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You’re making it too easy to mock you, Allen

Thursday, May 28, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Fox 32

A Republican lawmaker says he will try to put something on this fall’s ballot that has never been there before: a referendum giving Illinois voters a chance to fire their governor.

Governor JB Pritzker seems unconcerned, perhaps because there is not much time left to meet all the requirements for a first-ever recall election in Illinois.

After the arrest and impeachment of Rod Blagojevich, the Illinois Constitution was amended to allow voters to throw out a governor in the middle of his term. An outspoken critic of Pritzker wants him to be the first ever.

“Not much time left”? Time has nothing to do with this. The recall process is not tied to the November election. If Rep. Skillicorn can convince 30 legislators, at least 15 of them Democrats, to sign an affidavit and can then obtain 636,825 valid petition signatures within 150 days, the State Board of Elections sets the date for a special election, which would be “not more than 100 days” after the petitions are certified. It’s all right here in the state constitution.

* Hannah Meisel

Skillicorn is unlikely to get any Democratic buy-in from his colleagues in the legislature, but even Republicans are loath to sign the petition. So far, Skillicorn confirmed he has signatures from State Reps. Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville), Blaine Wilhour (R-Beecher City) and Darren Bailey (R-Xenia), who was voted off the House floor — with help from 12 Republicans — during lawmakers’ first day of special legislative session last week for not wearing a mask.

A GOP source who asked not to be named pointed out that Bailey has introduced more than 100 bills during the current General Assembly and has passed none of them.

“Allen’s energy would probably be better spent in his district this summer,” the source said. “He hasn’t had much success passing a bill so I don’t think he will be able to build a coalition on this issue.”

Even if he were to get past the affidavit stage, gathering 636,825 signatures within 150 days would be an enormous challenge, especially as social distancing measures to defeat Covid-19 are still ongoing. Former Gov. Bruce Rauner was able to gather 591,092 petition signatures for an ultimately unsuccessful ballot measure for legislative term limits while he ran for governor in 2014, but Rauner had spent lavishly on the effort using his personal wealth.

Skillicorn described his effort as “grassroots” and said he’s “only worried about the 30 legislators at this moment,” saying thinking about gathering hundreds of thousands of signatures was “premature.”

Halbrook, Wilhour and Bailey? That’s not even the entire Eastern Bloc, for crying out loud.


  1. - Leslie K - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:35 am:

    I’m not sure there are 30 legislators who would return his call, let alone sign his affidavit.

  2. - EA/WR - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:36 am:

    “So you’re saying there’s a chance…”


  3. - Keyrock - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:40 am:

    I’m still wishing there was a like button on this site, so I could push it. That guy is such a phony.

  4. - Les Nessman - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:40 am:

    Allen Skillicorn lied and said he was in Springfield voting on important pieces of legislation. Instead he was in a parade 200 miles away. No mention that the person leading this effort is less then honest.

  5. - Shytown - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:42 am:

    I have to LOL a little bit about this guy considering that the legislative inspector general found that he lied about being present for votes when he actually wasn’t. That sounds more like a reason for a recall then his shoddy claim against the governor.

  6. - John Labaj - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:42 am:

    Rep. Skillkorn has a great Demo candidate challenging him in the 66th. Her name is Suzanne Ness. If you frustrated at Rep. Skilldorn’s stunts send some buck her way.

  7. - efudd - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:45 am:

    Is this guy really that hard to beat?

    According to Ballotpedia his primary opponent got nearly a third of votes cast.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:45 am:

    Mr. Skillicorn could best use his time by putting on a loop “Red Dawn” on his tee-vee and tweet screenshots of foreign occupation.

    This is a time for serious people.

    Mr. Skillicorn has never been a serious legislator, he’s the ringleader of the Hateful Eight, and even this lunacy only got 3 of the Eastern Bloc 5.

    Thing is… Mr. Skillicorn’s type of hate… he needs a grievance to gin up his super-super minority support, or… he needs to be an alleged aggrieved party to the ridiculousness that is grandstanding.

    He’s a pulse with a voting key on the floor of the House, not much working between the ears except to try to divide to seem engaged.

    Mr. Skillicorn has nothing with this stunt. It’s good others in the press are calling this out.

  9. - High Times Low Standards - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:47 am:

    Gotta raise money some how.

  10. - SAP - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 9:49 am:

    Skillicorn, Bailey, Halbrook, and Wilhour have passed 4 bills during the 101st GA. Combined.

  11. - unspun - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 10:03 am:

    Ever-woke Skillicorn blazed the trail of remote voting before it was chic, all while shaking hands and kissing babies in a parade 200 miles away. It’s difficult to imagine why 176 other legislators haven’t leaned on the untapped resource of his prophetic cerebrum in crafting a bill allowing for remote voting.

  12. - Not saying but just saying - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 10:13 am:

    The one bill Bailey did pass as chief sponsor raised the fines for illegally passing a school bus, so he’s succeeded in increasing government and the revenue government brings in

  13. - Jocko - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 10:19 am:

    Darren Bailey: “I want to pull a pointless stunt that will further marginalize the ILGOP.”

    Allen Skillicorn: “Hold my beer.”

  14. - Norseman - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 10:20 am:

    === A GOP source … pointed out that Bailey has introduced more than 100 bills during the current General Assembly and has passed none of them. ===

    Interesting that we have an affirmation as to Bailey’s ineffectiveness and evidence that he’s considered a joke by at least some of his fellow GOP.

    As for Skillicorn, he’s lucky his political stunt is being covered by the journalistic B-team. The A-team, like Rich, has and will continue to point out the unlikelihood of the recall. That’s why a lot of people thought the recall amendment was a joke to begin with.

  15. - Sayitaintso - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 10:23 am:

    Skillicorn makes a charge at the enemy citadel, only to look back and find he only has 3 hapless doofs clopping behind.

  16. - revvedup - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 11:02 am:

    To OW’s Red Dawn post above: Don’t give him any ideas; he would corrupt a great 1980’s Cold War movie by equating contact tracing and stay home orders with an armed invasion of America. As for the recall attempt…

  17. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 11:16 am:

    This is a good time for the Dems to recognize that if some of them sign on to that affidavit these yahoos will be spending time and resources trying to do this, or have to abandon it and acknowledge it was a farce.

    This will also steal most media attention and force any candidate with the GOP, serious or otherwise, to weigh in on the topic of whether or not they want to remove a very popular governor that has done a very good job with our pandemic response and won just about every district they find competitive.

  18. - Pundent - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 11:30 am:

    I can’t give Durkin a pass on this. By allowing Skillicorn, Bailey and others to engage in these stunts it ends up defining the ILGOP platform. The party has never been more irrelevant and the minority leader is sitting on the sidelines.

  19. - JS Mill - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 11:37 am:

    I am guessing the Futile Four had a meeting and it went a little something like this..

  20. - d. p. gumby - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 11:54 am:

    total load of Trumpian hooey.

  21. - Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 12:00 pm:

    We should probably ignore this…after all the Representative insists he’s not looking for publicity.

    Certainly not…

  22. - Frank talks - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 12:09 pm:

    Don Quixote chasing at windmills. Yet there is no admiration for the Skillicorn character in this novel.

  23. - Concerned Dem - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 12:26 pm:

    While the Skillicorns and Baileys of the of the House GOP are fun to laugh at now, the sad reality is that it won’t be too long until one of them ends up as the leader of their ever shrinking caucus. When that happens their lunacy will become legitimized and it will no longer be funny (see Donald Trump).

  24. - Annonin - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 1:38 pm:

    Speaking of mocking….get a look at who is funding the Cabby law suit. Proft will w&_)() himself
    Occupation: CEO
    Employer: ULINE INC 1396 N WAUKEEGAN RD
    LAKE FOREST, IL 60045 $5,000.00
    5/27/2020 Individual Contribution
    Citizens for John M Cabello

  25. - M - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 1:44 pm:

    It appears Mr. Skillicorn must be related to Mr. Trump.

  26. - @misterjayem - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 2:48 pm:

    Since Mr. Skillicorn is so desperate for attention, perhaps he could try a kicky new hairdo.

    – MrJM

  27. - John Lopez - Thursday, May 28, 20 @ 3:10 pm:

    OK, what are the petition requirements to get my name on the ballot as an independent in the 66th district? Courts reduced it, didn’t they? 😃

    And people want Congressman Massie in KY-04 to be voted out for grandstanding & faces a primary challenge on the 23rd of June?

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