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I suppose it could be worse

Tuesday, Jul 21, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Just a reminder that they have term limits in Ohio

Federal officials arrested Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder on Tuesday in connection with a $60 million bribery case.

U.S. Attorney David DeVillers’ office would not discuss details of the case, but a source involved in the investigation confirmed Householder’s arrest to the Cincinnati Enquirer.

Four others were arrested, the source said.


Householder, a farmer and businessman in Glenford, has led the GOP-controlled Ohio House since January 2019. He previously held the speaker’s gavel 2001 to 2004 but left due to term limits. He returned to the House in January 2017 and mounted a campaign to become the first lawmaker to recapture the speakership in nearly six decades.

Dude moves fast. Busted after a year and a half.

Householder’s predecessor resigned in disgrace

On April 10, 2018, [Ohio Speaker Cliff Rosenberger] announced he would resign effective May 1, 2018 amid an FBI investigation of his “lavish lifestyle” and “relationships with lobbyists and donors.” On April 12, 2018, Rosenberger announced he was immediately resigning

…Adding… This is apparently about a nuclear power plant bailout bill

The investigation centers on House Bill 6, the $1 billion-plus ratepayer bailout of two Ohio nuclear power plants owned by FirstEnergy Solutions (now Energy Harbor) that Householder helped push through last year with the help of millions in dark money, according to the Toledo Blade.

Besides Householder, four others have been arrested, according to sources and media reports: former Ohio Republican Party Chair-turned-consultant Matt Borges, prominent lobbyist Neil Clark, FirstEnergy Solutions lobbyist Juan Cespedes, and Householder aide Jeff Longstreth.

…Adding… Meanwhile, in New York

[Former NY Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver], originally convicted on multiple counts of corruption in 2015, won a minor victory on Tuesday when the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit overturned a subsequent 2018 conviction on the grounds that it didn’t identify specifically enough a quid pro quo between Silver and a Columbia University cancer researcher from whom Silver was found guilty of taking bribes. Still, the three-judge panel affirmed the bulk of the conviction, likely guaranteeing that Silver will see prison time.

…Adding… Check this out…

Ohio is giving Illinois a real run for its money.


  1. - Ok - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:34 am:

    $60 million. Whew.

  2. - Donnie Elgin - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:35 am:

    Not enough buffer

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:36 am:

    Never be a Speaker…

  4. - trollbait - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:37 am:

    Are the feds fishing for every House speaker in the midwest?

  5. - Powdered Whig - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:37 am:

    Note to all of those “term limits cures corruption” people - 2 consecutive House Speakers in Ohio dinged for corruption despite term limits.

  6. - Bruce (no not him) - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:38 am:

    Got sloppy the second time through.

  7. - Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:38 am:

    ===$60 million. Whew.===

    Madigan: ‘Hold my apple’.

  8. - Buford - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:39 am:

    I can’t believe Madigan made him do it

  9. - ChicagoVinny - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:39 am:

    He did a corruption speedrun.

  10. - Not a Billionaire - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:40 am:

    A lot of Illinois corruption image is we are a major media center. New York had some attention yesterday when Sheldon Silver got his sentence reduced. Someone did a review of arrests and convictions of state legislative members and neither we or NY were at top.

  11. - Just Me 2 - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:40 am:

    Dude, you’re supposed to wait 37 years to be that corrupt.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:41 am:

    GHR to Blago is to …Rosenberger and Householder

    You’d think after the *first* one, the *second* one would learn… sumptin’

    Guess not.

  13. - No Longer A Lurker - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:41 am:

    I bet he uses email and a cell phone.

  14. - West Side the Best Side - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:42 am:

    Don’t think the Feds will get Madigan on a “lavish lifestyle” beef.

  15. - Wilson - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:43 am:

    Watch for a connection to nuclear bailouts

  16. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:47 am:

    It is kinda BS that Illinois, NJ, and Louisiana have such a reputation for corruption while Ohio keeps on delivering guys like this, Jim Traficant, Bob Ney, and the clowns mixed up in an Ohio GOP scandal to invest state money in rare coin investments controlled by GOP donors.

  17. - Captain Obvious - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:50 am:

    Madigan should be supplementing his meager state salary by teaching a masters level continuing legal education class in avoiding prosecution for corruption. What a couple of rookies. They should of learned from the first ballot hall of famer. (Grammatical errors intentional for my enjoyment and tweaking of grammar police.)

  18. - The Old Man - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:53 am:

    So what is your point on mentioning term limits in Ohio? Length of service has little to do with corruption, (remember Orville Hodge in the Auditors office 1956 and Paul Powell as Sec. of State early 70″s), both had only 4 years in their respective offices. Long tenure in office just lets a corrupt person dig in deeper and get more benefits over more years.

  19. - 19th Ward Guy - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 9:54 am:

    Bad news for Trump. Ohio tightening and Republicans in disarray not helping him.

  20. - Ok - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:03 am:

    First Energy in Ohio is one of the most villainous villains. The Speaker went around the state telling Republicans that the White House said if they don’t pass HB6, then Trump wouldn’tget re-elected.

    That bill sent money to two nuclear plants that they admitted didn’t even need it, bailed out two coal plants, and got rid of renewable energy funding and energy efficiency funding.

    When the enviros and clean energy groups started a signature drive to get a referendum to undo the bill, First Energy ran millions of dollars in ads through shell groups saying that the Chinese were trying to infiltrate Ohio, and urged people to take their name off petitions.

    This stuff has been crazy. And has just gotten crazier (or is this a more logical end result?)

  21. - Memphis Blues - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:05 am:

    ==This is apparently about a nuclear power plant bailout bill==

    Is Exelon involved???

  22. - JJJJJJJJJJ - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:13 am:

    Several other legislators have called for his resignation including the highest ranking Republican in the opposite chamber, John SenatePresident Jr.

  23. - Independent - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:20 am:

    The Feds arresting a Republican house speaker in a sort-of swing state blows a hole in the supposed “political witch hunt” argument from some Madigan supporters.

  24. - Karen is upset - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:20 am:

    Starting in 2015 Exelon and First Energy led a push in NY, NJ, OH, IL, and PA to get massive state subsidies for their nuclear plants. They succeeded in IL, NJ and OH. Notice anything in common among those states? Hint: begins with a C and ends with a RUPTION.

  25. - Nax - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    Hmmm. A very powerful energy company joins with the House Speaker & his favored lobbyists to use money and influence ram through a nuke bailout billed as Clean Energy. All sounds very familiar. It’s just that the Ohio guy isn’t as smart… but likely just as corrupt.

  26. - 1st Ward - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:24 am:

    “Ohio tightening and Republicans in disarray not helping him.”

    State Democrats have their own issues with PPP. Corruption runs rampant with politicians regardless of party.

    Trump won’t win Ohio. Few articles started floating recently about Kasich speaking at the DNC. DeWine has done a good job (so far) with Covid.

  27. - Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:29 am:

    ===So what is your point on mentioning term limits in Ohio?===

    ===Long tenure in office just lets a corrupt person dig in deeper and get more benefits over more years. ===

    I think you answered your own question.

  28. - Responsa - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:33 am:

    It might be a good time to consider selling Exelon stock (and also to check how much of it is held in pension funds).

  29. - Rutro - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:35 am:

    “Hold my apple” Made me laugh, thanks.

  30. - AnonymousFool - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:36 am:

    Silver needs to spend serious time in Gen Pop. I’m glad the 3 judge panel sees it that way too.

  31. - Boone's is Back - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:37 am:

    All of these state and local indictments and investigations are disappointing and make you lose faith in your government. However, they seem just a bit disingenuous when the highest office holder in the land is allowed to hide his tax returns and further his business interests while in office. The same goes for his kids and appointees who are routinely abusing their positions of power/ security clearances for their own personal gain.

    If the feds want to send a message they should start at the top.

  32. - Curious George - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 10:50 am:

    Well , if $60mm gets a sentence of x years , the Illinois sentence for A will be X plus?

  33. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 11:13 am:

    “by teaching a masters level continuing legal education class in avoiding prosecution for corruption”

    I don’t think Madigan knows anything. He’s been seen wandering around his district in a bathrobe and slippers, mumbling incoherently.

  34. - Senator Clay Davis - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 12:07 pm:

    ==When the enviros and clean energy groups started a signature drive to get a referendum to undo the bill, First Energy ran millions of dollars in ads through shell groups saying that the Chinese were trying to infiltrate Ohio, and urged people to take their name off petitions.==

    Exactly. Probably the most over-the-top xenophobic political commercial in history:

  35. - Rich Hill - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 12:20 pm:

    Apparently, power corrupts.

  36. - Not a Superstar - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 12:30 pm:

    This was a bad bill from the get-go. The GOP had to send a state plane to pick up a legislator in Illinois to secure his vote for passage.

  37. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 12:36 pm:

    Rich Hill, I see what you did there. lol

  38. - Juulius - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 12:37 pm:

    ==The Feds arresting a Republican house speaker in a sort-of swing state blows a hole in the supposed “political witch hunt” argument from some Madigan supporters.==

    Or it’s cover for when the Whiner in Chief figures out that the DOJ just impacted the Ohio Presidential race.

  39. - Electric Boogaloo - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 1:01 pm:

    Maybe Exelon will get fined more pocket change and have no disincentive to stop bribing.

  40. - dbk - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 1:16 pm:

    Looks like it’s over two aging nuclear plants owned by FirstEnergy and a bill (HB6) passed a year ago to grant them rate increases to offset their supposed losses. Wow, just, wow.

  41. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 1:47 pm:

    At least it was for a big number?

    Go big or go to prison?

  42. - Hieronymus - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 1:55 pm:

    Very punny, Rich Hill, very punny …

  43. - ZC - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 3:20 pm:

    Political 501c(4)s remain insane.

    Let’s create a political PAC that nobody can see the donors for, that can spend unlimited $$ to boost political candidates, and then we’ll operate on a trust system that politicians and interest groups will do the right thing.

  44. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 21, 20 @ 3:21 pm:

    ===remain insane===

    Totally agree. The courts need to correct their mistake.

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