friday, Apr 24, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* NBC 5…
Under the stay-at-home order, individuals must wear a “face-covering or mask when in a public place where they can’t maintain a six-foot social distance.” It applies to anyone over the age of 2 “who are able to medically tolerate a face-covering or a mask.” […]
Pritzker said police should remind people who aren’t wearing a mask of the order and all businesses must require people to have one in order to enter.
“People should wear a mask and it should be they should be reminded if they’re not wearing a mask that they’re not,” he said. “And private establishments do need to require that people who enter their establishment wear a mask.”
* Block Club Chicago…
Nearby suburbs and other major cities, including New York City, have implemented similar requirements. The Centers for Disease Control has recommended people wear cloth face coverings, as well.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot, speaking during a Thursday press conference before Pritzker’s announcement, said the city would work to ensure all Chicagoans have access to coverings and won’t punish those who struggle to comply.
“I do worry a little bit about that [availability], though, and the ability of our residents, particularly in poorer neighborhoods, to be able to access materials,” Lightfoot said. “Once we see what the guidance is from the governor, we’re gonna work hard to make sure we can actually give our residents the ability to comply. We’re not gonna ticket and arrest people because they don’t have face coverings, but it is to their benefit … .”
As the story notes, the CDC has some guidance on how to make your own cloth masks. Click here for that.
Whenever anyone has asked me, I’ve sent them to Etsy. If you click here, I’ve set up a search for masks that are ready to ship in 1-3 days, organized by buyer ratings. Also, I saw on Facebook yesterday that Rickey Hendon is selling KN95 masks, just in case you’re interested or brave.
* Related…
* Illinois wants all shoppers to wear masks at the grocery store. Enforcing that rule is trickier.
- Groundhog Day - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:39 am:
- hisgirlfriday - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:39 am:
So where the heck are you supposed to find a mask for a 2-year-old’s face?
- Retired Educator - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:40 am:
I don’t see this as a problem. My wife and I have been wearing them for the last month. I am a transplant survivor, and don’t want to take extra chances with my health. Wear a mask everyone, it can’t hurt and it just might save some lives.
- Stu - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:42 am:
As soon as everyone is wearing a mask I’ll feel much more comfortable entering a store. I’ve been avoiding Costco, but will probably go once the order is in effect.
- Groundhog Day - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:43 am:
Wear a Face covering when not in your house. Does NOT have to be an actual mask. I have been biking with a bandanna folded in half so it is 2 ply.
- efudd - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:47 am:
As an introvert, wearing a mask does cut down on chit chat which suits me.
IMO they can also keep the shields up at the check out lane at the grocery store. Although clear, it does seem to keep the chit chat down between that shopper who feels the irrepressible need to talk to the checker, regardless of how many shoppers are waiting in line.
- Nagidam - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:47 am:
Of course Rickey “Hollywood” Hendon is selling potentially faulty KN95 masks.
- The 647 - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:49 am:
It appears Lightfoot hadn’t really looked into the issue when she spoke. Not surprising. According to the CDC all you need to make a face covering are scissors and a t-shirt.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:50 am:
Sew a mask?
- The Bashful Raconteur - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 9:53 am:
Spouse and I have been wearing masks for the past four weeks when we have to make a run to store. There are tons of peeps who have not and will not wear one “cause, by gosh, it’s against my civil liburteez”. Good luck to stores trying to enforce this.
- truthteller - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:00 am:
I was in local Menards the other day wearing my mask as usual when smartalec type of older white guy directed a comment that wearing masks is stupid and can’t be made to do it. I couldn;t resist to tell him “Hey, I’m wearing the mask to PROTECT YOU”. He had that dumbfounded look as I carted by.
- SOIL M - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:02 am:
Hisgirlfriday—- My 3yo grandson plans on wearing his Spider-Man hood. 5yo is going with a fortnight one. And I am not sure what fortnight even is
- Rayne of Terror - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:05 am:
I ordered for my family from Sublime Wear USA in Morris, IL. They usually make sports jerseys. The masks are $6 each and for each one you buy a free one is given away in the Morris area. They are good quality. I wore one yesterday for the first time and was really comfortable.
- Candy Dogood - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:07 am:
So what if the police in our community haven’t been wearing masks?
- Marquee - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:10 am:
Mandatory face covering is necessary if we want to reopen without reinfection.
- Demoralized - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:13 am:
==Good luck to stores trying to enforce this.==
Nobody has a right to go into a store. But I understand the dangers that could arise because you will certainly have hot headed people. Employees are under enough stress as it is without having to confront some goofball who doesn’t want to follow the rules.
- Pundent - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:17 am:
I’ve been wearing a bandana for about 3 weeks now when I go to the store. Initially about 20% were. That’s now flipped and most that don’t have something on their face get a lot of side eye. I would not want to be the person in a store come May 1 that didn’t have a face covering on. Don’t underestimate the self-policing aspect of this.
- Rayne of Terror - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:17 am:
Schnucks in Bloomington is doing a phenomenal job. I go once a week and every week they are at the cutting edge of whatever the current recommendations are for shopping. Last week there was a man and a woman near the door (in masks) telling people that soon everyone shopping would need to be in a mask and giving info about how to get masks.
- Bulbous1 - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:18 am:
How does the lip reading deaf shop?
- Grandpa2 - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:20 am:
My wife has sewn about 200 masks over the past 4 weeks and given all away except 2 each for us. Limiting factor is finding elastic, which is sold out everywhere. I see more people wearing masks each week as the pandemic progresses. Yesterday, in Home Depot, there were even young beefy construction types wearing their dust-filled N-95’s as they picked up materials.
- Generic Drone - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:22 am:
When going to restaurants in future, just raise mask, insert fork, lower mask.
- Rachel - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:24 am:
I got my masks from Los Angeles Apparel. I just got an email from them - they are just producing PPE, have more than doubled their staff and acquired a lot more space to provide safe working conditions, and are running 24/7. The masks I bought were in a package of three for under $30. I got them in a few days. They wash well, have an adjustable nose piece, are double fabric but lightweight and while they work well on my larger face, I think they would also be fine on smaller faces.
- Abbey - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:29 am:
Do a Twitter search for @ronitboseroy. No cut, no sew, DIY face cover. I’ve been using bandannas but I plan to switch to this because the elastic bothers my ears.
- CapnCrunch - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:37 am:
Beginning on May 1, individuals will be required to wear a face-covering or a mask when in a public place.
Beginning on May 1, individuals will be required to wear a face-covering or a mask when in a public place where they can’t maintain a six-foot social distance.
Dropping the propositional phrase makes a big difference in the meaning of these two statements. Especially so when individuals are outdoors.
- Streamwood Retiree - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:37 am:
I was in Target Wednesday. Guy (yes an older white guy) wearing neither mask nor gloves went past me and starting coughing in my face when he3 was two feet away. It took took great self-control not to punch him out and stomp him. I would have been angry before covid was ever heard of for this rude behavior. I don’t know why Target let him in the store.
- SOIL M - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:43 am:
A question I cant find an answer to.
720 ILCS 5/24-1 (a) A person commits the offense of unlawful use of weapons when he knowingly:
(9) Carries or possesses in a vehicle or on or about
his or her person any pistol, revolver, stun gun or taser or firearm or ballistic knife, when he or she is hooded, robed or masked in such manner as to conceal his or her identity;
Will complying with this order, while otherwise legally possessing a weapon, put you in violation of the law and subject to prosecution for UUW? Can the Governor issue an Order that puts you in violation of the law? Can the Governor revise the order so that covering your face to comply with the order is considered protective equipment, and not to be considered in violation of UUW laws?
Ok thats more than one question but they are connected.
- Downstater-in-Chicago - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:45 am:
We have some masks from that my sister-in-law made, but I also just ordered some from Dearborn Denim here in Chicago:
- Amalia - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:45 am:
you say mask, I say scarf. just cover your mouth and nose.
- State Worker - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 10:55 am:
private establishments do need to require that people who enter their establishment wear a mask?
QUESTION: Once you enter the establishment, such as a state building where I work, after you enter the building can state workers take off their masks as is current practice now? There is no social distancing where I work. Employees walking past each other in the hallway, people having meetings and chit chatting in the hall ways. Are you going to issue a directive for all of Illinois state agencies that management can enforce???
- Morningstar - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:05 am:
May 1 is an eternity away in the life of this virus. Some stubborn people will probably actually wait until that date to put on a mask, and some still won’t. At least we will know at a glance whom to avoid.
- Fly like an eagle - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:19 am:
- - when he or she is hooded, robed or masked in such manner as to conceal his or her identity; - -
I dunno maybe laminate a passport photo and wear it around your neck with a string. That might do the trick.
- SKI - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:19 am:
I choose to wear a bandana for protection. I believe it is prudent.
I also believe it is wrong and overbearing for the Government to mandate the wearing of masks with the potential for enforcement action.
Businesses have the right to mandate masks as a part of doing business with them. The government has no right to dictate clothing choices to citizens. It should be a choice. The Governor could have reached out to business groups and asked them to voluntarily implement this action. He chose a heavy handed executive decision over collaboration. That’s disappointing.
- In 630 - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:23 am:
I’m probably going to be sticking with the neck gaiters I wear in winter running- imperfect but working with what I’ve got.
Most important thing is that people don’t see face covering as a reason to leave the house more. If anything, this is a time for people to really prioritize figuring out how to narrow their contact points less- stretch their grocery intervals longer, etc while seizing the opportunity for outdoor recreation in a safe, responsible manner.
- lake county democrat - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:24 am:
Though I’d get it from someone other than Ricky H, a KN95 mask is superior to a “regular cloth” mask, in fact my understanding is that the standard in China (where they are from) is only slightly different from the N95 masks, which are the gold standard (not counting p/100 respirators which even the medical people aren’t wearing).
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:31 am:
====The government has no right to dictate clothing choices to citizens.===
So walk around outside with your naked butt and see how long before a representative of the “government” tries to dictate your clothing choice.
- We'll See - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:38 am:
==”How does the lip reading deaf shop?”==
Maybe by writing a note on the back of their shopping list - next?
- JS Mill - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:41 am:
=I also believe it is wrong and overbearing for the Government to mandate the wearing of masks with the potential for enforcement action.=
Heavy handed would be establishing check points to check on masks. This is in the interest of public health.
You can always move to Georgia.
- @misterjayem - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:43 am:
”How does the lip reading deaf shop?”
The same way I do: Without conversing with anyone.
– MrJM
- Jocko - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:44 am:
==The government has no right to dictate clothing choices to citizens.==
Umm, the preamble to the Constitution speaks to ‘promoting the general welfare’. I think keeping citizens from getting sick qualifies.
- Demoralized - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 11:46 am:
==The government has no right to dictate clothing choices to citizens. ==
That has to be one of the dumber statements ever made.
- We'll See - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 12:00 pm:
==The government has no right to….”== ensure food safety, provide air traffic control, build safe roads and bridges, inspect nursing homes, etc etc etc. /s
- Alegra - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 12:03 pm:
Every customer and employee had masks this morning at a Waukegan grocery store. The city has a mask, face covering order in place. Numbers quite high along the Zion, Waukegan, North chicago area and Lake county in general. Lake County Illinois Health Dept Corona virus dashboaard has a map which is updated each work day.
- Groundhog Day - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 12:10 pm:
I have seen face coverings with clear plastic to reveal the lips for families of lip-readers
- lake county democrat - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 12:16 pm:
Alegra - good to hear: I was in Waukegan last Sunday and hardly saw anyone wearing a mask or even social distancing.
- Captain Who - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 12:36 pm:
I haven’t been in a store in about a month. I use instacart delivery or curbside pickup. Although, those bringing my items out when picking up curbside aren’t always wearing masks.
- Dotnonymous - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 12:49 pm:
Intelligent rational people comply with rules designed to protect everyone from the risk of untimely death…this category is not totally inclusive…for all to witness.
- Streamwood Retiree - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 12:57 pm:
Captain Who, your greatest exposure is to store employees who are faced with dozens or even hundreds of shoppers every day. The delivery people are in contact with the store employees. Delivery is no improvement.
- 44th - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 1:11 pm:
Stores would be smart to put big signs up and enforcing this. I am not stepping foot in any store without it. Better protocols will make customers feel safer = more business.
- RNUG - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 1:14 pm:
== Limiting factor is finding elastic, which is sold out everywhere. ==
Check out some of the fabric wrapped bungee cords. I believe they have elastic strands woven together inside then.
- Dotnonymous - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 1:23 pm:
Elastic?… waistband in worn out underwear will work…in a pinch…and this is a pinch…for sure.
- Dotnonymous - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 2:21 pm:
- 44th - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 1:11 pm:
Stores would be smart to put big signs up and enforcing this. I am not stepping foot in any store without it…
Not everyone will have that option…unfortunately.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 3:04 pm:
In the burbs getting new tires Wednesday (seems they like to go flat when the car sits for a long time - but they were too old, anyway.)
I was unable to enter a grocery store (we forgot to bring our masks.) We were able to fashion mask out of old chamois we found in the trunk. It worked, but it was really uncomfortable.
Then I realized I could just pull up the neck of my turtleneck - worked perfectly - covered my mouth and nose. Easy to pull up and down - always there, can’t forget it.
- Evanston - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 3:10 pm:
Some comments referred to Older White Men. These are not appropriate.
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 3:23 pm:
=== Some comments referred to Older White Men. These are not appropriate.===
Truthteller told a story and mentioned and described a specific person he met. What’s the problem?
Streamwood retiree told a story and mentioned and described a different specific person he met. What’s the problem?
Personally, I would like to think about the “young beefy construction types.”
- Trying to Be Rational - Friday, Apr 24, 20 @ 3:44 pm:
Don’t jump on me for reporting this.
Harris County’s (Houston, TX) chief officer issued an order this week that everyone must wear masks in public, wash their hands, and not touch their faces or face $1000 fine and arrest. The Houston Mayor (Dem) says he won’t enforce the fines, the Police Chief says “police officers have more common sense” and won’t be “wasting time” looking for violators or issuing tickets.
It’s not all one world.