Open thread
Friday, May 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* House Democratic Conference Chair Rep. Kathleen Willis on Facebook yesterday…
I will be traveling to Springfield for a few session days to pass a budget and needed COVID related legislation. Before we go it has been advised to get a COVID test even though I have no symptoms. There is no drive thru testing in DuPage county. Perhaps that may be one reason there is a perception that DuPage does not have as many cases. It took me all afternoon to set up to be tested tomorrow morning and that is by going to Melrose Park. The DuPage appointment only sites could not do anything until next week. It should not be this difficult to get a test!
Please keep it Illinois-centric and try to be nice to each other.
- Downstate - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:03 am:
What price would you be willing to pay, out-of-pocket, to get a Covid test that determines both the presence of anti-bodies and the virus?
- Bill Brasky - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:05 am:
Why are legislators being tested nearly a week before they come to the State Capitol? Doesn’t that leave 5 days before they arrive to become infected?
- Precinct Captain - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:05 am:
What if the feds sent the right size swabs and individually packaged them?
- MSIX - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:05 am:
We’ve noted that Edgar county has no cases reported. Then we read that they’ve done a whopping 292 tests. If you don’t test, you don’t know. I guess that’s a good policy for some folks.
- The 647 - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:10 am:
Her district includes most of Melrose Park.
- Chatham Resident - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:17 am:
Thankfully they’re returning before the remaining state employees working in the Complex (me included) return to work on June 1.
If they have to return in June or anytime else this summer before veto session, I recommend that they meet on weekends.
- Titan - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:17 am:
My kids had most of the symptoms, but they weren’t severe. They couldn’t get tested in DuPage (they tried the drive through site but the people were starting the line at 4.00 am and within minutes of the 8.00 am opening time, the daily limits were met.
- the Edge - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:19 am:
One big question: will office’s require their employees to be tested before they are allowed back into the office? If that’s the case it seems like there has got to be a lot more testing sites opening up. Plus, what constitutes the pecking order to get on the list to be tested? It looks like I may be home for some time to come.
- NotRich - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:20 am:
why are they meeting?? Jesus.. who wants to walk on the floor with those nut jobs from the eastern bloc?? Durkin’s crew should be forced to meet in a closet without masks
- Smalls - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:20 am:
Paramedics can’t even get in to be tested in DuPage County. The only way for them to get tested is to walk into an emergency room. The system is broken, at least in DuPage County.
- Pundent - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:21 am:
Yep. Testing is the linchpin to all of this. We’re now doing over 20K tests a day which is well above the national average. And we still don’t have adequate testing, by a long shot. Which is why these cries of looking at regions and counties differently are meaningless. You can’t tell me that one area is safer than another if you aren’t doing adequate testing. Clearly everyone that wants a test can’t get one. At least not easily.
We need to open up the testing economy.
- Chatham Resident - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:21 am:
Not to change the subject, but how are all of you doing weather-wise this morning in Chicagoland and northern Illinois? Heard that parts of northern Illinois and the suburbs were slammed with severe weather (major wind damage in Paw Paw; heavy rain/flooding in Chicago and suburbs).
Nothing in Chatham until around 3AM this morning; just moderate/heavy rain (no severe) for about 3 hours afterwards.
- 32nd warder - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:22 am:
not sure what rep. willis is talking about. the president has said that anybody who needs a test can get a test. a perfect, beautiful test. however, some people might test negative today, but positive tomorrow, and there is, unfortunately, no explanation for this.
- Give Me A Break - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:23 am:
Mrs Give Me A Break this morning to me: “so they don’t anything for weeks but decide to return just in time to make sure you can’t take next Friday off giving you and others a chance for a four day weekend. what is wrong those people?”
- Chatham Resident - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:23 am:
==One big question: will office’s require their employees to be tested before they are allowed back into the office?==
In the memos I’ve received from my office (part of Secretary of State), I haven’t seen anything mentioned about being tested before you return to work. Unless I missed it. If that’s the case, it will be hard/nearly impossible to get tested before June 1 in the Springfield area.
- SouthSide Markie - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:24 am:
Try the Markham test site. I’ve gotten tested there and know others who have too. We’ve all had the same experience: Minimal to no wait (i.e., finished in 15-30 minutes). The National Guard and State Police who staff this site do an incredible job.
- Stuff Happens - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:25 am:
And now we’re finding out that the Abbot ID NOW test may be returning false negatives, so even getting a test may not meaning anything.
- The Most Anonymous - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:29 am:
My takeaway here is legislators are finally experiencing what their constituents have been concerned about for months.
- Lucky Pierre - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:30 am:
TDS at it’s finest
20,000 tests a day in Illinois but President Trump is to blame for no drive through testing in Du Page County not the local elected officials.
- Trying to Be Rational - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:32 am:
32nd Warder: Trump is full of it.
- SAP - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:33 am:
Edge: You’ll be able to go to work even if you cannot get tested. Guidance from IDPH website:
Do Not Work if You Are Sick
You should not report to work if you are experiencing symptoms of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), including fever (100.4° or above), cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, chest tightness, extreme fatigue, loss of sense of taste or smell, diarrhea, muscle aches, or headaches.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, stay home and call your doctor.
- Trying to Be Rational - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:33 am:
If they can’t develop a reliable test, what makes anyone think they can develop a vaccine in less than several years?
- thunderspirit - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:41 am:
== We need to open up the testing economy. ==
Well played.
== My takeaway here is legislators are finally experiencing what their constituents have been concerned about for months. ==
Agreed. I appreciate that the State has ramped up testing, but more continues to be needed.
- the Edge - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:45 am:
thanks SAP. But if I’m one of those who are systematic, will I be a super transmitter to my fellow coworkers? It still seems that a test should be given to everyone going into the office.
- Candy Dogood - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:46 am:
=== it has been advised to get a COVID test even though I have no symptoms.===
I have a lot of questions about this, for example, was she advised by a physician? If so, why would a physician have advised this? Has she recently been in contact with a known COVID-19 infection?
Because if this isn’t the case, it sounds like this election official is seeking a test even though she does not meet the IDPH’s guidelines for requiring a test.
“I’m an elected official and I have session next week” isn’t a good reason to get a test.
I think this deserves some follow up.
- DuPage Saint - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:46 am:
There is a site in North Aurora right be art 88 ten miles from Naperville if that. Run by National Guard. I got tested there. Got in line at 9am out at 2:30pm. Not kidding a 5 and a half hour wait. But I hung in.
- Lt Guv - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:56 am:
== I have a lot of questions about this, for example, was she advised by a physician? ==
Candy, it was a condition each legislator agreed to in the terms of the special session. Her phrasing here was poor. It wasn’t “advised.” It is required.
- Demoralized - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:58 am:
All the legislators were advised to be tested I think because of the fact they will be in a large group. Also all government workers can now ne tested. No other requirement other than you are a government employee
- Logical Thinker - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:58 am:
At some point, we’ll have to stop the fixation on number of positive cases. Covid will spread to billions of people; this is inevitable. If the metric we are going to use is number of positive cases, we are absolutely doomed. The far right winger Nate Silver has been preaching about this for weeks.
- SAP - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:58 am:
Agreed Edge. Too bad they still need to ration the tests
- BC - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:58 am:
@SouthSide Markie
Yes, the National Guard site at Markham is the place to go. I went there Tuesday and got through the line in less than 20 minutes — no appointment, no questions asked. I’ve recommended it to several others who reported similar wait times Wednesday and yesterday. It’s right off of I-57, so easy to get to. Exit at 167th Street and go right on Pulaski.
- Been There - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 9:59 am:
== I have a lot of questions about this, for example, was she advised by a physician===
I think that is part of the protocol for the GA going back. They all get tested before they go
- Eloy - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:01 am:
Sorry we are busting up your four day weekend, @give me a break, what with all the budgeting, COVID relief, and emergency legislation, in a convention center that is requiring Herculean effort to be stood up as a house chamber by staff risking their health. We’ll do better by you.
- Chatham Resident - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:10 am:
Although today is Friday (and I should have mentioned this earlier in the week) and it will be ending after tonight, say what you want about local newscasts in the Springfield/Decatur/Champaign TV market. But it was quite refreshing to have a commercial-free newscast on WAND-17 Decatur (NBC) this week. All the more reason to switch from Channel 20 if possible.
- Pundent - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:19 am:
=It still seems that a test should be given to everyone going into the office.=
While it’s going to play out differently by industry and company I would expect that working from home will become the default until everyone can be tested. Offices may reopen but they won’t be anywhere near normal capacity.
If there has been a silver lining in this its that many companies now realize that they can still be productive with a virtual workforce. I expect that the need for offices as we’ve historically known them will be reassessed. If for no other reason companies are realizing that they can greatly reduce their overhead with the work from home model.
- Donnie Elgin - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:19 am:
It took me all afternoon to set up to be tested tomorrow morning
I’ve had an HMO for years and that is par for the course for just about medical treatment .
- Chatham Resident - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:23 am:
Similar to the flu shot, if possible could CMS and the state organize State Employee COVID-19 testing at state facilities? Only for those current and retired state employees with State health insurance (e.g., Health Alliance, Blue Cross, etc.).
- Pundent - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:27 am:
=If the metric we are going to use is number of positive cases, we are absolutely doomed.=
I would agree with this to a point. The more important metrics are hospitalizations, ICU, and ventilator usage. We have a resource allocation issue. We have to manage the spread of disease so we don’t exceed our available resources. Knowing the number of positive cases helps to some extent as we do need to be able to effectively isolate and trace. But that’s largely to ensure that we can keep our serious cases in balance with our available resources.
- thoughts matter - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:45 am:
I am a government employee. No one has told me that I can be tested just because. Testing legislators(which number less than 200) is much different than testing tens of thousands of employees. We will have our temperatures taken upon entry. Various social distancing measures will be in place.
Is it going to be an uncomfortable feeling being around people in these circumstances all day every day? Yes.
- Candy Dogood - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:48 am:
===I think that is part of the protocol for the GA going back. They all get tested before they go===
Gotcha, so the Legislators get to be screened and have all of their co-workers screened before they go back to work but other employees of the state — and in the state — don’t get the same benefit?
Will IDPH be releasing an official list of people more important than me that can get screened for no reason other than being more important than me?
- Rich Miller - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:51 am:
===don’t get the same benefit?===
Take a breath.
Nobody is arranging these tests for legislators. Obviously, as the FB post clearly shows, they have to find tests on their own. Also, they’re deemed essential workers. All essential workers are eligible for tests, subject to availability.
- Demoralized - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:55 am:
==I am a government employee. No one has told me that I can be tested just because.==
It’s in the latest IDPH testing guidance.
- Candy Dogood - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 10:59 am:
===It’s in the latest IDPH testing guidance.===
Well, I stand corrected.
- Demoralized - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 11:00 am:
You can only definitely get them at one of the DPH drive thru sites. Private sites can still limit who they test so you want to call first if you aren’t going to a DPH site.
- Johnny Tractor - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 11:07 am:
Her frustration is one of the reasons why the closing of the Bloomington test facility is so puzzling. All acknowledge that testing is critical going forward, so why shut down a facility that was starting to achieve +100 tests daily, and was growing (once they developed and publicized consistent testing rules)?
- JSI - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 11:12 am:
While DuPage County is slightly below the state average on testing. There are some counties of far downstate Illinois that are 4 TIMES lower than the state testing average and that of Cook County.
- Practical Politics - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 11:23 am:
Seriously? Representative Willis is from a district which includes precincts Melrose Park (where the nearest testing site is located).
What an inconvenience for Willis! Should the test center have been set up in her own front yard?
- Candy Dogood - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 11:39 am:
===You can only definitely get them at one of the DPH drive thru sites.===
Oh — I meant I stand corrected because legislators are government employees and as such are included in the current guidelines.
Even so, I am at the point in my life where it is easier to stay home than it is to get my brain tickled. I am also the kind of ethicist that doesn’t want limited resources to be expended on me when there is no other reason than to make me feel better about my personal situation.
- RNUG - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 12:15 pm:
Saw a report where 2 restaurants in Arthur have reopened after telling the local Health Department they intended to do so … being investigated.
- the Patriot - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 12:23 pm:
==Perhaps that may be one reason there is a perception==
Uhh, it took you this long to figure out they were not testing in some areas. Still not in rural Southern IL. That is how it gets in an entire facility before the first test is positive. JB decided we didn’t need tests and as we all know JB knows best.
- Demoralized - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 12:25 pm:
== we all know JB knows best.==
Some of you really need to grow up.
- Chatham Resident - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 12:51 pm:
I think the issue “Should State Employees get COVID-19 testing at work?” from CMS (and all the health insurance providers) would be a great Question of the Day. Similar to the annual flu shot clinics in October-November.
I did find out the hard way about 10 years ago about getting a flu shot elsewhere than at the state employee clinics. Since I was going to be out of town at a work-related conference the day of the Howlett (and maybe also Stratton) flu shots, I decided to get it at one of the Springfield Walmarts a month prior to the state clinics. I don’t recall paying anything that night, but a few weeks later I get a letter from Health Alliance saying that they’re not going to cover the Walmart flu shot. Even after I called them to explain I wasn’t going to be able to get it the days the clinics were offered at the Capitol Complex. Ended up owing them about $40 or so for something that normally would be free to insured state employees.
That–plus potentially long lines–makes me wonder if there should be COVID-19 testing offered to all state employees. If that makes me a Covidiot for thinking that way, then so be it.
- Practical Politics - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 1:05 pm:
@The 647:
Agreed. Representative Willis’s posted comment comes across as being incredibly tone deaf. I can sympathize with legislators from other areas who have no testing available nearby.
- Last Bull Moose - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 1:08 pm:
Perspective counts. My oncologist was not greatly alarmed by Covid 19. In his world a 98% survival rate is wonderful.
- Proud Sucker - Friday, May 15, 20 @ 4:19 pm:
===We’ve noted that Edgar county has no cases reported.===
Been monitoring EC as well. Alas, the Watchdogs have failed. Today there is a positive test.