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Lightfoot spins tall tale to justify preemptive sweeps

Thursday, Jul 2, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Despite warnings that preemptive sweeps will “drive a wedge between police and communities of color,” Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Wednesday stood firmly behind Chicago Police Supt. David Brown’s decision to sweep young people off drug corners over the July Fourth weekend to prevent another holiday bloodbath.

Brown has branded arrests tied to possession of guns and open-air drug markets “precursors to violence” and vowed to sweep those corners of the young people put there by drug dealers.

The superintendent has pleaded with State’s Attorney Kim Foxx and Chief Circuit Court Judge Tim Evans to keep them in jail — at least over the long holiday weekend — to prevent a continuation of the violence that has gunned down four children over the last 10 days alone.

Wednesday, Lightfoot argued the cynical tactic of using young people without criminal records was “shades of Larry Hoover from the 1990’s,” referring to the imprisoned leader of the Gangster Disciples.

She noted “drug enterprises” are “literally willing to fight to the deaths to keep those spots” because some corners can earn them $30,000 to $50,000 a day.

* Tribune

“This is shades of, like Larry Hoover from the 1990s,” Lightfoot said at an unrelated news conference. “What these drug enterprises are doing is this: These spots, they can earn $30 to $50,000 a day. They’re extraordinarily lucrative. Which is why they’re literally willing to fight to the death to keep those spots. But cynically — and this is what the superintendent was saying, and why he’s frustrated — they put young people out on those corners.”

C’mon. “$30,000 to $50,000 a day”? Please. You can’t earn $18 million a year selling drugs on a single street corner. Since when has she been hanging out with Darren Bailey?

Yes, they can be lucrative, but this is just a goofy claim.


  1. - DuPage Saint - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 10:47 am:

    Yes sweep up the guys on the corner. This will have the additional benefit of creating even more trust and friendship with the cops /s

  2. - Dotnonymous - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 10:53 am:

    30 t0 50k on one corner?…Mayor Lightfoot please.

    Larry Hoover himself couldn’t move that much dope on one corner…even if it was Larry Hoover Day.

  3. - Al - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 10:57 am:

    Twenty years ago a coworker lamented her twenty year old son was arrested for selling drugs on a street corner here in the capitol city. She said she asked why he would so embarrass her. She said his reply was he only worked Friday and Saturdays from 11pm to 2am and was paid $200 cash a night.

  4. - essentially working - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 10:58 am:

    My guess is she is talking revenue not actual earnings. If she is talking revenue, then that translates to an average transaction of $20 occurring 1.74 times every minute around the clock. I could see that happening in the city on the most active “spots”…

  5. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 10:59 am:

    ===My guess is she is talking revenue not actual earnings===



    My guess is she’s talking through her hat.

  6. - Nick - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:03 am:

    If one were to be generous

    It wouldn’t be unbelievable that $30K to $50K in product might change hands a day, given how expensive things can be.

    But frankly given her history I’m not sure why someone would be so generous.

  7. - Gage park - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:06 am:

    Her numbers may be wrong but she’s spot on as to what needs to be done. We don’t need a blood bath this weekend.

  8. - Last Bull Moose - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    Legalize the drugs with state controlled distribution. Give police part of the profits to suppress competition.

    At this point I would rather have drug overdoses than random shootings.

  9. - Dotnonymous - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:17 am:

    Corners don’t do bulk sales..they grind out hand to hand sales 24/7/365…pay is just OK for most of these corner hustlers…if they survive the game.

    I don’t imagine the money seems easy when you’re trying to plug a bullet hole with your finger…and I’m positive it doesn’t feel like easy money from inside any prison.

  10. - Excitable Boy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:18 am:

    - rather have drug overdoses -

    Studies have shown that abuse rates don’t change based on prohibition. More money on treatment vs policing likely leads to less overdoses.

  11. - PublicServant - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:19 am:

    I support the action. Why make a big deal over an obvious error on her part…just sayin.

  12. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:19 am:

    Lightfoot’s economic valuations aside, sweeping corners is probably the best option available to CPD right now to try to stem the bloodbath that’s coming this weekend - *if* the cops are willing to get off their duffs long enough to go through with it. Considering the sway that activists have with liberal politicians at the moment, mass arrests or other methods of cracking down in problem areas aren’t going to fly at the moment. Sweeping corners probably won’t help a lot, but it’s better than nothing.

  13. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:21 am:

    === Sweeping corners probably won’t help a lot, but it’s better than nothing. ===

    Yeah. What could possibly go wrong?

  14. - Dotnonymous - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:23 am:

    Americans are the largest consumers of illegal drugs on Planet Earth.

    Addiction is a medical problem with a medical solution…punishing sick people is also a form of sickness….We need a vaccine for that…too.

  15. - Chatham Resident - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:32 am:

    Maybe it’s the Enterprises that actually make $30-$50K daily. Not the street corners themselves.

  16. - natty lite - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:42 am:

    300-400 people coming through a corner and spending an average of $100-$120 each doesn’t seem crazy to me. Not necessarily every day, but I’m sure they have their very busy days (payday).

  17. - Amalia - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:43 am:

    I don’t know if her numbers are correct but most of the cars used in the drive bys, certainly the cars used in the Chicago/Orleans shooting, are nice cars. are they getting loans to buy the cars? probably cash exchange. follow the cars, follow the money. now, purses of female associates, probably from smash and grabs along the Mag Mile for the past few years and recent looting, so that would not hit the total. but, yes, gangs, guns and drugs. big $$.

  18. - dee - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:44 am:

    It is probably a number like $500/day which is between $30.00 and $50,000.00

  19. - Techie - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:44 am:

    If drug dealing is creating such a problem with violence, why not legalize or decriminalize the drugs?

    Provide a way for addicts to get safe, legal access to their drugs as part of a treatment program. No more violence due to turf conflicts, and addicts have a path to recovery.

  20. - 1st Ward - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:45 am:

    instead of “sweeping drug corners” Brown should have framed it as CPD acting as social distance ambassador’s for these corners.

  21. - Dotnonymous - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:49 am:

    Larry hoover himself would not claim that amount on any corner…I’m positive…I’m the only person here who has spoken with Larry Hoover.

  22. - HBO - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    Wasn’t there an episode of The Wire that dealt with these types of drug sweeps?

  23. - City Guy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 12:03 pm:

    I have always wondered why the police could not have a couple of squad cars stationed by the corner where drugs are being sold. When the drugs are sold arrest the person who just bought the drugs either there on site, or by providing licence plate to another nearby police car. The arrestee can be given the option of treatment or jail. It may just result in sales going from outside markets to delivery service, but that should reduce shootings and crime.

  24. - Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 12:04 pm:

    Why don’t you wait to see if this actually reduces violence in these predominantly African American neighborhoods before condemning these measure taken by the African American Mayor and Police Chief?

  25. - Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 12:08 pm:

    I think she misspoke rather than lied.

  26. - Glenn - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 12:15 pm:

    Where are the not-wearing-masks-because-of-rights people on sweeps of legally present people on street corners as a public health imperative?

  27. - @misterjayem - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 12:33 pm:

    “Sweeping corners probably won’t help a lot, but it’s better than nothing.”

    Next week: “Why don’t people in the neighborhoods cooperate with the police???”

    – MrJM

  28. - Commisar Gritty - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 12:35 pm:

    I’m conflicted on this one. On one hand, I’ve knocked doors in North Lawndale, and saw heart breaking stickers on the light poles that show a little child with the caption “Please let me grow up.” Those stories about children being shot as retribution are totally unacceptable, made me feel sick as I was reading them.

    That being said, this is opening the gates to cops planting drugs on every person of color standing on a street corner for whatever reason. We know they do it, there is a documented history of them doing it. It seems like just another way to throw people in jail, which has long lasting repercussions that extend well past Sunday.

    Tough call, but I definitely agree with Rich. Coming up with fantasy stories about people earning absurd amounts of money selling illicit goods does not help her case. If anything, it undercuts the severity of the situation.

  29. - Uncle Grandpa - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 12:52 pm:

    ==Why don’t you wait to see if this actually reduces violence in these predominantly African American neighborhoods before condemning these measure taken by the African American Mayor and Police Chief? ==

    Civil rights “advocates” are the ones speaking out.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 12:57 pm:

    === 300-400 people coming through a corner and spending an average of $100-$120 each doesn’t seem crazy to me. Not necessarily every day, but I’m sure they have their very busy days (payday).===

    A single corner seeing 300-400 people doing transactions in a 24 hour period… I dunno if a fast food drive thru has that many in a day “like that”… and ya can’t tell me it round be conspicuous for those selling…

    $18 million a year?

    That’s a tough lean to the numbers and the actual work to generate.

  31. - Chatham Resident - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 1:06 pm:

    ==It is probably a number like $500/day which is between $30.00 and $50,000.00==

    She must have put the decimal points at the wrong place.

  32. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 1:20 pm:

    == Yeah. What could possibly go wrong?==

    C’mon Rich, don’t be obtuse. Of course it’ll likely result in something bad happening between police and young black men, and of course the activist outrage machine will get cranked up afterwards, but what else are Lightfoot and Brown supposed to do? Just let the shootings occur with no response at all from CPD? It’s the best of a bunch of bad options available to them - again, assuming officers actually show up and make the effort instead of commandeering an office to take a nap in.

  33. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 1:24 pm:

    ===Just let the shootings occur with no response at all from CPD?===

    Don’t argue like a child. This is not an either/or proposition.

  34. - Gopher - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 1:58 pm:

    He’s not arguing like a child. You seem to think there’s a kind and gentle way to deal with these gang bangers. They prey on people being scared . They won’t stop until there forced to. It’s easy to think that when you’re 200 miles away.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:08 pm:

    === You seem to think there’s a kind and gentle way to deal with these gang bangers.===

    Lemme guess… like POTUS said… don’t treat anyone nice you’re putting in squad cars, amirite… maybe choke holds…

    Are you even paying attention to what is happening around the world?

    ===They prey on people being scared===

    So you wanna show “overwhelmingly force”… hmm.

    ===They won’t stop until there forced to.===

    Will there be body cameras? Will we see and ensure the rights of those not criminals aren’t being encroached because of the color of their skin?

    ===It’s easy to think that when you’re 200 miles away.===

    The idea that enduring rights of all are being enforced isn’t a milage or geography issue.

  36. - Three Dimensional Checkers - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:12 pm:

    The $50,000 a day figure is for the drug corner on Rush Street.

  37. - Glenn - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:17 pm:

    “The superintendent has pleaded with State’s Attorney Kim Foxx and Chief Circuit Court Judge Tim Evans to keep them in jail — at least over the long holiday weekend — to prevent a continuation of the violence that has gunned down four children over the last 10 days alone.”

    Jails are known to be COVID-19 hot spots.

    I didn’t look up the COVID-19 transmission rates in economically deprived neighborhoods, of which, I assume will be where street corners will be swept, but How do COVID-19 deaths and gun violence deaths in these neighborhoods compare?

  38. - Anonanonsir - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:21 pm:

    The sweeps may not be the “right” policy but they are the “right now” policy.

    You might say that a lot of questions arise.
    What drugs are sold, listed by estimated percentage of sales? How do they get the drugs? Are the buyers local, or do they come from farther away? For each drug, what mitigation steps might be employed? What measures have been used in other parts of the country? Has the legal market for cannabis been helpful? Beyond drugs, what other “enterprises” are ongoing, and how lucrative are they?
    It would be nice to get beyond the surface discussion of this.

  39. - levivotedforjudy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:25 pm:

    The typical result when using the “slippery slope” argument on any issue is that nothing happens either way, i.e. assault weapons,buying armor piercing bullets, etc..

  40. - Gage Park - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:30 pm:

    Willy, these gang bangers just laugh at people like you. Who said anything about choke holds?? Should police just ask pretty please??? Just stay hidden in the suburban lala land that you live in.

  41. - West side Will - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:34 pm:

    Willy, don’t you have a plane to catch?? Mr Rourke and Tatoo are waiting.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:35 pm:

    === Who said anything about choke holds?? Should police just ask pretty please???===

    “Law and Order”… amirite?

    No one is laughing with law enforcement decides to go too far and makes it impossible for a community to trust them.

    === Just stay hidden in the suburban lala land that you live in.===

    I go into the city…

    I understand your ignorance on rights and trying to comprehend these last few weeks, but…

    You and - Gopher - seem concerned about where people live… that’s not an argument to infringement of rights.

    You and - Gopher - should come up with better ideas than anger and mileage.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:37 pm:

    - West side Will -

    Aw… are your feelings hurt because your misplaced anger needs “law and order” outside the rights of people?

    It’s a fantasy if you think infringement of rights is good for a society.

  44. - Berry Sundae - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:41 pm:

    How is clearing a drug corner an infringement of rights Willy?? I think that air from hiding out from Covid has affected you. Always easy for people who don’t live in harms way to pontificate.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:44 pm:

    === Always easy for people who don’t live in harms way to pontificate.===

    At the cost of rights, or a phony $18 million a year fairy tale?

    I go into Chicago… aren’t you worried about anyone getting in harms way… or are you too concerned about being “tough” and “law and order” type…

    … like - Gopher - and - Gage park -, and…

    Lots of people talking at me…

  46. - West side Will - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:46 pm:

    No Willy, the only thing that will be hurt is some innocent child caught in the middle of drug deals gone bad. People in our community don’t need to hear from people like you that don’t have a clue as to how dangerous these people are.

  47. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 2:50 pm:

    === the only thing that will be hurt is some innocent child caught in the middle of drug deals gone bad. People in our community don’t need to hear from people like you that don’t have a clue as to how dangerous these people are.===

    Are you saying…

    “We’ll take it from here”?

    That’s an odd take.

    Then why should outsiders invest in your community? Why should outsiders create jobs in your community?

    Aren’t we part of one community?

    This take makes no sense… you want me to care if children are hurt or worse (and I do) but stay out of it.


  48. - West Side Will - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:05 pm:

    When you’re willing to move from the suburbs back to the city, then we’ll be one community. Offering suggestions that protect the drug dealers isn’t helpful. Sorry you think everything the police do is going to result in brutality. I have a CPD friend who would love to take you on a ride along, only you would have to wear 3 pairs of depends.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:17 pm:

    === Offering suggestions that protect the drug dealers isn’t helpful. Sorry you think everything the police do is going to result in brutality.===


    I said none of that.

    I was pointing out deciding to look at things where rights and understanding the problems outside Lightfoot’s own fairy tale of what is actually going on daily.., that isn’t helping.

    Again, it’s an odd way to dismiss those who see the violence and agree with you as to the want to make things better because they don’t live there.

    ===I have a CPD friend who would love to take you on a ride along, only you would have to wear 3 pairs of depends.===

    What if I have family in law enforcement… and they see what is happening and wholly disagree with FOP, the new leadership, and see how the FOP leadership is eroding the confidence needed from the neighborhoods to work.

    Of course, that’s “what if”… it’s more fun when y’all assume things.

    To Lightfoot, the $18 million, the thoughts to the fairly tale… you dint need to make up a reality to really go after what is real and happening.

  50. - natty lite - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:19 pm:

    Rich and OW are being far too literal in taking “they can earn $30 to $50,000 a day” to mean “they make $18 million per year.” If a gang normally pulls a few grand on a corner but on a weekend might double that, and then once a month might have a blowout day of $30-50k, that doesn’t seem surprising at all. Drugs are expensive and a lot of people buy them. A lot of people spend every dollar they can get their hands on.

  51. - All this - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:25 pm:

    == If drug dealing is creating such a problem with violence, why not legalize or decriminalize the drugs?==
    I agree this is a good long term solution that should be taken up by the US Congress.

  52. - Martin Bh - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:26 pm:

    Willy, you’re the one talking about infringement of rights and chokeholds. Right, you didn’t say brutality by police you only implied it. LOL

  53. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:27 pm:

    === far too literal===

    She said it, not me.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:32 pm:

    - Martin -

    Go talk to the other folks talking at me… a new voice I’m not going to entertain.


    ===“… These spots, they can earn $30 to $50,000 a day. They’re extraordinarily lucrative.”===

    That’s the mayor of city of Chicago.

    Do I take her words seriously or not?


    I already have a POTUS who’s folks tell me he’s kidding, not kidding…

    Word choice and example are tools of electeds.

    If they choose to be serious or not, that’s on them, but I didn’t choose what she said.

  55. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:42 pm:

    === time to take a nap===

    I’m good.

    Please add to the discussion. Thanks.

  56. - West side will - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:47 pm:

    What’s the matter Willy, feelings hurt because Martin called you out.

  57. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 3:50 pm:

    - West side will -

    Didn’t I tell you to talk with - Gage Park - and - Gopher -


  58. - natty lite - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 4:02 pm:

    Rich, be reasonable, she didn’t say “$18 million per year.” She didn’t say “they earn $50k every single day.” All she said was “they can earn $30 to $50,000 a day.” Therefore, if there’s a day where a corner pulls in $30-50k, even if that’s only one day a month or something, then she was entirely factual. And with the street value what it is for various hard drugs, it’s not at all implausible that when payday comes, a single corner could do that kind of volume in a day.

  59. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 4:04 pm:

    ===Rich, be reasonable===

    The mayor makes a bogus claim and I’m the unreasonable one? lol

  60. - La Dictadora - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 4:16 pm:

    She’s a mess and out of touch.

  61. - Gage Park - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 4:26 pm:

    Stop being so sensitive Willy. Pretty soon people might think your a RINO liberal.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 4:29 pm:

    === Pretty soon people might think your a RINO liberal.===

    I’ve been called worse, with better word usage.

    How many Republicans are in that neighborhood of Lightfoot’s $18 million dollar corner?

    Why would anyone living there call me a R _ N _ liberal?

    That’s an odd worry.

  63. - natty lite - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 4:49 pm:

    You haven’t said what’s bogus about it — other than extrapolating the high end of her statement to 365 days/year, which is not what the Mayor said. 250 people come by on payday and spend an average of $200 each = $50,000. These visits don’t exactly require half-hour appointments, and it’s not like there’s just a single person filling orders. The average hard drug habit could very easily consume $200 a day and more.

  64. - Rutro - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 4:52 pm:

    Unfortunately, they need a camera on every corner to make a significant dent in their ability to catch violent criminals. Whether this would be allowed, not sure, very complicated. Clearing corners will have a small impact, but seems like you’re doing something. If I were a CPD officer I wouldn’t be clearing squat, unless I had enough probable cause on my body camera.

  65. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 2, 20 @ 4:53 pm:

    - natty lite -

    Are you actually arguing the validity of Mayor Lightfoot’s quote… on the merit of its truth?

    It’d be easier to say she misspoke, lol

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