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Wednesday, Jul 15, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Talk amongst yourselves. Just please keep it local and polite.


  1. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:15 am:

    Hopefully today’s the day we get some rain up around these parts.

  2. - Ike - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:19 am:

    Cubs lost yesterday…

  3. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:20 am:

    Looks like Pritzker is the new Madigan to the diehard Rauner Luddites out there. To bad we can’t vote them out too.

  4. - Wondering why - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:23 am:

    Seems over the last few days we’ve had more than a few local establishments that have been hit with employees testing positive for the coronavirus. Each have taken the proper steps to sanitize/deep clean, get employees tested and follow whatever rules the health department can give them.

    What I’m wondering about is all the hateful people that are coming out of the woodwork slamming these businesses for things they did as far back when it was just carry out. It’s like lets kick them all while they are down. I know everyone needs to be careful and everyone needs to wear a mask. I’m sure these folks didn’t do it on purpose.

    Don’t we need to stand behind our locally owned businesses in a time like this and build them up when they are down instead of pushing them down farther?

  5. - Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:27 am:

    36 students who attended a Lake Zurich High sports camp have tested positive for the virus.

  6. - Sangamo Girl - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:31 am:

    As Springfield-area COVID-19 cases tick up, several local restaurants have made announcements of staff infections and closed their dining rooms. They are returning to carry-out and outdoor dining only. I’m making an effort to support our local establishments making responsible decisions.

  7. - Ashland Adam - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:32 am:

    Concerned about Covid’s impact on census taking. Illinois projected to lose a US House seat…can’t afford to lose a decade of federal funding, based on accurate census.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:33 am:

    ===Pritzker is the new Madigan===

    This is, actually, a positive sign, as governors not only own, governors sit in the big chair and the opposition party should realize to win they need to make the face of angst the actual face of power.

    Of course the Governor polls incredibly better than Madigan and at any time can drop $10, $20, $50 million to rehabilitate (checks notes) a “bad” editorial or three.

    The Raunerites will further sink the party as Trump does poorly in this state but it’s a positive thing that the Raunerites figured out how politics work;

    Pat Quinn failed, Bruce Rauner failed…

    Madigan… kept getting stronger.

    When the Raunerites get $50+ million to take on Pritzker, that’ll be the next step. “Good luck”

  9. - Chatham Resident - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:35 am:

    ==Cubs lost yesterday…==

    Last night would have been the All-Star Game at Dodger Stadium. Which I presume not just the Cubs, but the entire NL, would have probably lost again (NL hadn’t won the Midsummer Classic since 2012).

  10. - Bruce (no not him) - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:48 am:

    “Cubs lost yesterday…”
    Nope, they won and lost A tie??

  11. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:50 am:

    ===Don’t we need to stand behind our locally owned businesses in a time like this and build them up when they are down instead of pushing them down farther?===

    On the flipside are the Covidiots who second guess these businesses for temporarily shutting their dining rooms back down out of an abundance of caution. They call them ’sheep’ and ‘Kool-Aid drinkers’. Do these idiots think the businesses WANT to limit their service? Business owners try to do the right thing and get criticized no matter what. I feel so badly for them.

  12. - bogey golfer - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 9:58 am:

    @ Grandson of Man, do not ask for what you want, for you surely may get it. Severe storms are predicted downstate.

  13. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 10:17 am:

    Sometimes it can be hard to remember there are still good things happening.

    We recently moved to a new home in a rural area. Our neighbor came by introduced himself and made sure I knew he was a Trump fan (even flies a Trump flag). We had a nice chat during which he found out I’m a Dem and have worked for Dem govs.

    From time-to-time we see each other on the road and wave but that’s about it until last night.

    I went over to his house to ask him who he used to deliver and spread gravel as we both have long driveways. He have me a name after learning I needed our drive way filled.

    About an hour later I heard some noise only to find him on our driveway with his tractor grading and spreading gravel for me. He refused to take any money and just said “hey you needed something, I could do it so I did”.

    I could not thank him enough. We probably don’t agree on much but we did agree to beers on our deck this weekend.

    Just wanted to share some good news.

  14. - Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 10:24 am:

    I guess Mayor Lightfoot’s 14 self quarantine mandate from Covid hotspots doesn’t apply to athletes. Kyle Ryan at Wrigley Field, doesn’t care. If only she knew how to enforce her emptiness.

  15. - Northsider - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 10:24 am:

    Funny, they won 4-0 in the game I saw…

    It’s nice to have baseball back, but those circumstances — even for an intra-squad game — were weird.

  16. - Original Rambler - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 11:04 am:

    Manny’s begging for business. I love the place and would hate to see it go but lots of restaurants are in the same boat. Going to have to place an order sometime soon.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 11:44 am:

    Saw none of the Cubs split squad as Comcast (obviously a customer) does not carry the Marquee channel.

    Having your own channel is one thing, the channel not available to your fans is another.

    Theoretically, I can see more (gasp) Cardinals games than Cubs tilts.

    The White Sox look like a fun club to check out…

  18. - Chatham Resident - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 12:21 pm:

    Ditka is now the owner and chairman of the “X League,” a women’s football league slated (tentatively) to begin next season.

    As expected, Chicago has a team in this league, the Chicago Blitz.

    Although with Ditka owning the league, I would have preferred a “revival” of the Honey Bears as the team name rather than the Blitz.

  19. - nadia - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 12:30 pm:

    We have patronized local Springfield restaurants and bars who chose to follow guidelines in an effort to maintain a safe atmosphere for their customers and employees. But nothing agitates me more than one particular Springfield restaurant who decided to “cheat” and open up fully for inside business during Phase III while other businesses struggled and worked hard to follow the guidelines. Luckily, thankfully and, ahem, I guess remarkably the cheating business has not reported any Covid issues. But, IMO, they are nothing more than cheaters and selfish folks who thought about themselves over the risk of opening indoor activities too early. They’ve lost my business forever and if I still had more of my militant attitude I would lead a boycott against the business.

  20. - Chatham Resident - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 12:53 pm:

    ==Manny’s begging for business==

    You mean Manny’s Pizza in Savanna? Which has been a legendary pizza (and taco) place there for decades. (They also have a second location in Freeport). Would be very sad for that to go away, considering pre-pandemic all of the support and sponsorship they gave to local sports and events in the Savanna/Carroll County area.

  21. - JoanP - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 2:01 pm:

    @ Chatham Resident -

    No, Manny’s Deli in Chicago.

  22. - Practical Politics - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 2:29 pm:

    The kookiest Census publicity stunt of all was Mayor Lightfoot donning a lime green cowboy hat to introduce “The Census Cowboy.”

    Weirdest gimmick since Pat Quinn introduced us to “Squeezy.”

  23. - Lynn S. - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 2:50 pm:

    Ashland Adam,

    It may even be worse than that.

    Think of all the towns (especially downstate) that have universities making up a good chunk of their population.

    All colleges shut down on April 1st. Only a small portion of the students still available for census count.

    There could be some very real repercussions for places like Carbondale, Charleston, and Macomb.

    I’m worried that the count where I live won’t be enough to get rid of Congress Critter “Where’s Rodney” Davis.

  24. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 15, 20 @ 3:00 pm:

    ===The kookiest Census publicity stunt of all===

    Got people talking. So, it might’ve been kooky, but it wildly succeeded.

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