Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Pritzker says yet again that Illinois is going it alone
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Pritzker says yet again that Illinois is going it alone

Monday, May 11, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

As Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker tries to meet goals for daily COVID-19 testing and contract tracing, he’s not banking on any help from the federal government, he said Sunday CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper.

“I have not been counting on the White House because there have been too many situations in which they’ve made promises not delivered,” Pritzker said. “Very recently they promised a lot of swabs, they’re supposed to arrive today, the first shipment of those, I’m looking forward to that. But what we’re doing is we’re going it alone, as the White House has left all the states to do.”

Illinois officials will continue to increase testing on their own, and are modeling contract tracing practices after Massachusetts’ approach, he said.

“We’ve had contact tracing across the state, we have county health departments that do that, we have our state health department which does that but what we’re now going to put in place and we’re in process is we’re imitating one of the great collaborative efforts that’s happened in the United States and that’s what’s happening in Massachusetts,” Pritzker said. “The Massachusetts contact tracing collaborative, we can do that in Illinois. We are, in fact. We’ve hired somebody who was at the CDC, who was an expert at their outbreak intelligence service and we think that we can have a massive contract tracing effort up in the next few weeks.”

I’ve already told subscribers what I think of the governor’s contact tracing claims. Bottom line: He greatly overstated the state’s progress.

Flashback to April 17th

“We’ve gotten very little help from the federal government. It’s fine. I’ve given up on any promises that have been made,” Pritzker said on CNN’s “Erin Burnett Out Front.” “I hope something will get delivered from the federal government, but I don’t expect it anymore.”

* More from the show

The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board wrote an editorial on Wednesday criticizing Pritzker’s Restore Illinois plan.

“He’s being more than just cautious. He has moved the goal posts… Pritzker’s state goal was to ‘get the outbreak under control’ — not eradicate COVID-19 completely… We don’t want his pursuit of the perfect outcome to unnecessarily delay the restarting of activities,” the board said.

Pritzker responded to the board’s editorial by saying they “did not read the plan.”

“The truth is, coronavirus is still out there. It hasn’t gone anywhere. We all are going to have to change the way we do things until we’re able to eradicate it,” he said.

“If the Chicago Tribune thinks everything is going to go back to normal without us having a very effective treatment, or a vaccine — they’re just dead wrong,” Pritzker added.

* Sun-Times

Asked why Illinois hasn’t yet seen 14 consecutive days of downward movement, the governor said the state’s cases are going up because of increased testing. He said his team is watching the positivity rate, the number of people entering hospitals and the number of hospitals available in the event there’s a surge.

“We’ve done a lot to make sure that we’re keeping these numbers moving in the right direction,” Pritzker said. “And we will not reopen unless we meet all the standards that I’ve set for doing so.”

* CBS 2

The governor said the guidelines of the reopening plan are subject to change, depending on how the outbreak evolves, and the recommendations of experts.

* The president’s apparent response…


  1. - James the Intolerant - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:13 am:

    Oakton Community College is offering an online training course for contact tracers that filled up immediately. I have not seen any jobs posted on IDPH’s site for these positions. THat would seem to be one of the early steps.

  2. - Touré's Latte - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:28 am:

    Is it possible to have a program where you text the business as you come in, leaving a timestamp? Would the public do this? The biz could upload their contacts to a central location. A sign at the entrance?

    No doubt missing something here, but it seems creating a record at the public locations is not a bad idea.

  3. - PublicServant - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:29 am:

    You need to be alive to take advantage of civil liberties. Seems some citizens out there need to start practicing their civil responsibilities in response to this public health crisis, instead of undermining their neighbor’s health.

  4. - Chicagonk - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:31 am:

    The most important thing is requiring masks be worn. This should be a requirement on public transportation and should be enforced. Disposable masks should be made available at every metra stop and L stop. Masks are just as important if not more important than contract tracing. There are a lot of restrictions that I do no think make much of a difference and should probably be removed, but masks are very necessary.

  5. - Demoralized - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:33 am:

    ==We all are going to have to change the way we do things until we’re able to eradicate it==

    I’m starting to be pulled to the other side of this debate when it comes to how we are handling this outbreak. You cannot possibly continue some of these measures until this thing is eradicated. I would be curious to see what “measures” he is referring to because you can’t keep some of this stuff up indefinitely. If he thinks masks are going to become the norm until this is eradicated he’s got another thing coming. People aren’t going to put up with it. You cannot wait for the perfect to go back to some semblance of normal. I’m not suggesting that time is now. But you definitely cannot wait until it is eradicated or there is a vaccine or whatever. The dam is about to break on people’s tolerance. There are already significant cracks. The best you can do is get the battle to a stalemate and then move on.

  6. - @misterjayem - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:35 am:

    “POTUS just retweeted an outdated story about Rep. Darren Bailey. Rep. Bailey withdrew his TRO and I don’t think he’s filed a new case”

    I wonder if Bailey will now file a new case in an Orwellian effort to comport with Trump’s tweet.

    – MrJM

  7. - Demoralized - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:36 am:

    He has been bellyaching about the federal government for a while now. Yes, they have completely fallen down on the job. But it is what it is. Whining about it doesn’t change things. Just get whatever needs to be done, done. I’m losing confidence in our Governor.

  8. - Teve Demotte - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:36 am:

    The Trump administration has been an abject failure in every aspect of the Covid 19 response. That being said, after three months it should be apparent that the federal government is not a reliable partner and therefore the State of Illinois needs to employ every resource it can to exponentially increase the number of people tested on a daily basis. No doubt JB is in a tough spot and I applaud him for trying to get a handle on this. The production of test kits (that are effective and not defective) and the logistics of testing as well as contact tracing is the key to both the statistical/mathematical progression of the virus and forms the basis as to when the state can return to some semblance of normal and mitigate the long term economic damage. Who is responsible for this within the administration? Not knowing all that is happening, what is preventing the state from testing 200,000 people per day? Illinois has some of the top pharmaceutical, medical and supply chain companies in the world. How involved are the CEO’s of these companies with assisting JB’s administration in what should be an all hands on deck approach to maximize testing? Is the governor maximizing every available resource to obtain and produce test kits to the scale necessary and then have the infrastructure to test to the scale needed? JB has laid out benchmarks that need to be attained, my concern is that from an administrative perspective that we are still struggling with the testing and test kit production and logistics. Why?

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 9:41 am:

    Maybe POTUS hasn’t seen Mr. Bailey’s plan that seems to be getting mixed reviews (credit for having *a* plan is a given)

    When your own status is being a tweet, which is inaccurate to status, or “Fake News” if you will…(Mr. Bailey withdrew) then you know you’ve been absorbed by the Trumpkin ways.

  10. - Fighter of Foo - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 10:01 am:

    Demoralized… You are not alone. To put us behind New York opening, which essentially JB is doing doesn’t pass the smell test. In the 2 states that are open (Texas and Georgia) in our system, the applications for the open positions have surged.When things open, you see how bad the economy really is. Folks here are still sorta following the stay at home. Wait til the weather turns.

  11. - Fighter of Foo - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 10:06 am:

    2 things can be true at once. Orange man bad. JB has jumped the shark.

  12. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 10:06 am:

    ===To put us behind New York opening===

    They got hit harder and sooner. You don’t use current New York numbers to reopen this state.

  13. - Rich Miller - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 10:07 am:

    …Also, New York may have two week increments, but those may be much more difficult to reach than IL’s four-week increment.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 10:10 am:

    If there is anything to learn, globally, opening just to open… even if it’s opening with a plan… infections rise.

    England learned the hard way, South Korea is learning now and may back down on opening more, even closing other things.

    Money over life… that’s the ball game.

    How do I know?

    Legal immunity as not just a discussion, but a want.

    This isn’t jumping any shark, this is preventing Illinois from being “Shark City”

  15. - @misterjayem - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 10:22 am:

    “If he thinks masks are going to become the norm until this is eradicated he’s got another thing coming. People aren’t going to put up with it.”

    This has gone on for no more than eight (8) weeks.

    The United States’ participation in combat during WWII lasted for 178 weeks.

    I think we can all stand to wear masks and socially distance to keep our neighbors safe and healthy for a bit longer.

    – MrJM

  16. - ZC - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 10:27 am:

    Gotta say I’m a bit alarmed, the folks here who seem to think that it would be a great surrender if most small retail business reopened in phase three but people still had to wear masks.

    The primary purpose of masks as I understand it, isn’t so much to prevent your own infection, as to help prevent unwittingly infecting somebody else, like the poor cashier behind the counter.

    God forefend, we get most of our small businesses up and running this summer but we lose our god-given right to possibly kill their employees by refusing to wear a piece of fabric in public. That really would be the death of liberty.

    OK I’m snarking and rude but … masks? -That’s- what got some people so mad? Those masks might help save IL’s economy.

  17. - Loofa - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 10:59 am:

    I don’t know what pritzker is complaining about. We’re getting a blue angel flyover and that’s gonna cure everything

  18. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 11:13 am:

    “OK I’m snarking and rude but … masks? -That’s- what got some people so mad? Those masks might help save IL’s economy.“

    If a mask is an inconvenience I have to endure to help save fellow human beings from sickness and death in a global pandemic, how light my burden is.

  19. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 11:14 am:

    Illinois is going it alone?

    Except for the 3.4 billion in Federal money received so far.

    Where is the transparency to see how wisely JB spent the money?

    Taking constructive criticism even from his own party is not his strong suit.

  20. - Demoralized - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 11:22 am:

    ==I think we can all stand to wear masks ==

    People aren’t going to wear masks until there is a vaccine. That’s just a fact. You seen the violence that has gone on thus far? It’s not worth it.

  21. - cermak_rd - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 11:36 am:

    The violence has not gone on here in Illinois. If other states are half way houses with a minority of utter loons, fine, that’s their problem. I don’t see the big thing with a mask. People in Asia wear them all the time. It’s normal. If we all get in the habit of wearing them, we might see a decline in flu cases too! Any anyway what’s wrong with them? I have a snazzy Aztec pattern on mine.

    Besides it’s a relief not to have to smile at people.

  22. - the Patriot - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 12:11 pm:

    What’s the plan? At this rate another 6 months will still have more than 10 million Illinoisans not infected. The economy will collapse and you cannot suspend Constitutional rights perpetually for a virus that kills less than 1% of health people.

    Other states just accepting reality while Pritzker runs for President.

    If you think people care about a few people dying, more American have been shot in Chicago than in Iraq and Afghanistan since 911 and it has yet to affect the outcome of a single election.

    While intellectuals on this site may profess sacrifice for the greater good, society does not agree.

  23. - Huh? - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 12:14 pm:

    “It’s not worth it.”

    Which is the best of 3 options:
    1. Wearing a mask?
    2. A life long chronic lung injury caused by covid19?
    3. Being dead from covid19?

    You pick which is best for you. I’ll take #1.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 12:19 pm:

    === Other states just accepting reality while Pritzker runs for President.===

    In 7 years? You have *way* too much time and tin foil around you. Geez, Louise.

    === cannot suspend Constitutional rights perpetually===

    It’s 30 days, you have faking down like a European soccer player. Your drivel is Facebook worthy.

    === If you think people care about a few people dying, more American have been shot in Chicago than in Iraq and Afghanistan since 911 and it has yet to affect the outcome of a single election.===

    Where to begin…

    “If you think people care about a few people dying”

    Your family first. Your friends first.

    “more American have been shot in Chicago than in Iraq and Afghanistan since 911”

    Yeah… in 9 weeks more have died due to coronavirus than in the entirety of the Vietnam war… 9 weeks.

    “and it has yet to affect the outcome of a single election.”

    What election have I missed?

    Fresh air, wear a mask.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 12:21 pm:

    === What’s the plan?===

    The governor released his plan.

    I can’t help your willfully ignorant or blissfully unaware of the obvious.

    Good try.

  26. - @misterjayem - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 12:22 pm:

    “People aren’t going to wear masks until there is a vaccine. That’s just a fact. You seen the violence that has gone on thus far?”

    WWII was very violent. Most people still did the right thing because it was the right thing to do.

    While some people may be more selfish or cowardly than their grandparents, I don’t believe that most Americans are.

    “It’s not worth it.”

    It’s not worth wearing a mask to protect my family and other people’s families?

    – MrJM

  27. - @misterjayem - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 12:27 pm:

    “While intellectuals on this site may profess sacrifice for the greater good, society does not agree.”


    YOU don’t agree.

    YOU aren’t willing to sacrifice for others.

    Own it.

    – MrJM

  28. - Oswego Willy - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 12:31 pm:

    === While intellectuals on this site may profess sacrifice for the greater good, society does not agree.===

    Polling disagree with you, not with those choosing life over money.

    Also, what - @misterjayem - said.

    Own it. It’s who you are as you try to trivialize life.

  29. - Grandson of Man - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 12:58 pm:

    If the stay at home order breaks it would be when most people decide, not just the endlessly-screaming right wing super-minority.

    I repeat, in the most elitist way possible, if wearing a mask to help save fellow human beings, including myself, from increased suffering and death in the middle of a national pandemic is oppression, I gladly accept that bondage.

  30. - ChattyHam - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 1:35 pm:

    To date, due to verified COVID-19 related deaths, the state has lost more citizens than the entire population of Riverton, Illinois. The current death toll is also more than the respective populations of East Dundee, North Barrington, Caryle, and Cairo. This is scary.

  31. - Demoralized - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 2:34 pm:

    ==It’s not worth wearing a mask to protect my family and other people’s families?==

    I wear one every time I go out and will continue to do so. I’m just saying that given the violent way some are reacting to this requirement it may not be worth it. There is no need for people to get killed because someone won’t wear a mask. It’s a sad commentary on the behavior of our fellow man.

  32. - Demoralized - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 3:32 pm:

    ==What’s the plan?==

    There is a plan. You can’t read?

    ==while Pritzker runs for President.==

    You’re continued insinuation that the Governor is doing all of this for political purposes just shows why nothing you say should be taken seriously

  33. - 44th - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 4:06 pm:

    “go it alone” is not re assuring. machismo old west talk. Keep plugging away dude, and dont think for a sec. we won’t need federal dollars so get on it and dont be a drama queen.

  34. - Flapdoodle - Monday, May 11, 20 @ 6:51 pm:

    –you have faking down like a European soccer player–


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