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Afzal drops out, Kass moved inside

Monday, Jul 27, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Politico

TED CRUZ has nothing better to do: Sen. Ted Cruz singled out a tweet Sunday by Hadiya Afzal, an activist running for DuPage County Board District 4, for ire. Afzal had commented on a video that showed a federal officer in Portland being hit by an object. “ive been watching this on repeat for fifteen minutes and laughing every single time,” Afzal tweeted from her private account. Cruz retweeted, saying “Hateful & sick. Does @JoeBiden agree?”


* Her stupid tweet became quite a thing over the weekend, particularly among those who love to complain about “cancel culture”…

Her term with the College Democrats of Illinois ended in June. So she’s no longer president.

* Anyway, it was a really bad move on her part and she dropped out of the race…

* Meanwhile

John Kass, the Chicago Tribune’s most prominent columnist, is under fire from his co-workers for invoking what they called an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory involving billionaire George Soros in a column last week.

A letter from the Chicago Tribune Guild, signed by nine members of the executive board, called on the newspaper and Kass to “apologize for his indefensible invocation of the Soros tropes.” […]

Under the headline “Something grows in the big cities run by Democrats: An overwhelming sense of lawlessness,” the column blamed Soros for spending “millions of dollars to help elect liberal social justice warriors as prosecutors [including Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx], adding: “He remakes the justice system in urban America, flying under the radar.” (Here is the link.)

Noting the controversy ignited by the column, the Chicago Tribune Guild letter said: “The odious, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that billionaire George Soros is a puppet master controlling America’s big cities does not deserve a mainstream voice, especially at a time when hate crimes are rising.

* An hour after Feder posted the above came this

After 23 years as the Chicago Tribune’s white male conservative standard-bearer, John Kass is about to lose his coveted spot on Page 2 and his status as the newspaper’s “lead columnist.”

Colin McMahon, editor-in-chief of the Tribune, today announced plans to reorganize the paper’s columnists and separate their work from the news section.

Within the next few days the changes will be unveiled in print and online to help readers differentiate between news and opinions, he said. One effect will be to relegate Kass and other columnists farther back in the print edition and label them more clearly as opinion writers.

“Those changes speak to our need and desire to be transparent with readers about what we do,” McMahon said. “And, I believe, they will help us maintain the credibility of our news coverage with our online audience, our print readers and our communities amid what is by all accounts a raw and hyper-partisan political environment.”

* The Guild isn’t impressed…


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:02 am:

    === Bigotry has no place in any of our pages===

    … when your co-workers call your work bigotry…

    Let that sink in.

  2. - North Park - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    I’ve never understood why more people don’t call Mr. Kass “Jack” instead of “John”.

  3. - Nagidam - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    Imagine going into the 2018 elections and a candidate for office openly celebrated an attack on a law enforcement personnel. How the times have changed. I don’t think this candidate is reflective of the entire Democratic party but I also have not seen to many Democrats in leadership condemn this candidate. Maybe I missed something. It seems harder and harder for the Democrats to extricate themselves for the violence that is plaguing peaceful demonstrations. I have watched folks post sympathy for the violence early on. Ok, even I can understand anger and emotion. We are eight weeks past and the violence is getting worse especially the week Congressmen John Lewis lies in State.

  4. - Amalia - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    serious question, does George Soros fund all these so called progressive prosecutors? if yes, is calling out someone who does that calling out their ethnicity or their actions?

  5. - NIU Grad - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    A study in contrasts: Afzal has been “cancelled” and will likely never be able to run for office again. Kass is simply being moved, even though he probably gets more views and shares online, and will continue to make big bucks while his colleagues remain furloughed. Of the two, who will we hear more outrage about today?

  6. - 32nd warder - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:10 am:

    some will defend kass and say this is another example of cancel culture. columnists should be able to voice opinions on various topics, such as approaches to public policy. a conservative voice for small government and limited spending should not be censored. this is not that. this is a columnist spreading conspiracy theories that fan the flames of hate. the trip is right to do this.

  7. - 32nd warder - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:11 am:

    ha! it happened as i was typing!

  8. - Sayitaintso - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:11 am:

    Azul’s was a “bad move’? A bad move? Cruz was right on target.

  9. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:12 am:

    === We are eight weeks past and the violence is getting worse===

    You really need to get off Facebook.

  10. - 32nd warder - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:12 am:

    NIU, i typed too fast. you suggested that Afzal would be cancelled. My mistake.

  11. - Sayitaintso - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:13 am:

    Kass’s column has always belonged in the “birdcage section”.

  12. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:14 am:

    ===A bad move? ===

    Are you saying it was a good move? A good move? Seriously? What are you thinking!

    See what I did there?

  13. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:17 am:

    Miss Afzal is why Trumpkins exist.

  14. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:18 am:

    I think we should re-brand this notion of a “cancel culture” and instead simply call it consequences.

    Do whatever you want, but there could be serious consequences. That’s what happens when adults make bad decisions. Not sure why people like Kass are surprised, but it could be because they’ve done much worse in the past and this is the first time they’ve ever faced any consequences.

  15. - @misterjayem - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:18 am:

    An old man’s advice to young people: Never use your government name on the internet.

    – MrJM

  16. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:18 am:

    Donald Trump connected Ted Cruz’s father to the murder of JFK. Does Ted Cruz agree?

    All jokes aside, what a horrible thing for Afzal to tweet. She should have no future in politics anytime anywhere. Just dumb.

  17. - Amalia - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:19 am:

    and by now it’s more money. maybe Kass should be accused of being too late on a story.

  18. - Chicagonk - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:19 am:

    I think the outrage over his latest column is overblown. I read the article and it appears to be pretty standard drivel. I actually agree with Kass on one point and that’s that the mayors of these cities are certainly taking the brunt of the criticism for a lot of things out of their control.

  19. - 1st Ward - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:24 am:

    Why is it any different than dems calling out Koch brothers backed candidates? All papers should distinguish between opinion and news.

    “will likely never be able to run for office again”

    In DuPage County yes. In other parts of the state or various parts of the country no.

  20. - City Zen - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:29 am:

    “As a young activist”

    Does anyone admit to being an old activist? Well-seasoned?

  21. - Bob Loblaw - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:29 am:

    Koch and Soros are different because one is vastly more influential than the other

  22. - NotRich - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:29 am:

    The 200 or so people who actually buy the Trip and read Kass will just have to turn a few more pages to find his crap. He has always been demeaning towards Italian Americans..

  23. - 3rd ward - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:32 am:

    It is factually correct that Kim Foxx received $2.0mln from a PAC whose sole donor was Open Society Foundation.

  24. - Boog Alou - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:33 am:

    == I also have not seen to many Democrats in leadership condemn this candidate==

    How many need to condemn a county board candidate who has already dropped out? Is this really something that the Governor of Illinois and the Senate Minority Whip need to spend time on, or are you just looking for a cudgel?

  25. - John Lopez - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:37 am:

    Glad to see Ms. Afzal drop out of race. She saw reason, and given her youth this can be forgiven/excused in future as an indiscretion of youth (she’s 20). She did do the right thing to withdrawal.

  26. - 1st Ward - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:44 am:

    Adding to 3rd wards comment: The ideologies are similar go after violent offenders reform low-level offenses. People can agree or disagree.

  27. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:46 am:

    ===It is factually correct===

    Yes, it is. Nobody disputes that and that isn’t the point. Move along.

  28. - Arock - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    The mayors of these cities should take much of the criticism as they have been long time members of the political parties that put into place the policies that brought about a police department that was being held accountable for their actions. These mayors have been strong supporters of the Unions that have negotiated these contracts that shield bad officers from discipline and dismissal.

  29. - Arock - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:55 am:

    Hadiya Afzal attitude is being carried out by many of the protestors that are not out there for peaceful protest. Hurling objects at police and trying to cause damage and destruction are not peaceful protest and put people in danger and do not promote the cause. The far left is out of control and many of the guild that protest what Kass stated push just as much propaganda, bias and untruths in their own news reporting.

  30. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:57 am:

    ==and many of the guild that protest what Kass stated push just as much propaganda, bias and untruths in their own news reporting.==

    Whataboutism at its finest.

  31. - Stew - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:04 pm:

    Here is the thing, if the Chicago Tribune Guild wants to make the Trib a progressive, union backed operation, that is game they will lose. The Sun Times owns that franchise and they ain’t gonna give it up.

  32. - Right to be wrong - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:08 pm:

    Soros is Soros.

    I read the Kass opinion piece, there is nothing anti-Semitic in it.

  33. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:10 pm:

    Kasa has been trying to become more controversial and far right. I suspect He’s been trying to land a regular spot on Fox News for awhile… slowly ramping up what on multiple occasions have been clearly bigoted statements. It’s past time for the Trib to move on.

  34. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:10 pm:

    === I read the Kass opinion piece, there is nothing anti-Semitic in it.===

    Then understand, that says more about you *than* Kass.

  35. - Thomas G - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:11 pm:

    Good riddance. He’s been awful for years. His right-wing, Fox-addled, white-privileged viewpoints have no place on page 2 of the Trib, which has historically been a place for Chicago-centric points of view (see: Mike Royko). Long overdue move. I wish they broomed him entirely.

  36. - Amalia - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:12 pm:

    There’s a whole book (great book) written about money and the right. is that discriminatory in any way?

  37. - lake county democrat - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:16 pm:

    Leaving Soros aside, what a dishonest column: does he really think Tim Evans and Toni Preckwinkle are –allies–?!

  38. - Right to be wrong - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    >>>> Then understand, that says more about you *than* Kass

    I read it again.
    Nothing anti-Semitic in it.

    I am an anti-bigotry, law and order, independent Bar Mitzvah is swayed by on one person.

    I also lived in Missouri once. Show me the anti-semitism.

  39. - Right to be wrong - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:31 pm:

    error: , who is swayed by no one person.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:36 pm:

    === I read it again. Nothing anti-Semitic in it.===

    His colleagues not only disagree, they put it in writing;

    From Feder…

    === Under the headline “Something grows in the big cities run by Democrats: An overwhelming sense of lawlessness,” the column blamed Soros for spending “millions of dollars to help elect liberal social justice warriors as prosecutors [including Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx], adding: “He remakes the justice system in urban America, flying under the radar.” (Here is the link.)

    Noting the controversy ignited by the column, the Chicago Tribune Guild letter said: “The odious, anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that billionaire George Soros is a puppet master controlling America’s big cities does not deserve a mainstream voice, especially at a time when hate crimes are rising.===

    Read that. They use some big words, bring a dictionary.

  41. - cermak_rd - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:38 pm:

    Page 2 is simply not a good spot for editorials by anyone. I could excuse Royko because dang, he was good and a serious author. Kass has never been anywhere the caliber of Royko (none of the writers they have have been) so the opinions should be in their own section or at least at the tail end of the newspaper.

  42. - Right to be wrong - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:40 pm:

    Again, Kass said nothing anti-Semitic.

    His critics said there is an anti-Semitic theory.

    There’s a difference. You are a critical thinker, I know you will enjoy looking at that again.

  43. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:41 pm:

    === His critics said there is an anti-Semitic theory.===

    You favor the forwarding of an anti-Semitic theory?

    Again, that’s on you.

  44. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:43 pm:

    Right to be wrong - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:40 pm

    You’re even denser than Kass. Try reading today’s LTE from the ADL.

  45. - Right to be wrong - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:45 pm:

    I never said that I agree with Kass or that I agree with his critics.

    I said there is nothing anti-Semitic in this piece under scrutiny.

    Show me anti-semitism in the article, please.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:48 pm:

    === Show me anti-semitism in the article, please.===

    Remedial reading sites are readily available via the Google Key.

    Unless you have something to add or directly refute Kass’ colleagues, or want to make your own argument outside the guy at the end of the bar yelling at the TV weatherman…

    So… stay safe, be well, and good luck.

  47. - Teddy Salad - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:52 pm:

    Whataboutism = Term used by people who do not like their lack of logic being used against them in an argument. A.K.A “how dare you call me out on my —- —-.”

  48. - SSL - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:57 pm:

    Kass has always been a waste of space. His column isn’t worth reading. He has his narrative and tries to wrap everything around it.

    Ms. Afzal’s comments were disappointing. Not sure if she was trying to be funny or if she really enjoys violence against police. She did the right thing by quickly accepting the consequences. Many don’t and it just prolongs the pain.

  49. - Right to be wrong - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:58 pm:

    My hat’s off to you all.

    I’m not dense, and no one tells me how to think.

    The Tribune Guild and the ADL opining that any criticism of Soros’ meddling is anti-semitic is not the same as truth, it is their viewpoint.

    Kass mentions Soros and buying influence. That’s not anti-semitism.

    Carry on.

  50. - 4 percent - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:00 pm:

    With all dues respect, Republicans use Soros as a lightning rod much as Democrats do with the Koch Brothers. Are these Democrats anti-Catholic?

  51. - Just ancedotal - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:05 pm:

    FWIW I called the Trib to cancel my subscription this weekend. I haven’t been reading it/enjoying it much at all recently and I just got so sick of reading Kass and this was just the straw that broke the camel’s back.

    They asked me why I was canceling and I told them it was about 75% I couldn’t justify any of my money going towards Kass and 25% I just haven’t been that impressed with the local content recently.

    The (very nice) gentleman told me they’ve had a ton of Kass-related cancellations lately and understood my decision then offered me a cheaper subscription.

    I know it is only anecdotal, but just thought I’d share.

  52. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:06 pm:

    I just read and re-read the Kass article. Not one shred of antisemitism.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:07 pm:

    === I’m not dense, and no one tells me how to think.===

    Not one person told you how to think.

    How you think says more about you than Kass.

    To the Post,

    I think what’s interesting is Kass moves from his house, into the city he seems to despise with every syllable, word, sentence, and sees peddling hatred is fine in making things better.

    Tough to see Kass as someone who… cares.

  54. - Fixer - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:07 pm:

    I can understand how she saw the humor in that video (guy throws something and about a second and a half later what appears to be the same thing comes back and hits him), but its juvenile. Definitely think it’s an overreaction by those on the right wanting to crucify her for it, especially given she did the personal accountability thing a lot better than most of them.

  55. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:08 pm:

    Blue Dog Dem, clears Kass of anti-semitism claim. How out of character for you. /s

  56. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:11 pm:

    Rich. Just when I was feeling sorry for you and your pontoon motor issues.

  57. - Winderweezle - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:20 pm:

    To me, “George Soros” is a name on memes that I scroll past. I have unfollowed enough of those type of fb friends that I no longer see those memes. Maybe other Capitol Faxers are the same- I had no idea there was anti Semitic undercurrents afoot there because that stuff all looks to cray cray to actually read.

  58. - Almost the weekend - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:21 pm:

    Put Kass and BDD in a room you solve not only COVID-19, and Illinois’pension problem but you also get an excellent meal of Greek ribs seasoned with lemon sauce and liberals’ tears.

    I love when Southern Illinois and Chicago can come together to save the planet.

  59. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:22 pm:

    I’m just as disturbed by those of you defending anti-semitism as I am by Kass.

  60. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:34 pm:

    I just love the hypocrisy of the republican’ts. It’s ok for them to take the Koch brothers cash funneled through the Americans for Prosperity PAC. But it isn’t ok for Democrats to take money from George Soros.

    Wealthy people buy politicians whether they be red or blue.

  61. - Pelonski - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:36 pm:

    Right to be wrong,

    I’m with you. I don’t see any anti-Semitism in that column.

  62. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:51 pm:

    Who would win the African-American vote, Foxx or Kass? Foxx is not the foe, institutional racism is. What does the Trump base want for African-American justice? Sic the police on ‘em. Treat them rough when you arrest them. This is why there are protests and uprisings.

    It was very wrong of Afzal to like and laugh at the video and very right of her to resign. But based on her identity or image she’s perfect to use by Cruz, to keep stoking the Trump base. But Cruz ought to look in the mirror and see who is enabling or supporting the fomenting of division, and criminal and lethal negligence in mishandling a pandemic.

  63. - DuPage - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:52 pm:

    I think it was a good thing for Ms. Afzal to drop out of the race.

  64. - Pundent - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:55 pm:

    = I don’t see any anti-Semitism in that column.=

    Maybe that’s because you don’t know it when you see it. Even if it’s right in front of you.

  65. - 44th - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:58 pm:

    I don’t think putting the Kass opinion and Afzal in the same post is fair at all.

  66. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 2:14 pm:

    Almost the Weekend. Speaking of Covid. Did you see the promising results of Synairgen and their inhaler?

  67. - filmmaker prof - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 2:18 pm:

    Putting in a rigorous ‘wall of separation’ between editorials and news is always justified. Regardless of what Kass or any other columnist may or may not have done.
    Blatant anti-semitism by one of your columnists deserves firing.
    The two are separate issues and should be treated as such.

  68. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 2:24 pm:

    Did a spit take while reading Kass’s column.

    Definitely anti-semitic.

    And anyone who needs an explanation is beyond redemption.

  69. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 2:37 pm:

    I think Kass just self-nominated for July’s Moutza of the Month.

  70. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 2:43 pm:

    Some of y’all need to read this from the ADL

  71. - Fly like an eagle - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 2:47 pm:

    == Right to be wrong, I’m with you. I don’t see any anti-Semitism in that column.==
    Are youse from a different planet? Earthlings can hear the dog whistle just fine.

  72. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 3:00 pm:

    Kass has been in a hallowed spot at the front of the paper, occupied by Royko, for way too long. Good on the Trib for moving him off of there. If Kass don’t like it he can exercise his free market skills and get a job somewhere else, maybe in a much lower income red state.

    Attacking Soros in the manner done is anti-Semitic, a rich Jewish person funding liberal and globalist policies that destroy nations. Kass and others believe Democrats enslave African-Americans with public assistance (says way more about them). It’s downright nutty and false, like with Soros providing bricks for rioters to use.

  73. - Amalia - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 3:10 pm:

    thanks for the link, Rich. still don’t think that makes Soros immune from criticism about things he is actually doing, funding leftist prosecutors in their electoral efforts. according to Jewish friends who criticize him, he’s not too into Israel so they have their own questions about him.

  74. - Thomas Paine - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 4:13 pm:

    @Right to be Wrong -

    George Soros is “meddling”?

    You couldn’t be more obvious: George Soros is an outsider, but Bill Conway Jr’s money is perfectly green.

    As for Kass, I stand with his critics, the message is clear, and not just anti-Semitic but also noticeably racist and sexist. The pejorative “Social Justice Warrior” arose during Gamergate as an attack on women who called out misogyny in the online gaming community. It’s especially popular among the alt-Right to attack women of color, suggesting they just rolled in from the savanna or the Amazon jungle, face paint on and spear in hand.

  75. - Excitable Boy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 4:25 pm:

    Kass has been posting bigotry and wack job conspiracy nonsense for years. Why would the Trib silence him now when they’re clearly doubling down on their general right wing stance?

  76. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 4:26 pm:

    == according to Jewish friends who criticize him, he’s not too into Israel ==

    Anti-semitism accusations have evolved somewhat. For example, it has become an article of faith to some folks that you’re an anti-Semite if you question anything that Bibi Netanyahu says or does. Even if you happen to be a Jewish person.

  77. - Independent - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 4:36 pm:

    Kass around 15-20 years ago wrote excellent columns. While much of the Chicago MSM swallowed the “World’s Greatest Mayor!” bluster from Daley’s people Kass didn’t. He wrote columns that expanded on others’ investigative work by connecting the dots between the players, and providing context with their backstories. Other daily columnists would tiptoe around the corruption in the Daley administration while Kass took it head on.

    Late in Daley’s final term things began to change. The Hired Truck scandal, myriad other scandals, and fiscal abominations finally wore Chicagoans down. It then became chic to criticize Daley. At this point Kass started to lose his niche in the Chicago MSM. In an attempt to stay relevant he pivoted toward state and then national issues. Now his columns are boilerplate far-right missives, and his Soros column fits that template.

    It’s a shame. His stuff was must-read in the Daley years.

  78. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 4:56 pm:

    ===expanded on others’ investigative work by connecting the dots===

    Yeah, back when Fast Eddie was dishing. Before the Florida debacle.

  79. - Siriusly - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 4:58 pm:

    I too am unimpressed by this window dressing. Antisemitism is racism. They should fire his paranoid conspiracy theory promoting racist ***

  80. - JoeD - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 6:23 pm:

    Gentle Friends - Did happen to scan the subject Kass Column Tuesday (I don’t often read Kass, as he often seems preachy and pompous) and didn’t notice Anti-Semitism. Went back and re-read today and still can’t find the proverbial ‘dog whistle’ people seem to be reporting on Anti-Semitism. Will someone who is so upset, please cut and paste the offending sentence(s).
    We can agree to disagree about Foxx’ policies and Kass’ opinion of them; but Anti-Semitism? ??

  81. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 6:45 pm:

    - JoeD -

    Read this…

    === - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 2:43 pm

    Some of y’all need to read this from the ADL ===

    The rest is up to you

  82. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 6:45 pm:

    I guess the pro-Kass commenters explain how this country elected Trump president. Pretend you don’t see what you clearly know. I understand that, but I don’t understand why anyone would do that, and announce it to the world.

  83. - James - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 7:51 pm:

    =Kass around 15-20 years ago wrote excellent columns…Now his columns are boilerplate far-right missives…It’s a shame. His stuff was must-read in the Daley years.=

    I agree with Independent. Kass is a great writer of columns, where you a lot of your paragraphs are composed on single sentences. You have to be punchy, not ponderous. You have to ruthlessly self-edit to fit your allotted space.

    Kass grew up working class, the son of a Chicago butcher. He knows where to look and listen to find great Chicago stories. But about 10 years ago the subject matter of his columns changed; he became a political columnist– writing about Rauner/Trump and the “Democrat Party”.

    This is a shame because:
    These columns are not going to persuade–they preach to a choir. And they are not going to last as literature–they quickly become yesterday’s insider commentary.

    I believe Kass changed his subject matter because he is so deeply interested in politics. So he is essentially writing for himself, the stuff he would want to read.

    If Kass went back to writing real Chicago stories, and left the politics to McQueary and others, his audience would broaden, and he would leave a greater artistic legacy of literature for future generations.

    Here’s a 2010 example of a great, non-political Kass column. You could anthologize this stuff:

  84. - Levois J - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 8:49 pm:

    I’m sorry to say I just read that controversial column. I don’t see anything anti-semitic about it. No mention of Soros’ religion. Where is the bigotry? Am I missing something?

  85. - Levois J - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 8:53 pm:

    I just read that ADL article Rich Miller posted in the comments. Disturbing, very disturbing. I can never discount that there are those elements expressing those opinions. Especially with the soap box of social media.

  86. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 9:13 pm:

    That’s a good analysis James.

    But I’ve worked with him (many years ago) and he is also a bully. He’s not trained to do the columns you wish of him either, in my opinion. He had an ear for uniquely Chicago politics but he can’t do the broader stuff because he lacks the intellectual grounding in which the national pundits (the Fox, Breitbart, RealClearPolitics, Pajamas Media) operate.

  87. - d - Tuesday, Jul 28, 20 @ 7:53 am:

    he shouldn’t even have a job after what he did to bartman. guy is a disgrace

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