Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Lightfoot talks about policing: No vigilantes, cops must wear masks, be respectful of citizens, but police will remain in schools and CPD won’t be “defunded”
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Lightfoot talks about policing: No vigilantes, cops must wear masks, be respectful of citizens, but police will remain in schools and CPD won’t be “defunded”

Friday, Jun 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Looks like it did happen

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said the city will not tolerate vigilantism after groups of mostly white men patrolled the streets of Bridgeport on Wednesday night in response to a nearby city protest.

Multiple streets were blocked in the Bridgeport neighborhood Wednesday night as nearby protests dispersed. Near West Pershing Road, water gushed from an open fire hydrant as small groups gathered on corners. Some of the men held bats. One wore a shirt that said “All Lives Matter,” one sipped a beer and another waved at an officer as he drove by. Additional groups of people, some armed with bats, lined West 31st Street.

Asked about the situation in Bridgeport, a diversifying neighborhood that served as an Irish American power base for the Daley political family, Lightfoot said, “It is absolutely not appropriate for people to take up arms, bats, pipes, whatever in patrolling neighborhoods.”

“We’ve seen that end with tragic results across the country and we’re not about to allow that practice to happen here in Chicago. If there’s an issue, call 911,” Lightfoot said. “I absolutely support neighbors being vigilant as to what’s going on on the streets and in their blocks but taking up arms, that leads to chaos and we’re not supporting vigilantism in the city of Chicago under any circumstances.”

* Second City Cop excerpted the above story and responded

Really? Anyone remember Groot denouncing the Hispanic gangs that certain aldercreatures heaped praise on for “protecting” their businesses from being looted?

The grievance is awful strong on that blog, often to the point of blindness. The mayor was asked about this very topic earlier in the week

Let me just say this. What we don’t need, what we don’t need is gang members thinking that they are now the police and trying to take matters into their own hands. And I’ve had a lot of conversations with local aldermen about that very issue. These are young men that grew up in the neighborhood. They are known. And what we don’t need is for them to be out, and I heard from one alderman [about] a bunch of young men sitting and drinking all day and then pulling out their weapons at night. We don’t need that, we’re not going to tolerate that. The police are the public safety force in our city, not gang members.

* On to today’s Lightfoot press conference

The Chicago Police Department issued a requirement that all on duty personnel wear CPD-issued surgical masks and gloves anytime they are out of their vehicle in public. Over the last week, there’s been scores of officers, according to this question, at protests without these masks. Can you tell us why this is happening and what your office is doing to get officers to comply with this basic public health requirement in the middle of COVID-19?

    This was an issue that we saw way before this week. We’ve spent a significant amount of money and resources to make sure that our officers are safe in discharging their responsibilities every day, including PPE, masks, gloves, cleaning supplies. And the superintendent I know has issued a number of reminders and directives, and I’ve told him that our patience with this has to be and end. If officers are not complying, if they are not wearing the mask and protective gear that we provide, they need to be disciplined. And that was an issue that we were dealing with way before the events of this week. But clearly no officer should be going out engaging with members of the public. It’s for their protection, as well as members of the public, and we expect them to abide by the directives that have been issued, and if not, then disciplinary action shall be taken.

She also said she’s seen the photo circulating on social media of a CPD officer flipping the bird to protesters and said the officer ought to be stripped of his police powers.

* But, Lightfoot also said calls to remove police officers from the city’s public schools would not be heeded. And she had this to say to those on the far left who are calling for defunding or even abolishing the police

What I’d like to say is, in talking to people all over the city about the events of this week, what I’ve heard from people in neighborhoods is that they want more police protection, not less. And I certainly understand the concern about the amount of money that we spend on policing, not just in Chicago but across the country. But I think in this time where people are feeling physically insecure, it would dishonor those real expressions to be talking about reducing the amount of safety that we’re going to be bringing today to bear.


  1. - Pearly - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 11:35 am:

    Wow, she’s really got her finger on the pulse of the community. The major takeaway from “people in neighborhoods” is definitely to bring in more police. As a rule, the more police you add to a situation created by police brutality, the better.

  2. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    Who is Groot?

  3. - RNUG - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 11:51 am:

    One of government’s primary responsibilities is to ensure the safety of the people … even though court rulings have said police have no duty to protect you.

    Lightfoot is reflecting the general unease that is being felt at the moment in her city. More GOOD cops can defuse situations.

    I’ll let others with more personal knowledge debate whether the Chicago PD is a good police force or not; my experience is with central Illinois law enforcement personnel.

  4. - Christopher - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 11:53 am:

    Da Big Bad Wolf, “Groot” is one of the nicknames that posters on the Second City Cop blog have given to Mayor Lightfoot.

  5. - 17% Solution - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 11:53 am:

    == Really? Anyone remember Groot denouncing the Hispanic gangs that certain aldercreatures heaped praise on for “protecting” their businesses from being looted?==

    “we’re not supporting vigilantism in the City of Chicago under any circumstances.”

    So people at Second City Cop are unable to comprehend basic English.

  6. - All This - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:03 pm:

    ===“ Groot” is one of the nicknames that posters on the Second City Cop blog have given to Mayor Lightfoot.===

    Groot is what you start calling people when you smoke too much marijuana and spent most of your adult leisure time reading comics.

  7. - Nuke The Whales - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:05 pm:

    ==Da Big Bad Wolf, “Groot” is one of the nicknames that posters on the Second City Cop blog have given to Mayor Lightfoot.==
    I’m going to hate how that nickname came to be aren’t i?

  8. - Abbey - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:06 pm:

    So, the $115 million budgeted this year to settle police brutality cases is insignificant when it comes to terrorizing children in schools?

  9. - gone but not forgotten - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:07 pm:

    “he should be stripped of his police powers” for flipping the bird to protestors? How about mayoral powers when saying “begins with F and ends with U” when referring to the President of the United States?

  10. - Fly like an eagle - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:12 pm:

    ==How about mayoral powers when saying “begins with F and ends with U” when referring to the President of the United States?==
    Mayor is an elected position and the voters can fire her/retain her next election. A person working for the city is an employee of the city and has to abide by the rules of his/her employer.

  11. - Rich Miller - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:20 pm:

    === How about mayoral powers when saying===

    Oh, man, you are SUCH a delicate flower. But I’ll try to explain it to you despite your goofy whataboutism. CPD officers work for the city. Lightfoot doesn’t work for the president.

  12. - Dog Lover - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:20 pm:

    a good article on police training, confidence and use of excessive force

  13. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    Can you give some examples of Chicago police officers terrorizing children in schools children Abbey?

    Who would deal with all the numerous threats of violence in Chicago pubic schools this year if we removed all of the police officers?

  14. - Captain Obvious - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:31 pm:

    Just googled groot, and you will definitely not like where the nickname comes from.

  15. - Abby Normal - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:33 pm:

    “denouncing the Hispanic gangs that certain aldercreatures heaped praise on for “protecting” their businesses from being looted?”

    Because what else does a mayor have to do all day during civil unrest and a pandemic and myriad other problems but sit around denouncing people?

  16. - Fly like an eagle - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:39 pm:

    == Just googled groot, and you will definitely not like where the nickname comes from.==
    Meh, some comic book superhero that’s made from a tree and can control plants. Might be a good mayor someday: we would save money on parkway maintenance.

  17. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:43 pm:

    “ The police are the public safety force in our city, not gang members.”

    No kidding. When you have to rely on gangsters and vigilantes you might as well give up. Good for Lightfoot.

  18. - Excitable Boy - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:45 pm:

    Well Lucky, this took all of 5 seconds to find. I’m sure it’s the only time it’s happened though.

  19. - DuPage Saint - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:45 pm:

    If I was a Chicago cop I would not want to be assigned to a school. I don’t know how many are but put them out in the street. And I would imagine they are in full uniform if they stay maybe wear civilian clothes.

  20. - Funtimes - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:47 pm:

    Be careful here FOP. You are already on thin ice with many city residents. Money will be tight in the future and an intransigent FOP won’t be getting its piece of the pie if it says no to every attempt at reform.

  21. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:50 pm:

    Are they calling themselves Ragen’s Colts?

  22. - Served - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:55 pm:

    Mayor Lightfoot is telling people to call the police on vigilantes when the video shows police on the scene doing nothing. She’s on another planet.

    Same with this curfew. Diners out eating in the West Loop past 9, groups of people walking around and driving in Lincoln Park at 10pm. It’s only being enforced in and around black neighborhoods and protest zones. The city is going to be coughing up a pretty penny on this civil rights suit.

  23. - Bothanspy - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 12:56 pm:

    ==Because what else does a mayor have to do all day during civil unrest and a pandemic and myriad other problems but sit around denouncing people?==

    Do you think the Latin Kings are peaceably protecting their neighborhoods for some noble values. LK are not the Black Panthers and I doubt they have a Huey Newton-esque leader speaking out.

  24. - Abby Normal - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 1:03 pm:

    == Do you think the Latin Kings are peaceably protecting their neighborhoods for some noble values.==

    Show me where I said that.

    The mayor has important things to do. Going around denouncing this and that is just so much hot air. There are more people saying silly stuff than there are minutes in the day. So go take your strawman and go home.

  25. - gone but not forgotten - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 1:45 pm:

    ==Oh, man, you are SUCH a delicate flower. But I’ll try to explain it to you despite your goofy whataboutism. CPD officers work for the city. Lightfoot doesn’t work for the president.==

    Okay, I think I understand now; only need to respect those who employ you. Explains why things are such a mess.

  26. - Southwest Sider - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 1:56 pm:

    I personally witnessed a store being looted, the cops were across the street not engaging. They were standing down. The Mayor is right. But when the Cops can’t show up, this is what happens. I suspect local residents applaud local protection in times like these. Pray no one gets hurt.

  27. - dbk - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 2:02 pm:

    Perhaps we should assign a “compare and contrast: discuss” essay topic on this post and the one containing AG Raul’s statement to his employees.

    Two very different approaches to CPD, it seems to me. I really, really want to like LL - I mean, I do like her - but there’s something about CPD and Chicago Mayors that breeds a not entirely healthy relationship.

  28. - Perrid - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 2:14 pm:

    “Defund the police” means what the speaker means and nothing else. Some mean abolish, some mean reform. There is a lot of room for reform, and many of them would result in spending less money. But hardliners are making it hard to hear the reasonable folks

  29. - RIJ - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 2:25 pm:

    gbnf, you are apparently correct - many police have behaved in ways that clearly demonstrate a lack of respect for the human lives they “serve.” And if you have ever glanced at that cesspit SCC blog, you’d know that some cop trolls have no respect for their bosses. But it’s a two way street - I have little respect for police due to the behavior of some and the failure of many cops to police their own. A bad apple allowed to stay rots the entire barrel.

  30. - Chicagoan - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 2:34 pm:

    As someone who lives in a Chicago neighborhood, I can say I would like to have a public safety department that responds to public safety requests. CPD rarely bothers, and definitely not in a timely manner. So, yes — more public safety, but also — let’s rethink this whole police thing. It’s not working.

  31. - Open up - Friday, Jun 5, 20 @ 3:02 pm:

    What’s needed are more Cops of color that reflects the community they are policing. Then maybe those that live in the community can help police their own neighborhoods and reduce the temperature of this. Also, the failure to call out the national guard sooner to keep the peace only emboldened the criminals and caused the increase in local vigilantes

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