* Sigh…
*** UPDATE *** Transcript from the governor’s office…
GOV: Mr. President, can you hear me? This is Governor Pritzker.
POTUS: I can hear you.
GOV: Thank you, you know, I wanted to say Mr. President…
POTUS: Are you on your cell phone? JB, are you on your cell phone?
GOV: Can you hear me ok? Sorry, can you hear me ok, Mr. President. Thank you.
GOV: I wanted to take this moment - and I can’t let it pass - to speak up and say that I’ve been extraordinarily concerned about the rhetoric that’s been used by you. It’s been inflammatory, and it’s not okay for that officer to choke George Floyd to death. But we have to call for calm. We have to have police reform called for. We’ve called out our national guard and our state police, but the rhetoric that’s coming out of the White House is making it worse. And I need to say that people are feeling real pain out there and we’ve got to have national leadership in calling for calm and making sure that we’re addressing the concerns of the legitimate peaceful protestors. That will help us to bring order.
POTUS: Okay well thank you very much JB. I don’t like your rhetoric much either because I watched it with respect to the coronavirus, and I don’t like your rhetoric much either. I think you could’ve done a much better job, frankly. But that’s okay. And you know, we don’t agree with each other.
GOV: Mr. President, we’re the second
POTUS: I saw it, what happened, it was a disgrace. But I spoke about it probably as long as I did about Barack and himself, and those police officers, what they did, including the three of them, that stood there and watched, and they didn’t even participate in it. The whole world was disgraced by it — that’s just our country — and the whole world was watching. So I - someone can tell me I haven’t spoken about, I’ve spoken about it at great length, at great length, and I will continue to speak about it. But I also have to speak about law and order. We need law and order in our country. And if we don’t have law and order, we don’t have a country. So we need law and order. Okay, who’s next?
- ItsMillerTime - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:30 am:
Don’t be weak says man who fled to his personal bunker in fear of protestors despite claiming in the past he would run into school to stop an active shooter.
- First Amdt Lawyer - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:31 am:
Nothing new here.
- Roadrager - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:32 am:
I wouldn’t be much in the mood for criticism from someone whose idea of leadership in crisis involved a few all-caps tweets while cowering in his bunker.
- Batman - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:32 am:
Gosh, pritzker has a problem with the POTUS advocating murder of his citizens. Go figure
- anonamoose - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:37 am:
“I don’t like your rhetoric.”
“No, I don’t like YOUR rhetoric.”
That’s your response? Grow up POTUS. Jeez
- Moe Berg - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:38 am:
If governor’s own, so do presidents. On the greatest challenges of our time the president is AWOL. Of course he should be called out.
When it was time for graduation speeches, who did the nation turn to? The last president; the first black president.
No one even considered for a moment it should be Trump.
Trump demanded the West Point cadets be brought back for a graduation speech. Now, at least 16 have tested positive for Covid so Trump could have his show.
Trump cares for no one, but himself. He is a racist and his racism is costing American lives.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:40 am:
Until the President of the United States addresses the nation, and decides to use rhetoric that isn’t inflammatory or confrontational towards *anyone*, words like “weak”… there is nothing *to* say.
The President is part of the problem. The institution of the office has abdicated its responsibilities to not only lead, but calm, bridge, and heal.
Frankly, Gov. Pritzker or not…
… in this whole context.., I can give two $&@# what any Governor is saying, calling out, or approving what the President is/isn’t doing.
The President of the United States is held accountable by all of us, the citizens. This president has chosen to not be any type of leader during this crisis, our pandemic, and the people will have the final say on accountability.
It’s a waste of time working with this specific President, try to use the agencies to help states.
Not one person elected governor of any state will change the President’s way.
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:44 am:
The reaction to Trump goes without saying. He is what we warned and were warned about by so many. What has been the infuriatingly frustrating part has been the GOP’s total buy-in to his behavior. Not just the politicians who will play to keep their jobs, the people who have accepted his hate.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:48 am:
It’s spreading. And not in a good way.
- CubsFan16 - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:49 am:
Trump needs to do something more than just tweet angrily - be a leader. However, the reality is if the riots continue for any longer there needs to be more decisive action to protect property and people, and to end the violence.
- West Side the Best Side - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:52 am:
Can some English professor try to diagram Bunker Boy’s sentences in that last paragraph?
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:54 am:
When he ran, my thoughts on JB was that he had to do better than Rauner. I was not expecting to see a leader Illinois could rally around. I’m so happy to see my low expectations were wrong. Illinois now has a strong leader who cares about people.
- Donnie Elgin - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:55 am:
He did thank JB, that’s a start
“Okay well thank you very much JB”
- Grandson of Man - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:55 am:
Trump is spiritually ill. He is devoid of empathy, a trait so important in a crisis and for a global leader. It’s a long life of privilege and unaccountability, of being able to rip people off and still not be incarcerated or hurt. It’s the polar opposite of the institutional oppression that so many POC routinely experience.
- Leigh John-Ella - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:59 am:
I get the sense Trump had just binge watched Law & Order.
Dick Wolf doesn’t say Law & Order this much in conversation.
- FormerParatrooper - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:59 am:
What is the alternative plan? How to you stop the looting, property destruction and the injury and death with the violent factions? There are far right and far left groups doing the violence. Both need stopped. How do we do this without a show of force?
No one has suggested doing anything against the peaceful protestors. I think the peaceful protestors should be protected so they can protest safely away from the violent people.
- Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 11:59 am:
“We need law and order in our country.”
Says the man who fires every corruption watchdog who opens an investigation into anyone within the administration. And to expect better from those who have not lived the absolutely unbelievably privileged life he has is nonsense.
- Doc Anonymous - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:02 pm:
It might be worth spelling out the false equivalency in Trump’s response, though I think readers already understand it well enough.
Pritzker says (truly) that Trump’s rhetoric is fueling the fire.
Trump says he doens’t like Pritzker’s rhetoric, by which he means he doesn’t like being criticized. That’s an empty point (unless lese majeste is a crime in this jurisdiction).
Trump then criticizes Pritzker for his handling of Corona. No doubt Pritzker has made mistakes, but of course Trump doesn’t know what they are (other than criticizing Trump).
In any event, there’s a vital distinction between making mistakes (which everyone does, Pritzker certainly included) and recklessly making things worse. We need to note the first and call out the second. It’s tiresome and tragic that we have to keep doing so for Trump.
- In_The_Middle - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:02 pm:
“Don’t be weak”… says the man who took bone spur deferments to get out of going to Vietnam.
- Mr. K. - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:04 pm:
This, from the man who had “bone spurs” and got a pass on Vietnam.
A lot of other folks didn’t.
- dbk - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:06 pm:
JB had the fortitude to say what needed to be said (if other governors didn’t back him up, then that’s on them). I think he knew what response to expect, and will not have been surprised.
As I stated on the previous thread re: Rep. Welch’s good proposals to move in a positive direction henceforth, one reason we are in a position to attempt this is our governor, who is politically responsible and gifted with a strong moral sensibility.
Honestly, we could show the way.
- Rachel - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:08 pm:
Like so many, I would have voted for anyone not named Rauner in the last election but I wasn’t enthusiastic about another rich guy no matter how affable and intelligent. I’m certainly enthusiastic now. His message Sunday and his exchange with the menace in the whitehouse are just the two latest examples of his considerable political skills, empathy and courage. He stands up for us and to the president. I’m becoming a big fan (doesn’t show much, huh?)
- Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:14 pm:
Remarks from POTUS are rambling, redundant, and incoherent. Why is “Barack and himself” in this conversation?
- AlfondoGonz - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:15 pm:
JB has impressed. Trump is a disgrace.
- RuralKing - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:16 pm:
When the George Floyd killing first came out, the President immediately came out condemning the officer and sent the FBI and DOJ to investigate…what is so wrong with that? He called the rioters and looters “thugs”….is he wrong about that? He wants order in the streets, rioters arrested…is that wrong too? I think most here just have the “Orange man bad” syndrome and nothing he says or does will be seen in a positive light. JB made a point to get his “dig” in during the phone call and got the response he was expecting. A political win for him and his base, that was all it accomplished.
- JJ Anonymous - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:16 pm:
If you take out Trump’s nonsensical filler language, his opinion becomes abundantly clear: these cops didn’t do anything wrong. Explains why he wants to crack down on protesters & rioters with violence.
I spoke about it…and those police officers…the three of them that stood there and watched…they didn’t even participate in it.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:17 pm:
America, where is our President?
Why must I wonder aloud this question?
The White House literally went dark… in the darkness… of not only night, but dark in leadership when America needs leadership and healing from the occupant.
You can’t be the leader if the free world when you own worlds to heal *may* fuel more hate and a real decision to not have a president address the nation… leaders never back down when leadership is most needed.
Where is our President, America?
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:19 pm:
I couldn’t be more proud of the governor’s level headed leadership in times of immense crisis. Telling truth to power takes a lot of guts.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:20 pm:
Whatever helps you sleep at night RuralKing.
- Chicago Debs - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:21 pm:
The president was not wrong to condemn the officers.
He was incredibly wrong to call the protestors “thugs”. Please go compare his rhetoric to less than 60 days ago when he was riling up armed COVIDIOTS disobeying officers and forcing entry into the Michigan statehouse. Go take a look, sit down and think a little bit and come back.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:22 pm:
- RuralKing -
If a President can’t speak from the Oval Office and unequivocally be seen as the healer of the nation… that’s a problem.
That’s what’s wrong with that.
Take off the MAGA hat for 8 minutes and realize the division this President has sown makes him incapable of being the person to heal, so he must be the bully and thug who calls others weak, and projects the word thug to those he can’t bully or be that thug he craves.
The reason you think it’s about “Trump”… is failure by the man who holds the office… the leader of the free world… wants a totalitarian response.
- Amaalia - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:22 pm:
Donald Trump/Tom Cotton approach is dangerous. that said, have to figure out how to get the crime under control. It’s not the far left or far right actions in the middle of the protests that is scaring folks. and both the right and the left are blaming each other for all violence involved in these times when everyone ignores what is more. it’s the looting, all over the Chicago area and elsewhere. and that is probably plain criminal, organized or not. that kind of thing terrifies the suburbs and they tend to vote with law and order. give them a decent alternative approach to solve that, alternative to that of the creep in the white house.
- a drop in - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:23 pm:
So Tom Cotton is nostalgic for Kent State? That’s nice. /s
- La Dictadora - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:25 pm:
Trump sounds similar to Mayor Lightfoot during her calls and briefings with City Council. Glad we have the Governor to deal with Trump and balance out the Mayor.
- ;) - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:25 pm:
Wow. This is what J.B. used his time for? God he is awful. No wonder the streets were left to burn.
- Lt Guv - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:27 pm:
Monday, that’s strike one.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:28 pm:
Facebook is down the dial a bit…
- Banish Misfortune - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:30 pm:
I would like to link Trump rhetoric, coronavirus and right and left protests. The first protests by armed whites in a state house took place to protest the stay at home orders. Once Trump and right wing protesters realized that those dying of coronavirus were disproportionally black and brown people it was time to lift the lockdown. In their opinion that is the role of black and brown people, to die in service to whites. So protests are justified, but once there is a protest over the direct death of a black man at the hands of police, well that’s not okay, we are not allowed to protest that then the protesters become thugs.
- 44th - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:30 pm:
JB lecturing the president, ugh give me a break. Focus on stopping the violence and save the lectures for later. We have cleared out the jails, we have unemployed everywhere (many who can’t get benefits through the unemployment system) and people are cooped up and flash. Violence is trending up.
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:34 pm:
I’m disappointed that this transcript was leaked. It is pure politics at a moment when we need to be healing and changing as a nation. JB made the right case but then hurt his message by releasing the transcript. It seems this is just another attempt for him to raise his national profile and make this moment about him.. Take the message to Trump. Take it again and again. But it loses all credibility (especially with this President) when you then turn around and give it to the media. It is a gotcha moment designed to do nothing but benefit JB.
- Huh? - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:34 pm:
“So we need law and order.”
My version of “law and order” that is wielded against my enemies.
- Not a Billionaire - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:39 pm:
President talked to Putin before the govs.
- LakeCo - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:43 pm:
=He called the rioters and looters “thugs”….is he wrong about that?=
If you have to ask…
America has had its collective knee on the neck of African Americans for the past 400 years. They are now screaming that they can’t breathe. It’s time for us as a nation to listen up. The riots are a symptom. It’s time for us to work to heal the underlying cause.
For people who are quick to judge or don’t understand the dog whistle of the word “thug,” I would encourage some time of research and reflection. This portal put out by the National Museum of African American History and Culture is a good place to start:
- Cheryl44 - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:44 pm:
I’m way over being surprised by anything that one says. He needs to be removed from the White House now.
- LakeCo - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:44 pm:
=This is what J.B. used his time for? God he is awful.=
Can’t imagine what you think of Trump, then, given what he has used his time and platform to say.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:44 pm:
So your main takeaway is that JB is at fault. Do I understand you correctly Data Guy?
You probably think the kid that told the emperor he was naked should have kept that to himself too.
- Demoralized - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:50 pm:
The President chastised all of the Governors and called them all weak. Is that leadership to some of you? You think that’s an appropriate thing for a President to say to the Governor’s of every state? It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant his supporters are.
- Pundent - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:52 pm:
From his initial comments on Barrack Obama’s birth certificate to the present day Trump has been remarkably consistent. Why should we expect anything different now? He’s spent years making this his brand and poisoning the Republican party in the process. It’s well past the time for both political parties to hold him accountable.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 12:59 pm:
=== if your business had been looted and burned down you wouldn’t be worried about “dog-whistling”===
Inciting racism to lead to looting… but you’re cool with dog whistles as long is there no looting?
Your MAGA hat is on way too tight.
=== when the thugs were holding the matches===
This makes no sense. Did you get this from Fox News?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:01 pm:
This guy disagrees with you RK, and he lost an iconic business owned by his family for three generations.
“Although this is a tough time for the store, it doesn’t compare to the loss of George Floyd’s life and the countless other Black lives lost,”
Life is too complicated to try to put everyone into whatever boxes you have to sort them.
- slow down - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:06 pm:
At at time where our nation desperately needs a leader who can bring calm, healing, reconciliation and change for the marginalized, we have Donald Trump. It’s enormously depressing.
- Silicon Prairie - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:10 pm:
No matter what the Gov says, this is on him and Lightfoot. If you shut downtown Chicago, of course they go into the neighborhoods. They just didnt figure it out
I was at Home Depot on North ave at 130 and the kicked everyone out because a mob was headed there way. By 400 they were breaking into stores in Wicker Park ( mainly liquor or gym shoes,but also Walgreens) . There were at least 35-40 cops on bikes / 4 by 4s / cars but they couldnt stop it. Too many looters. Tons of cars from Indiana and Wisconsin with merchandise to the top of the vehicle
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:18 pm:
===Too many looters. Tons of cars from Indiana and Wisconsin with merchandise to the top of the vehicle===
And this is on the Governor and the Mayor because they shut down the loop? Are you suggesting they should have closed the borders and sealed off the harbors?
- West Town TB - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:27 pm:
Kudos to J.B. Every governor on that call should have said something. If it were not for his enablers, Trump wouldn’t be allowed to be as bad as he is. Right now, the only check on him are some governors and the House of Representatives. There should be a lot more than that.
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:39 pm:
–Do I understand you correctly Data Guy—
Clearly you don’t but I’m not sure you want to. I stand by my statement. This isn’t a time for gotcha politics. Why would the President ever give our Governor this platform again if he knows he’ll just use it to attack him in the media. If JB wants to attack the President then he can. But not with this. The chances to advocated directly with the President after this only get more rare. Because the Governor used this opportunity to score points in the press rather than make a case for change.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:48 pm:
===Why would the President ever give our Governor this platform again if he knows he’ll just use it to attack him in the media. If JB wants to attack the President then he can. But not with this. The chances to advocated directly with the President after this only get more rare.===
What. A. Crock.
You think there’s rational discourse with this specific POTUS. This POTUS’ rationale, the conversations have been governors are “weak”
Your phony ridiculousness only works if the history or way this POTUS operates is by taking information and working with people to find solutions. That’s not Donald Trump. He tells us it’s not. He also told governors they are weak, not “how can I help, what is it I need to do to lead the nation?”.
If there’s one takeaway from MAGA… it’s that Trump decides, you better abide.
I stand by my remarks too;
=== The President is part of the problem. The institution of the office has abdicated its responsibilities to not only lead, but calm, bridge, and heal.
Frankly, Gov. Pritzker or not…
… in this whole context.., I can give two $&@# what any Governor is saying, calling out, or approving what the President is/isn’t doing.===
… but this idea of POTUS a martyr to ungrateful governors like Pritzker? Nope.
- First Amdt Lawyer - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:55 pm:
My first comment, before the update in which the governor released a transcript of the call, was that this is nothing new.
Now that the Governor has released the transcript, there is no doubt that JB was attempting to grandstand and bait PDJT. JB was appealing to his base, to use an accusation often leveled at PDJT.
1. It’s the first thing out of the governor’s mouth. “Can you hear me? I wanted to say…”
2. From the Governor’s transcript:”the rhetoric that’s been used by you. It’s been inflammatory, and it’s not okay for that officer to choke George Floyd to death.” He accused PDJT of saying it’s OK to choke a man to death. Where, oh where, has PDJT ever said or tweeted that?
3. No other governor on the call backed JB on this.
That was a real productive use of everyone’s time in the midst of a crisis. Way to go, JB! /s
- Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 1:58 pm:
=Why is “Barack and himself” in this conversation?=
Because Madigan - obviously. The ILGOP message has finally made it to the top
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:02 pm:
Data Guy, as others have noted, bad things happen when good people say nothing.
Also, whether he likes it or not, the President is the chief executive of the federal government and the Governor is the chief executive of the sovereign state of Illinois. Whether Trump wants to hear from him or not, it’s his job to respond to state leaders. If President Trump doesn’t want to do his job, he can always quit.
- gone but not forgotten - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:11 pm:
Random thoughts (of mine):
On Friday we started with Lightfoot’s disrespectful remarks to the President (with the letters F and U).
This was followed by Pritzker’s remarks calling the President numerous things, such as misogynist, xenophobe, etc., and of course, racist.
At that time I thought: why has Pritzker kept on asking for national guidance regarding Covid-19 if he has no respect for the President?
Also, every time I’ve heard Lightfoot speak she puts in a little “Trump-bash”, again, why ask for anything from someone you disrespect?
The same thing is now happening with the rioting, once again asking for national help all the while disrespecting the actions of the President.
How can the citizens respect Pritzker and Lightfoot when they show so little respect for anyone else?
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:18 pm:
–Your phony ridiculousness–
I’m not sure what that means but ok. I’m disagreeing with the method not the message. Attack Trump for his tweets (he should be). But don’t release the transcript yourself…when it was clearly designed to score political points and not make a case for change.
–bad things happen when good people say nothing–
100% agree. So let’s speak up. The Governor should speak up. This, however, was not about speaking up. It was about scoring political points.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:19 pm:
=== 1. It’s the first thing out of the governor’s mouth. “Can you hear me? I wanted to say…”===
lol, counselor… did you forget?
=== POTUS: I can hear you.
GOV: Thank you, you know, I wanted to say Mr. President…
POTUS: Are you on your cell phone? JB, are you on your cell phone?
GOV: Can you hear me ok? Sorry, can you hear me ok===
You’re not good at this. It reads like two people confused by cell phone strength. If you’re looking for slight, counselor, at least be better than ignoring a transcript.
Your nits to pick with dozens of cities with boarded store fronts isn’t a good look.
- Pundent - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:19 pm:
=Why would the President ever give our Governor this platform again if he knows he’ll just use it to attack him in the media.=
The subtext is that you only get what you need from the President if you praise him and if you can’t do so then the next best option is to avoid confronting him. That doesn’t work. Nor should it. Democracy is messy and requires us to call out bullies and demand accountability. We cannot continue to excuse the behavior of the President or normalize it in any way.
Pritzker has acknowledged what is clearly recognized by many. The President is part of the problem and is clearly doing nothing to bring about a solution. That’s not a political statement it’s acknowledging the reality.
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:22 pm:
–The subtext is that you only get what you need from the President if you praise him –
If you read my entire comment, I said he should call out Trump. My problem is that this was done to score political points and not to advocate change.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:23 pm:
=== But don’t release the transcript yourself…when it was clearly designed to score political points and not make a case for change.===
Transparency is always good. A call with all the governors was going to be off the record?
That makes no sense.
For the third time;
=== Frankly, Gov. Pritzker or not…
… in this whole context.., I can give two $&@# what any Governor is saying, calling out, or approving what the President is/isn’t doing.===
It’s not like this is “above the fold” newsworthy.
This POTUS’ help offered?
Stop being weak, we need law and order.
How that helps, I dunno.
- @misterjayem - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:29 pm:
“This isn’t a time for gotcha politics.”
It’s called “accountability.”
And yes, it is.
– MrJM
- Give Us Barabbas - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:38 pm:
It was another perfect call.
- DougChicagop - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:40 pm:
What a double standard. The president fails unequivocally call out racism in Charlottesville and he’s a demon. Countless big state governors and big city mayors, including our own, refuse to unequivocally call out destructive criminality and they are being sensitive to multiple points of view. Sickening.
- Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:52 pm:
“refuse to unequivocally call out destructive criminality”
Oh they are calling it out. You must only be able to hear the dog whistles now.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:56 pm:
Gee whiz Doug. A five second google search would return plenty of unequivocal callling-out if looting and destruction. Here’s one from the Tribune:
Asked about it on Monday, Lightfoot said, “Anyone who is fomenting violence is doing wrong and we need to stand up united against that.”
Lightfoot and Brown defended the city from criticism that police officers didn’t do enough to intervene in looting. Both officials denied there was any stand-down order. To the contrary, Lightfoot said, the city arrested hundreds of looters and took 64 guns off the street.
I’m sure I can find dozens of news reports that quote the Govern will equally harsh condemnation of criminals who took to the streets this weekend. If I can find these so easily, it makes me wonder why you can’t.
I guess we’ll never know.
- Pundent - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 2:57 pm:
=Countless big state governors and big city mayors, including our own, refuse to unequivocally call out destructive criminality and they are being sensitive to multiple points of view.=
I listened carefully to the words of Mayor Lightfoot. I would encourage you to do the same. It’s easy to hear things that reinforce our biases when we’re not really listening.
- JS Mill - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 3:00 pm:
=scoring political points=
Are those “points” tallied on a scoreboard somewhere?
I am glad he made that exchange public. Trump has been able to hide far too much from the public, especially when it comes to phone calls. Especially. Phone. Calls.
And, where have the tough guys been all weekend? Mostly hiding. Not that we didn’t know who they really were before, but now it is obvious.
- PublicServant - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 3:03 pm:
We need Law and Order, except when it comes to him and his cronies. What a goof.
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 3:12 pm:
–Are those “points” tallied on a scoreboard somewhere?–
Yes. Every November in even year among other times. 2024 will be another big year especially for the Governor.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 3:16 pm:
=== Every November in even year among other times. 2024 will be another big year especially for the Governor.==
Dozens of cities were burning last night, and now in 3 days, over a dozen states have National Guard troops protecting citizens and property…
… and after all your utter drivel… it boils down to you finally just making it about a run for the White House.
Go on Facebook with that…. “garbage”.
Not one person who’s towns, neighborhoods, business wanna read about you going all David Axelrod on a phone call that 99.9% of America has already forgotten about.
Geez, Louise…
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 3:34 pm:
–Go on Facebook with that…. “garbage”.–
I’ve listened to every word you said. I’ve disagreed civilly. It seems that everyone that disagrees with you is told to go on Facebook and that what they think is garbage.
Right now WE need to listen to each other–not personally attack each other. This past week shows us exactly how bad we are about that in this country. As I said in the beginning, I’m disappointed in the Governor because I want to see change come from this moment. And I don’t feel like anything the Governor did immediately after that phone call helped to bring change. In fact, I think it did the opposite, and I don’t think the motives were pure.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 3:41 pm:
=== I’ve listened to every word you said. I’ve disagreed civilly. It seems that everyone that disagrees with you is told to go on Facebook and that what they think is garbage.===
Only the foolish, first in the middle of a pandemic, then in the middle of 140 cities in America with protests or worse, and well over a dozen states activating the National Guard… these folks? Yeah, I have no time for the politics of … (checks notes)… 2024 presidential politics.
It’s wholly un-civil to decide the measure of things currently is a race 5 years away and one this current POTUS won’t be part of on the ballot.
===In fact, I think it did the opposite, and I don’t think the motives were pure.===
Yeah… with riots in Chicago and Illinois, the first thing any Illinois Governor who feels a POTUS isn’t helping the state is… “boy, 2024, amirite?”
Civility to the situation isn’t helped with cynical nonsense to seem in tune with the politics of FIVE years from now.
- LTSW - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 3:53 pm:
The transcript of the call is on major news sites, not sure why the angst over Guv leaking it.
I think its 1968 over again and we elected George Wallace.
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 3:59 pm:
–It’s wholly “un-civil” to decide the measure of things–
If my comments are “un-civil” then this world has no hope. Please.
– this current POTUS won’t be part of on the ballot.–
Unfortunately, TRUMP will be on the ballot in 2024 in all but name…even when he loses in November. You know this.
–5 years away—
Presidential politics start years and years before they officially begin. You also know this, so I’m not buying it.
Dismiss what I have to say. Fine. You will not find me calling you “un-civil” for disagreeing with me. I value your opinion especially when it disagrees with mine. Thanks.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 4:05 pm:
=== You will not find me calling you “un-civil” for disagreeing with me.===
Passive aggressive isn’t good either.
=== I value your opinion===
That’s not the issue. Even if you don’t, it’s inconsequential.
=== Unfortunately, TRUMP will be on the ballot in 2024 in all but name…even when he loses in November. You know this.===
No. If he loses, the “referendum” issue would be President Biden, who you see, granted it is in the future, challenging a sitting president of his party(?)
I fed you, to your politics, because we should talk about 2024 with Chicago all but sealed off via expressway and Michigan Avenue boarded up.
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 4:13 pm:
–That’s not the issue. Even if you don’t, it’s inconsequential.–
This is, in fact, the very issue and consequential. Nobody is listening to each other and nobody values each others opinion. I’m doing my part. I know you can too. If not, that’s fine. As you said, I can go to Facebook.
Regardless, this conversation has completely spiraled beyond the post. Be well.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 4:25 pm:
Thought to a think to 2024 when in 2020 we’re worried how voting may be effected by the global pandemic, then there’s 2022, probably in the middle of a recession exacerbated by both the pandemic and the recovery of riots… but
===In fact, I think it did the opposite, and I don’t think the motives were pure.===
Stay well.
- Pundent - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 4:31 pm:
=I’m disappointed in the Governor because I want to see change come from this moment. And I don’t feel like anything the Governor did immediately after that phone call helped to bring change. In fact, I think it did the opposite, and I don’t think the motives were pure.=
So this is Pritzker positioning himself for a run in 2024? Wow that’s quite the crystal ball you’ve got there. I guess you’re also calling the election for Trump at this point. Maybe Pritzker will have to fight Oprah for the nomination. I heard she isn’t happy either.
You seem to have reached a conclusion about what will happen in 2024 and you’re now working your way back. Did you ever stop and think that calling out failed leadership is nothing more than that?
- Data Guy - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 4:55 pm:
—Did you ever stop and think that calling out failed leadership is nothing more than that?—
Yes, it could very well be that. I doubt it especially given the speed of his post call response but it’s possible. More likely, the response was about scoring political points, but I could be wrong. Again, I had no problem with the content of his message on the call. I agree with it 100%.
- Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 5:14 pm:
Data guy, maybe you should consider that rather than some grand political calculation Governor Pritzker was just frustrated at the complete lack of leadership in this crisis. It’s literally the only time I can remember where a national crisis that called for a president to lead was met with a president who sounded like the segregationists of old with his calls for violence. The governor is justifiably frustrated and, rather than talking about Trump, he had the guts to speak truth to power and tell it directly to the president.
And 2024? Yea, give it a rest. No there there.
- Radio Frequency - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 6:00 pm:
I think that trump wakes up in the morning thinking about how to get credit for everything that is going right and how to avoid responsibility for everything that is going wrong in the country.
- Nick Name - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 6:20 pm:
“I reject the notion that the federal government can send troops into the state of Illinois.” - Pritzker tonight on CNN
I am so proud of him.
- Pundent - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 7:36 pm:
@Data Guy - I would encourage you to listen to the entire call. The Washington Post now has it up. It puts the President’s rhetoric and Pritzker’s response into context.
- Huh? - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 9:12 pm:
Every day, Pritkzer has validated my vote for him as governor. Keep up the good work. Tread carefully, going forward is a minefield.
- JS Mill - Monday, Jun 1, 20 @ 9:32 pm:
I could be wrong about this but doesn’t the Federal government (led by Trump) have final oversight of Washington DC? If so, the Trump condemnations if weak governors would also apply to himself, right?
- Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Jun 3, 20 @ 10:06 am:
=== Wow. This is what J.B. used his time for? God he is awful. No wonder the streets were left to burn.===
Well since Trump is the POTUS J.B. had to at least try.
“but the rhetoric that’s coming out of the White House is making it worse. And I need to say that people are feeling real pain out there and we’ve got to have national leadership in calling for calm and making sure that we’re addressing the concerns of the legitimate peaceful protestors. That will help us to bring order.”
J.B. is correct. The right words from the President would have gone a long way if the President had done this.