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A new twist on the GOP’s circular firing squad

Monday, May 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

A recent poll shows Illinoisans strongly approve of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak in Illinois and an even higher number supports his stay-at-home order.

The We Ask America/Capitol Fax poll of 800 registered voters taken April 23-24 found that 71% approve of Pritzker’s handling of the state’s response to the outbreak, while just 23% disapprove.

A whopping 77% support the stay-at-home order, while only 18% oppose it and 4% don’t know. And 59% say they strongly support the order, while just 8% strongly oppose it.

Meanwhile, the state is split on President Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic. While 48% support his response, 49% disapprove; 3% percent didn’t know.

A strong plurality of 48% say they worry that states might lift their stay-at-home orders too soon, while 29% say they worry states might be too slow; 23% don’t know.

The results included really bad news for suburban Republicans, who already appeared headed for yet another harsh November before COVID-19.

President Trump performed poorly in the suburbs in 2016. The GOP’s suburban losses mounted in 2018, and 2020 was looking like it could be even worse. Republican legislative leaders have not yet raised the sort of money they’ll need to fend off suburban Democratic challenges.

According to the poll, 52.5% of collar county voters disapproved of President Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 outbreak; 47% approved.

Those same collar county voters approved of Pritzker’s handling of the crisis 76.5% to 17%. Those are better marks than Pritzker received from suburban Cook County voters, whose split was 70.5% to 25% That’s notable because Republicans have already lost a lot of their foothold in suburban Cook, but still had significant strength remaining in the collars. If that poll is right, and those numbers hold… whoa.

But it gets worse.

Another 57% of collar county voters were more worried that states might lift their stay-at-home orders too quickly, versus 22% who worried they’ll lift them too slowly. Again, those are “better” numbers than suburban Cook voters, whose split was 54% — 23%.

And 81% of collar county denizens supported Illinois’ stay-at home-order, while just 17% opposed it. Again, those are better numbers than among suburban Cook County voters, who backed the order 77% — 20%.

“80 percent issues” have long been pretty nearly impossible to find in this fractured country. They are campaign unicorns. Using issues in that percentage range can very effectively “move” voters one way or another. And, perhaps unsurprisingly considering the other results, more collar county voters “strongly” supported the order (62%) than suburban Cook voters (56%).

Polls are just polls and subset numbers are less reliable than the full poll. But after looking at several national surveys and polling from other states, it’s difficult not to conclude that these gubernatorial stay-at-home orders are, at least for right now, a new “third rail” of politics.

Opposing them appears to carry great political risk in urban and suburban areas.

Now, throw the lawsuits against the stay-at-home order filed by Republican state Reps. Darren Bailey and John Cabello onto the fire, and you can see why suburban Republican legislators are reaching for the antacid.

The Republican legislative leaders are powerless to stop this behavior. As they’ve steadily lost suburban seats, Downstaters have become a much more powerful voice in the party. And they’re increasingly taking a hard-right turn since the ascension of Donald Trump.

I asked House Republican Leader Jim Durkin’s spokesperson if Durkin supports or opposes these lawsuits. “Leader Durkin is not planning on filing any lawsuits and as a firm believer in the judiciary system, he will follow the court’s decision on this important issue.”

Not exactly a profile in courage there, but, if present trends continue, Durkin may not have many suburban members left after November and he’s up for reelection as caucus leader next January. Not that anyone appears to be craving to take his job at the moment.

Things can always change. The reason “80 percent issues” are so rare these days is because people changed their minds.

It seems unlikely that suburbanites are going to line up behind the current leadership of the stay-at-home opposition, however.


  1. - DuPage Saint - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:13 am:

    I am sure the protesters and the Nazi signs and language are a huge help and drive up the Republican numbers in the collar counties. /s

  2. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:15 am:

    80 percent issues like fair maps that will die today?

  3. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:18 am:

    ===80 percent issues like fair maps===

    And what poll would that be?

  4. - PublicServant - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:20 am:

    Covid is to Republicans as asteroid impact was to dinosaurs. They won’t be missed, but their self-destruction is a pleasure to watch. I hope Willy and true conservatives can rise from the ashes. You can call it the Phoenix party, Willy.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:22 am:

    === 80 percent issues like fair maps that will die today?===


    No… People will get sick or worse from not following science with a global pandemic. The polling shows the fear of dying isn’t for a CA that does NOT have 71 and 36.

    It’s Monday. Go back to bed. Start the week over.

  6. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:22 am:

    The GOP now is its radical elements. It’s the conspiracy believers, science deniers, Confederates, American security and intel haters, gun extremists, etc. This is supported Republican leaders not criticizing the pandemic protesters. Trump correctly saw the GOP base, which is why he crushed someone like Gov. Kasich in the primary.

  7. - efudd - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:33 am:

    So, if these polls hold up, the GOP will become less relevant. The largest base that party will have is mid-state south. Meaning those GOP pols will likely become even more right-wing, leading to the increase us v. them mentality.
    Dale Fowler and Teri Bryant will actually appear to be voices of reason.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:35 am:

    - PublicServant -

    No one is looking to me to lead anything.

    Polling indicates 41% don’t like me, 59% *really* don’t like me.

    I know *exactly* where I stand.

    There’s leaders in the party, once they decide to dismiss the Raunerite leadership and dedicate themselves to be honest brokers to… well, honesty… and dismiss the phonies from the IPI and the Tribune Editorial Board from being the “conscience” of the party… then they can begin to look at districts, being the Reagan Rule party again, dismiss and discourage regionalism, and see Illinois in a positive light instead of constantly using terminology and policy words negative to the outlook of their own visions of the future.

    To bring it back to the post in this line of thinking…

    If you’re a Raunerite and you can’t grasp the idea that people are polling for safety and life, and not ignoring science and facts, those same Raunerites will long for the days of 44 and 19…

    When I’m invited to play golf with Tom Cross after this crisis ends, I’m sure a great deal of discussion will be how terribly the regional Raunerites misread the people here, and the pro-life folks willing to put peoples lives in harm… for money too… that discussion will begin and end with… will leaders finally realize… the only ones holding back Republicans in Illinois… are actual Republicans giving in to the phonies.

  9. - efudd - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:40 am:


    I don’t know. I understand it’s simply my perspective, but from what I’ve seen in my area and neighboring states, those Reagan Republicans have gotten pretty rare.
    Windhorst may be one, but it’s his first term and he’s stayed pretty quiet during all this.

  10. - Fighter of Foo - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:41 am:

    I think the polling is as skewed as it was for 2016 for Trump. The people that are answering are the ones that are eating up the fear on the news. Not the reality. The more testing, the less deadly this is showing. See California closing the beaches. That’s as Left as this state. People see that states are opening. Time to follow suit.

  11. - Just Me 2 - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:42 am:

    Are Bailey and Cabello receiving caucus staff support for their lawsuits (and corresponding PR)?

  12. - Norseman - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:42 am:

    === Not exactly a profile in courage there … ===

    I understand the politics, but at some point a leader actually has to lead. Especially, during an emergency as severe as the one we’re facing. Otherwise, you’ve become a leader in name only forced to follow the shrill of the extreme.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:46 am:

    ===…those Reagan Republicans have gotten pretty rare.===

    Rare isn’t extinct. That’s the hope.

    Maryland and Massachusetts are great examples for Illinois to understand that having Raunerites still in leadership won’t get you to those kind of places in those states.

    DeWine in Ohio, agree or disagree with many things, the leadership there looks at science as the real arbiter of any factual discussion. Looking at Georgia, that’s not happening there.

    Rare is different than extinct.

    Which leaders realize 44 and 19 isn’t because of Madigan, but because there’s an embracing to a want to be marginalized.

    With respect.

  14. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:46 am:

    My family has been in the party of Lincoln since Lincoln was a Whig. There is no party of Lincoln today.

    The Republicans have become the party of George Wallace. Not sure how we get a thinking Conservative party.

  15. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:47 am:

    Not exactly a profile in courage for not speaking out?

    Speaker Madigan picture is on milk cartons

  16. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:53 am:

    Larry Hogan, Mike DeWine and Charlie Baker have all provided a clear roadmap that Illinois republicans could follow in order to start winning elections again. Instead they line up behind Jeanne Ives and Darren Bailey and Jason “please don’t help my constituents” Plummer. Durkin must spend at least an hour each day banging his head on his desk

  17. - efudd - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:56 am:

    Fighter of Foo-
    The polls in 2016 for Clinton were spot on.
    This was a poll based on Illinoisans.

  18. - slow down - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 9:58 am:

    The “eastern bloc” as I understand it is made of up 4 far right, Trumpian legislators, and yet those 4 are leading the public conversation for the Republican party of a deeply blue state. You reap what you sow I guess.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:03 am:

    ===… yet those 4 are leading the public conversation for the Republican party of a deeply blue state. You reap what you sow I guess.===



    Lacking leadership to decide who the GOP is… that’s the measure.

    Illinois is NOT a deep blue state.

    The Raunerites leading have decided to not give voters a fair and reasonable choice to counter. The Raunerites have decided to “choose to be” unacceptable options.

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:06 am:

    === Speaker Madigan picture is on milk cartons===

    There’s ONE Governor.


    It’s deferential, it’s obvious he’s not speaking because the fools that are, the Raunerites, are misreading things so badly there’s the need to… “blame Madigan” again.

    It’s the most pathetic way to seem relevant… “Madigan”… finding a way to make it about… Madigan.

    You should start today over.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:08 am:

    === I think the polling is as skewed as it was for 2016 for Trump.===

    As noted, Trump got pummeled in Illinois, the polling was right.

    The polling was “right” in 2016 overall too… the electoral college saw the polling work in Trump’s favor in needed EC states.

  22. - walker - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:08 am:

    “”you’ve become a leader in name only forced to follow the shrill of the extreme.”"

    Well said Norseman

    A big challenge is to understand why thousands of well-meaning citizens are attracted to to the shrilll voices as well. Their own experiences of voicelessmess?

  23. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:13 am:

    =The more testing, the less deadly this is showing.=

  24. - slow down - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:14 am:

    OW, I’m not sure we’re saying different things. It’s the very lack of leadership you reference that has let the most extreme elements of the Republican party set the agenda.

    In a state which I view as deeply blue, and which I assume you would concede is more blue than red, it’s an enormous failure to allow the Darren Bailey’s of the party to become the public face on an unprecedented issue of public policy.

  25. - Fighter of Foo - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:16 am:

    OW.. Thank you for making me clarify. I should say, there are not alot of people I know then or now that have a Trump sticker or sign. But, they voted for him here as well. I think this topic is as or more polarizing. When asked, these questions, I don’t think we will see support for Trump no matter. Nor, do people want to say aloud what they REALLY think to a poll.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:17 am:

    === which I assume you would concede is more blue than red===

    No. No I do not.

    I look at the terrible candidates that have lost moderate districts and the thoughtless incumbents that lost Republican leaning districts.

    If you don’t factor in the candidates to these thoughts, that’s disingenuous to an assessment of the electorate too.

    With respect. Your point is made as well.

  27. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:23 am:

    Madigan is the perfect straw man for the ILGOP to attack. He has little or nothing to do with why the ILGOP is losing so badly. But rather than confront the real reasons, like not having policies voters want, protecting the richest at all costs, Trumpism, etc, the party just keeps attacking Madigan.

  28. - Louis G Atsaves - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:28 am:

    @Grandson, the people protesting on Friday had no interest in protecting the richest at all costs. You need to attend a few GOP meetings to get a feel for what is going on here.

  29. - Back to the Future - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:29 am:

    Yes, the Republicans are looking like a bit of a train wreck right now, but I think they can come back.
    Our Illinois constitution concentrates so much power in the Executive Branch that a change in those officers can put the Republicans back in a position to be effective.
    We are looking very Blue now, but I would not underestimate the number of moderate voters that still call Illinois home.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:31 am:

    ===the people protesting on Friday had no interest in protecting the richest at all costs.===

    Then what were they protesting.

    Be very specific. I have receipts and “pictures” if you really-really wanna discuss what was being protested.

  31. - efudd - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:35 am:


    I saw their signs. Lots of historians in that bunch.
    Lot’s of nasty words, images. Of course fascism was one of them.
    Was at Rural King this weekend. There was a staff member, wearing a mask, assisting a customer, wearing a mask, purchase a firearm.
    Fascism that ain’t.

  32. - efudd - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:37 am:


    The last Republican in the Illinois executive office did more for Democrats in this state than a hundred Madigans with a billion dollars.

  33. - Frumpy white guy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:37 am:

    I just can’t get the visuals out of my head. During this worldwide pandemic we have seen protesters carrying: weapons, confederate flags, hate signs. While gathering they ignored science and medical experts and have increase exposer and death to their innocent friends and family. This is the face of the Illinois Republican Party. See you guys in November.

  34. - Pundent - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:43 am:

    =We are looking very Blue now, but I would not underestimate the number of moderate voters that still call Illinois home.=

    I don’t think of us as very blue as much as I think that we’re anti-red. The Republican party has allowed itself to become the party of Trump. You’re either with him or not. And if you’re not, you’re a RINO. It has to be all or nothing and there’s a lot of voters that can find reasons to be turned off by this.

  35. - Annonin - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:51 am:

    Has anyone seen the downstate cross tabs for the Capt Fax poll?
    has anyone ask Ms/Mr Lucky Pierre outline his plans for legislature return

  36. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:53 am:

    “the people protesting on Friday had no interest in protecting the richest at all costs”

    The ILGOP certainly does, by unanimously opposing the graduated income tax and tax cuts for many if the richest get tax hikes. As the November election approaches, it will probably get pounded on this, keeping polling numbers low.

  37. - Fighter of Foo - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:55 am:

    Pundent- with a big side of Rauner being so anti union to a fault. People have been burned so badly by the R’s now in Illinois, it will set us back for a few cycles at least. It feels like there are no real moderate Republicans in Illinois. If the election for Governor was in November, I can’t think of one level headed member of the super minority that stands out. That hurts us all.

  38. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 10:59 am:

    “the people protesting on Friday had no interest in protecting the richest at all costs”

    So noted. Those selling the snake oil were not in attendance. Only the buyers.

  39. - Lynn S. - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 11:08 am:

    Good point, Ducky.

  40. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    “It feels like there are no real moderate Republicans in Illinois“

    Especially when every Republican legislator opposes the Fair Tax, not caring if so many in their districts would get a tax cut as long as the richest are not made to pay a modest amount more.

  41. - Frumpy white guy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 11:27 am:

    So how far away are we from a new Republican plan to keep Covid 19 from impacting our economy? Will they propose utilizing empty warehouses and facilities to house seriously ill patients denied care until they expire? Will they allow us administer pain killers?

  42. - Louis G Atsaves - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 11:34 am:

    ===Then what were they protesting.===

    Pay attention. They were protesting their loss of “liberty.” Don’t ask me to explain that one. Extremism running amok.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 11:39 am:

    === Pay attention===

    Oh Counselor,

    Reminds me of who Trumpkins are;

    I see them this way.

    Those who know the racial signaling and ignore it or say “that’s *not* me, but”…

    Those excited to openly express racism and use it to either try to bully or build upon the overt racism.

    Both are guilty. There’s no rational way not to condemn racist.

    ===Don’t ask me to explain that one. Extremism running amok.===

    Is this you ignoring, then saying “both sides”… Counselor?

  44. - Pundent - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 11:48 am:

    =Don’t ask me to explain that one. Extremism running amok.=

    At one point in time the Republican party would condemn this fringe element. Now it actively courts them and ostracizes those moderates who would dare disagree as RINOs. You can’t parse the two. I’m not sure how you win back the educated and suburban vote off of that strategy.

  45. - Roadrager - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 11:59 am:

    Very fine people, on both sides, hold up signs addressing a Jewish governor with swastikas and/or the slogan above the gates to Auschwitz, I am told. Many people are saying this. And you are hearing about it more and more.

  46. - Hamlet's Ghost - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 12:00 pm:

    === Speaker Madigan picture is on milk cartons===

    Precisely. And that’s why MJM is so good at politics.

  47. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 12:06 pm:

    =Madigan is the perfect straw man for the ILGOP to attack=

    Can someone remind me what that old saw about insanity was?

  48. - Pundent - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 12:55 pm:

    =Speaker Madigan picture is on milk cartons.=

    Given his success in tormenting Republicans to the point of becoming irrelevant, maybe his picture should be on a Wheaties box.

  49. - OpentoDiscussion - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 12:56 pm:

    Besides death my chief concern going into the future is the impact this is having on businesses. Even big businesses will soon suffer and this could be a long term disaster for the many small businesses that are the backbone of this nation And with that go jobs.

    Unless a vaccine is developed I am not hopeful.

    That is what is important and not the jabs against Trump or on other sites the jabs against Pritzker.

  50. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 1:14 pm:

    “Extremism running amok.“

    On this I agree, counsellor.

  51. - Logical Thinker - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 1:26 pm:

    People are voting with their behaviors. Anecdotally, throughout the state this weekend, people were out and about and hardly social distancing. What they tell a pollster and what they do are very different things. The more they get out and get away from the nonstop fear being promoted, the more the sentiments will change.

    And to preempt those who might take issue or offense with my statement on fear, for people under the age of 45 with no preexisting medical conditions, the risk factor is less than the seasonal flu. Furthermore, how are we supposed to gain herd immunity if we’re all locked in our homes? People are starting to figure this out.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 1:27 pm:

    (deep breath)

    Finally, to the post,

    Rich, great stuff. The context of where the party is at, where it’s coming from, what it’s trying to do *now*… and this polling… this is the type of analysis that keep me focused to the nuances and the show business, and where they are lacking a great deal in the party.

    “Help me help you”.

    I see the vacuum of political leadership not as those unable to lead, I see it with so many that are so talented that choose not to lead.

    I look at the Baileys, the Bournes, the Bryants, the Cabellos… some could be the talent and leaders Leader Durkin can turn to in these times to steer the ship away from the hurtful souls of the Skillicorns or the Wilhours…

    The real disappointment I have?


    Those who were the biggest Raunerites and ignore that history and think they weren’t hurtful, purposefully hurtful to this state.

    I’m not disappointed by those now refusing to be helpful, honest, politically savvy to science and polling. I’m not disappointed… these are them… showing who they are.

    The difference here? Life and death, science and faith, facts and wants. Those with Facebook silly, ignorance and faux anger to non-truths… they don’t disappoint me. It’s exactly who they are. If you’re fooled thinking “they’re playing politics, it’s just that the polling hasn’t caught up”… you’re probably not as smart as you think too.

    I remember in real time, on this blog, waiting for Leader Durkin to respond to the Bailey ruling;

    === Today’s ruling is the first regarding the Governors authority from his Executive Orders during this time of pandemic. I expect a quick appeal to the higher courts as this is a case of first impression and one that needs to be dealt with on an expedited basis. We will be following the case closely as it progresses.===


    It’s paying attention to who is where on things should reinforce who you should be disappointed in with this crisis.

    “Help me help you”.

    I know you have this, no one needs *my* help. You’re looking foolish and ignorant to facts and science all by yourselves.


  53. - OpentoDiscussion - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 1:34 pm:

    =for people under the age of 45 with no preexisting medical conditions, the risk factor is less than the seasonal flu.=

    The public needs more detailed information on what groups are being more affected. Perhaps it is more across the board that one hears about- perhaps not.

    My daughter in law works in a nursing home. Her county (McDonough) has seen a dramatic spike in cases but they are nearly all in local nursing homes and not in the general public.

    Is this true as a general rule or is this an anomaly? Other demographics that come into play? We need more info for intelligent decision making. And the public needs to be informed.

  54. - @misterjayem - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 2:28 pm:

    “how are we supposed to gain herd immunity if we’re all locked in our homes?”

    We’re not “supposed to gain herd immunity” — we’re supposed to stay uninfected and alive until a vaccine is developed.

    – MrJM

  55. - Pundent - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 2:53 pm:

    ==for people under the age of 45 with no preexisting medical conditions, the risk factor is less than the seasonal flu.=

    And if those people only had to worry about protecting themselves you would have a point. But this issue is bigger than any one of us. The healthy 45 year old can be asymptomatic and spread the disease to those that aren’t healthy and never know it. Until you can test that 45 year old and know who they’ve been in contact with staying at home is a reasonable request.

    Instead of discrediting the problem why not ask why we aren’t doing more about the solution?

  56. - cermak_rd - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 3:51 pm:


    Here’s the thing, for nursing homes to have spikes that implies that someone else had it who took it to the nursing home. The virus doesn’t just spontaneously appear in long term care facilities. These facilities simply have high risk concentrations and thereby make visible what is present. In the case of one of the cases in the central part of the state, it was a paramedic who brought it in. That paramedic got it from someone I would guess another patient. Who got if from someone. So it is clearly circulating in the environs in various parts of the state.

  57. - Logical Thinker - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 4:12 pm:

    “We’re not “supposed to gain herd immunity” — we’re supposed to stay uninfected and alive until a vaccine is developed.”

    Just to be clear, are you saying the quarantine should stay in place until a vaccine is developed in 9-12 months or longer? What happens to the livelihoods of millions in the state in the meantime? Where are they supposed to get their money and basic needs?

    “The healthy 45 year old can be asymptomatic and spread the disease to those that aren’t healthy and never know it.”

    This is no different than ANY virus but if that is the argument being presented then you are shutting down the economic abilities of people who almost certainly will never die or get sick from this virus. Additionally, you are stunting the growth of an entire generation for what?

    “Instead of discrediting the problem why not ask why we aren’t doing more about the solution”

    A vaccine is a long way off and even then how can we be certain of its effectiveness? People will begin to live their lives because no one wants to live in fear. They will understand the risks and take the appropriate precautions but they won’t continue to be told what they can and can’t do because they’ll just do it.

  58. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 4:15 pm:

    ===This is no different than ANY virus===

    I stopped reading right there.

  59. - anon2 - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 4:16 pm:

    As the suburban contingent of the state GOP continues shrinking, the Eastern Bloc will loom larger and become the face of the state party. That will insure there is no suburban comeback.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 4:18 pm:

    === What happens to the livelihoods of millions===

    You can’t un-die.

    I’m not visiting your business because “economy”

    This is the silliest thing…

    === Just to be clear, are you saying the quarantine should stay in place until a vaccine is developed in 9-12 months or longer?====

    Your ignorance to this whole thing, including dismissing this virus’ strength…

    We haven’t even had 14 days of decline.

    Not ONE state has had the 14 days of decline.

    The virus is hurting the economy, not the stay at home.

    You want others to get sick or worse for a dollar or two, without science.

    Show me 14 days of decline… then tell me your silliness again.

  61. - Logical Thinker - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 4:53 pm:

    To be clear, ANY virus is spread by asymptomatic carriers; we can have a discussion on whether this has a different impact on segments of the population but the point still remains that ANY virus is spread by people who may not have or develop symptoms and that was the point I was making.

    “The virus is hurting the economy, not the stay at home.”

    The stay at home has been lifted in other states. If/when their economies rebound, what will your argument be?

    “You can’t un-die”

    What is the death rate for people under 40 with no pre-existing conditions?

  62. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 4:59 pm:

    === What is the death rate for people under 40…===

    So if it’s “5” or “19” or that’s cool with you.

    See, life, you are deciding who is worth saving, who is ok to die… so you can have money.

    That’s a sad way to think you understand how things work.

    Let’s play your silly game. Let’s go in your dorm room.

    You pick the ok number, but everyone you care for and know must die first.

    See how ignorant you sound?

    === The stay at home has been lifted in other states. If/when their economies rebound, what will your argument be?===

    You measure dollars, I measure lives.

    Heck, according to you, anyone vulnerable, “too sad, so sad” and anyone that dies that isn’t vulnerable is an acceptable loss.

    Yikes man.

    If *your* money is worth more than a life…

    Asymptomatic… you don’t care, apparently, that a virus 24-40 times deadlier has the possibility to spread, as long as a business can open.

    Again… whew.

  63. - Pundent - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 6:21 pm:

    =People will begin to live their lives because no one wants to live in fear.= And yet an overwhelming majority are concerned that we’ll open the economy too soon. Testing remains inadequate and contact tracing is non-existent. Few states have even reached phase 1 of the federal guidelines. Other countries have addressed these issues and are reopening their economy. Your approach is to simply tell people it’s not that bad. Good luck.

  64. - Not a Billionaire - Monday, May 4, 20 @ 6:21 pm:

    They can’t go to their dorms they were wisely closed So they hang out at idiocracy protests or here

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* Misguided Insurance Regulation Proposals Could Increase Premiums For The Majority Of Illinoisans
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* IEMA, DoIT directors depart
* Sen. Durbin's dangerous idea could worsen the problem he wants to solve
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
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