No inside dining or bar hopping but can we keep haircuts if everyone wears a mask? Having not been inside to eat since March I’d trade a haircut for a dine in meal in a heartbeat by the end of July.
What will it take for people to feel comfortable at sporting events? Even with social distancing in the stands, getting to / from the stands? Parking lots? Restrooms? Will concession stands operate? [Sarcasm font on] Wearing a Thomas DeVore mask? [Sarcasm font off]
City Council Housing Committee has been asked to pass a reform ordinance after having it for less than three hours this morning. Didn’t they learn anything from the parking meter lease fiasco?!
Both Naperville school districts announced half the kids go W/F the other half T/Th. Surprisingly little anti-mask/anti-vax backlash to not attending full time.
Can someone fill be in as to what the speculation is with regard to Corey Crawford being deemed “unfit to play”? I know he’s had numerous injuries over the past couple of seasons but this seems very strange.
Pro, college and high school sports should be cancelled for 2020 due to Covid 19. The end. Divert the wasted testing supplies and PPE to health care workers who urgently need them nationwide, especially in the surging areas. Maybe now we’ll ALL learn to stop playing with this disease under the guises of “freedom to spread disease”, “refuse vaccination and testing”, and all the anti-Science propaganda.
It’s an NHL-mandated designation for any player who can’t practice or play, irrespective of what the reason is. Probably using it so all of the COVID-positives players don’t have their status disclosed
- Top of the State - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:03 am:
Naperville school district has parents who have more options. Here in the hinterland… some kids don’t have access to the technology (internet, hardware). My wife, a teacher, met one of her students from years ago that lives in poverty and from a single parent home. The kid said that distance learning didn’t work for her last semester. Staying at home will accelerate her being “left behind”.
Four months into the worst recession since the Great Depression, Illinois Democrats have no recovery plan for them- insisting on tax hikes, increased regulation, continued minimum wage increases and no reforms of worker’s compensation while previously successful businesses struggle with no end in sight.
Waste of money. Too many people down here still think this is a “big city” problem, and would accuse you of being a socialist.
Even though they don’t know what that word means.
==Both Naperville school districts announced half the kids go W/F the other half T/Th.==
And I assume that every Monday will be either a day off or all-online. Which makes sense since most of the school holidays (e.g., Labor Day, Martin Luther King’s Birthday, Presidents’ Day, and whomever still takes Casimir Pulaski Day) fall on Monday. Is that the case?
Attention baseball fans: If you have Netflix and you have not already seen it, watch “The Battered (badword beginning with B that I am sure is not allowed here) of Baseball.” It is a spellbinding story every baseball fan should know.
I think from the national and now State trends, we need to return to phase 3 immediately (if not last week or before the 4th). Even before the current 28-day period (starting June 26) is up.
- Trapped in the ‘burbs - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:11 am:
I just don’t get it. People complaining about wearing masks and socially distancing. I am very worried about catching Covid-19. These people complaining about their rights leave me confused. The inconvenience of a mask versus the misery of the disease, seems like a no-brainer. What am I missing?
So I picked up this tiny quote from Clay County Hero Darren Bailey this morning. “We can’t figure things out, we need the Government to tell us what to do”. Doesn’t he realize he is the Government? That seemed confusing to everyone but his followers.
If there is a rollback then these virus spreading protests should also be curtailed. It’s not a coincidence that the surge happened as States were reopened and these mass gatherings were taking place. If reopening gets limited then so should all mass gatherings. This political picking and choosing which large group gatherings are acceptable is not ok.
Protests are certainly valid but if every big gathering needs to be severely limited then it should apply across the board.
OW, you cannot think that these large group gatherings had nothing to do with virus spread, can you? It’s only logical that there was virus spread there. It’s obviously not the only factor but it is a factor. And if we are looking to reduce factors that cause spread then let’s be consistent.
I don’t have the answers to this virus. Obviously Trump doesn’t have a clue either. And I didn’t mean to make this about you OW. I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 and I won’t again this year. Just looking for consistency on gatherings size. And people are crazy to not wear a mask much less protest the wearing of a mask.
Then stop opining like you have direct evidence of something you wave to be fact.
=== Just looking for consistency on gatherings size.===
Here’s what real;
The same Covidiots (which you seem not to be one, but this example is to the thinking of groups) who rallied in Oswego who wanted everything open and no masks are the “same” folks who say “the protests” (Black Lives Matter) are the “major” reason, the “biggest” reason… and ignore places like Arkansas, or Texas or Florida… and see those gatherings as “people living their lives”
My pushback is as you’re is, people protest, people wear masks, Trumpkins protest about wearing masks.
Seeing that in Oswego, live… it’s tiring hearing how it’s Black Lives Matter causing the uptick.
The next full sports season (major sport league and year) that will be legitimate i.e. full season, full rosters (no missing players due to having COVD-19 or Opting out due to COVD-19 concerns), no stoppages, no asterisks, etc. will be ______________?
An addendum to the question is the next full pro sports season that will be legitimate and have the arena/stadium/ball park full of fans.
My answer is the 2021 season of MLB. My answer to the fans question is even with a COVD-19 vaccine, it might be a couple of years before we see a packed pro sports stadium again.
== one of her students from years ago that lives in poverty and from a single parent home. The kid said that distance learning didn’t work for her last semester. ==
Two observations.
1) The school districts need to do a better job of getting technology into the poorer students hands. For the ones that didn’t not have technology resources at home, the local school district sent kids home with Chromebooks.
2) The rural telecom and internet providers need to step up big time to make sure the kids have internet access. Yes, I realize some companies did that in the Spring; need to do it in the Fall. I realize the challenges of connectivity outside the cities … but the wireless companies need to get it both free and right.
Local school district is considering limiting in person instruction to the disadvantaged to specifically fight problems of access, tech, nutrition, etc., and give space for social distancing. Maybe a smart approach.
- This can't be good. - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 5:01 pm:
- Cool Papa Bell - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:04 am:
So what will a rollback to phase 3 look like?
No inside dining or bar hopping but can we keep haircuts if everyone wears a mask? Having not been inside to eat since March I’d trade a haircut for a dine in meal in a heartbeat by the end of July.
- Anyone Remember - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:12 am:
What will it take for people to feel comfortable at sporting events? Even with social distancing in the stands, getting to / from the stands? Parking lots? Restrooms? Will concession stands operate? [Sarcasm font on] Wearing a Thomas DeVore mask? [Sarcasm font off]
- Just Me 2 - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:12 am:
City Council Housing Committee has been asked to pass a reform ordinance after having it for less than three hours this morning. Didn’t they learn anything from the parking meter lease fiasco?!
- Ace V. - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:12 am:
==So what will a rollback to phase 3 look like?==
Schools closed, remote learning (with grades issues this time) for all children.
- jimbo - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:13 am:
Both Naperville school districts announced half the kids go W/F the other half T/Th. Surprisingly little anti-mask/anti-vax backlash to not attending full time.
- efudd - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:15 am:
Phase 3-with mandated masks.
…and the usual onslaught of morons who believe they have some non-existent constitutional right to aid and abet a pandemic.
- JoanP - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:17 am:
I see DeVore is at it again:
- Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:38 am:
DeVore is using up his 15 mins of fame pretty fast. Pretty sure he will be hawking his services on late night TV by next year.
- Stones - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:43 am:
Can someone fill be in as to what the speculation is with regard to Corey Crawford being deemed “unfit to play”? I know he’s had numerous injuries over the past couple of seasons but this seems very strange.
- Minnow - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 9:59 am:
In far Southern IL …Vienna,Johnson County, both a hairdresser& funeral director have announced they tested positive last week.
- revvedup - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:02 am:
Pro, college and high school sports should be cancelled for 2020 due to Covid 19. The end. Divert the wasted testing supplies and PPE to health care workers who urgently need them nationwide, especially in the surging areas. Maybe now we’ll ALL learn to stop playing with this disease under the guises of “freedom to spread disease”, “refuse vaccination and testing”, and all the anti-Science propaganda.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:03 am:
=Corey Crawford being deemed “unfit to play”=
It’s an NHL-mandated designation for any player who can’t practice or play, irrespective of what the reason is. Probably using it so all of the COVID-positives players don’t have their status disclosed
- Top of the State - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:03 am:
Naperville school district has parents who have more options. Here in the hinterland… some kids don’t have access to the technology (internet, hardware). My wife, a teacher, met one of her students from years ago that lives in poverty and from a single parent home. The kid said that distance learning didn’t work for her last semester. Staying at home will accelerate her being “left behind”.
- Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:04 am:
adding….NHL teams are prohibited from offering additional information, so we really have no idea what’s going with Crawford
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:09 am:
Four months into the worst recession since the Great Depression, Illinois Democrats have no recovery plan for them- insisting on tax hikes, increased regulation, continued minimum wage increases and no reforms of worker’s compensation while previously successful businesses struggle with no end in sight.
- DownSouth - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:30 am:
Southern Region metrics aren’t especially spiffy the past few days. Would it be too soon to put a sign in my front yard that says “I Told You So”?
- efudd - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:43 am:
Waste of money. Too many people down here still think this is a “big city” problem, and would accuse you of being a socialist.
Even though they don’t know what that word means.
- Lynn S. - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:44 am:
Can I help you set it up? I promise to bring my own mask.
- Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:44 am:
==Both Naperville school districts announced half the kids go W/F the other half T/Th.==
And I assume that every Monday will be either a day off or all-online. Which makes sense since most of the school holidays (e.g., Labor Day, Martin Luther King’s Birthday, Presidents’ Day, and whomever still takes Casimir Pulaski Day) fall on Monday. Is that the case?
- Proud Sucker - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:48 am:
Unfortunately, it’s always a save assumption for Crawford that he’s under concussion protocol.
- Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:49 am:
Sox intersquad game on Facebook live right now.
- Captain Obvious - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:50 am:
Attention baseball fans: If you have Netflix and you have not already seen it, watch “The Battered (badword beginning with B that I am sure is not allowed here) of Baseball.” It is a spellbinding story every baseball fan should know.
- Highland, IL - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:52 am:
Waiting for Paul Schimpf to defend his position of local school control against POTUS and DeVos for threatening Federal control over schools.
- Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 10:53 am:
==So what will a rollback to phase 3 look like?==
I think from the national and now State trends, we need to return to phase 3 immediately (if not last week or before the 4th). Even before the current 28-day period (starting June 26) is up.
- Trapped in the ‘burbs - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:11 am:
I just don’t get it. People complaining about wearing masks and socially distancing. I am very worried about catching Covid-19. These people complaining about their rights leave me confused. The inconvenience of a mask versus the misery of the disease, seems like a no-brainer. What am I missing?
- Going Backwards - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:13 am:
So I picked up this tiny quote from Clay County Hero Darren Bailey this morning. “We can’t figure things out, we need the Government to tell us what to do”. Doesn’t he realize he is the Government? That seemed confusing to everyone but his followers.
- Thomas Paine - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:16 am:
We should discuss raising the graduation age to 19.
Hopefully Pritzker will be rolling back indoor dining, drinking, gambling and gymnasiums.
Serious consideration to redrawing regional boundaries to reflect how populations and the pandemic behave. Call them subregions if you must.
But the governor ought to be able to address what is happening in the Metro-East without closing retailers in Marion.
- Suburbs - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:18 am:
If there is a rollback then these virus spreading protests should also be curtailed. It’s not a coincidence that the surge happened as States were reopened and these mass gatherings were taking place. If reopening gets limited then so should all mass gatherings. This political picking and choosing which large group gatherings are acceptable is not ok.
Protests are certainly valid but if every big gathering needs to be severely limited then it should apply across the board.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:23 am:
=== It’s not a coincidence… ===
Explain New York State and Alabama in your coincidence thinking.
Maybe add Texas… Florida… Ohio protests?
- Suburbs - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:27 am:
OW, you cannot think that these large group gatherings had nothing to do with virus spread, can you? It’s only logical that there was virus spread there. It’s obviously not the only factor but it is a factor. And if we are looking to reduce factors that cause spread then let’s be consistent.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:28 am:
=== This political picking and choosing which large group gatherings are acceptable is not ok===
… and yet the gatherings “protesting” the wearing of masks and not opening up weren’t stopped either.
Here in Oswego we had such a protest, no social distancing, no masks, luckily maybe 200 folks, but they go home, visit stores, practice Covidiocy…
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:31 am:
===It’s not a coincidence ===
Zero evidence of that here. Zero.
But, yeah, let’s stop Black people from protesting if you can’t go to a bar at 2 in the morning. Right.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:31 am:
=== And if we are looking to reduce factors that cause spread then let’s be consistent.===
lol, explain that to the people protesting in Oswego about the masks…
=== you cannot think that these large group gatherings had nothing to do with virus spread, can you?===
If you’re not going to explain Florida, Texas, Alabama, and how New York State is doing, say so, don’t make it about me… geez… lol
- Suburbs - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:41 am:
I don’t have the answers to this virus. Obviously Trump doesn’t have a clue either. And I didn’t mean to make this about you OW. I didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 and I won’t again this year. Just looking for consistency on gatherings size. And people are crazy to not wear a mask much less protest the wearing of a mask.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:48 am:
=== I don’t have the answers to this virus.===
Then stop opining like you have direct evidence of something you wave to be fact.
=== Just looking for consistency on gatherings size.===
Here’s what real;
The same Covidiots (which you seem not to be one, but this example is to the thinking of groups) who rallied in Oswego who wanted everything open and no masks are the “same” folks who say “the protests” (Black Lives Matter) are the “major” reason, the “biggest” reason… and ignore places like Arkansas, or Texas or Florida… and see those gatherings as “people living their lives”
My pushback is as you’re is, people protest, people wear masks, Trumpkins protest about wearing masks.
Seeing that in Oswego, live… it’s tiring hearing how it’s Black Lives Matter causing the uptick.
Nothing, in fact, shows such a connection.
- Big Jer - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:55 am:
The next full sports season (major sport league and year) that will be legitimate i.e. full season, full rosters (no missing players due to having COVD-19 or Opting out due to COVD-19 concerns), no stoppages, no asterisks, etc. will be ______________?
An addendum to the question is the next full pro sports season that will be legitimate and have the arena/stadium/ball park full of fans.
My answer is the 2021 season of MLB. My answer to the fans question is even with a COVD-19 vaccine, it might be a couple of years before we see a packed pro sports stadium again.
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 11:59 am:
I am disappointed at the lack of commitment some folks have had to their COVID-19 mullets.
You could have been Patrick Swayze. All you had to do was nothing.
- Too of the State - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 12:07 pm:
The MLB Field of Dreams game is still on for August. Cardinals vs Yankees. Not sure what they do about the 8,000 number of seats
- Lynn S. - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 12:15 pm:
8000 seats…or the Covid-19 rate in Iowa.
- efudd - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 12:30 pm:
Probably see fewer protests when bone-headed cops stop kneeling on a restrained man’s neck for 9 minutes.
Just guessing.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 1:17 pm:
== one of her students from years ago that lives in poverty and from a single parent home. The kid said that distance learning didn’t work for her last semester. ==
Two observations.
1) The school districts need to do a better job of getting technology into the poorer students hands. For the ones that didn’t not have technology resources at home, the local school district sent kids home with Chromebooks.
2) The rural telecom and internet providers need to step up big time to make sure the kids have internet access. Yes, I realize some companies did that in the Spring; need to do it in the Fall. I realize the challenges of connectivity outside the cities … but the wireless companies need to get it both free and right.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 1:38 pm:
“What will it take for people to feel comfortable at sporting events?”
Sitting on couch, in comfort of home, watching the TV, with an adult beverage on the coffee table.
- Jibba - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 4:15 pm:
Local school district is considering limiting in person instruction to the disadvantaged to specifically fight problems of access, tech, nutrition, etc., and give space for social distancing. Maybe a smart approach.
- This can't be good. - Tuesday, Jul 14, 20 @ 5:01 pm: