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Some people will believe anything on social media

Thursday, Jun 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Um…

And, of course it didn’t happen. And, to no one’s surprise, the South Bend police issued no such warning. This appears to be a bot-like thing. Click here to see how it spread.

* This rumor is just insane

A wave of social media posts and images have claimed that pallets of bricks have been appearing near the locations of protests in cities all over the United States. This sparked rampant speculation that the bricks are part of a coordinated effort to incite violence as a way to entrap protesters and instigate chaos.

BuzzFeed News has documented claims made about bricks in Boston, Dallas, Kansas City, San Francisco, and elsewhere. In several cases, bricks were placed long before protests began in the US, or they are clearly linked to ongoing construction. As of now, there’s no evidence to support claims of coordinated brick placements at protests. However, now that the claims have spread across social media — and been amplified by the White House — it’s possible that people could be inspired to start collecting and placing bricks.

As long as we’re talking about South Bend…

Cops need to stop buying into this insanity.

* Meanwhile…

If you click the link, you’ll see the person who originally tweeted that video deleted their account.

A Hyde Park Herald reporter walked over to the scene about an hour later and saw nothing at all…

Aaron was asked what he did see…

Maybe something did happen, but there was no evidence of it a short time later. Just some shirtless guy riding a bike.

* In a similar vein, a whole bunch of Northwest side politicians absolutely freaked out about this jpeg image…

Too many people are far too quick to believe what they want to believe and never question sources, particularly when it comes to race.

What actually happened…


  1. - west wing - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 12:33 pm:

    If you listen to FOX, all of these uprisings are a result of Antifa. But, to quote AG Barr a moment ago, this has been a “witch’s brew of extremist groups.” Over in the Quad Cities, a handful of young while males have been arrested. Add the young white male from Galesburg who incited violence in Chicago. None of them are Antifa -more likely your basic anarchist type.

  2. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 12:38 pm:

    This is why I stick with traditional news sources and real journalists, the very ones under attack by Trump and the conspiracy pushers.

  3. - Lakeside Girl - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 12:38 pm:

    St. Mary’s of Notre Dame would be surprised to hear that there is no community of Notre Dame, IN. Their web side lists that as their address.

  4. - Random Guy - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 12:39 pm:

    My favorite was a tweet sent out by Orion Gazette ( - “I’m wording this carefully. The Orion village board received word that small towns outside the Quad Cities may be targeted tonight. The village is asking the sheriff to provide an officer. I hope the rumor is wrong, but residents should take care and keep their eyes/ears open.”

    As if they were coming for the Casey’s.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 12:40 pm:

    ===…surprised to hear that there is no community of Notre Dame, IN.===

    It’s a census-designated location.

  6. - Annonin - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 12:45 pm:

    Forgot to report Peoria radio yokels earlier this week telling listeners that very credible source was telling them o busloads from Chicago were dropping passengers in Pontiac & Dwight to be driven by car to Bloomington/Normal to cause trouble. They folo Rush so we know who they are trying to hold

  7. - Montrose - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 12:57 pm:

    I bet Antifa was surprised to learn they are so organized, large, and well resourced.

  8. - Candy Dogood - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 12:59 pm:

    This kind of panic as well as the concept of white fragility are pretty clearly related to the white privileged that folks enjoy.

    If one is terrified by black folks protesting police violence, or if one is terrified by black folks traveling by bus, it really says a lot about their world view.

    As I have said previously, there’s a lot our state needs to address after we get through with the major legislation.

    Even if some of the actions we take are just symbolic.

  9. - Banish Misfortune - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:11 pm:

    Notre Dame is a post office address, not a town. All it is is Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s.

  10. - City Zen - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:26 pm:

    ==I bet Antifa was surprised to learn they are so organized, large, and well resourced.==

    Their PowerPoint slides are a bit wordy.

  11. - DCC - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:30 pm:

    Looked at the phony nurse’s Twitter and she claims she lives in Notre Dame, Indiana, and that they have their own Mayor. As has already been mentioned, that’s a mailing address for the universities, there’s no municipal government.

  12. - OneMan - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:31 pm:

    One of the easiest things in the world for folks to believe is that ‘the other’ is out to get them.

  13. - jdcolombo - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:39 pm:

    Social media has not improved the level of discourse in America. Walter Cronkite, David Brinkley, Chet Huntley, et. al. must be turning over in their graves.

  14. - ajjacksson - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:44 pm:

    I keep hearing Herm Edwards say, “Don’t press ’send!’”

  15. - The Way I See It - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:45 pm:

    Social media has made us dumber and more vicious. We are all lucky that back in the days of Gutenberg that morons did not have access to printing presses. We would all be living in caves before dying of disease in our early 30s.

  16. - Bruce (no not him) - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:47 pm:

    I can’t figure out if the Black Lives matter protest in Anna fits this or not? Is there really going to be a protest there?

  17. - ;) - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:54 pm:

    Aye. We can tell there aren’t any Domers on this post.

  18. - West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 1:56 pm:

    Some good responses to Verita Nurse, including the antifa bus driver who mistakenly headed to Notre Dame-du-Grace in Montreal.

  19. - South Side Lawyer - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 2:18 pm:

    I’m not one to latch on to mere speculation, but the scene in Bridgeport depicted above happened at 31st and Princeton, not 31st and Morgan. The location the reporter went to was about 8 blocks away from where the video occurs.

    How do I know this happened? I went to Ricobenes yesterday to support one of our local businesses that I heard suffered property damage. On the way back, I encountered this blockade and was turned away twice.

    As a person of color who lives in Bridgeport and saw this happening, it is indeed disheartening and scary to see some residents of our diverse neighborhood devolve intro tribalism. Unfortunately these twitter bots are only fueling the flames, creating panic, and fomenting distrust.

  20. - Zim - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 3:28 pm:

    These types of rumors just won’t subside in my area despite clear and repeated messaging from multiple local law enforcement agencies that there is no credible evidence of any threat. Social media is such a scourge.

  21. - Emily Booth - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 3:34 pm:

    I saw the Burn the Northside to Ashes tweet but when I saw Norridge, Park Ridge and Des Plaines were included, I realized it was bogus.

  22. - Proud Sucker - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 3:37 pm:

    Aw man, Verita Nurse deleted their twitter account before I could read all the replies. I wonder why s/he did that? Pssst…I don’t really wonder.

  23. - CrazyHorse - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 4:06 pm:

    ==This kind of panic as well as the concept of white fragility are pretty clearly related to the white privileged that folks enjoy.==

    How do you explain the reactions of many in the Latino community towards Black citizens? White privilege?

    ==If one is terrified by black folks protesting police violence, or if one is terrified by black folks traveling by bus, it really says a lot about their world view.==

    A partial truth at best because it isn’t telling the full story. Plenty of videos showing stores getting burned and looted and many people were actually killed including two in Cicero. Most people aren’t afraid of a peaceful protest but seeing the level of violence that emerged from the fringes heightened tensions everywhere.

  24. - stateandlake - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 4:07 pm:

    Early this afternoon I had a business owner in Grayslake flash at me a picture of a pallet of bricks allegedly left there ahead of a peaceful demonstration today. He then locked up and went home. This stuff continues to get traction.

  25. - Practical Politics - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 4:14 pm:

    There were protests in the north suburbs today. Things were orderly, but some businesses closed early such as banks. Others had plywood boards installed to cover their windows. Traffic congestion caused by protesters blocking intersections, but there were police on the scene. Things appeared orderly otherwise.

  26. - JoanP - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 4:55 pm:

    RE: Bridgeport - apparently there is some truth to that:

  27. - Ben Tre - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 4:58 pm:

    There was a long, thoughtful discussion on NPR’s 1A program this morning — both the “bricks” and the “impending riot” rumor were discussed. Neither is unique to Chicago.

  28. - Huh? - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 6:05 pm:

    CNN has an article about an armed group, with a nationwide membership, called “boogaloos”. The article says they are showing up at demonstrations with open carry assault rifles and other heavy weapons.

  29. - PeoriaDem - Thursday, Jun 4, 20 @ 7:07 pm:

    There was more going on in Bridgeport than what the Hyde Park Herald seems to have gotten:

    Maybe wanna retract that from this list.

  30. - Anonymous - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 9:02 am:

    There was more to that in Bridgeport it seems?

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