Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Cabello’s suit; Clay County laughs it off; Sen. Collins’ plea for help; An ode to Dan Petrella’s aunt
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Cabello’s suit; Clay County laughs it off; Sen. Collins’ plea for help; An ode to Dan Petrella’s aunt

Tuesday, Apr 28, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rockford TV

State Rep. John Cabello (R-Machesney Park) is filing a lawsuit against Gov. JB Pritzker’s stay-at-home order, similar to one which a southern Illinois ruled in favor of yesterday.

Cabello said his lawsuit will differ from that filed by Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia), in that it will not apply only to him, but to anyone. […]

Both Cabello and Bailey are represented by attorney Thomas DeVore.

“I’d expect in the near future that this issue was raised by Mr. Bailey successfully today is going to start cascading around the state,” DeVore told Center Square.

* Oh, man…

* Meanwhile, in the serious world…


* And you may have heard Gov. Pritzker today sending his condolences to Tribune reporter Dan Petrella on the loss of his aunt. Petrella’s column is a must-read

I sat in front of the computer screen in my guest bedroom on April 21, watching Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s daily news briefing on COVID-19. I listened, as I do almost every day, as officials announced the number of people in Illinois who had died from the new coronavirus.

The count on that day was 119. One of them was my aunt, Carol DeWitt.

I’ve been covering the COVID-19 briefings from the start, at first competing with other reporters for a good seat in the Blue Room at the James R. Thompson Center and later, as a safety precaution, from home. Each day as officials announced the number of new cases and deaths, I’ve tried to keep in the front of my mind that these aren’t just numbers on a spreadsheet. They are human beings. Lives at risk. Loved ones lost. […]

She was the aunt who lived with us in my earliest years, who played “Thriller” on the living room record player and shot baskets with us on the bumpy driveway. She still gave my two older brothers and me handmade cards and drawings practically every time we saw her.

Carol had beautiful blue eyes. I see them sometimes when I look at my son.

Go read the whole thing.


  1. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 4:56 pm:

    So much for the “pro life” crowd!

  2. - JB13 - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 4:58 pm:

    They laughed. And…?

  3. - MickJ - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:03 pm:

    I hope everyone makes it alive through COVID-19. Unrealistic in the extreme I know but I want no one to die. Do no take any joy in a packed courtroom of mouth breathers mouth breathing and guffawing. Especial sympathy for the court reporter and AG staff who were dragged into this hostile and unsafe environment.

  4. - West Sider - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:04 pm:

    A lovely remembrance of Dan Petrella’s Aunt Carol. This virus is heartbreakingly cruel.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:09 pm:

    My sincere condolences to Dan Petrella and family with their loss of Carol DeWitt.

    It’s a terrible tragedy, I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts.

  6. - Huh? - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:11 pm:

    Some times the auntie is the better mother.

    I shall miss my Aunt Shirley when she slips the mortal coil.

  7. - Proud Sucker - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:16 pm:

    What a moving tribute. Dan’s words ensure that Carol’s light will shine for many, many years.

  8. - Commisar Gritty - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:19 pm:

    Condolences to the Patrella family. We have to remember that these aren’t just numbers, and each death is a tragedy.

    Which makes that courtroom scene all the more unbelievable. Is that judge a total partisan hack or what? The only thing that’s getting “shredded” is Bailey’s appeal in a non-circus court.

  9. - Hard D - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:30 pm:

    The next move will be in federal court sighting E Commerce I’m surprised that hasn’t happened yet. These law suits are just the beginning of more to come.
    I think in all honesty that JB hasn’t really done a bad job considering all he’s had to deal with. However I do believe that his anti Trump Rhetoric and his known disdain for Republicans has also played a part in this. His COS and his deputy Governor’s mainly Hynes and Mitchell have let it be known they have Zero use or fondness for Republicans.
    Don’t expect team players when you have thrown them out of the field of play. Pritzkers insiders making same mistake that Rauner’s did and eventually it catches up. JMO

  10. - West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:39 pm:

    A further illustration of why that guy should not be on the bench. Courtrooms are not audience participation shows. The first time someone or the crowd laughs during an attorney’s argument (unless they’re making a joke), they get warned. Second time they get scooped off the floor. Everything that judge did was totally unprofessional.

  11. - Proud Papa Bear - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:54 pm:

    Whenever we have a relatively low day of mortalities, I’m glad. But then I reflect that even those low numbers are actual people with actual loved ones.

  12. - Frank talks - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:56 pm:

    Why don’t Cabello and downstaters sue for the Feds to get testing available for the food supply providers?
    Bailey represents farm folks and yet I only hear get back to small business. If I was him I’d be more concerned about how to help farmers and meat packing plants get their food to table. Demand from the Feds, tests, sanitizer, worker safety, make sure these are up and running.
    He should have been talking about that for the last three weeks. not his God given Constitutional freedoms to congregate and get haircuts.
    None of them- Cabello, Bailey or others have any clue on how to get that moving, especially since all these processing plants are starting to get mass infections. Well done guys keep protecting ‘Merica.

  13. - Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:57 pm:

    - People who wore masks were openly mocked. -

    An unbelievably literal unmasking of the real worldview of these people.

    I pity their neighbors, who regardless of political affiliation at least show common sense and decency.

  14. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 5:59 pm:

    Nasty looking storm headed through Springfield and Centeral Il right now. Hang on to your hats and stay safe people.

  15. - Tynie - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 6:09 pm:

    47th Ward, I checked the news for my area. According to it, the storm we’re in now is one of two that’s supposed to happen tonight. So, I may not be online much.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 6:12 pm:

    Let’s never forget how truly silly Mr. Cabello is as a legislator.

    I put this, again, into evidence;

    === An Illinois State Representative re-introduced a bill to have elected officials in the state to wear body cameras.

    Rep. John Cabello (R) of the 68th district, has filed House Bill 4605. It is an exact replica of a bill Cabello filed last year, House Bill 3447.

    The bill would require all state lawmakers to wear body cameras while conducting government business.

    Under the bill, officials found to be in violation of the law would be subject to fines.

    When Cabello filed the bill in 2019, he said it would help reduce corruption at the state and local levels.

    Here’s the statement Rep. Cabello gave 13 WREX when we asked about the bill:

    “Let’s look at some of the headlines throughout the last few months,” Rep. Cabello said. “All we hear about is corruption on the part of certain lawmakers. And tell me, if they had a body camera on, do you think this would have happened? There are folks that want law enforcement to wear a body camera from the time they start work until the time they end work. You know what, if it’s good enough for law enforcement, then it’s good enough for elected officials as well.”===

    Body cameras for legislators…but wants to ignore a stay at home executive order.

    Mr. Cabello is not a serious person.

  17. - Just Me 2 - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 6:31 pm:

    I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed to be a Republican before this week. These guys are taking it to a new level of crazy.

  18. - A Jack - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 6:37 pm:

    Given Rep Cabello’s close location to Rockford, you might even call it a “Cheap Trick.” Perhaps Rick Nielsen should chime in.

    The virus is bad in Winnebago County and the residents should set their Rep straight.

  19. - Ducky LaMoore - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 6:38 pm:

    Thanks to the virus, we live in such a weird world. Now the only people not covering their faces are the clansmen. Whoever would have thought? /s

  20. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 6:56 pm:

    Seems a risky position to take for Cabello, given the polling on the issue. The 68th district isn’t the North Shore, obviously, but it ain’t Effingham county either. Dave Vella up there might gain a lot of votes over this

  21. - MJ’s Shoes - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 8:47 pm:

    Looking at Cabello’s twitter account shows he is drinking the Trump kool-aid and A true believer in the trump cult. Illinois needs to find some better and sane people to run for office. The GOP is in real trouble.

  22. - PrairieChicken - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:32 pm:

    Here is a sensible sounding re-opening plan from the Governor of California:

  23. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 29, 20 @ 6:00 am:

    - PrairieChicken -

    Yeah. The thing about that plan…

    Schools, for example, not even on the table for discussion until July.


    It’s a plan based on science, and not on wants.

  24. - Earnest - Wednesday, Apr 29, 20 @ 8:13 am:

    Deepest of sympathies to Dan Petrella and all of his family on the death of his aunt. It was a beautiful tribute. It’s rough out there for family members of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. If it’s difficult for you to be out of your routine, picture a person who has autism and the person who may be supporting him or her. Whether it’s the larger, congregate state and private facilities, smaller group homes, families, or people who live independently with intermittent supports, they and families and agencies and DSPs are also desperate to get out and about and terrified of what the virus will do if it makes it into their homes.

  25. - So Blue - Wednesday, Apr 29, 20 @ 8:20 am:

    Once again, some Republicans are showing that they are out of step with most Americans.

  26. - So Blue - Wednesday, Apr 29, 20 @ 8:26 am:

    Bailey claimed he was “irreparably harmed” by the stay-at-home order. Bailey is a farmer.. Interesting, I also live in a very rural area. Farmers in my rural area are busy preparing and planting their fields. These farmers do not appear to be concerned about their “constitutional right to fish.”

  27. - Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Wednesday, Apr 29, 20 @ 8:54 am:

    Another video of a big house party on the west side. No arrests, nobody will be prosecuted. Seems like some don’t care anymore since the curve has flattened.

  28. - A Guy - Wednesday, Apr 29, 20 @ 10:17 am:

    Sympathy to Dan and Peace to the family.

  29. - Photo Op - Wednesday, Apr 29, 20 @ 11:01 am:

    Why should they not laugh when JB laughs at a question regarding opening up some rural areas? Its a legit question that deserves serious thought, not an insult by someone who is held to a higher standard.

  30. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 29, 20 @ 11:03 am:

    === when JB laughs at a question regarding opening up some rural areas===

    The judge mischaracterized the question, which was actually about why he didn’t quarantine the entire Chicago metropolitan area.

    Get off Facebook.

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