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ILGOP tries working the refs

Friday, Jul 24, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

An Open Letter to the Chicago Press Corps

It’s been one week since the ground shook across the State of Illinois when the United States Attorney for the Northern District told us what we had long guessed but didn’t know with certainty: Speaker Michael Madigan is “Public Official A” in a massive federal investigation looking into multiple allegations of bribery and fraud.

More than a decade ago, when we learned that Rod Blagojevich was “Public Official A,” the Chicago press corps was relentless. Former Gov. Blagojevich could barely get through a press conference without being asked about the federal investigation. When investigative reporters broke new details, reporters on the governor’s daily beat hammered him with questions. We recall with fondness a pack of reporters even once chasing the governor down the street, screaming questions as the governor ran away.

But for some reason, a decade later, Mike Madigan and JB Pritzker get a different standard. We understand that Mr. Madigan does not hold press conferences. But Mr. Pritzker does – almost daily.

Mr. Pritzker is the chief executive of our state. He is a political ally of Mike Madigan who has invested millions of dollars in Madigan-controlled campaign funds. He is the highest-ranking Democrat in a party that Madigan chairs. He has appointed people to his administration at Madigan’s request and with ongoing close ties and loyalty to Madigan. He negotiates with Madigan for the passage of legislation and for how to spend taxpayer funds. He has called on others to resign at the same stage of an investigation that Madigan now faces. He has a constitutional duty to protect the people of Illinois from corruption.

This week, we learned more details about the federal investigation into “Public Official A.” We learned more about subpoenas issued to companies beyond ComEd. We learned more about a Pritzker appointee close to Madigan and a target of the federal investigation who helped ComEd cover up the death and injury of cable line workers. We also learned more about a separate federal investigation into property tax fraud and how that investigation is looking at more Pritzker-connected properties than previously known.

Investigative reporters at the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, WBEZ and Crain’s are doing their jobs. But when their stories hit the wire and the Governor held his daily press briefings, Chicago area reporters asked Pritzker a total of zero questions. They let Pritzker change the subject to anything but Madigan and his own property taxes. They looked like a different press corps than the one we remembered.

Take this example. The Governor has said that Madigan should resign if the allegations against him are true. No one in Chicago asked him why that standard is different from the one he applied to Marty Sandoval. No one asked him to react to a Democratic state senator who called for the resignation immediately. No one asked him what allegations he thinks aren’t true. No one asked him when they would be “true” – after the next big news story, after another Madigan ally gets indicted, only when Madigan gets indicted or only when Madigan gets convicted.

Another example. Pritzker visited Central Illinois this week where he did face questions on Madigan. In Peoria, he bungled a question on whether he still considers Madigan a political ally. Pritzker came back to Chicago and received zero follow-ups all week. Reporters let him off the hook.

We’ve heard the conventional wisdom in Illinois for a long time. Mike Madigan is Teflon. The feds will never get him. Other people might plead guilty but they don’t have evidence on him. Why ask questions about this if it costs us our access?

It’s time to wake up and smell the federal investigation. Madigan is now Public Official A. People are talking. The net is widening. The people of Illinois need a press corps that will hold their leaders accountable.



  1. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 24, 20 @ 4:19 pm:

    Dear ILGOP,

    Now do Trump.



  2. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 24, 20 @ 4:21 pm:

    You’d think after $100 million on “Fire Madigan” you wouldn’t need a letter…

    … and yet.., here you are.

    What a bunch of …sadly pathetic.


  3. - Wut - Friday, Jul 24, 20 @ 4:24 pm:

    You know what I’ve heard reporters love…

    When you tell them how to do their jobs?

  4. - Nuke the Whales - Friday, Jul 24, 20 @ 4:27 pm:

    A July 24th Carol

    IL GOP: “At this festive season of the year, Mr. Press Corps… it is more than usually desirable that you should make some slight provision for the opposition party and its talking points. Many thousands are in want of attention; hundreds of thousands are in want of social media shares, sir.”
    Press Corps: “Are there no Ken Griffins in Illinois?”
    IL GOP: “Plenty of Ken Griffins…”
    Press Corps: “And the Super PACS. Are they still in operation?”
    IL GOP: “Very busy, sir…”
    Press Corps: “Those who are badly off must go there.”

  5. - @misterjayem - Friday, Jul 24, 20 @ 4:30 pm:

    An Open Letter to the Chicago Press Corps



    – MrJM

  6. - Moe Berg - Friday, Jul 24, 20 @ 4:34 pm:

    I admire the restraint in not calling reporters traitors and enemies of the people. That must have been hard.

    Cajole, browbeat, and beg, ILGOP. It’s all in vain.

    The only issue that matters this fall is Trump and the tens of thousands of dead Americans and economic catastrophe resulting from his misrule.

  7. - Bruce Rauner - Friday, Jul 24, 20 @ 4:38 pm:

    Dear IL Press,

    Please make an open letter about the corruption that is happening in the White House with Donald Trump and his buddies.

    Bruce Rauner

  8. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 24, 20 @ 4:53 pm:

    If Trumpkins tell me all the time the reporting done by the press is “Fake News”, why would Trumpkins want the help of the fake lame-stream media?

    ===It’s time to wake up===

    When y’all become relevant, stop supporting a man who believes in “alternative facts”, then you might be able to be a credible voice of reporting.

    Get Rauner to donate another $100 million.

    You’re bought and paid for, ask Rauner. He owes you for ruining your brand.

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