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*** UPDATED x2 *** Pritzker says federal judge denied church TRO request

Sunday, May 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Comments now open.]

* Background is here if you need it. From Gov. Pritzker’s media briefing today

A northern Illinois church that sued had services today with more than 100 people. Will there be consequences?

    I understand that their temporary restraining order was denied in court. I heard that just a few minutes before coming out here. And so they shouldn’t have been having services at all except if they were in groups of 10 or less.

    Again, this is temporary, and people need to understand that, especially faith leaders that keeping your parishioners safe is the most important thing that you can do your leadership matters here, and we’re not stopping you from praying we’re not stopping you from connecting with your parishioners what we are trying to stop is the spread of this invisible killer.

I’ll update when I know more.

*** UPDATE 1 *** From the court

Plaintiffs The Beloved Church and Stephen Carrell filed a motion for temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction on 4/30/2020. In their motion, Plaintiffs seek injunctive relief to permit them to gather for worship at their church on Sunday, 5/3/20, despite Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order 2020−32 (dated 4/30/2020). The Court ordered expedited briefing, and Defendants filed their responses at 5:00 p.m. on 5/1/20, and Plaintiffs filed their reply at 2:00 p.m. on 5/2/20.

After due consideration, the Court denies Plaintiffs’ motion for temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction. The Court will issue a written opinion and order explaining its ruling shortly.

*** UPDATE 2 *** The Sun-Times has a very good story about the ruling. Click here.


Pritzker warns of scams - Addresses boater protests in Fox Lake - Says data requested is online - Points out (again) that public transportation is a local issue - Seriously asked if contract tracers will have arresting authority (they won’t) - Explains (again) why antibody results aren’t being counted yet - Explains difference between barbers and pet groomers - Points out he’s not negotiating federal package - “COVID-19 is causing this” - Asked if Illinois was going to do a stimulus program like the feds did - Says ISBE has issued graduation ceremony guidelines - Says no final decision made on extending implementation of hotel panic buttons - Believes state has enough ventilators in case of another surge - Kushner comment “a little bit inaccurate” - Look at positive testing rate, not total test numbers - Hopes plateau doesn’t last too long, but doesn’t know - Addresses violence in Peoria - Admits more messaging needed for young people of color - Explains DCFS policy - Church TRO denied - Out of state travel to visit dying family member is allowed

Sunday, May 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Comments now open.]

* Among other things, the governor warned the public today about COVID-19 scams

Reprehensible bad actors continue to use this public health emergency to prey on others. We’re hearing reports of cyber scams, telephone, email and text-messaging scams, counterfeit COVID product offers, bogus door to door offers of COVID tests and of COVID products relating to coronavirus, solicitations for donations to phony charities related to COVID-19 and fraudulent efforts to obtain federal relief funds.

The Attorney General will not hesitate to use the authority of his office and partnerships with state, local, and federal law enforcement to hold accountable anyone seeking to profit off of this pandemic. To the scam artists, you will be caught. And you will be prosecuted. I’m urging all Illinois residents vigilant and to report any COVID-19 scams, to the attorney general’s office.

As always, please pardon all transcription errors.

* On to questions for the governor. I’ve been told there’s also some protests going on up in Fox Lake because of the boating restrictions… only two per boat. What do you say to people who are protesting the two per boat rule? Is there any opportunity for potentially families who have more than two to not have to do that?…

Again, the enforcement is up to local law enforcement. We’re asking them to do that. And I would remind the people that are doing it that look it’s the data that tells us that if you’re in a group of a large group of people in a small space with, you can’t maintain a six foot distance between each person in a party, then you shouldn’t be together in that space. And many, many boats, most boats that people can afford, don’t really make room for more than two people. We wanted to make sure that people want to go fishing can do so, that’s certainly an outdoor activity that everybody enjoys many people do anyway. And so that was the intent of the limit of two people, also the idea that if you can’t maintain the six foot distance you’re putting yourself and your family and your friends in danger.

* Is there any opportunity for the state to include the number of cases and deaths at [nursing home] facilities in the daily briefing that you do?…

We provide it online, it’s available at the IDPH website. So rather than go through the cases in each location. It’s all there for people to access.

* What about the public transportation in Chicago, what is being done these days to keep people from catching COVID-19 on the trains on the buses here in the city?…

That’s obviously the responsibility of the city and the CTA. We are talking to them and to the RTA and Pace about designing sanitization processes that will work as we begin to reopen non essential businesses there’s we’re being to reopen the economy and more and more people want to take public transportation. So we want to make it safe for everybody and. And the best way to do that is to let the system design something and present it to the public health and their own local county public health and City Public Health officials.

* Amy Jacobson from wind has two questions for you. First off, you mentioned on Friday that you’ll be hiring 3000 contact tracers. Will they have any arresting authority, if some people refuse to [stay at home]? [That is one paranoid person]…

No. […]

The idea here is simply to let them know they need to self isolate to make sure that they get tested themselves. We want to contact everybody so that we can slow the spread here so people aren’t just walking around thinking that they have never come in contact with somebody and probably don’t have it when in fact they may have been in close contact with someone

As you know, hundreds of people are getting the antibody tests right now. Are you counting those who have tested positive from the antibody tests in your daily totals for COVID-19?…

No, first of all because the antibody tests are very unproven. There are lots of these tests that have a false positive or false negative rate that is unacceptable.

And so until we have a very proven method of doing antibody tests wouldn’t be useful for us to use those numbers. Having said that, we will going forward as tests are available that have that efficacy. We will be reporting or looking at those we may even be initiating those for the state itself. But we don’t include those numbers now in our numbers of people who have tested positive because it’s really a different thing right one is how many people are testing positive on an ongoing basis we talk about each day how many new people. And that’s really something to keep an eye on the total numbers of people less important to keep an eye on because the truth is, we haven’t tested everybody in the state. And no state has, and the numbers that get reported are really a function of how many tests we do. So we’re looking at the new positive tests and comparing those to the total number of tests that were done for that day, and it gives us a positivity rate that we want to track so but antibody tests will be important when they get more efficacious.

* Can you explain the reason why some businesses are now being allowed to be open and others are not. Such as, why hair salon, barbers, nail salons not being open but dog and pet groomers are?…

The idea is that dog and pet groomers don’t have to come within six feet of a human being that may have COVID-19.

But at a hair salon, it would be nearly impossible for somebody to perform a haircut on somebody without being very very close to them. So that’s an example. I’m not a doctor and, and I do ask the epidemiologists and experts about these things and that’s what I understand is the difference between why a dog groomer for example and not a barber.

* Greg Bishop: The President’s economic adviser today said there could be a relief package for state and local governments that there are some concessions sought including reversing sanctuary city policies. Republicans have pushed for pension reform and local government unfunded mandate relief before Illinois gets federal funds to plug budget problems that existed before the pandemic. What concessions are you willing to give in on an exchange for federal aid?…

Well, I’m not negotiating that package. I mean I’m the governor of a state, not a Senator or Congressman. But I certainly would say that we should try to leave politics out of this, and instead look at what the damage that’s been done to all the states, those were represented by Republicans those who were represented by Democrats and try to help them all of us fill the hole that’s been made by coronavirus.

Greg Bishop: Have you asked for an analysis of the economic societal and health damage that you acknowledge your shutdown is having an Illinois to compare that to the health impacts from COVID-19?…

I haven’t sought out an assessment. I will say that there are lots of organizations, I think the University of Illinois put out some information like that, lots of folks who are trying to estimate what the future of our economy will look like going forward. And so I look at those certainly.

But to be clear and I know the way the question is phrased it’s as if someone caused this. The reality is that COVID-19 is causing this. The fact that it is a new coronavirus, the fact that virtually well most of the states almost all of the states, put in a stay at home order are lots of restrictions, because the mitigation efforts were necessary because so little preparation was made. And it was very difficult for anybody to get a handle on this early on. So, you know, it will be interesting to see what the damage that was done by the virus was in retrospect, at this point it’s almost impossible to measure.

* Is there any plan for the state to put together a stimulus package for the people of our state, such as what the federal government did for the whole country? [Illinois can’t print money, but whatevs]…

I would say we are trying to look at those, you know how can the state be helpful all across state. I mean one of the things I’ve talked about is our small businesses. We obviously also need to maintain and even build up our public health resources as well as providing health care services to people. So those are all things that will help to rescue people in the state. But to do more we really will need support from the federal government directly to our state revenue line. And that’s why we’ve asked for help and that’s why virtually every state in the United States has gone to the federal government to look for a replacement of lost revenues.

* Less than 48 hours after the Galesburg High School announced plans to have an in-person graduation ceremony, Illinois State Board of Education put out an order banning any such ceremonies. If a school district can have an in-person ceremony for a class of 2020 in a socially distant safe and responsible manner, why not allow the school districts to give the students the closure they want? In this case, parents and students voted overwhelmingly that they did want the actual graduation ceremony…

I think as of yesterday, the Illinois State Board of Education actually put out guidelines so that there could be graduation ceremonies. And they try to make it available to people to organize something that would maintain social distance and following epidemiological suggestions about how to do it. Because look I’m as concerned as anybody to make sure that people have at least something to celebrate their graduations. I mean it’s a sad fact that many seniors, high school and college seniors aren’t going to be able to have a usual graduation. So we want something special for everybody and so the Illinois State Board of Education has put out guidelines for that.

* What are you hearing from Washington and the White House in regards to the next relief package and to what extent it might help city and state governments?…

I regularly speak with people in Washington. I was on the phone with the Minority Leader of the senate just yesterday and have spoken with are the actually the Minority Whip in the senate that’s our senior Senator Dick Durbin. And so I get regular updates and it looks like there is real support on the Republican side. And near unanimous support of democratic side for support for the states. And I would say near unanimous support by governors for support for states as well as local governments. And I’ll just add one more thing, I really think it’s important that we address the challenges of smaller local governments and not just those that have 500,000 or more people in them. We have a lot of cities and counties across the state that need help. And that’s true in most states. So I’m fighting hard for them too.

* I understand you’ve made a commitment to signing an executive order to delay the deadline for Illinois hotels to install so called panic buttons, which was included in a package of anti sexual harassment legislation passed last spring. The sponsor say they’ll pass a bill to put off the deadline when lawmakers return to Springfield, but in the interim you’ll likely have to take executive action. When will you sign the order and how long will you put off the deadline?…

A final decision hasn’t been made about that. I do support those panic buttons so they’re very important. And that’s something that I, you know, have fought for was happy to support as candidate as well as the governor.

* On a lighter note, Hannah would like to know if you’ve heard about the murder hornets…

I have heard about these Hornets that apparently are ravaging bees. And so all I can say is that I’m allergic to bee stings, so I’m not sure if I’m not sure what it means for me but I will say we have a lot of challenges. I’m somebody who has been staying at home working every day and so on, haven’t had time to spend, focusing on the murder hornets.

* Based on reports from around the country, no states are short on ventilators. Could that change and how does Illinois stand on its supply in case of a possible surge in the fall?…

When this pandemic came upon us, we looked at the inventory, ventilators looked at the numbers that were being used in places like Italy in Spain and elsewhere and in China, and said we don’t have enough ventilators. And so we began a process to make sure that if we couldn’t bend to the curve that we could keep people alive. And so we sought out ventilators wherever we could. The state of California was kind enough as they started to bend their curve to offer us 100 of their ventilators which was great, but we only had about 2200 in the state total. And we needed, according to the models that we had looked at back then. You know that unless something changed we might need more than 4000.

So, as it turns out our stay at home order and all the other restrictions, the mitigation efforts that we put in place, have worked. And so we do not need all the ventilators that we thought we would we have in fact sent the hundred back to California so that they could be sent to somebody else who may need them. And we are hoping that the ventilators and we’ve acquired a number of ventilators just since then we have over 3000 of them now. We hope that that inventory and the fact that there’s a lot of availability right now will be enough in case there is another surge.

* Jared Kushner told The Washington Post on Saturday with regards to testing, quote, The biggest thing holding us back is not supplies or capacity, it’s the state’s ability to collect more samples. Is that true for Illinois? Why or why not?…

Well, to collect samples is just one piece of the puzzle to get tests done. You need machines, yes we have machines that exist in the state of Illinois though they don’t belong to the state. They don’t belong anybody except private enterprises, typically or private nonprofit hospitals.

And so getting access to those machines and their capacity is one thing you need to accomplish and other is you need the swabs, and that’s the ability to take a sample. That’s true. We need swabs, we don’t have enough swabs and we’re getting more from the White House actually we’re getting some more this month. But you also need viral transport medium and you need the reagents that are necessary to run the test. So if you have all of those things, by the way you also need more lab technicians to run the machine so you can run all these, so I just mentioned at least four or five pieces of it.

So I would say that the statement by Jared Kushner is a little bit inaccurate, but I am glad that there is a recognition that that we need more of the pieces of the puzzle to to get the testing done, because it’s true.

* Cook County is now the county with the third highest number of cases in the US, being only behind New York, can you share any insight into why Cook County numbers are so high?…

Because we’re doing a lot more testing than most places in the country and that’s the truth. So that’s why I would discourage people from just looking at the gross number of tests that are being done in a state or in a county. We have built up our testing, I mean today was our highest ever at 19 plus thousand.

And just a few weeks ago we were at four and 5000, just two weeks ago, I think, and we intend to go higher. Many other places are choosing not to test, which means that they don’t show new tests. I mean sorry, new cases, because if it’s not a confirmed case, it doesn’t get counted usually.

So I would just say that I would ignore a little bit about the gross testing numbers, and instead look at the positivity rate. How many people did we test among the people we tested how many tested positive? That is a number that ought to be going down for us that’s varied between about 21 and 15%. We want it to go down even further, it’s an indication that there is a lower infection rate across the state.

* How long can a plateau last?…

I hope it doesn’t last too long.

But it’s unknown. This is a new Corona virus and different states, different localities are experiencing different curves. But I’m hoping that we’re in a flattened curve. Now I’m hoping, again, you just know that by watching it day in and day out, and that we begin to fall off that curve and our numbers begin to decline.

* More people are ignoring your stay at home order and gathering in large groups, but some gatherings are ending in violence. 200 people were together around 3am before a man was killed in a double shooting in Peoria. What do you suggest local leaders do to enforce your order when people are going out regardless?…

Well, again, I mean I certainly don’t want to put anybody in danger by suggesting that law enforcement needs to go break up a group of 3000. On the other hand, it is against the order and law enforcement does have that ability.

What I would say to people in Peoria and elsewhere in East Peoria etc. is that there’s a reason why we put these orders forward. It’s to keep people safe, it’s because this virus really knows no boundaries. One person in the middle of that 3000 can cause many others to get infected and each one of those people has the ability to infect others. And so we won’t know really for a couple of weeks how many people in Peoria have gotten sick, because people were irresponsible and got together. And I am sorry to hear that there was violence attendant with all that, but people should follow the rules here and in relatively short order we’ll begin to see , as the economy opens up things will get better for everyone.

* A recent Tribes story showed a disconnect between young people of color and the media and government. What can or should officials be doing to better reach young people of color to warn them about COVID?…

Yesterday, you saw that I had with me Jamal Cole from an organization here in Chicago that does tremendous work working with young people in the African American community. And then the Latino community, to many of those leaders have the ability to speak I think forcefully to their colleagues, their peers to convince them, so they understand that this virus can attack somebody in their 20s, just as it can, or in their teens just as it can somebody who is 40 years old or over.

And the fact is that we need to do more messaging around this, people need to understand how serious it is. And look, even if you think you’re invincible and you’re in your 20s, here’s what can happen. You could get coronavirus and not suffer very badly from it, but you will be carrying it around and giving it to others. Do you have a grandmother, do you have a parent, do you have a friend who is older than you who has a comorbidity who might have diabetes or has heart disease? You’re putting them at risk when you are willing to ignore the rules that we’ve put in place here.

* DCFS has ended visits for parents with children in foster care. Advocates across the state say DCFS should not have a blanket order and allow parents to have in person visits with precautions. Do you think accommodation should be made?…

We certainly are looking, I mean DCFS is looking at all the accommodations that they can make. And so I am you know sad for foster parents and kids can’t get together, the biological parents and kids are getting together. DCFS has created though, video conferencing and other methods for contacting for getting those folks together, so they can at least have some ongoing dialogue, in place of getting together personally. But look this is about protecting people and we don’t think this will go forever. This in fact is something that we’re trying to get through to make sure that as people get sick we’re not over-running the hospitals, and that we’re able to develop a treatment. So, this is really about a relatively short period of time in which there is difficulty accommodating those kinds of visits, but we’ll try to work through them best we can.

Pritzker was then asked about the church which asked for a TRO against the governor’s EO. He said the TRO had been denied. Click here for more info and any updates.

* We received a question from a listener who says a relative is dying of cancer and lives in Colorado. Would it be legal to travel there to help family?…

There’s nothing that stops a person from going to Colorado to be with their family member.

But, you know, I would just say that there are a lot of, if you’re driving, there a lot of places that you would need to stop along the way, and be extraordinarily careful. There are airplanes that are still flying, you have the ability to get on an airplane. Again, I think most of the airlines are requiring face coverings now. So it’s really a matter of whether you can do it safely. That’s the most important thing. Nobody’s going to arrest anybody who’s, attempting to get to a family member who’s ill.


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2,994 new cases, 63 additional deaths

Sunday, May 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pritzker at today’s briefing…

Today we’re reporting 2,994 new cases for a state total of 61,499, which includes many individuals who have already recovered. 97 of our 102 counties have known cases of COVID-19.

19,417 new tests were reported over the last 24 hours. That’s our highest number of tests ever performed in a single day.

And I’m deeply saddened to report that 63 lives were lost in the last 24 hours to COVID-19, for a total of 2618 fatalities in Illinois since the beginning of this pandemic. May their memories be for a blessing.

In terms of the number of COVID-19 patients and assumed COVID-19 patients in the hospital in any condition, whether mild or serious., as of midnight last night that number was 4701, of those 1232 are in the ICU and 759 of those ICU patients are on ventilators.

I’ll post the press release when it’s available.

…Adding… Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 2,994 new cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 63 additional deaths.

    - Cook County: 2 males 40s, 3 females 50s, 3 males 50s, 4 females 60s, 7 males 60s, 1 female 70s, 9 males 70s, 5 females 80s, 5 males 80s, 4 females 90s, 4 males 90s

    - DuPage County: 1 female 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 female 90s

    - Jefferson County: 1 male 80s

    - Kane County: 1 male 70s

    - Lake County: 1 male 30s, 1 female 70s

    - Madison County: 1 female 60s, 1 male 90s

    - Monroe County: 1 female 90s

    - Will County: 1 female 70s

    - Winnebago County: 1 male 50s, 1 female 60s, 1 female 70s, 2 females 90s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 61,499 cases, including 2,618 deaths, in 97 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have processed 19,417 specimens for a total of 319,313.

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The hollowing-out of state government: IDES

Sunday, May 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’ve been meaning to post this thread for days and never got around to it.

One important note: Manar states that Illinois spent $288.8 million on IDES in Fiscal Year 2008 vs. $275 million this fiscal year. But he didn’t adjust for inflation. Doing that would show Illinois spent $338.89 million in adjusted dollars in FY08, which is $64 million more than this fiscal year, an almost 19 percent historical reduction. As far as agency operations goes, current spending is almost $34 million, or 17.5 percent below where it was in FY08 after adjusting for inflation

Back in February, Gov. Pritzker proposed adding 226 new staff at IDES “to improve administration of the Unemployment Insurance Program.” That was the second-highest proposed headcount increase of any state agency, behind only IDOC.

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AFSCME wants more safeguards, PPE for DCFS investigators

Sunday, May 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


State child welfare investigators say they are being put in danger during the pandemic… and are calling for changes in some of the rules governing their jobs.

AFSCME Council 31 is calling on the Department of Children and Family Services to allow investigators to perform some of their work through phone or video calls, instead of direct face-to-face contact. The union says investigators would still meet face to face to determine a child’s immediate health and safety, but they say not all interviews require that.

The union is also asking for more personal protection equipment for employees.

* Peoria Public Radio

Anne Irving, regional director for AFSCME Local 31, said the goal is not to discontinue in-person visits, but to avoid putting people at risk unnecessarily.

For example, she said, in cases where a child is hospitalized and being cared for by medical providers, away from the perpetrator, the recommendation would be to delay the visit or minimize the recurrence of visits, in order to not have investigators moving in and out of the hospital.

“I don’t think it’s going to be an overwhelming number of their contacts … involving children, but I think those contacts involving other adults in the household, for example — those could lead to a significant reduction in the face-to-face, without having any impact on the safety of the child,” she said.

Irving said it could also be applied to cases involving teenagers, when they’re not in imminent danger. She said in cases where in-person contact is necessary, the recommendation would be to conduct those interview outside, practice social distancing, and wear protective equipment.

Referencing DCFS data, Irving said 15 department employees have tested positive for COVID-19 since April 8. Another 38 have reportedly been “COVID exposed” as of April 21.

* DCFS issued a response. An excerpt

There have been significant changes made to the practice of investigations during this crisis to ensure investigators are staying healthy and safe, while also ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the children and families we serve.

The hotline and investigators use screening questions before ever coming into contact with any family.

If there are concerns about the family being COVID-19 exposed, investigators can adjust how they engage parents to preserve everyone’s safety. This includes conducting interviews outdoors, having parents use video to walk the investigator through the home, and practicing social distancing.

When necessary, investigators call on law enforcement or emergency medical services to assist.

DCFS has provided protective gear to our staff, including more than 850,000 gloves, nearly 500,00 masks, and 997 gallons of hand sanitizer. We have an estimated 30-day supply of protective gear available for all direct services staff with additional inventory arriving all the time.

The department has worked closely with the Illinois Department of Public Health and our private agency partners to setup COVID-19 testing sites around the state that make it easier for DCFS staff to be tested quickly.

Beginning in March, the department has been meeting regularly with AFSCME to hear their concerns and collaborate on ensuring the safety of staff during this crisis. DCFS continues to be willing to meet and discuss their ongoing concerns.

* Related…

* Watching out for Illinois’ most vulnerable kids becomes all the harder during a pandemic: About 85% of DCFS’s operations are being conducted remotely. This includes remote interviews of children, foster parents and other care providers. Even operators at DCFS’s child abuse hotline are handling calls remotely, from their homes.

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Pritzker thanks, highlights volunteers - Explains infection rates (again) - Stresses importance of wearing face coverings - Says (again) that enforcement is a local matter - Ezike explains nursing home strategy - Replies to speech from Center Square on behalf of protesters - Says again that GA has the ability to return - Explains the curve again - Says few hundred protesters outnumbered by millions of Illinoisans “really good people who are doing the right thing” - Explains what a graduated income tax is - Says he hopes no one gets sick from attending protests - Dr. Ezike says R-Naught number “definitely came down” - Dr. Ezike says IDPH doesn’t “have the time” to further analyze test data in real time - Dr. Ezike says state must be “tempered in our response” to antibody tests tests - Repeats IDES progress - Dr. Ezike says infected should consult with medical provider before deciding to skip or take tests

Saturday, May 2, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* After Dr. Ezike’s presentation, Gov. Pritzker introduced two guests, Jahmal Cole at My Block, My Hood, My City (who delivered a fiery speech), and Neha Gill, the executive director of Apna Ghar. But first he highlighted some groups which have stepped up during the crisis. For instance

In Carbondale, restaurant owners and chefs came together to launch the Southern Illinois Collaborative Kitchen, providing meals for local organizations like the Boys and Girls Club, offering pickup and delivery to customers and supporting area restaurant workers. In Quincy, the Lutheran Church of St john is running a mobile food pantry, to help deliver essential nutrition to nearby rural communities. The Divvy bike system in Chicago has announced another 30 days of free rides for all healthcare workers throughout the month of May.

Click here to learn more about how you can volunteer.

As always, please excuse any transcription errors.

* On to questions for the governor. Very high numbers again this week. I know a lot of that is due to more testing, but have you found any other trends or any other explanation for seeing so many more infections after weeks and weeks of staying home?…

No, it really is a function of doing more testing. And in fact what you’ll find is a lower infection rate. If you do the math here of how many tests done as a denominator and how many positives as a numerator, you’ll see that we’ve come down on average, from what was around 21 or 22% infection rate to something in the high teens.

So I think that’s something for people to look at the gross number of cases you know of positive cases, really isn’t any indication of much other than that we’ve done more testing indeed if we tested everybody in the state we would have a much much higher number.

* Can you reiterate wearing a mask? I’m sure you’ve seen through Chicago today, a lot of sidewalks packed, a lot of public spaces very packed. You’ve said if you can social distance outside you don’t need it. Have you changed your thoughts on that at all?…

No, that’s still what people need to do and I’m glad you asked.

Face coverings are vital for people to wear. In fact, it may be the most important thing that you can do to save other people’s lives, to keep other people from getting infected and to protect people in your own home. If everybody does it, if everybody goes out and takes a mask with them and puts it on make sure you’ve got it on when you are in public and in an area where you’re not likely to be able to keep six foot distance, then you are protecting other people.

One more thing I noticed that people don’t feel like, well, if I’m walking along the sidewalk, and there’s no one six feet behind me and no one six feet in front of me going the same direction. People feel like why do I need to wear a mask? Well you know why, it’s because someone may be coming the direction toward you. You are going to be within six feet of that person for at least a few moments as you pass that person and the next person, and the next person.

So wearing a face covering is extraordinarily important, and I speak, not just over the city of Chicago in areas that are highly populated but even downstate where it’s true that if you’re not around other people you don’t need to be wearing that mask or that face covering. But when you do go shopping, if you go to the grocery store, you’re going to go into a park or something else, where you know you’re probably going to run into other people, you should bring that face covering with you.

* What is your plan if more people are out violating the stay at home order?…

Well, first of all it is local governments and county governments that should be enforcing the social distancing and wearing face coverings and so on.

We need to continue to message to people that it’s not acceptable to gather in large groups or to not wear a face covering. That’s extraordinarily important for us to do. People need to take care of each other, and for the most part people really are. But I know people need to be reminded some people make mistakes, and maybe even purposely gathering groups they think they’re being defiant and that’s okay. I believe me I understand when I was younger I you know felt like I wanted to be defiant to this is not a moment for that this is life threatening to be defiant in this moment about not wearing a face covering or gathering in large groups, you are putting others at risk and your own self and your family.

* Between nursing home outbreaks and the mental health toll this pandemic is taking, are there discussions about ways to uniformly facilitate video communications in nursing homes between loved ones outside and the elderly inside?…

Many of the nursing homes and indeed people who are working in nursing homes are actually helping to facilitate that for the people who are residents of those nursing homes. It isn’t something that the state has a program for, but it is something that I recognize is very important in so many people have a device of some sort, even seniors in a nursing home, often have some kind of device these days, even if it’s simply an iPhone or a, you know, small handheld device. So we want to encourage that because it has been a while now you know we had to impose a strict lockdown of nursing homes, even before the beginning of our disaster declaration in the state. We’ve had nursing homes, not accepting even family members to visit. And I know how hard that is for people but it’s vitally important. Even as difficult as nursing homes have been as a you know a spreading ground for coronavirus and it’s just a fact of life that these congregate settings are well you know the, the fact is that that shutting them down to outside visitors has helped a lot to keep many of those homes either COVID free or fewer infections.

* What is the state doing to curb the number of COVID cases at long term care facilities? If people believe their loved ones are in serious danger because of the lack of care, how can they get them out?…

Dr. Ezike: So, very challenging question in terms of how to curve, we have our strategies, but we know as we look even as to our partners, facing the exact same thing across the state and even in other countries, it’s still a challenge. Let me tackle your second part of your question, if individuals want to take their loved ones home.

I don’t think there’s any rules against that, and we know that congregate care settings are difficult in terms of two people being to a room, being several maybe sometimes several hundred people in a fixed location. So, by its nature, it’s very challenging and if people want to have their loved ones at home and are able to take care of their loved ones, there’s no restriction on that at all. And I think, obviously families can take wonderful care of their loved ones and so full encouragement to do that if people aren’t in a position to do that.

But in terms of what we’re trying to do again, we put out the guidance before there was ever a case in a single nursing home, we started at the end of February and put out clear guidelines where we started, people said initially Oh, that’s too cruel to say that there won’t be visitors, and we were doing it with these, senior citizens in mind that we wanted to decrease their opportunity to be affected by people coming from outside. So we initially put in the the no visitors. We said that people have to be checked all staff have to be checked anyone with symptoms anyone with a fever.

There was, you know, questions that had to be reviewed that you have to attest that you are safe to come to work. We wanted to decrease all the outside people that were coming in for different reasons. The group gatherings had to be had to be stopped. We couldn’t have lots of volunteer groups coming in, again, trying to balance between, some of these social things that really help brighten people’s spirits. But then things that also threaten people’s lives, knowing that the vector, the way that the virus comes into the facility is through people coming from outside the residence or there they didn’t go outside, they didn’t go outside to contract that virus.

* This one from Greg Bishop at the center square. Protester say economic damage from the shutdown is doing more damage to the health and well being of families and individuals, leading to depression, self harm, domestic abuse, lost education opportunities for children, medical procedures put off and many other major societal problems. How do you weigh all of those costs?…

Well, Greg. You’re right. These are all some of the damages that are being caused by coronavirus, there’s no doubt about it. So, you know, we weigh these things in the mix, there’s no doubt.

At the moment,as you know, we continue to climb this curve, though at a much slower pace, the curve that has,increasing the number of hospitalizations and ICU beds filled in our state.

And it’s true even in areas in southern or Central Illinois, it is in Chicago and Cook County in the collar counties. So we’re weighing them. There’s no doubt I want people to get back to work and trying to find safe industries, safe ways to get people back into their jobs, whether they work in an office factory, a food processor or a restaurant or a bar.

These are all things that we’re trying to weigh in the mix and and again there’s a lot of factors to consider as we’re trying to reopen the economy but very importantly, we’ve been listening to the CDC guidance on this. And of course the expert epidemiologists that work for the state as well as for many private institutions in Illinois.

* Also from Greg, with the challenges your authority and the courts, why not have the legislature, wear face coverings as the public is now required to do so when grocery shopping or going back to work and have them come back for a special session to clear up your authority?…

They have the ability to come back and they would i would assume and I would, in fact it’s required that they wear face coverings when they do so.

* And from Amy Jacobson wind radio at your joint statement with Mayor Lightfoot last night you said quote, We must stay the course until data shows further progress and a reduction of new cases and as widespread testing comes online. We are thankful for all the new testing sites you opened up around the state, but wasn’t flattening the curve, based on hospitalizations, because the more people we test the more people we will likely have positive?…

I’m not sure how that last part is related to hospitalizations, but I’ll try to answer the question.

Anyway, we still have increasing hospitalizations or flattened hospitalizations, some areas. And so we need to watch those numbers and have them coming down. A Again I would point once again to the plan that the CDC and the White House put out as a guide for when can you really begin to look at reopening and it’s after you get through the peak, and sometimes that peak is kind of flattening and I’ve been talking about flattening for some time. Truthfully, as we’ve been talking about flattening and bending the curve, as I have indicated, we’re still going up by a little bit.

But whatever you would call it, at the moment we’re not going down. And that’s what we really need to do. Hospitalization is a very important number for us all to pay attention to, ICU beds also very important number to pay attention to, again, the case rate, I would look at the infection rate and not the total case numbers. And then I would look at the per capita infections in all across the state, you know, just because you see a certain number of cases in a county and saves that doesn’t seem like many, it may be that there are very few people live in that county.

* Rebecca at capital news Illinois. This is my semi weekly check in. How are you both doing in terms of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and after some awful protest signs Friday?…

Well, thank you and my family and I are fine.

And well, I will say that the people who were protesting, there were quite a number of people who seem to have been carrying signs filled with hate. There were people carrying signs with swastikas on them, suggesting that they believe in either that they believe in Naziism or they think it’s okay to throw the invective at people with a swastika.

What I can tell you for myself is that I have spent decades of my life fighting against bigotry and hatred. I helped to build a Holocaust museum, I’ve worked with Holocaust survivors. The meaning of that swastika is apparently unknown to the people who are carrying it or if it is known it is a demonstration of the hate that is among us.

Having said all that, these were a few hundred demonstrators, and there are millions of people in the state of Illinois, really good people who are doing the right thing, protecting each other during this extraordinary crisis. And I am so grateful to live in a state with those millions of people.

Dr. Ezike: All is well with me and my family. I continue to hear about people who are more directly affected. I am fortunate. I have a job and I have my health, my prayers go out every day to the people who are not as fortunate, who don’t have the income and who are struggling and so I understand how difficult this is everyone is bearing it differently. And so again, thank you for the concern for me, but the goal is to work for the people who are being disproportionately affected by this pandemic and that’s what we’re all doing and that’s what we’ll continue to do.

* The debate over the graduated income tax will be even more intense because of the pandemic. Can you address concerns of businesses that say it will be a greater burden on them if it’s passed?…

For those who are making that claim, the fact is that when you earn, if you earn a lower earnings in a year, you pay lower taxes. When you earn higher in a year you pay higher taxes. There is nothing new or changed or different about the effect of the graduated income tax during this moment, than there was, you know, four or five months ago before we knew about this pandemic.

Other than that, I think it’s needed perhaps now more than ever. We very much need to alleviate some of the burden on the working class and middle class and people who are striving to get to the middle class, and to also pay for the services that the state has needs to provide, as well as to to deal with the structural deficit that already existed in the state. Not to mention now the shortfall that will exist as a result of the attack of the coronavirus.

* Many protesters I spoke with in Springfield said they didn’t care about the rising number of cases and that’s because they feel that COVID-19 is a hoax. There are also several protesters with racist signs directed towards you. What would you like to tell those protesters?…

I think I said what I wanted to about that, I just you know I will defend to the death or right to be wrong and to say it out loud.

But the fact is that, they look at the facts and they understand that the experts are trying to protect them and the elected officials that are standing on the you know the right side of this are trying to protect them. And so I’m very hopeful that nobody got sick as a result of showing up at a protest and not wearing a mask and not adhering to social distancing norms

* COVID Act Now, which works in partnership with Georgetown and Stanford, claims Illinois are not number is 1.11. You told WJPS Radio this week that it’s 1.25. What is the latest Illinois number as far as you can tell?…

Dr. Ezike: At the beginning was well over three. And as you do the mitigation strategies, obviously that’s not the original R Naught number anymore and the effective R has fallen to our last number about 1.2 something. So again depending on what numbers you’re using but, again, the point is that it definitely came down thanks to the mitigation strategies because people work so hard to stay at home and to help limit the transmission of this virus and so we’re very proud that it came down and, you know, we hope that is not going to see a significant rise as people, as if people change their behavior factor you can stay there.

* This next one’s from Hannah, the daily line, after about a week of a pretty big dip in the positive test rate of those tests and for COVID-19 yesterday’s positive test rate was back up to 21%. And today’s rate is back down to 16%, obviously more testing is yielding more confirmed cases but is there a way IDPH can break down more details about the people who are newly confirmed cases, wouldn’t it be helpful to know if these new cases are concentrated among healthcare workers or grocery store workers in order to both protect them and protect the uninfected public?…

Dr. Ezike: There is a lot of data coming in in terms of, you know, having thousands, maybe I think we had 15,000 come in and so depending on where the samples are coming in from each day. If they’re from a higher risk group, if we did mass testing in a long term care facility. We know that rates of positivity if there was an outbreak there would obviously be higher than if we had a drive thru where we had people who didn’t necessarily have symptoms, but felt that, you know, they had risk because of some of the work they do so again it depends on where the samples are coming in each day.

We don’t even have the time when I get the information from the last 24 hours that’s not even enough time to be able to figure out how many healthcare workers, how many you know to break it down like that, but I know it’s important to understand how many healthcare workers have been affected, we’ve been sharing the long term care facility numbers. Again, we will continue to update the long term care facility numbers and show you that that is a significant proportion of the cases and unfortunately, of the fatalities as well. So we’ll continue to be as transparent as possible.

* The governor has made his feelings, clear about antibody tests. Can you describe any benefit these tests may have and since the lab say they are reporting the results of these tests of the state, what are you doing with them?…

Dr. Ezike: Yeah, so I know there’s a lot of excitement around the antibody test. We would love to be able to say definitively that the results of this test state that you have been exposed and that you have immunity, we’ve already heard from the World Health Organization that we’re not sure exactly how to interpret the results. So we have to be tempered in our response to the test.

But, as people get tested as we learn more as we go forward, we will be able to make more deductions if we see people who had positive antibodies we’ll have to figure out like what level of antibodies was protected so if you had a certain level and then we see that that person goes on to have another COVID infection that would suggest that that level was not protective. So not having the full data, but we will continue to amass it as more and more people are getting the antibody tested. That’s how we’ll be able to make useful deductions and be able to go forward and be able to interpret this important information

* We saw the week of April 25, and with 680,000 weeks of unemployment claims WBEZ reported angry people showing up in unemployment offices. What’s the latest on staffing and capacity at IDs and how big is that backlog?…

I think I reviewed this yesterday but I’ll try to, to, to repeat some of it today. First of all, there is not a backlog in the sense of people have filed something in there and it’s not officially filed. People go online, they create an account and they fill it out and that is then a filing. People call up and file with somebody over the phone and that becomes a filing.

It’s sometimes hard to tell exactly how many people are waiting. What we know is how many that we’re processing it IDES on a regular basis. And that number has significantly increased the, as the weeks go on, as you can imagine, more and more people are filing. Our rate of filing as I say has gone up, a rate of processing rather has gone up and so there is, we are reporting to you kind of what we know about the incoming and what we’re able to to reveal about the incoming processes. We have increased the frontline staffing answering the phones, we have increased the number of people who are working behind the scenes on the IT systems and increased the amount of work. We have outside contractors that are continuing to make sure that that system is up and running as, you know, as much time as possible. It is still this 10 year old system that’s been bolstered, you know from underneath but in the end we’re going probably to have to replace the system. Significant improvements need to be made in the future but it won’t be able to happen during these first months of the coronavirus outbreak.

* If someone is sick with COVID symptoms but not severely ill, is it better for them to just stay home and not get tested for COVID-19 in order to conserve tests for those who may be higher risk or should they get tested?…

Dr. Ezike: If someone was exposed to someone who was laboratory confirmed to have COVID and then they develop similar symptoms, I guess it’s not a big stretch to guess that that person has COVID. Also obviously they would qualify to get tested if they want to be tested.

But if they’re not in the high risk category and are able to stay at home, they’re able to care for themselves that they’re able to connect with a medical provider and just check in, in case the symptoms did progress. That is fine if the person wanted to know for sure to be added to the account. That is fine too.

So, it’s not a directive in terms of what the right way to proceed. Either is fine, but the most important thing is probably to talk with the medical provider and make sure that you’re sharing your symptoms, so that we can make sure that there’s not a point where the symptoms progress that needs acute medical care. But if you’re fine and you’re healthy and you stay home and isolate and identify people who you may have been in contact with even two days before let those people know, so that they can be aware that they have been exposed and that they might need to stand down because they potentially will show some symptoms so that part of the self contact tracing if people are able to help identify people who they have exposed. That’s really helpful to alert other people that they need to be watching out for the development of symptoms.


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2,450 new cases, 105 additional deaths

Saturday, May 2, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today announced 2,450 new cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 105 additional deaths.

Boone County: 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s
Clinton County: 1 male 80s
Cook County: 1 female 20s, 1 female 30s, 1 male 30s, 1 female 40s, 1 male 40s, 3 females 50s, 8 males 50s, 5 females 60s, 7 males 60s, 8 females 70s, 8 males 70s, 6 females 80s, 12 males 80s, 7 females 90s, 2 males 90s
DuPage County: 1 male 60s, 1 female 70s, 2 females 80s, 5 males 80s, 3 females 90s, 2 males 90s
Jefferson County: 2 females 90s
Kane County: 1 female 70s, 1 female 90s
Kankakee County: 1 male 70s
Lake County: 1 female 70s, 1 male 80s
McDonough County: 1 male 70s
McHenry County: 1 male 60s
Sangamon County: 1 female 70s
St. Clair County: 1 female 50s, 1 female 90s
Will County: 1 male 70s, 1 female 80s, 1 male 80s, 2 females 90s

Currently, IDPH is reporting a total of 58,505 cases, including 2,559 deaths, in 97 counties in Illinois. The age of cases ranges from younger than one to older than 100 years. Within the past 24 hours, laboratories have processed 15,208 specimens for a total of 299,896.

The Illinois Department of Veteran’s Affairs is reporting one resident at its LaSalle Veterans’ Home testing positive. Testing efforts are underway at the facility.

* Dr. Ezike at today’s media briefing

To date, almost 300,000 tests have been performed across the state.

As of midnight, 4717 people were in the hospital with COVID-19, of those 1250 patients were in the ICU and 789 patients were on ventilators.

…Adding… Hannah…

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Nazis, crackpots, anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists abounded yesterday - “Some people get touchy about swastikas”

Saturday, May 2, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mike Miletich at WGEM

Throughout the day, several protesters displayed signs of hatred and racist messages toward Gov. Pritzker. For example, Jackie Fletcher drove over two hours from Morris to participate in the protest. Fletcher proudly displayed a sign “Heil, Pritzker” with a swastika. The Pritzker family is Jewish and started their life in Chicago after fleeing pogroms in Kyiv. However, the protester had “Re-Open Illinois” on the other side of her sign, as “some people get touchy about swastikas.”

Ms. Fletcher

* The Nazis were present at both rallies, as confirmed by the AP. Take a look at the way this Chicago protester twice wrote the letter “B”…

OK, now look at the font of the letter “B” on the Auschwitz death camp gate…

Anyone who took the time to copy that unique, deliberately upside-down Auschwitz “B” onto a sign protesting a Jewish governor who helped build a Holocaust museum knew exactly what she was doing.

* But, for the most part, many of the protesters appeared to be various forms of crackpots

“Give me liberty or give me COVID-19,” read one sign

WBEZ did not make that up

Back to Tony Arnold’s story

Some nurses gathered at the Thompson Center to express support for keeping the stay-at-home order in place. One of those nurses said he was frustrated by the insults hurled at him by some of the protesters, whom he said berated him and offended him with a sign that he said read, “Nurses are Nazis.”

“People were telling me that I wasn’t a real nurse, that I was a paid actor,” said Paul Pater, a University of Illinois at Chicago Hospital emergency room nurse and Illinois Nurses Association board member, who organized the counter-protest. “Some of the things these people say kind of don’t make sense because they’re worked up in a frenzy. They were saying, ‘You’re not a hero. You don’t have valor. You’re stealing valor from the troops.’ ”

* SJ-R

Other speakers brought up anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and some held signs that contained symbols associated with the QAnon conspiracy theory.

An example of a QAnon conspiracy theorist is here (profanity alert). She also happens to be the Republican candidate for Congress in the 2nd District.

…Adding… Some have asked what the QAnon thing is about. Click here. But, just be warned, it’s a bizarre rabbit hole.

We’ve already discussed the anti-vax presence in the “movement,” but here’s an example from yesterday

“NWO,” by the way, means New World Order. That’s a decades-old conspiracy theory dating back to the George HW Bush presidency.

* Back to the Miletich story

The majority of people participating say they don’t care about the state’s growing number of cases and deaths. On Friday, the Illinois Department of Public Health announced 3,137 new COVID-19 cases and 105 deaths since Thursday. Illinois has 56,055 cases and 2,457 Illinoisans have died since the pandemic started.

“The people here have taken time to look at the numbers and educate themselves and feel safe enough to go out and do something like this,” said protester Elton Wood. No matter what experts say…”It’s, it’s, it’s the greatest hoax in the history of the world,” said Theresa Johanson. “Not that it’s not killing people. Yes, but I think it has an end goal that’s not something any of us want.”

An “end goal”? These folks can apparently convince themselves of just about anything, except for, you know, reality.

* Related…

* Auschwitz Museum condemns Reopen Illinois protester’s sign seen at Chicago rally

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Saturday, May 2, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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