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Wednesday, Jul 22, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Please keep it Illinois-centric and polite. Thanks.


  1. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:08 am:

    Scary storms near Auburn yesterday. Thankfully no one hurt.

  2. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:14 am:

    Horrible shooting yesterday in Chicago, 14 or 15 shot at a funeral of a drive-by shooting victim (no fatalities thus far). Revenge and retaliation raging out of control. As the CPD chief said, the violence problem is national in scope and requires national attention to try to remedy the root causes.

  3. - DEE - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:14 am:

    Game Changer Rizzo is back, with a healed back.

  4. - historic66 - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:15 am:

    Edgar County Watchdogs had a post yesterday saying to expect legal action in response to any school district that is implementing a hybrid or remote learning plan, as the criteria for a public health emergency isn’t being met.

  5. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:18 am:

    ===as the criteria for a public health emergency isn’t being met===


    I read that. They say there haven’t been enough deaths to declare a disaster.


  6. - Bruce( no not him) - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:18 am:

    CPD was warned ahead of Chicago funeral shooting?
    And didn’t prepare?

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:20 am:

    ===They say there haven’t been enough deaths===

    Makes you wonder if it were their friends, family… how that number becomes smaller(?)

    Human life isn’t arbitrary, but to them…

  8. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:24 am:

    ===Edgar County Watchdogs===

    I’m still trying to figure out what happened to these guys. They started out with a simple plan of pushing back against local boards not following open meetings laws, and the did a pretty decent job of that.

    In the past four years they seem to have been radicalized into some bizarre sort of activism. Four years ago they would have been going -after- people like Devore. Now they are going out of their way to support people like Devore.

    Maybe theirs is just a case similar to the movie -The Brainwashing of my Dad-

  9. - Back to the Future - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:26 am:

    Glad to see my Mayor work out an agreement to expand Chicago’s cooperation with the Federal government. I am sure her background of working in government, her background working in the USDA’s office were helpful and her effort to do the best she can do to curb violence in Chicago was exactly the kind of leadership Chicago needs.
    Of course, the concerns about civil rights violations need to be addressed. Very confident that we have the right person in the Mayor’s office to stand up to Trump if our civil rights are compromised.

  10. - Leroy Jenkins - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:27 am:

    Madigan is guilty. He either is guilty because he participated or is guilty because he should have known it was going on.
    Best Regards

  11. - Pundent - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:30 am:

    Time and time again the virus proves to us that if you don’t have a plan to beat it the virus will win - always. That we’re 4-5 months into this and still unwilling to acknowledge what so many other countries have is the greatest disappointment of my lifetime.

  12. - #5 - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:34 am:

    The reporters at the Chicago Tribune have my sympathy.
    Maybe get some Soros money so they can continue to report on events without furlough? /s

  13. - 17% Solution - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:40 am:

    == Revenge and retaliation raging out of control. As the CPD chief said, the violence problem is national.==

    This is where violence interrupters can do the most good. They identify people who want revenge and talk them out of it. A gun that doesn’t go off is the best outcome. The funds for the 175 federal agents should instead go to these people.

  14. - 10th Ward - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:45 am:

    Anyone know if Fast Eddie V went to jail? He was supposed to be sentenced in April but due to Covid-19 I don’t think that happened?

  15. - City Guy - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:51 am:

    I agree with 17% solution. I really doubt that the feds are going to be able to help. But Interrupters can help. And how about a job program to keep the youth busy and productive?

  16. - Just Wondering - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 9:51 am:

    ****Edgar County Watchdogs***
    I agree about them changing over the years. I started following them four or five years ago and even reached out with questions about things and they’d answer even if they didn’t agree with my outlook. They’d explain why they thought I was wrong, but at least answered my question. Now they are like working 90% for DeVore and Bailey against Pritzker. When it comes to these Executive Orders from the Governor and the Pandemic life has NO meaning. It’s “the rule of law” as they see it. Anyone who argues against them is attacked by them and their group of followers. They have a group that hangs on every word they post. When DeVore was on WMAY and said he’s going after Pritzker in Sangamon County because we don’t meet the threshold of an emergency with the low number of cases and deaths I was shocked. The dangerous thing was the business owners who heard that and thought well lets open it up again.
    I told the Watchdogs I think they are dangerous for the people and they gave me their standard line. I must not believe in “the rule of law”. We are in scary times.

  17. - H-W - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:00 am:

    Speaking of DeVore, a local downstate school board met last Thursday to discuss a return to school plan that included a mask mandate. Apparently, DeVore was a party to the meeting, and convinced a four members to reject the mandate. The Board President suggested “constitutional” rights were being violated. They scheduled a second, emergency meeting for Monday. At that point, they voted to require masks.

    What is up with this DeVore guy? It seems he is seeking out clients to make an argument, rather than representing clients to redress grievances. And exactly what Constitutional Right is being violated? Certainly not free speech or due process.

    Isn’t there an apt metaphor about ambulances regarding this sort of legalese?

  18. - OK Boomer - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:07 am:

    Perhaps DeVore is looking for a spot in the Department of Justice or has political aspirations? He is not making money on these cases, is he?

  19. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:10 am:


    We had a Circuit Court judge suggest that fishing is a Constitutional right. I had no idea that so many things in life were a Constitutional right.

    Devore is supposed to be a lawyer. It seems to me that he got his legal education from a fly by night school considering his comments about the law. Or he missed every Constitutional law class in law school.

  20. - TheInvisibleMan - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:13 am:

    ==He is not making money on these cases, is he==

    I would point to the movie -Trading Places- for a parallel. Specifically the part where the dukes are describing how they make their money.

    -No matter if our clients make money or lose money, duke and duke get the commissions-

    And now I have a taste for bacon. Like you might find in a bacon lettuce and tomato sandwich.

  21. - Chatham Resident - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:25 am:

    ==Devore is supposed to be a lawyer. It seems to me that he got his legal education from a fly by night school considering his comments about the law. ==

    Or watching those classic “Simpsons” episodes where attorney Lionel Hutz was featured. (RIP Phil Hartman).

  22. - Chatham Resident - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:26 am:

    The Pittsburgh Blue Jays?

  23. - Chatham Resident - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:32 am:

    ==Scary storms near Auburn yesterday. Thankfully no one hurt.==

    Only about 4 miles southwest of where I live in Chatham. I live in a part of town that never loses power, and we lost power for an hour late yesterday afternoon.

    Also southbound 55 from Divernon (Exit 80) to Farmersville (Exit 72) was shut down late yesterday afternoon/early evening after straight line winds blew semis off the road near milepost 76 (a mile south of the Sangamon-Montgomery County line). Traffic rerouted to Old 66 frontage road–with 55 backed up all the way past Glenarm. And the backups were on a part of 55 scheduled to have construction start on it this week from MP 89 (Lake Springfield bridge) to Glenarm (Exit 83).

  24. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:46 am:

    Chicago retaliatory violence is sounding like the Hatfield vs McCoy feud. There is a subculture that accepts that as normal, even laudable.

    Chicago could bring back dueling. At least that would reduce collateral damage. Mainly but not completely snark.

  25. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:55 am:

    Near our place in New City (southern Sangamon) our power was out for almost 5 hours. Winds tore through our yard and garden flipping over large planters and ripping Tomato plants out of the ground.

  26. - Just Wondering - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:56 am:

    Doesn’t DeVore have a law firm with other Attorneys? Wonder how they all feel about his Wild West kind of law escapades? He said on WMAY he was charging all these people but not his normal rate. Cause they made a joke about that on the air.

    I thought something on the Bailey lawsuit was due today, but Bailey didn’t mention it in his morning message. Where he did admit it’s the Government’s job to protect the people. Which is the opposite of his prior messages about the Governor. This time he was talking about Trump.

  27. - Fly like an eagle - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 10:59 am:

    == Madigan is guilty. He either is guilty because he participated or is guilty because he should have known it was going on. Best Regards==
    Or he didn’t participate or didn’t know what was going on. Those things are possible too. The federal investigation will follow the evidence. It’s not about your opinion or mine.

  28. - Molly Maguire - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 11:00 am:

    Still hearing rumors from pretty well placed sources that Illinois may order all-remote school for the fall. Anyone else?

  29. - cermak_rd - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 11:02 am:

    Last Bull Moose–

    When the clear rate for homicide is below a third you can understand why people take their own vengeance into their own hands.

    The deal with the social contract is that individuals give up their individual rights to seek justice/vengeance in exchange for the society doing it. But if society doesn’t do it then all bets are off.

    It’s just human nature. Fix the CPD’s close rate and you reduce the violence. The problem is no one trusts the authorities so no one comes forth as witnesses. Fix the relationship with the community (somehow I do not know how) and maybe things get better.

    Other than that yes, violence interrupters who can go up to the victims and remind them that vengeance is not in their own best interest.

  30. - Abby normal - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 11:05 am:

    ==There is a subculture that accepts that as normal, even laudable.==
    Where did you get your information that this is “normal” or “laudable?” Who are these people you are talking about?

  31. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 11:07 am:

    =Still hearing rumors from pretty well placed sources that Illinois may order all-remote school for the fall. Anyone else?=

    If these “well placed sources” are the same as last week (Facebook) they’ve been debunked.

  32. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 11:13 am:

    ==The problem is no one trusts the authorities so no one comes forth as witnesses.==

    Nope. The problem is people don’t want to be killed.

    This happened last year. A pregnant women was killed for testifying in a murder case.

    So where is the witness protection program? Why wasn’t this woman removed from harm? And editorial by Dahleen Glanton has the answer. There is none.

    She asked Kim Fox: “If Foxx had the money for it, she says she would add a full-fledged witness protection program that relocates witnesses whose lives are placed in severe jeopardy due to their cooperation. As it stands now, only limited resources are available, and help is doled out on a case-by-case basis.”

    If we want crime to end we need to fund a witness protection program. Too many people are scared to come forward. The. State of Illinois can do this. Don’t you want it to end?

  33. - SIUEalum - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 11:35 am:

    Looks like Darren Bailey’s gubernatorial campaign has shifted from all things covid-19 to Chicago bashing.

  34. - JoanP - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 12:03 pm:

    =Doesn’t DeVore have a law firm with other Attorneys? Wonder how they all feel about his Wild West kind of law escapades? =

    He does. Another member of the firm represents Darren Bailey, and yet another represents the parents who don’t want their kids to wear masks or have their temperatures taken at school. So I’m guessing they’re not too bothered by his antics.

  35. - Just Wondering - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 1:46 pm:

    =Doesn’t DeVore have a law firm with other Attorneys? Wonder how they all feel about his Wild West kind of law escapades? =
    It’s interesting that there’s other Attorneys that feel we are being stripped of our freedoms like DeVore does. They are all spawn from the same firm so I guess that’s understandable. The Governor didn’t seem bothered by any of that mess today during his press conference when he talked about backing things up in the Metro East area. Which DeVore has an office in Glen Carbon IL so that could be interesting.

  36. - Chatham Resident - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 3:14 pm:

    =Still hearing rumors from pretty well placed sources that Illinois may order all-remote school for the fall. Anyone else?=

    If these “well placed sources” are the same as last week (Facebook) they’ve been debunked.==

    I would at this point, simply order all-online schooling through Labor Day (Sept. 7) statewide. Especially because you will also have the problem of likely continued extreme heat and humidity into late August/early September, where schools have already been having early dismissals or “heat schedules” to avoid being in hot classrooms or on AC-less school buses during the worst of the daily heat.

    Then depending on the extent of the virus after Labor Day, go on with either in-person or online classes (depending on the school), or a hybrid.

    Of course, if the virus worsens then things may go mostly or all-online at least this fall semester.

  37. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jul 22, 20 @ 3:17 pm:

    ===Still hearing rumors from pretty well placed sources===

    Don’t spread stupid rumors here or you’ll be banished. Last and final warning.

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