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Question of the day

Thursday, May 28, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I asked yesterday if you were planning to eat at a restaurant soon. Are there any other public activities you plan to do when the state moves into Phase 3 tomorrow?

By the way, I checked with the governor’s office today and all regions are still on track.

…Adding… The governor just confirmed that all regions are on track.


  1. - Homebody - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 1:53 pm:

    I’m waiting for Lori to tell me what I’m allowed to do.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 1:54 pm:

    I may golf… Tom Cross?

  3. - Just Me 2 - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 1:57 pm:

    Going to a smaller gym where the owners are moving some of the equipment that isn’t too heavy to the parking lot.

  4. - TheSeeker - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 1:59 pm:

    Thanks for checking on the status of Phase 3 with the governor’s office. I’m surprised that the Central region is on track since the data at shows % Hospital Admission Change since May 1st at +2%. The little needle on the dashboard for that metric is pointing at Phase 2 as well. I’m guessing revised data will come out today showing either flat or negative % Hospital Admission Change since May 1st which will put the Central region back on track for Phase 3. And to actually answer your question, I’m hoping to visit a few of the previously closed state parks in Phase 3.

  5. - SSL - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:00 pm:

    Golf even more. If it doesn’t rain too much.

  6. - JoanP - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:02 pm:

    Bookstores (banned punctuation). And libraries. I miss browsing.


  7. - Rural Stuff - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:03 pm:

    Already ate at a restaurant this week, in Indiana. Plan to get a haircut and provide a larger than usual tip.

  8. - Dysfunction Junction - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:04 pm:

    Old Lux on Friday night, sailing on Saturday - weather permitting.

  9. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:05 pm:

    Golf. Travel a little. Have a couple of road trips planned. Anyone think AirBNBs are noticeably safer than hotels? My wife seems to think so, but I’m not convinced.

    Still not terribly eager to get on the Brown line to go downtown, but it looks like I won’t have to make that decision anytime soon. I’m lucky that I can work from home and still be productive-ish.

  10. - tully monster - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:06 pm:

    The same thing I’ve been doing all along. There are going to be way too many people out and about this weekend and next, and I don’t want to add to the throng. My husband and I are going to be continuing to stay home through June, although we might chance a weekday paddle at a state park.

  11. - Lake County Mom - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:09 pm:

    Because of health and age reasons, I won’t be going out in public until a safe and effective vaccine is produced. Two problems with that strategy; 1. I am unable to trust the federal government. Trump is just as likely to promote an ineffective vaccine because he has a financial or political interest in it. 2. Flu related vaccines often only protect a percentage of people who receive them. I’m likely to be in the group which has a high failure rate for protection.

    This may be my life for years to come.

  12. - Mama - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:09 pm:


  13. - @misterjayem - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:10 pm:

    “Are there any other public activities you plan to do when the state moves into Phase 3 tomorrow?”


    – MrJM

  14. - Dome Gnome - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:11 pm:

    We’ll be cooking from home for years to come. I’m awaiting the “vaccine hors d’oeuvre.”

  15. - Nick Name - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:11 pm:

    It’s our anniversary on Sunday but neither one of us is too enthusiastic about going out.

  16. - "Old Timer Dem" - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:12 pm:

    Golf as much as possible while it is allowed. The experts seem to think this virus could get bad again in the fall.

  17. - the Edge - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:18 pm:

    Invite guests to the house; maybe play cards.

  18. - Soccermom - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:18 pm:

    47th — We were forced from our home by a remodeling project gone tragically awry. We are staying in a rental house. When I was looking for a “bolthole,” as a friend called it, I wanted a house — not a hotel or a condo, or anything else that has a shared hvac system. So I’m with your wife on this one

  19. - Wensicia - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:22 pm:

    No, it’s best to be extra careful with my medical issues. I get plenty of time outside mowing the lawn and other yard work. And one trip to the grocery store each weak (early AM, not many shoppers).

  20. - Strannik - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:23 pm:

    Check out library books, shop at Women & CHildren First and other bookstores.

  21. - GregN - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:23 pm:

    Haircut Saturday morning, massage (I hope) Saturday afternoon.

  22. - 44th - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:27 pm:

    tennis, golf, dinner outside on a very large patio. youth baseball starting back up, at least practices.

  23. - Keyrock - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:28 pm:

    Walk the dog, and dodge the people without masks who won’t socially distance, then hunker down, Like every other day,

  24. - Live Wire - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:30 pm:

    A fire in the patio hearth, drinks on ice and supper on the grill in the backyard with my better half.

  25. - Nearly Normal - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:34 pm:

    I have an appointment with the gym for Friday for a workout. There Will be a limited number of people at at one time.

    Also have an appointment for a hair cut on June 6 with the same person who has cut my hair for over 15 years. We will both have masks on. No blow-drying.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:36 pm:

    To honestly answer… I don’t know what I’m going to do different, golf included.

    I might wait a week or so… see how things roll out.

    I’ll look forward to see how businesses and patrons of all stripes and types work out the kinks as this moves forward.

    The weakest business and/or patron can ruin things and all the good done so far.

    An extra week, for me, to watch… that’s the plan for now.

  27. - dbk - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:37 pm:

    I’m in a country (Europe) which is in the equivalent of a guarded “Phase 3,” though with far fewer cases/deaths than Illinois.

    Hadn’t been to a restaurant in over three months (since Feb.), but a very close friend had a birthday today, and invited me out for a birthday lunch.

    It was really hard. We (a) know the owner and trust him; (b) were seated outside, (c) were served by a single waiter, appropriately masked.

    We were the only party at the restaurant - and this is a country where people eat out all summer long, and where normally restaurants are jam-packed on a nice day in late May.

    It’s not Illinois, it’s the virus - people are very hesitant, and so am I. And this in a country with an R factor of 0.3.

  28. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:37 pm:

    I would go to a local beer garden, but I highly doubt there will be much social distancing there. Maybe I’ll pop in just to see if it might work out, but I doubt it. People already aren’t wearing masks and I’ve had to ask multiple young people to back off when behind me in line at the gas station.

  29. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:39 pm:

    I’m looking forward to going to our little public library with my 10 year old. He’s a massive bookworm and it was one of my favorite things to do with him. There never more than five or six people in the place to begin with so not too worried.. But this will be the first time since school was closed he’s been out of the neighborhood for anything other than a drive by birthday parade.

  30. - Frank talks - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:40 pm:

    You go first and test the water, I just ate, I’ll jump in a little bit later.

  31. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:41 pm:

    I have haircut/color appointment for Monday. I won’t go to the gym–thankful that I bought a Peleton that was gathering dust; have been on it for 10 weeks straight now. I dusted off an old treadmill also.

  32. - The Most Anonymous - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:41 pm:

    I’ve already golfed a few times and look forward to continuing that. I’m not interested in eating or drinking out anytime soon unless there are disposable cups, plates, silverware. I have a hair appointment scheduled for next week.

  33. - bhartbanjo - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:42 pm:

    We’ll be dropping in at the village public library. Looking forward to it.

  34. - 47th Ward - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:45 pm:

    ===So I’m with your wife on this one===

    Good point about HVAC I hadn’t fully considered. Thanks. Also, if a hotel has an indoor pool, there’s no way we could keep the kids out of it, so it’s best just to take the temptation out of the question for them.

    Sorry to hear about your unplanned home away from home experience. Stay safe,

  35. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:45 pm:

    Folks around where I live are choosing to deliberately not social distance, and they’re choosing to deliberately not wear face masks, and businesses are choosing to deliberately not require masks for entry or to actually enforce the things written on their signs, and the local elected officials and local law enforcement are choosing to not do anything to implement the public safety standards put forth by the CDC and the IDPH.

    I presume that what is true today will be true tomorrow and I presume that within my community the virus will continue to spread, but now it will accelerate.

    One hundred thousand and the people that I pay to protect me are doing nothing.

  36. - cermak_rd - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:46 pm:

    Get some beer from Binnys delivered via instacart and cook steaks on the grill.

    I do not plan to get out until I have to and right now I am keeping active enough that I am not bored. I am blessed in being able to work from home. I can order anything I need to be delivered. I have the clarinet and German studies to keep my mind engaged and I have recently discovered some German language true-crime series on youtube.

    And when I do occasionally start to get antsy I remember some words someone once said, the virus does care if you’re bored, it doesn’t care if you want to be with your friends…

  37. - JS MIll - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:46 pm:

    Probably golf if there isn’t a crowd. I know a few places that usually are not busy during the day so I will try them.

    Has anyone noticed that those without masks seem to be trying to get a reaction? Maybe it is a rural thing? Just seems like some of these folks are aching for a confrontation, which I just don’t have time for.

  38. - Bob Loblaw - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:48 pm:

    I’ll be visiting a couple family, but still way too many people ignoring basic health/safety procedures for us to tempt fate at a restaurant or other local businesses. Big bummer too, I was really relying on community support to get this thing going. Now it’s a political football and I’m unfortunately in a county that decided to thumb its nose at health and safety

  39. - AC - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:51 pm:

    The only thing I might do is run or hike with a friend keeping 6 feet apart. I have been doing that solo since March. I have no intention of going near anywhere with a lot of people.

  40. - illinifan - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:53 pm:

    Curbside pick up works great and will continue to work for a while to come

  41. - Crabby - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:56 pm:

    My wife and I discussed this yesterday… Aside from phase 3 compliant haircuts for all of us, I don’t think we are going to do anything additional in this new phase The haircuts make me nervous enough. There are too many question marks regarding this virus, and my wife and I are both essential workers who have been working throughout the stay at home order. We want to keep our exposure and that of our kids as low as possible. We are thinking we will reevaluate when our region achieves phase 4. But, right now, I’m totally onboard with a socially distant summer.

  42. - Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:59 pm:

    Oh one more thing. This weekend we will be going to see my parents. Its’ been since March and we will visit while in their driveway and keep our distance. I want to see them before more people start bumping into each other and I worry more about what I’m picking up as they stay home. Can’t wait to see them.

  43. - Chicago Debs - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:05 pm:

    I plan on continuing some limited drive through and curbside pickup.

    I would like to take the kiddos to walk around the outdoor exhibits at Brookfield or Lincoln Park zoo. If that happens this summer, I’ll be happy.

  44. - Langhorne - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:16 pm:

    Weekday Errands—dog food at farm center, 2 carryout salads, assemble ingredients for a couple big batch meals/grilling.

    Tuck a couple sardines or blue cheese in my Tshirt pocket to encourage social distancing. Not going to restaurant or haircut for a while.

  45. - Soccermom - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:24 pm:

    I went to the grocery store for the first time since March 13. I was freaking out — so many people without masks, including the majority of employees. No panels at checkout. I was starting to panic, because I couldn’t find the three things I was there to buy (hadn’t been there before.) I won’t be back in a hurry. Instacart, it’s you and me now.

  46. - Chicken Bristle - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:25 pm:

    * shared hvac system *

    The virus is not airborne, at least to the point where it can travel in an air duct.

    To the post, anything I can get away with.

  47. - Earnest - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:38 pm:

    Long and stressful work hours don’t leave me a lot of time or energy for other things, but when I have the time and the pep I’d really enjoy a hike at an uncrowded state park.

  48. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:47 pm:

    =sailing on Saturday=

    Not in Chicago.

  49. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:48 pm:

    =I’m waiting for Lori to tell me what I’m allowed to do.=


  50. - Dotnonymous - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:57 pm:

    I just took a short ride to and from the pharmacy…only a few people wearing masks or socially distancing…asymptomatic is more than a ten dollar word?

    This pandemic will only end with a vaccine…until then…anyone’s guess is as good as mine.

    I predict…doom.

  51. - NorthsideNoMore - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:03 pm:

    Get hair cut and deep tissue massage ASAP please !

  52. - Token Conservative - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:05 pm:

    I’ll get my hair cut, but I’ll probably wait a couple of weeks for the rush/practices to get figured out.

  53. - Huh? - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:07 pm:

    Grocery shopping, walks around the neighborhood. Will not be dining in anytime soon. Curb pick up or delivery only. Sheba wants help planting her garden, so whatever the Mistress of the Wide Blue Horizons wants me to do.

    Waiting to get word on when to report back to the office. Expect mid to late June, probably with split shifts and continued work from home.

    In case you are wondering, Sheba is ancient Aramaic for She Who Must Be Obeyed. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  54. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:12 pm:

    Haircut and work from office.

  55. - Token Conservative - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:15 pm:

    ==Grocery shopping==

    Whole Foods delivery may be the thing that keeps me from ever going into a grocery store again.

  56. - striketoo - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:19 pm:

    With regard to haircuts. You are as safe as the health status of the last person (or last ten persons) whose hair was cut. In other words, not very.

  57. - Soccermom - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:20 pm:

    Chicken Bristle — we don’t really know how the virus travels. We also don’t know much about HVAC systems in hotels and condos, so we don’t know how much fresh air comes in versus recirculation.

    There’s also the issue of shared space in hallways and other areas.

    I just feel more comfortable in a house right now.

  58. - bowwow - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:21 pm:

    Wife and I going out to eat with a couple onSaturday. Out to eat with another couple on Sunday. Can’t wait

  59. - DownSouth - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:24 pm:

    Weather permitting, documenting via photography the opening of the gates at Kaskaskia River SFWA. From an appropriately safe distance and of course wearing my mask. It feels almost a lifetime ago that the gates at Pyramid locked behind me as I was ushered out. After that - a quick trip about Kaskaskia and Pyramid both from the safety of my vehicle and appropriately avoiding any other folks, with again mask handy if that should not be possible. Other than being able to access those two areas of public land (both vast and mostly empty) my routine won’t be changing any for a couple of weeks yet.

  60. - Pundent - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:30 pm:

    Same thing that I’m doing most days. Hoping that we’re continuing to take the right steps to get ahead of this while realizing that we’re only as strong as the weakest who may continue to throw caution to the wind.

  61. - benniefly2 - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:35 pm:

    Maybe get a haircut in a few weeks after some of the crowds have thinned out a bit. Other than that, we plan to keep to continuing to mostly keep to ourselves for the time being.

  62. - flea - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:39 pm:

    I’m going to stick with fishing for a bit

  63. - Retired Educator - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:42 pm:

    Shop in some local businesses that were forced to shut down. I am sure they can really use the business. We will be wearing masks for a long time. I am immune compromised due to an organ transplant, so we don’t feel like taking undo risks.

  64. - JDuc - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:56 pm:


  65. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 4:59 pm:

    Oops, hair appointment for Monday just cancelled. I think the salon jumped the gun as Chicago not moving to Phase 3 until June 3. I will be sporting the Cruella De Vil look a little while longer.

  66. - DAllan - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 5:11 pm:

    Haircut scheduled for Tuesday but only take out and delivery from restaurants

  67. - tea_and_honey - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 5:20 pm:

    I’m planning on staying at least two weeks behind each new phase just to see how things plan out. My hair can stay up in a ponytail for a few more weeks.

  68. - RNUG - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 5:42 pm:

    Probably try to get haircuts next week.

    Maybe take a few more drives, but it hasn’t stopped us before now. Since Mrs RNUG has a number of the high risk factors and I have one, we’ll keep doing take-our and using our masks. Probably keep grocery shopping during senior hours.

    Speaking of drives, took a long one yesterday. Stopped near East Peoria for gas, etc. Nobody wearing masks there except us. Went to Menards when we got back to Springfield. Not only were they requiring masks and supplying sanitized carts, they get extra credit for wiping down the credit card machine after every customer.

    Relative cooks at a restaurant that has already reopened. I’ll get their take-out, but not dining inside right now. I’d think about outside but they’ve been mobbed.

  69. - GDUB - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 5:49 pm:

    A world of nope.

  70. - zatoichi - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 6:49 pm:

    Having joined the over 65 club and taking blood pressure meds, I am in no rush to change the routine of of the last two months. Grocery store and take out are working.

  71. - Flapdoodle - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 7:08 pm:

    cermak-rd –

    For your German study, Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen’s heute-show on YouTube is also a good bet for tuning the ear to conversation with current slang and buzz words, sort of like a mix of Stephen Colbert and John Oliver — watched a lot last fall to brush up prior to a trip

  72. - Not ready yet - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 7:22 pm:

    No haircut, no manicure, no restaurant, nobody. Still concerned about all these folks I’ve seen at the grocery store with no mask, no gloves, no concern about other. I am.

  73. - RNUG - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 10:34 pm:

    == Still concerned about all these folks I’ve seen at the grocery store with no mask, no gloves ==

    No gloves doesn’t bother me. Most people don’t understand the proper way to use gloves … single use to avoid cross contamination. Almost everybody is better off just using sanitizer.

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