Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Casten has large cash advantage over Ives
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Casten has large cash advantage over Ives

Wednesday, Jul 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Today, Sean Casten announced that his campaign raised over $748,000 in the second quarter of 2020. The campaign’s impressive fundraising haul brings the total raised this cycle to more than $4 million, with over $3 million cash on hand.

“There is incredible enthusiasm from voters in the 6th District for reelecting Sean Casten to Congress,” said Casten for Congress Campaign Manager Chloe Hunt. “Our strong fundraising numbers are a reflection of a widespread outpouring of support for Rep. Casten and his work in the House. Rep. Casten won his seat because he pledged to be responsive to voters’ needs and lead on the issues that matter to them, and he’s lived up to that promise by holding more than 30 town halls and leading on legislation to strengthen the Affordable Care Act and combat climate change. That’s why he was elected in 2018, and that’s how he intends to win re-election in 2020. ”

* Press release…

Illinois 6th District Congressional candidate Jeanne Ives announced a strong Second Quarter fundraising haul of $531,039.03, with $483,239.03 raised for Jeanne for Congress, and an additional $47,800 in funds raised for Jeanne Victory.

The report indicates that Ives’ ability to raise the funds necessary to compete with her opponent continues to exceed the expectations of the chattering class.

Sean Casten, the incumbent Congressman in IL-06, only raised $748k in the second quarter. Ives fundraising has consistently been on pace with her opponent’s - despite the fact that he enjoys the power of the incumbency, and the franking privileges and publicity that come with it.

“A year ago, I launched this campaign from my kitchen table. Since then, we have built an army of hundreds of dedicated volunteers, interns and donors who are tired of Sean Casten’s unfair self-serving agenda of special deals and higher taxes. We’re proud that an overwhelming amount of support came from individual contributors, people mostly inside the state of Illinois. In contrast Congressman Casten relies on corporate PACs and special interest groups for funding. While my donors both large and small are making real sacrifices to reach voters, Sean Casten voted for HR1 which would force taxpayers to fund campaigns - he must have forgotten we have $26 trillion in debt. That’s the difference between us: He’s working to line his pockets. I am running to protect your pocketbook.

“This race was never going to be easy, but if we raise enough money to connect with enough people — we win. I am incredibly grateful for the support and generosity so many have shown. Now we just have to buckle down and take it over the finish line.”

Ives had $366K in the bank at the end of the first quarter.

* Ives fundraising email today…

Dear Friend,

Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

So I can’t say that I’m surprised about Sean Casten’s latest actions to enrich himself.

Sean just re-introduced green energy subsidies and tax deals from 10 years ago that were included in the 2009 Stimulus Package - the same subsidies and tax deals that he and his company benefited from.

He doesn’t care that these subsidies will make energy more expensive for you. He isn’t bothered that while many families continue to struggle to make ends meet, he is using his position to cut taxes for his friends and raise taxes on everyone else.

Chip in today to help us stop Sean from putting his interests ahead of our hardworking families and small businesses.

Sean lobbied Congress in 2008 for these kinds of tax credits, and his company received over $8 million in corporate welfare.

And now as a member of Congress, he should have been lobbying for the 6th District’s fair share of relief aid.

But Sean was too busy trying to get a second helping of these tax breaks that made him a wealthy man back in 2009.

We need leaders who we can trust to look out for us.

I have always stood up against those who would use their government position for personal gain. I voted against crony special tax credits in Springfield and I will do the same in Congress.

This is not complicated, you can elect someone who stands with you or someone who stands with special interests.

Join our team today and together we will defeat the self-serving grifter Sean Casten and start looking out for our neighbors again.

All In For Ives

* Greg Hinz

Democrat Rep. Lauren Underwood of Naperville pulled in $1.2 million and has $3 million in the bank, Politico reports. Compare that to $250,000 in income for GOP challenger Jim Oberweis, who has $373,000 in cash on hand.

However, signs are that national GOP groups believe the 14th is more winnable than the 6th, so they may open their wallets later. Even more on point, dairy-owner and investment mogul Oberweis lent himself $1 million for the March primary and most definitely can do so again in the fall.



  1. - Hamlet's Ghost - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 1:35 pm:

    Two simple questions for Jeanne Ives:

    1. Are you voting for Donald Trump?
    2. Will you openly campaign for his re-election as President?

  2. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 1:38 pm:

    ===national GOP groups believe the 14th is more winnable than the 6th===

    Well, I believe an ice cube will last longer in a volcano than on the surface of the sun.

    Either way, the ice cube loses… I mean melts.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 1:46 pm:

    The fact that Oberweis will also self-fund with seven figures makes his chances more appealing and more “worthy” to dropping some cash to help.

    It’s a financial designation, I feel, that if you are the HRCC and decide where throwing bad money in, you’d rather not be the whole piggy bank for Ives when Oberweis will likely drop money to make you drop money too.

  4. - John Lopez - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 1:46 pm:

    Reports can be deceiving on Jim Oberweis, and the total he loaned his campaign was $600K, not $1M (on January 15, he paid back $500K, but in March he loaned himself another $100K when nearly $1 million TV/radio ad buy against him in final 10 days of primary).

    One wonders if IL-14 ratings change is coming from Cook or Sabato.

  5. - Proud Sucker - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 3:04 pm:

    The old white guy is more likely to beat the young African American woman then the middle aged white guy will beat the middle aged white woman? Hmm…I’ll take Lauren and give 5 points any day.

  6. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 4:20 pm:

    I think we saw from Oberweis in the primary, and frankly his prior campaigns, how he will run. It’s as if he’s tone deaf on where the district is today. Sad that this is the best the party can do. Same goes for the 6th. My only hope is that this will be the last we hear from Oberweis and Ives but given the current state of the ILGOP that’s doubtful.

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