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Skillicorn jokes about pandemic deaths

Monday, Jul 20, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This guy…

* I reached out to his Democratic opponent Suzanne Ness for a reaction…

Over 7400 Illinoisans have lost their lives to this terrible pandemic and Allen Skillicorn chooses to make a joke about it. And while our families have made major changes in their lives to stop the spread of the virus, Skillicorn made two trips to Trump rallies in Oklahoma and Arizona, without a mask or PPE, risking bringing coronavirus back to our community from these virus hotspots. He has shown us again and again that he either isn’t taking this seriously, he doesn’t get it, or he just doesn’t care. Yet again another example of poor leadership. It’s time for a change.


  1. - Roadrager - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:38 pm:

    “Should of” lets us know what an intellectual we’re dealing with here.

  2. - Anyone Remember - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:42 pm:

    “This” is why Madigan will be less of a problem than the Tribbies are hoping for …

  3. - NIU Grad - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:42 pm:

    A “pro-life” leader who has brushed off that over 130,000 Americans have died from this crisis. A complete partisan hack.

  4. - SouthSide Markie - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:45 pm:

    Poor attempt at humor. Even worse attempt at grammar.

  5. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:48 pm:

    At the risk of being banned forever or chewed out by other posters - I think it is quite funny.

    Someone has a nutty imagination to post these signs out on an interstate highway next to a roadkill deer.

  6. - MSIX - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:51 pm:

    =“Should of” lets us know what an intellectual we’re dealing with here.=

    What I was going to post verbatim.

  7. - 17% Solution - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:51 pm:

    The comments to this tweet are priceless.

    My favorite: At least he wasn’t pretending to be in Springfield while at a parade hundreds of miles away.

  8. - @misterjayem - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:52 pm:

    Waitaminit — when that photo was taken, the deer claimed he was voting in Springfield‼

    – MrJM

  9. - @misterjayem - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 12:53 pm:

    ___ minds think etc

  10. - Siualum - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:03 pm:

    Yeah, you’re absolutely hilarious, Skillicorn.

  11. - Stones - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:05 pm:

    I lost a loved one to this virus two weeks ago. This is no laughing matter.

    I’m not going to get banned by typing what I think of Skillicorn’s lazy attempt at humor.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:08 pm:

    There is very little serious about “Allen Skillicorn, legislator”

    Mr. Skillicorn continuing his less than serious thoughts to life and death during the pandemic is on brand for him.

    All you really need to know.

  13. - unspun - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:09 pm:

    Is it safe to assume that Skillicorn hasn’t had a family member suffer and die in isolation, or been stored in a refrigeration truck with hundreds of others because the morgues were over capacity? I wonder if those victims’ family members would lol at his joke? This is trash.

  14. - SouthSide Markie - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:18 pm:

    Skillicorn shouldn’t even get “credit” for originality. That picture has been floating around Facebook for a while now. That certainly does not make it right.

  15. - John Lee Pettimore, III - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:20 pm:

    Substitute “cancer” for Covid would be be so funny? Substitute “heart attack” would he be laughing? How about “aneurysm”? Is that a side splitter?

    I know three people personally who have died of Covid-19. It’s not funny to their families.

  16. - Not even funny - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:28 pm:

    Sure nothing to joke about. I paced the floors for 6 days waiting for my test results which were negative thank God. I’m sure he’s the group that’s backing DeVore to sue the Governor in every County now claiming there’s no health crisis. Per his interview on WMAY this AM. Plus the Edgar Dogs posted this last night.
    COVID-19 does not qualify as a Public Health Emergency as defined by our State Legislature in the vast majority of the state, and questionably even in the worst impacted portions of the state.
    Which is in most people’s eyes very dangerous seeing how the numbers are increasing. So I guess to some it no more than a joke

  17. - 1st Ward - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:31 pm:

    I present you exhibit one for why the Republicans are in the super minority in the Illinois G.A.

    Why do this?

  18. - SouthSide Markie - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:32 pm:

    Skillicorn’s posting of the picture isn’t the most troubling thing to me. His reputation precedes him. The troubling message here is that Skillicorn’s re-posting of a so-called humorous viral Facebook picture reflects a society that has gotten too comfortable with this virus.

  19. - Upon Further Review - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:38 pm:

    =“This” is why Madigan will be less of a problem than the Tribbies are hoping for =

    Skillecorn being and idiot and the Speaker being corrupt on not mutually exclusive. Plenty of room for both of those dynamics to be accurate.

  20. - JS Mill - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 1:40 pm:

    There is not hit on Skillicorn that isn’t fair.

  21. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:04 pm:

    As Bugs Bunny says it perfectly, “What a maroon.”

  22. - Anon - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:08 pm:

    I mean… What’s worse, that or odd inclusion of totally unrelated deaths as covid? Rare, but problematic.

  23. - Pundent - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:20 pm:

    Does Skillicorn think that all potentially fatal illnesses are funny or just this one. And if it’s just Covid that gives him the chuckles why?

  24. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:49 pm:

    If I had to choose between an elected official with a bad sense of humor or one who is about to be indicted on bribery charges, I know the one whom I would support.

  25. - Cool Papa Bell - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 2:49 pm:

    @Pundent - The virus became a “joke” to Skillicorn or others when they realized the one way to fix it was going to cost them the only political capital they had… Slowing down the economy.

    Skillicorn and his like minded herd weren’t going to stand for that and once they saw how feckless and unprepared the White House was to react they trenched in deeper and took to belittling the virus, its impact and those who want to stay healthy and keep others well too.

  26. - Morty - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 3:55 pm:

    ‘ He has shown us again and again that he either isn’t taking this seriously, he doesn’t get it, or he just doesn’t care.‘

    D. All of the above

  27. - Excitable Boy - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 4:07 pm:

    - about to be indicted on bribery charges -

    Unfortunately we’ll never know if Skilli could be bribed because no one would waste the money.

  28. - Pundent - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 4:17 pm:

    =If I had to choose between an elected official with a bad sense of humor or one who is about to be indicted on bribery charges, I know the one whom I would support.=

    Good to know. I didn’t take you as a rule of law guy considering how you’ve turned a blind eye on everything that’s happened in Washington over the last four years. I guess asking a foreign government to dig up dirt on your political rival or pardoning someone for lying to Congress and witness tampering doesn’t resonate with you.

  29. - mama - Monday, Jul 20, 20 @ 5:07 pm:

    It sounds like Skillicorn is trying to earn brownie points from Trump.

  30. - Theq - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 8:30 am:

    He has doubled down and reposted it today

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