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Thursday, Jul 23, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Keep it local and polite, please. Thank you kindly.


  1. - Dread Pirate Roberts - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:23 am:

    I keep seeing the phrase “even though in some cases they did little or no work” and wondering “When is someone finally going to go after media buyers?”

    “Doing little or no work” for a lot more than you would pay an employee is why people hate consultants so much, and why pretty much everyone wants to be a consultant when they grow up.

  2. - Steve Rogers - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:32 am:

    Has anyone been able to see the Neowise comet? Look now, it’s not coming back for another 6,800 years.

  3. - Frumpy white guy - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:33 am:

    First ComEd now AT&T. Very Intriguing.

  4. - TNR - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:34 am:

    Am I the only one having trouble with the Capfax website on my Apple devices (both my IPhone and IPad?) The page keeps reloading.

  5. - Bobby McGee - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:35 am:

    Can’t think of a good description for the Illinois Covid situation. ICU and ventilator use remain low. Deaths are rising a bit but still mainly low. New cases keep rising in the last few weeks.

    I want to feel good about this but can’t. It doesn’t mean much to say we are doing better than Texas or Florida.

  6. - lake county democrat - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:36 am:

    Weird question: as y’all may have heard, there’s a coin shortage because coins aren’t circulating the way they normally do. Do any of you know if there a drive-through or open-air way to donate or use? The only thing I can think of is McDonalds’ drive-thru (for donations to McDonalds House) and people at the highway enterances/exit ramps (both fine but I have a huge jar which I was going to bring to my bank’s coin machine and then…).

  7. - Ostomie Wedgie - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:37 am:

    Looks like the Tribune has edged out WBEZ on the AT&T story.

  8. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:41 am:

    TNR, my Iphone started doing that last week. But it only reloads once or occasionally twice and then it is fine.

  9. - Simple Simon - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:45 am:

    TNR- I had that trouble once my pad got very old. Not a problem since I got a new one. Probably takes more processing power to run modern internet pages. CNN and many others were the same.

  10. - AD - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:46 am:

    How about OW losing his mind last night and referring to David Duke every time he didn’t have a valid argument to someone’s point? Believe it or not, the President can’t control if a person wants to endorse him in a free society.

  11. - Telly - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:46 am:

    == AT&T story ==

    It’s really not much of story, is it? Looks like they simply typed “AT&T” into the search bar at the Secretary of State’s lobbyist database and the Board of Elections campaign disclosure site. And it took four reporters to do it.

  12. - Thomas Paine - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:47 am:

    The normally conservative Champaign News-Gazette has a story titled “Back to Phase 3?” noting that local infections here are at the same levels they were back in the early days of Phase three. In other words, we’be lost all the gains made in June apparently.

    The local public health department is raising concerns not just about the possibility of a sharp rise in cases in the winter, but how the health system will handle flu and COVID seasons concurrently.

    Has anyone seen flu hospitalization data for recent years?

  13. - Downstate - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:47 am:

    “New cases keep rising in the last few week.”

    A massive amount of testing going on, compared to April/May. Not surprising that the positives are going up. But hospital admissions and deaths are remaining relatively stable. Let’s hope the virus is weakening.

  14. - 17% Solution - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:48 am:

    TNR yes and only the last month and only Capitol Fax.

  15. - Thomas Paine - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:50 am:

    @AD -

    If you are writing about David Duke and Donald Trump, you are doing “keep it local” all wrong.

    If you are still thinking about what Oswego Willy wrote yesterday, maybe he isn’t the obsessive one.

  16. - Thomas Paine - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:52 am:

    I too have had problems with Capfax crashing and having to reload over the past month, I assumed it was a high volume thing, Rich.

  17. - Green Hornet - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:53 am:

    Oh he’s obsessive……a political legend in his own mind

  18. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:54 am:

    - AD -

    Not refuting David Duke’s endorsement isn’t a good look.

    It’s not my argument, if you think those know more than Secretaries Ridge or Chertoff in regards to Portland, than I feel bad that you can’t read.

    Also, the secret police and issues in Portland should alarm you, racist bend to them or not.

    To Chicago, I already said, abd making it Illinois-centric….

    Big gamble by the President with a possible big upside for the President too… if it’s in concert with local police and the USA.

    This isn’t Facebook. Be better

    It’s also Opening Day. Let’s focus on our real Illinois divides;


    Those lines are deep.

    Be well

  19. - bhartbanjo - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:56 am:

    @lake county democrat RE: Coin shortage

    You could search for “coinstar near me,” or something similar, for those public CoinStar machines. I think we have 10 of them in the Springfield area.

  20. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:57 am:

    “Believe it or not, the President can’t control if a person wants to endorse him in a free society.”

    I know I know. I’m not keeping it local, being polite, and I’m feeding the trolls. But I must. The point is not the endorsement. The point is a lack of a rebuke from the President. If David Duke said his favorite restaurant was McDonalds, do you think they would let that stand? No, they would probably ask him not to eat there.

  21. - Downstate - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:57 am:

    “Not refuting David Duke’s endorsement isn’t a good look.”

    Let me make it simple for you.

    Not refuting David Duke is an act of omission. Bragging about how he worked with segregationist senators (Joe Biden) is an act of commission.

    When it comes to racism, an act of commission is truly more offensive and egregious.

  22. - muon - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 9:58 am:

    Bobby - perhaps this is the new normal. The virus is so widespread that even with good rules for businesses and gatherings, enough of the population will still transmit the virus to others. Eventually the daily infection rate reaches an equilibrium. Weaker controls mean a higher equilibrium point. Even states with strict controls such as Alaska can’t reduce the rate to zero, as they saw with the outbreak last weekend in the seafood industry.

  23. - jimbo - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:00 am:

    ~~A massive amount of testing going on, compared to April/May. Not surprising that the positives are going up. But hospital admissions and deaths are remaining relatively stable. Let’s hope the virus is weakening. ~~

    Nationally, hospitalizations are back as high as they were at the peak back in Spring. Deaths are following that trend line and are now above 1000 for two days in a row, and are the highest since about 6 weeks ago.

    What would lead anyone to believe it’s weakening?

  24. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:01 am:

    - Downstate -

    I fed ya, Trump is a racist, let’s hope your support of him makes you feel better…

    …and hope Chicago has something good come from the help the President is sending.

    Move on.

  25. - cermak_rd - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:01 am:

    I’m not worried about large landlords (>50 units) as they have better sources of capitalization, but I am worried about the little guys who only own 1 building and live in part of it. How can they survive a tenant not paying rent for that long?

    I would like for any assistance money to go to the little landlords first for that reason. Is that possible under IL law?

  26. - RuralJewel - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:03 am:

    In light of baseball returning, I think many folks will be breathing a sigh of relief that they can finally get back to tormenting eachother over sport. I suggest fans embrace this opportunity to express solidarity with their team of choice by wearing masks with player numbers or logos. It will make it much easier for us non-baseball fans to know which friends and co-workers might need consoling when their team loses!

  27. - jimbo - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:05 am:

    ~~the President can’t control if a person wants to endorse him in a free society. ~~

    Agreed. But as every parent ever knows, you try to teach them throughout their childhood that while they can’t control what other people will do, they can control how they respond

  28. - OneMan - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:10 am:

    Got an email from the IHSA with the subject line.

    Deadline for renewing IHSA Officiating License is July 31

    Informing we the reading has been extended to August 30th.

    Really doubting we are going to play football in the fall (if at all) this year.

  29. - Pundent - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:13 am:

    =the President can’t control if a person wants to endorse him in a free society=

    In the run up to the 2008 election an individual at a McCain event called Barrack Obama a muslim. We all saw how John McCain handled that issue. He clearly didn’t want the support of a hateful constituency even if it meant losing the election. That’s how you confront racism. Donald Trump doubled down and launched the birtherism movement. Today that has evolved into having secret policy occupy Democratic led cities. When it comes to racism there is no “gray area.” It is not nuanced. You either reject it or you don’t.

  30. - Birds on the Bat - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:15 am:

    It will be nice to have sports back. Hopefully the virus cooperates. Another thing I really miss is live music. Can’t wait to be able to enjoy a cold beer at a concert again.

  31. - Downstate - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:17 am:

    “That’s how you confront racism”
    ….and bragging about working with segregationist senators…../s/

  32. - Louis G Atsaves - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:22 am:

    As to the coin shortage, banks aren’t keeping much in the way of change anymore. Most places that deal with a lot of cash now have to scramble for coins.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:25 am:

    - Downstate -

    If you spent more time just defending you support Trump instead of looking for a “whatsboutism” to make you feel better about racism… that would be better time spent.

    To Chicago, what could be good is a visible way to show a strong partnership with the welcomed help that won’t include military-type outfitting or unmarked vehicles. That would ease a great many minds beyond the words promising Chicago won’t be Portland

  34. - cermak_rd - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:26 am:

    I took Biden’s comment to mean that he had even been able to work with the dreckiest elements of society (after all the dreck had been elected by voters) and therefore would be able to work with everyone in order to improve the situation for all people.

    While I am hideously embarrassed about the fact that segregationists have been around so recently, it is a fact and it is a fact that they were elected so therefore that segregationist philosophy was widespread in the US recent past.

  35. - Muddy trail - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:31 am:

    ==“That’s how you confront racism”….and bragging about working with segregationist senators…../s/==
    Ok so who are you voting for then, since people who tolerate racists are out of the question?

  36. - Downstate - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:34 am:

    I’ve outlined the numerous successes that Trump brought to the country including:

    Highest employment of minorities..ever.
    Energy independence
    Energy export
    More favorable trade agreements with Europe, NAFTA & Asia

    Manufacturing jobs being returned to US shores

    3.5 years without a significant terrorist incident against US citizens.

    You noted your support (or lack, thereof) was strictly driven by issues racism.

    If given the choice, I’d prefer a President that has economically lifted up minorities, rather than one that brags about working with their oppressors.

  37. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:38 am:

    - Downstate -

    Move on please, he’s a racist.

    It’s like agreeing with David Duke…

    “…‘cept for all that National Socialist stuff, he has some good policies”

    Yikes. I’m trying to move on, reconcile your choices on your own.

  38. - Downstate - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:38 am:

    “I took Biden’s comment to mean that he had even been able to work…”

    Biden could have used a myriad of examples to talk about working with other Senators. Instead he used the opportunity to express pride in working with segregationists.

  39. - Downstate - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:40 am:

    Wouldn’t a president that brags about working with segregationists be more offensive than one that fails to acknowledge one?

  40. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:41 am:


    Page loads incrementally. Takes forever.

  41. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:44 am:

    - Downstate -

    Please. Move on. *I’m* not here to make *you* feel good on your choices.

    To get this back to “Illinois”… (sigh)

    The decision on bars in Chicago, closing those under certain criteria of licensing is a tough blow to hospitality, and the biggest fear to losing more businesses. We’re gonna see in the come days and weeks the cost of rolling back, and trays going to be tragic, but a necessity *to* fighting the virus…

  42. - Jocko - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:49 am:

    ==A massive amount of testing going on, compared to April/May.==
    But the delay for results is a serious problem.

    Not to get OT, but I find it ironic that the White House cafeteria has it testing and tracing up to speed, but the rest of the country is left to fend for themselves.

  43. - Blue Dog Dem - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:49 am:

    For four plus years, I have boycotted Oreos. Very hard. I am now going to try my darndest to boycott anything made in China. This will be tough.

  44. - Pundent - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:49 am:

    =Page loads incrementally. Takes forever.=

    While it’s rendered a bit differently, the “mobile version” link at the top of the page fixes the problem.

  45. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 10:56 am:

    =First ComEd now AT&T. Very Intriguing.=

    Interesting that the Ohio House Speaker bribery case also involves energy companies and rate hikes.

  46. - cermak_rd - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 11:10 am:


    But no other senator or group of senators in living memory have been AS drecky as the segregationists. I mean they were the epitome of repulsiveness (in living history in the US).

  47. - cermak_rd - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 11:24 am:

    Blue Dog Dem,

    I have eaten low carb for over 4 years so I guess you could say I am boycotting oreos and all of its high carb friends.

    I have also tried avoiding stuff made in China for the past few years due to health concerns (their regulations are present but not enforced consistently) and concerns over the treatment of workers there.

    Of course it’s not an absolute boycott, I still enjoy a couple of apple products, but by and large it’s not hard with more electronics being made in Vietnam and clothing in Latin America. And the pandemic has meant I am buying a lot less of anything discretionary, of course.

  48. - JoanP - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 11:32 am:

    I’ve had those issues with my iPad. My desktop is fine. I haven’t tried with my iPhone.

    Thanks for the tip, Pundent. I never even noticed that link; I’ll give it a try.

  49. - ste_with_a_v_en - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 12:04 pm:

    Former IL native Charlie Kirk is featured in Pro Publica, not in a good way.

  50. - Top of the State - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 12:15 pm:

    On a lighter note, our family is taking a vacation up in Lake Geneva. It’s fun to walk in the back yards of present & past Chicago folks on the path around the lake. I notice that tourists are wearing masks on the streets in Galena. Only one death in our county… so it is working.

  51. - Proud Sucker - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 1:11 pm:

    Note to self: wear a glove on mitt hand.

  52. - DownSouth - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 1:15 pm:

    Thank you Pundent! I had not even noticed that - will give it try.

  53. - Huh? - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 2:00 pm:

    Lake County - check with your bank. Have read articles that some banks may paying bounty on coins. Another place to look for a coin counter is your local grocery store. My Kroger has a coin machine that charges a fee for convenience.

  54. - thoughts matter - Thursday, Jul 23, 20 @ 2:53 pm:

    Apple phone, capital fax, reload yes.

    I totally understand the reasons for the coin shortage. We cashed ours in at our bank once the lobby opened back up. Now could someone explain the reasons to the conspiracy theorists who think we are being moved to a cashless society?

    I think we need to move back to phase 3. Seeing people who have to take tests because someone they know tested positive.

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