* Press release…
Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot, the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) announced today a re-tightening of COVID-19 restrictions for bars, restaurants, gyms and personal services as a precautionary move in response to a recent increase in community cases of the virus. Throughout the pandemic, data has guided every move made by the City, and the recent uptick in cases as well as surging COVID-19 activity in other states around the country is cause for concern and motivated this move to dial back reopening in certain high-risk environments.
The reinstatement of certain restrictions will go into effect Friday, July 24 at 12:01 a.m., in order to allow businesses time to prepare. Restrictions will include:
• Bars, taverns, breweries and other establishments that serve alcohol for on-site consumption without a Retail Food license will no longer be able to serve customers indoors.
o Restaurants that serve alcohol will be allowed to continue to operate as long as they abide by ongoing COVID-19 guidance and existing regulations.
o Establishments without food may still provide outdoor service as they did under phase three.
• Maximum party size and table occupancy at restaurants, bars, taverns and breweries will be reduced to six people.
• Indoor fitness class size will be reduced to a maximum of 10 people.
• Personal services requiring the removal of face coverings will no longer be permitted (shaves, facials, etc.).
• Residential property managers will be asked to limit guest entry to five per unit to avoid indoor gatherings and parties.
“We have made so much progress here in Chicago in containing the spread of the virus, protecting our health system and saving lives, and in general, the virus remains under control locally. But we are again seeing a steady increase in new cases,” said Mayor Lightfoot. “While we aren’t near the peak of the pandemic from earlier this year, none of us wants to go back there, and we feel these restrictions will help limit further community spread.”
- Cheryl44 - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:23 am:
I am so glad she’s mayor.
- @misterjayem - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:27 am:
If serving food prevents the spread of the coronavirus, every business should be required to serve food.
If serving food doesn’t prevent the spread of the coronavirus, this edict makes no sense.
– MrJM
- Not a Billionaire - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:27 am:
I would like whole state to do same.
What is she going to do with Schools?
What is policy for the huge office buildings downtown?
- Jenny - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:44 am:
==What is she going to do with Schools?==
School policy will be impacted by this decision. The root cause of a long term crisis will remain, however, because both the Governor and Mayor are requiring education policies children (and most parents, teachers and administrators) cannot ever comply with whether its 5 hours online learning or 5 hours of perfect social distancing. My bet is that 2020 will be known as the year of the social promotion. However, there will be a lot of anxiety generated by these unrealistic education policies being foisted upon parents and children.
- M - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:46 am:
I think the idea is that if a place is serving food, people will remain seated at their table.
At bars with no food, from the videos I’ve seen, people end up walking around with no mask.
That’s what it is aimed at preventing, I think.
- hisgirlfriday - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:48 am:
Has there been any estimate of what percentage of people have gone back to indoor dining and going to indoor bars?
Before the pandemic I would sit down in restaurants 3-4 times a week for lunch during work days and go to restaurants/craft beer places about 2-3 times a week with my family on other days.
My workplace stopped letting us work from home June 1 but even since things reopened I have only got takeout/drivethru restaurant food with the exception of eating outdoors at one favorite lunch spot a couple of times.
Am I a total outlier in not having resumed regular dining habits even when they were legalized?
- 1st Ward - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:52 am:
I like that its surgical and most make sense. The residential property managers limiting guest entry won’t work. This should tailor to the number of people in “common areas” within residential buildings thereby managers closing these down or offering sign-ups to control.
Most buildings don’t have doorman and some that do aren’t on site 24/7 and are loosely enforced.
- Gene Gene - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:52 am:
We are no longer in an emergency situation, COVID is here and not going anywhere. Its time for individuals like mayors and governors to end rule by edict and legislators and city councils to do their jobs. Put on a mask, grab a bottle of hand sanitizer, and get to work.
- 60610 - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 10:59 am:
What does “Residential Property Manager” actually mean? What’s a couple examples of this please.
- nua - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:01 am:
Did she say any thing about reports that DJT is sending 150 agents to Chicago? Source is Chicago Tribune.
- Downstate - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:05 am:
We are really lucky we got all the protests completed before the new rules came down. /s/
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:11 am:
=== We are really lucky we got all the protests completed before the new rules came down.===
You must not be paying *any* attention with that mouth breathing so heavy… snark or not.
The protesters… aren’t at all “thrilled” … with Mayor Lightfoot.
- Downstate -
Do you support “Black Lives Matter”?
Why or why not?
- Nagidam - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:14 am:
===Did she say any thing about reports that DJT is sending 150 agents to Chicago? Source is Chicago Tribune.===
I love how a lot of right leaning law and order folks are praising President Trump for utilizing Federal sources to battle the rioters but at the same time say the 2nd amendment is needed as a check against the Federal Government. Which is it? If you condone the Federal government stepping in for one issue are you then ok for a new administration stepping in to enforce a policy you don’t agree with? Something like maybe, I don’t know, enforcing an assault weapons ban.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:18 am:
Get back on topic, please.
- Hmmmmmmmmm - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:24 am:
Nothing on massage parlors, nail salons, or tanning salons?
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:25 am:
Anyone who still believes that this problem can be solved incrementally is living in a state of denial.
The economy will recover when people feel safe enough to go out and shop and that ain’t happenin’ until this thing stops spreading.
Lock it down. A little short term pain is preferable to endless
- Nagidam - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:28 am:
===Get back on topic, please.===
Sorry Richard
I believe the difference between food consumption vs. alcohol consumption as it relates to licenses is time. You will stay in an indoor establishment for less time if you are there to eat. You are more likely to stay longer to drink as most people are there to socialize as well. I think this is a measured response to increase positivity rates.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:29 am:
To the post,
The premise that until uninformed mask wearing for everyone is followed for 6 to 8 weeks is done, we all will continue to ebb and flow from “open a little” to “close some more”
Wear a mask.
It’s not just bars/restaurants or places serving alcohol, it’s just that those obvious easy targets will be put out as the culprits more often.
- DownSouth - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:31 am:
hisgirlfriday - pre pandemic we didn’t dine out a great deal, 2 x month breakfast out with yoga class friends, but husband was an every single day visitor at the local tavern for the meeting of the old coots each day. (Small rural area, half a dozen retirees meeting to, well, who knows what those old coots did every day ) Since March we have not gone to dine in, outside dining, or gotten take out. Spouse has not gathered with the old coot crew at the local tavern since it’s reopening because frankly that establishment is not following any guidelines and it’s business as usual. Seeing the uptick in SW IL and Southern IL - we will likely continue to behave as we have been. Pick up of groceries only, minimal contact with others and masking, washing our hands etc. Online or phone ordering of supplies at local farm store with pick up. 1 x week trip to library.
We live literally on the border of Regions 4 and 5.
In this area, we are definitely an outlier and different than most
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:32 am:
We know what works:
Test, Track, and Isolate.
- 44th - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:34 am:
I assume indoor fitness classes of under 10 still have to be masked. Seems risky to me to have 10 people working out indoors together even masked. I like limiting indoor bars. The 20 somethings partying seem to be the hot spot so I get trying to curb that. The outdoor partying downtown is still a major issue.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:36 am:
=Pick up of groceries only, minimal contact with others and masking, washing our hands etc.=
- Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:39 am:
I would like to know if the targeted move here is backed up by what contract tracers are finding. Are people coming down with the virus after spending time eating or drinking inside?
If that’s the info then share it back up the move with the data you have. Should create more “buy in” from the community.
- fs - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:40 am:
== I believe the difference between food consumption vs. alcohol consumption as it relates to licenses is time. You will stay in an indoor establishment for less time if you are there to eat. You are more likely to stay longer to drink as most people are there to socialize as well. I think this is a measured response to increase positivity rates.==
That relies on an assumption that people go to bars with food licenses only if they intend on eating. Which is a laughable assumption.
- Downstate - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:41 am:
—Do you support “Black Lives Matter”?—
Is there a loyalty oath I need to take?
I support the premise that all people should be responsible citizens in their personal and professional lives. If supporting BLM means that police should be held accountable for irresponsible activities, I’m all in. If supporting BLM means that the looters and rioters should not be prosecuted, then I’m not supportive. So I guess it depends on which aspect of BLM you are asking about.
As for my personal activities, I’m sending Rich a private email, the contents of which I’ll ask him to share with you (but keeping my name confidential). Rich may be too busy to help. But at least it’s my effort to answer your question in both a public and private way.
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:45 am:
=== Is there a loyalty oath I need to take?===
Here was your snark…
=== We are really lucky we got all the protests completed before the new rules came down.===
No mention of looters of rioters… just protesters.
Keep that in mind… as I question your “thoughts”
- Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:50 am:
=== I’m sending Rich a private email, the contents of which I’ll ask him to share with you===
Save the time. I’m not interested.
I asked, you answered, I clarified your ambiguity.
Again, to the Post,
Philadelphia has decided for 2020, no fans for live sports, “period”, no social distancing parameters, just no fans.
We’ll see if that gets to Cubs/Sox/Bears…
- Wensicia - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:53 am:
==I think the idea is that if a place is serving food, people will remain seated at their table.==
Many bars that serve food do not require dining at tables only.
- Gene Gene - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 11:55 am:
* Many bars that serve food do not require dining at tables only. *
So they sit at the bar, 6 feet apart.
- TinyDancer(FKASue) - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:04 pm:
=I would like to know if the targeted move here is backed up by what contract tracers are finding=
We started too late. Our contract tracing is not yet up to speed:
- Downstate - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:06 pm:
“Save the time, I’m not interested.”
I think you’ll find my perspective unlike most other commentators on this board. It’s worth the read.
- Just Me 2 - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:12 pm:
How does a property manager limit how many people come into a building? Hire a security guard to work the front (and back) door?
Related: I have a friend who owns a bar that is closed, but the City is still requiring him to pay his liquor license fees, which he is getting a loan to pay because he doesn’t want to lose it and go through the process to regain it. Seems ridiculous.
- Cheryl44 - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:22 pm:
What does “Residential Property Manager” actually mean?
Landlords and their reps. Some property owners hire someone else to manage rentals, particularly large buildings. The problem I see expecting property managers to limit the number of guests is they are rarely on site. If the building has a doorman or a concierge they could monitor visitors if they want to make the very wealthy tenants angry, I guess.
- fs - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:05 pm:
== Landlords and their reps. Some property owners hire someone else to manage rentals, particularly large buildings. The problem I see expecting property managers to limit the number of guests is they are rarely on site. If the building has a doorman or a concierge they could monitor visitors if they want to make the very wealthy tenants angry, I guess.==
So, what happens if they find more than 5 people in a residence? Is this an occupancy limit that is only applicable to apartments, but not condos or houses?
- Former Bartender - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 3:20 pm:
This is a useless order for bars, hits only what 10-15% of total places? Just a cop out that won’t have much effect at all. Just go to Lakeview on the weekend and see all the “restaurants” with seating and hardly any food being served to groups.
- ZC - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 4:32 pm:
Wondering if this is like 50% science and 50% “warning shot.”
- Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 6:36 pm:
mayor lightfoot should be as quick to respond to the chaos on Michigan ave. I wonder what the tourism numbers will be to Chicago this year. Covid, demonstrations blocking traffic, looting….and of course the shootings. Could go from 57 million to 57,000.