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Question of the day

Monday, Jul 20, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Wellness check! How are you and yours holding up?


  1. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:20 pm:

    Good. You? Boat fixed yet?

  2. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:24 pm:

    I was fine until I read that Skillicorn post. Should of? Should of? For (deleted) sake. He’s so dumb it makes me wonder how the food gets off the plate and makes it into his mouth.

    Should of. Now I have a migraine. Maybe I should HAVE skipped that one.

  3. - MSIX - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:42 pm:

    Worried. 26 new cases in Coles County over the weekend. Evenly spread across all age ranges, which means it’s true community spread and not an outbreak at a nursing home or whatever.

  4. - RNUG - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:44 pm:

    Doing OK but working too hard on the one house.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:47 pm:

    Having some personal angst today and in the coming days with Covid-19 specifically. Had others ease my angst which has been helpful.

    Overall, doing ok, not a throwaway line… better than some, same as others, still not thriving in a new normal, but doing all i can to mentally keep strong.

    My best to all, Rich, hope you’re edging closer and closer to “boat time” too.

  6. - lake county democrat - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:51 pm:

    Thanks for the periodic check-ins Rich (though I usually see them post-commenting hours). Ups and downs - sometimes I feel “ok, between masks, social distancing, wise choices, I’ll be ok” and other times I feel like the virus is stalking us. But I try to focus on the good news: we’re finding better treatments (great story out of UK re: interferon treatment), so-far/so-good on vaccines, and anti-maskers seem to be decreasing.

  7. - Streator Curmudgeon - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:56 pm:

    Our infection count here in Streator is at 25, which may seem low to many, but this is a town of about 18,000 (including outlying areas).

    I continue to be exasperated by people who refuse to wear a mask. Right now I think that’s bugging me more than sheltering in place.

    C’mon, vaccine.

  8. - Amalia - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:59 pm:

    doing ok, but starting to worry because I really don’t want to go anywhere. not like me. fear from lack of medical certainty on how to attack the virus.

  9. - Soccermom - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:06 pm:

    We’ve been holing up at various friends’ vacant houses since late May, because our house has been overtaken by contractors. But we’re planning to head back next week. I think we’ll find an airbnb near home for the final stretch. It’s been lovely and stressful and weird to be here in the north woods while so much has been going on back home. At least we achieved our goal of protecting Soccerdad from the virus, so that’s a good thing.

  10. - Not a Superstar - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:12 pm:

    As someone actively looking for work, I am very worried about losing the extra $600/week in unemployment benefits after 7/25. On the plus side, I’m thankful that no one in our family has Covid-19, my spouse is working, and our youngest is able to attend a local day camp.

  11. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:15 pm:

    Strange times.
    Daughter and her boyfriend just visited from Colorado. They were able to work from here for a week. Thanks pandemic.

    Son would have been 35 today. He is frozen in time as the 22 year old that shipped out to Afghanistan.

    Otherwise, staying locked down. Not crazy yet.

  12. - Melido Perez - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:18 pm:

    Last night’s baseball game helped tremendously.

  13. - cermak_rd - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:19 pm:

    I’m OK. it occurred to me that I had not been at a restaurant and eaten my meal there since March! I have done takeaway a couple times per week to keep the places going (plus the places I frequent already did a fair amount of takeaway business before the virus–pizza joints, Mexican restaurants, Barbecue joints).

    We got a wood pellet stove and I have turned out some fantastic dishes from that. Making it even less likely I’m going to be eating in a restaurant.

  14. - Highland, IL - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:33 pm:

    Concerned. Someone thought it was a good idea to allow 1,000+ people to cram into the grandstands at the Madison County fairgrounds Saturday night for stock car races. Not a mask in sight from the pictures I’ve seen. Hopefully there were no carriers in the crowd because I’m sure there were fans from all over Southwestern Illinois & Missouri in attendance.

  15. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:42 pm:

    Not doing well. The squirrels have discovered my ripe tomatoes and squirrel season is still two weeks away. If you hear of a 75 yr old male going to jail because he jumped the gun a bit….send bail money.

  16. - Just Wondering - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:43 pm:

    Doing much better today than last week since the wife and I got our COVID-19 negative test results back Saturday. For someone who suffers from severe anxiety waiting isn’t easy for me. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    It’s sure interesting times when you see someone like Skillicorn cracking jokes about Covid on social media. Maybe he’s trying to become the next Chuck Woolery.

    Now lets play ball…

  17. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:45 pm:

    It’s really hard to complain as an employed person with a healthy family.

    Weirdly, I think having grown up in a political family and being exposed to/involved in politics nearly my entire life has been helpful in coping.

    What Joe Public doesn’t understand is that before the last 10-15 years, elected ideologues weren’t all that common. Most pols were pragmatists and almost all of the best ones were masters. That kind of grounding in me today generates a lot of eye rolls and head shakes, but if I didn’t have that, I think I’d be screaming into the ether.

    I have up days and down days. Watching just 30 minutes of baseball last night was helpful. Wear a (banned) mask.

  18. - Hope and Change - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:52 pm:

    I hope this episode of confinement wakes people up to the fact that locking someone up in a room does nothing to reform them of their criminal behavior or rehabilitate them to be once again integrated back into our communities.
    Imagine if we did not have tv or internet etc.

  19. - SSL - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 3:08 pm:

    Doing well, and thank you for asking. Hopeful that the continued positive news on a few of the more promising vaccines is legitimate. I know there are a lot of non believers but I’m old enough to have seen some things.

  20. - JoanP - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 3:18 pm:

    Bored, but if that’s the worst thing that happens, I can (quite literally) live with it.

  21. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 4:20 pm:

    Had a small family gathering (seven people)indoors last evening. Today, my 26 y.o. daughter-in-law tested positive. She and my son have been doing all the right things and observing protocol. The rest of us are in the process of getting tested and all of us are hunkering down even more than we were before.

  22. - Lynn S. - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 5:09 pm:

    Last Bull Moose, sorry to hear about your son. May his memory be a blessing.

  23. - Lynn S. - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 5:20 pm:

    Fun fact I learned today: apparently, there was a medical study done in the last few years, and they learned that if you want to relieve muscle spasms, Valium is more effective than Flexoral.

    How did I learn that, you asked?

    Woke up this morning with significant spinal spasms. Could barely turn my head or move my arms.

    Woke up the significant other. He had to help me get dressed, so that we could make a very unplanned trip to convenient care.

    On the positive side, I bought him lunch at Monical’s. We ate inside, but were the only people there. Tipped generously, and got a good laugh at the way Monical’s is marking off tables: “saving this for our imaginary friends”.

    After a nice Valium nap, using my new heating pad.

  24. - Proud Papa Bear - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 6:27 pm:

    Partook in Illinois’s newest freedom over the weekend. Didn’t care for it. Think I’ll stick with beer and wine.
    Still, I’m thankful I have the right.

  25. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 9:42 pm:

    “squirrel season”

    Early squirrel season can be an air pistol or rifle with wadcutter pellet and 1 pump of lever. Just enough to sting and get their attention.

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