Open (almost) thread
Tuesday, Apr 28, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller * Almost every post, every day is about the pandemic. So, let’s declare this to be a completely pandemic-free post. Write about anything else except that topic. Also, please be nice to each other. Thanks.
- Mike Madigan - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:11 am:
The White Sox are undefeated and the Cubs are not in first place!!
- Gooner - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:13 am:
So, any advice as to when the weather should be acceptable to transfer vegetable seedlings from the house to the garden?
I haven’t done a garden since about 1984 (the last time I lived in the Chicago suburbs) so this is all pretty new to me.
- Just Another Anon - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:13 am:
@Mike Madigan
Proof that not all aspects of these times are bad.
Can’t wait for baseball. I miss the crack of the bat and the sound a fastball makes when it hits the catcher’s mitt.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:13 am:
I started reading Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series, finishing vol. 1, The Gunslinger, last night. What else are people reading?
- ItsMillerTime - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:14 am:
The weather has been very pleasant recently. I’m really enjoying watching the leaves grow on the trees and flowers blooming.
- Just Another Anon - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:15 am:
@Nick Name
I’m working my way though Tom Clancy. Fun opinion, he hits pretty close to home with regards to current times in Debt of Honor, Executive Orders, and Rainbow Six.
- Shroomin Time - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:16 am:
Found about a dozen yellows peeking out of mushy covered hills of Shelby County. 3-8″ Nothing spectacular but a fun time with the family on a hunt while walking the dog.
- Red Ranger - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:19 am:
Im encouraged by the Mayors words about baseball. I hope the MLB can come up with a creative plan to allow some fans in the stadium with proper social distancing.
- Pundent - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:19 am:
The last dance has been an amazing look into the final season of the Bulls dynasty. It’s amazing to remember how dominant this team was and that it was blown apart by Jerry Krause simply because he felt that he wasn’t give the credit he deserved.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:20 am:
@Just another Anon - cool. I was a Tom Clancy fan in my 20s. Then suddenly, I wasn’t. But The Hunt for Red October remains one of the best espionage thrillers ever written.
- Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:21 am:
Schadenfreude - the prospect of NFL owners testifying under oath in Missouri state court in St. Louis; the fact that the US Supreme Court has denied the Rams / NFL request for arbitration instead of court; and knowing the Missouri Supreme Court has ordered NFL owners / league officials to hand over all phone records. Schadenfreude.
- former southerner - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:22 am:
I am spending time with my new Canon 1DX III camera shooting wildlife instead of sports. AND spending lots of quality time doing yard work with 5 acres.
Reading-not so interesting as others because I am delving into an old technical manual for a piece of vintage ham radio gear I am restoring and the technical manual writing style doesn’t compare with King or Clancy. More the complexity of Faulkner complete with deluxe size paragraph long sentences
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:22 am:
There’s a toddler living with me for the first time in 12 years. The people on the state mental health line know me by name.
- Bruce (no not him) - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:23 am:
I’m still waiting for MLB to decide what they are doing. I’ve got tickets for a game in early June.
- gfalkes - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:23 am:
I’m reverting to my college years bingewatching star trek, this time some of the series (like Discovery and the origin story “Enterprise” series, not to mention the direct to demand Picard series. Getting my geek on!
- Bruce (no not him) - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:25 am:
My yard needs mowing, but I just don’t care.
It’s not like have anything else to do. I’ll get to it.
- Levois J - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:26 am:
How about that John McDonough getting fired from the Blackhawks? What was that about? I suppose it happens in sports sometimes as I was a tad shocked that Coach Q got fired. Sometimes even after very successful years as the Blackhawks had since 2007 lets say it’s time to make some changes.
- @misterjayem - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:30 am:
@Nick Name
Just finished “The Blaze” by Chad Dundas.
Kirkus Reviews said, “A wounded veteran and a strong newspaperwoman combine with a well-constructed plot to spin a plausible and engaging tale… This one wins far more on characters and danger than on bloodshed. Keep books like this coming, Chad Dundas.”
And I agree.
– MrJM
- Tynie - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:30 am:
I know it sounds nerdy, but I’ve been reading up on news on scams.
They’ve been more prevalent than I knew lately. It’s kinda scary to be honest, but it’s helped me change several personal rules. (I.e. making any business related call before running it past people I know and trust with my life)
In case y’all are wondering what inspired the read-up, I know several people who nearly fell victim to the latest Social Security call scam. I figured it was time to get updated information on those, and the rest, is relatively new personal history.
- Soccermom - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:31 am:
Mike Madigan — I am taking a brief vacation from my “they’re dead to me” post-2016 stance to say
The Cubs are tied for first place.
- efudd - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:32 am:
Nick Name-
This Fire-James Ellroy
If you like crime fiction, he’s the guy.
I too was a huge Clancy fan. Cardinal of the Kremlin is his most underrated work IMO.
Toward the end of his life he got a little to right wing for me.
- Fixer - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:36 am:
@Nick Name, I’m currently working with my older kids on some older stories. My son is working on Poe and my daughter is working on some HP Lovecraft, who I had forgotten how much I enjoyed.
- Curious - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:37 am:
What happened to the IDOC Chief public Safety Officer? Isn’t that the person who oversees sentence credit and early release? Website shows position is vacant.
- Hard D - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:37 am:
How does John McDonough get fired and Ryan Pace still have a job? One guy has won 3 Championships in 11 years the other guy has had one winning season in 6 years
- efudd - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:41 am:
Just guessing, but that position was another in a long list of made-up positions that added even more bureaucracy to the department, courtesy of the Rauner Administration.
The new one might have asked, “What do you do again?”
- FormerParatrooper - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:41 am:
The guy who used to work on my boat motor has retired and moved. Looking for a OMC mechanic who understands outboards from the 70s.
- Responsa - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:41 am:
Not every day, but regularly, there has been a bald eagle seen circling our Lake Co. neighborhood and successfully fishing in our ponds. Neighbors are all excited and on eagle watch. There is a great blue heron preserve and nesting site not far away so we see the great blues daily. But an eagle is quite a treat.
- Cheryl 44 - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:42 am:
“The Monsters” by Dorothy and Thomas Hoobler. Mostly a bio of Mary Shelley, but there’s lots about the men she hung with at the summer she wrote Frankenstein.
- Gruntled University Employee - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:43 am:
Two Netflix suggestions, Unorthodox and Don’t F— with Cats.
- WH Mess - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:44 am:
I have really enjoyed sharing the Last Dance with my kids — none of them are particularly interested in basketball, and humored me for the first episode. They were blown away by the sheer athleticism, and are now hooked. (We are all surprised I’ve let them hear all the f-bombs as the price of admission to this great spectacle).
Thanks to ESPN and MJ for helping brighten this era.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:44 am:
While cleaning the garage, I keep getting sidetracked by finding old family history paperwork I stored away to go through someday. Finding interesting stuff. Never going to get the garage clean at this rate.
- Sayitaintso - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:45 am:
Almost anything by Joe Lansdale. Short stories that will definitely divert your attention from COVID and give you plenty of laughs (‘For Mature Audiences).
- Gruntled University Employee - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:45 am:
FormerParatrooper, If you’re anywhere close to the Sullivan area I suggest Chip’s Marine.
- Rabble - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:47 am:
Hummingbirds are back in Southern Il. Makes me feel happy.
- XonXoff - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:48 am:
Our first pair of Bluebirds showed up this morning, joining Cardinals and Goldfinches at the backyard feeders. Later this morning we’ll head into the woods for our first attempt at mushroom hunting of the spring.
- Original Rambler - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:53 am:
Hey RNUG, how about letting us know what resides on 4 wheels in your garage?
- ryan - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:53 am:
@Nick Name, you’re in for a great journey. Many of his other books tie into the Dark Tower series. I’ve started rereading The Stand. Seemed appropriate.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:54 am:
@Gooner, you need to check out the frost free time for your zone. (look this up on line.) that is usually when it is ok to transplant. Late April, maybe. if you are doing spinach, carrots, those are good to go earlier. Also, evaluate the “microclimate” of your home area. certain places get warmer than others, wetter than others, for example. a dry place is where you want to put the cactus plant (in the ground, get a native plant and it will survive the winter). a wet place is a good place to put in a rain garden. your kitchen garden can get too wet, so take care.
- frisbee - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:54 am:
Gooner - you can start hardening them off this week and depending on where you live probably get them in the ground next week or the following. Just keep an eye on evening low temps and be ready to protect them in the event of a late frost. Here is a map of last frost date by region in IL.
- Retired Educator - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:57 am:
If anyone finds more mushrooms, then they need, I will take them off your hands, No Questions Asked.
- 10th Ward - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:57 am:
Run and Killing Eve are worth a look. Also, Series finale for Homeland. Check it out if you any time at home
Claire Dames and Mandy are top notch
- Practical Politics - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:58 am:
MLB posted a funny video with Lucas Giolito the other day. Fun fact: Giolito’s late grandfather (Warren Frost) was a semi-regular cast member on “Seinfeld.” He played “Mr. Ross” and usually had to contend with George.
- Regular democrat - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:59 am:
The Hawks firing of McDonough is really puzzling . If anyone has the scoop please share it. I hope he not getting blamed for handcuffing the team with immense contracts for aging players. I thought Bowman was in charge of that. We shall see I hope he can walk out with his head held high. Seems like a decent guy who had a positive effect on a franchise that was wallowing for many years.
- Hieronymus - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:00 am:
@- Gruntled University Employee - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 9:43 am:
“Two Netflix suggestions, Unorthodox and Don’t F— with Cats.”
I’ll second “Unorthodox” and add in “Unbelievable”. The missus & I found them both to be quite good.
- Bemused - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:01 am:
Like Rnug, While doing something else I ran across some old letters sent from my father to my mother while stationed at Camp Drake in Japan around 1949-50. Went online to find more about his service record and the occupation of Japan after the war. Looks like he was with the 8th Combat Engineers which later went into Korea. Interesting stuff.
- LINK - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:01 am:
I’ve been out these past several days wild turkey hunting on private land. All I’ve got to show for it is nine morels but I did call in a Hen and coyote!
- Les Nessman - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:03 am:
In respect to “The Last Dance” I thought they let Doug Collins drama with Tex Winters be like nothing happened. I wonder if MJ vetoed anything worse the directors/producers wanted to use, since MJ and Doug were very close.
- SAP - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:04 am:
The little crabapple tree in the front yard is in full bloom. Looks beautiful and smells delightful.
- FormerParatrooper - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:10 am:
Disgruntled. Looked into them. I am near Peoria
- Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:16 am:
Nothing official on McDonough yet but in listening to 670 The Score today some speculation is that he’s always been a difficult guy to work with and something may have come to head finally. Other thoughts are perhaps in seeing what the Bulls are doing Rocky Wirtz thought it was time to let go of John and refresh at that level. Bowman remains GM obviously, so it wasn’t a full house cleaning.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:17 am:
=What else are people reading?=
This book is outstanding - clever and really funny.
John Lithgow’s a genius - he not only wrote the poems, but also did the illustrations:
“Dumpty: The Age of Trump in Verse”
- bogey golfer - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:22 am:
The Last Dance is a great example when organizations allow egos overrule. Maybe Rocky saw similar issues in the Blackhawks when letting McDonough go.
- Rachel - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:23 am:
All spring vegetables can be in now such as broccoli, spinach, lettuce, carrots, beets and radishes
Beans (seeds), tomatoes, squash, peppers and eggplants like warmer soil and nighttime temps that don’t go below 55. You can push the planting a bit if you warm the soil by covering it with plastic for a few days before planting and if you cover tender foliage at night with a spun poly blanket.
Make sure you harden off any transplants the you started before putting them in the ground.
- walker - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:25 am:
From where I sit in the burbs, there was often a slight brown haze over Chicago. Now white clouds, and blue skies.
- revvedup - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:29 am:
South burb of Chicago (like 2 minutes from border): Rained hard again last night; sun out this morning about 8am when I arose. Birds singing, squirrels running on the telephone wires pole-to-pole. Life goes on, albeit muted. Laughing at all Chicago sports teams references; ownership is often the biggest problem, although the 1st place claims are funny.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:32 am:
=What else are people reading?=
“The Kosher Capones: A History of Chicago’s Jewish Gangsters”
Saw the author interview and got the book from the library thinking it would be just another poorly-written recitation of names and dates, but I was so pleasantly surprised I bought my own copy. It’s well-researched, well-written and really interesting - lots of familiar stories about the “Great Vest Side.”
- dogonsheffield - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:33 am:
=what else are people reading?=
I just finished Battle of Lincoln Park by Daniel Kay Hertz. Pretty academic at points, but a good read for anyone interested in how big money and race impact neighborhood changes in Chicago.
- JoanP - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:39 am:
The sun is shining, it’s reasonably warm, and last night’s rain really freshened things up. I might have lunch on the back porch.
Rick Kogan’s column today was a profile of Rich Labriola of Stan’s Donuts. Favorite quote: “I tend to be quiet if I don’t have a better idea.” Words to live by, and I can think of some pols and editorial writers who might want to consider adopting that plan.
- JoanP - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:45 am:
=what else are people reading?=
I always seem to be reading multiple books.
Right now:
“The white road : journey into an obsession”, by Edmund de Waal. He’s a ceramicist specializing in porcelain, and this is a combination travel memoir and history of porcelain.
“No Name”, by Wilkie Collins - I love these early British mysteries.
And for those moments when I am feeling deeply intellectual: “Jewish poet and intellectual in seventeenth-century Venice : the works of Sarra Copia Sulam in verse and prose, along with writings of her contemporaries in her praise, condemnation, or defense”
- Backto the Future - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 10:57 am:
If you like long series of stories on characters, the Bruno Police Stories by Martin Walker, which is set in France, is very good. Nice area of France, along with interesting characters with a few murders to figure out keeps you rolling along from book to book.
I did read “The Kosher Capones” that a friend recommended and agree it is a good read.
- CCM - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 11:01 am:
anyone ever follow barstool sports? the founder has been at war with Goodell for years. He did an auction to watch a game in his man cave. The founder said he will bid up to 1 million to win… It’s a pretty funny troll job. He gave away shirts at a Pats game a few years ago with Goodell as a clown… Simple things man.
- Froganon - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 11:02 am:
Thanks to all for recommending books and shows. We’re headed back home after a longer than planned stay in AZ. The cactus flowers are amazing but we saw our first rattlesnake yesterday.
Reading Active Hope by Joanna Macy - about facing the reality of our times, envisioning what you want the future to be for children and grandchildren and then finding a way to work towards it.
- DownSouth - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 11:14 am:
Carpenter bees! These darn carpenter bees are wrecking my porch. I’m a good shot with a salt gun, but sheesh, I am heavily outnumbered in this war! Methods for sending these little flying annoyances packing?
- Flapdoodle - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 11:38 am:
@ former southerner — my new Canon 1DX III
That’s a nice piece of kit, though I’m a Nikon guy myself. I’ve been stalking flowers and flowering trees with my macro lenses, slipping down back roads searching for spring landscapes. Trying to shoot in a hopeful spirit. Musing about putting the stimulus check toward a Nikon 850 or maybe finally going mirrorless with the Z7. GAS is a terrible thing. Allowing myself to dream about being able to head to the SW for extended shoots in late or early spring.
- James - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 1:07 pm:
Recently finished vol 2 of Sidney Blumenthal’s 4-volume “political history” of Abe Lincoln. Lots of coverage of Stephen A. Douglas–an effective legislative whip, who built railroads, was a sneering demagogue as an orator, and unsuccessfully courted Southern support for his presidential candidacy. Never knew NH Democrat Franklin Pierce was an alcoholic who appointed Jefferson Davis Sec. of War and let him serve as the country’s “acting president” between 1852-55.
- Metro East Transplant - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 1:11 pm:
Gruntled University Employee - Don’t F with cats was awesome. I’m adding Outlander & Ozarks to the Netflix list.
Different topic, finally planted some flowers in my yard. Nice to get Vitamin D and see some color.
- Metro East Transplant - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 1:15 pm:
DownSouth - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 11:14 am:
Carpenter bees! These darn carpenter bees are wrecking my porch. I’m a good shot with a salt gun, but sheesh, I am heavily outnumbered in this war! Methods for sending these little flying annoyances packing?
Answer: have you seen the mason jar traps specifically made for carpenter bees? Very effective. Easy DIY project or I’m betting you can even get at the Lowes/Home Depot stores now.
Hope this helps.
- BigDoggie - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 2:02 pm:
As echoed by several, The Last Dance is very captivating. I’m a big hoops fan but never have been much of an NBA guy. It is absolutely must-watch TV though. My 3 sons are all absorbed as well and it mostly all happened before any of them were born.
A good binge watch show that my oldest son turned me on to is Bosch on Amazon Prime. Wasn’t familiar with it at all and my wife and I have trouble turning it off at night. Been watching 4 or 5 episodes every night. There are 6 seasons with 10 episodes each. It’s good police drama without being over the top. And it gets into some inner circle political dealings, giving it a bit of Chicago feel (it’s set in L.A.).
- RNUG - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 4:33 pm:
== Hey RNUG, how about letting us know what resides on 4 wheels in your garage? ==
I’ll partially answer. A newer Lincoln MKC AWD 2.3 turbo, a MK 3 VW Cabrio Wolfsburg, and an almost matching pair of orphan classic cars that would be immediately recognizable to anyone in Springfield. And an empty bay currently full of stuff that used to have a 2nd generation Dodge Ramcharger which was recently passed on to a kid, plus a couple of grandkid’s wagons.
Not that I really care, but now a few more Spfld readers can figure out my name.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Apr 28, 20 @ 4:45 pm:
- Original Rambler -
I posted an answer but don’t see it at the moment. Maybe got trapped by one of Rich’s filters.