Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Million Unmasked March comes up about 999,850 marchers short
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Million Unmasked March comes up about 999,850 marchers short

Monday, Jul 27, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Mike Miletich

A group of about 150 people gathered outside the Illinois Capitol Complex Saturday for the “Million Unmasked March.” The group of parents and guardians argue their children shouldn’t be forced to wear masks to attend school this fall.

An organizer of the event said Americans have the right to choice and children shouldn’t be “tortured” with masks. […]

“This is a free country. If I don’t want to live in Illinois, I can move,” said Michael Rebresh. “But no state owns my child. I’m not an indentured servant to the state. They don’t get to tell me what to do.” […]

The organizer also spit on Capitol Bureau Chief Mike Miletich before starting the interview. He jokingly asked if he could wipe the spit off the reporter’s N95 mask with a sweaty rag, but Miletich refused. Rebresh said it was an accident.

So classy.

* Brenden Moore

“If wearing a mask gives you peace of mind, have at it. We support your right to choose,” said Michael Rebresh, one of the organizers of the rally. “But in saying that, we expect that our right to choose for ourselves, for our kids is treated equally as valid and reserved as most sacred in our democracy.” […]

“You know if you need to wear a mask and that’s all right,” said state Rep. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, one of the event’s speakers. “I know I don’t need to wear a mask and I’m not going to told to wear a mask.” […]

On Friday, Sangamon County Public Health Director Gail O’Neill said that face coverings are “really the only physical tool that we have to help combat this virus situation.”

Studies have shown that people who wear face masks can reduce the likelihood that they transmit the disease to another person.

* Cole Henke

One of the people marching was arrested by Springfield police after she spit on a counter protestor. The protestor was holding a sign saying, “Where are the other 999,000.”

The mask mandate is meant to protect both children and staff when they return to school. Masks are found to slow the spread of the virus, and keep undiagnosed or asymptomatic kids or staff from spreading it around the school.

But Rebresh doesn’t see the point in that.

“Asymptomatic, if i am asymptomatic, and you make that call, and i assume you are asymptomatic, if we are both asymptomatic, then why are we even wearing masks. We already got it,” Rebresh said.

A real Einstein.

* My “favorite” sign…

* And what would an anti-mask rally be without the other fringe types?…

* Also…


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:10 am:

    Hmm. Looks like Bailey has overplayed his hand. People are tired of looking ridiculous and facing scorn. Even *Trump* says wear the mask.


  2. - Annonin' - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:12 am:

    We keep hopin’ the Illinois Exodus the Tribbies work so hard supporting will clean out all the idiots. From the looks of these accounts it appears there is still a lot of work to do.
    Too bad about Kass

  3. - Amalia - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:14 am:

    they are so for the right to choose, except when it comes to a woman and her body.

  4. - DuPage Saint - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:18 am:

    Don’t wear a mask and don’t get a vaccine. I have no problem with that for them. My only other hope is that they see voting as some type of government plot so they never vote

  5. - OutHereInTheMiddle - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:20 am:

    “if we are both asymptomatic”
    Dear genius - the point is YOU CAN’T KNOW THAT!

  6. - Back to the Future - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    Of course, we should always give people a chance to protest and respect their opinions.
    Walking with a mask on did take a bit of time for me to get used to, but come on Million Unmaskers it is not like anyone is forcing you to stick a cactus up your rear end.
    Respect your neighbors and wear a mask. It is the safe thing to do right now.

  7. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    ==If I don’t want to live in Illinois, I can move==

    Good. Move. We don’t need people who want to be irresponsible living in our state. Go spread your germs somewhere else.

    ==They don’t get to tell me what to do==

    What? Are you 3 years old? The government tells us what to do all the time. Unless you just don’t believe in laws in general. In which case, see point number 1. I’d be glad to see you leave the state.

    ==The organizer also spit on==

    Glad to see that mental giant was arrested.

    ==then why are we even wearing masks. We already got it==

    That person is one of the most dense people on the planet. The mask is meant to protect other people form you. I’d agree these people’s kids need to be in school if for no other reason than to get them away from their parents who apparently don’t have a lick of sense.

  8. - A - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:22 am:

    In our litigious society I’m feeling like lawyers will be swarmed with cases soon over people violating mandates and causing illness and death. I feel for teachers

  9. - NIU Grad - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:23 am:

    Dear Illinois GOP,

    Meet your base.

    Good luck with that.

  10. - Sir Reel - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:26 am:

    If they’re so concerned about their children being forced to wear a mask at school, then they can keep their kids home. The kids can then help them pack for their move to another state, like Florida, where freedom (and the virus) reigns.

  11. - Dotnonymous - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:26 am:

    We have found the enemy…they are few, but dangerously ignorant and/or deluded.

  12. - Demoralized - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:28 am:

    Americans are perhaps the most arrogant people on the face of the earth. Other countries have taken this pandemic seriously. In the United States? Nope. Not so much. Because we’ve got people like this who don’t want to be told what to do. Unbelievable. This person wants to move out of Illinois. Sometimes I wish I could move out of this country. The true character of some Americans has been shown crystal clear during this pandemic. I had no idea this country was filled with so many people who don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves. It sickens me. And I’m ashamed.

  13. - ChuckIL - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:29 am:

    Not worthy of serious debate. There are more school districts (879) than marchers.

  14. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:29 am:

    ===Meet your base.===

    Respectfully, no. They are the lunatic fringe. Part of Trump’s base maybe but the vast majority of Republicans don’t deserve to be lumped together with these folks.

  15. - Not a Billionaire - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:29 am:

    A small bunch of spittle spewing loudmouths.
    I wonder if there is a silent vote in areas with a number of Trumpers who are sick of them.

  16. - Interim Retiree - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:31 am:

    So Bailey is so popular in his district that he was able to get all of 150 people out for the march. Wow - JB better be careful in the next election, right?

  17. - Not a Billionaire - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:32 am:

    Spitting on The reporter is assault.

  18. - Barrington - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:33 am:

    This is mind boggling. I get that some folks have a cause, but not wearing masks hurts everyone especially the maskless demonstrators. Not even sure how one deals with this.

  19. - Norseman - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:37 am:

    The monumental hypocrisy of this group. Essentially, a choice for me and not for thee.

  20. - Chatham Resident - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:39 am:

    I am entirely 1000% in favor of wearing masks and being vaccinated, and over the years (despite being an unionized state employee) I tended to have thought a little more conservatively than to the left over the years (but more like a Thompson/Edgar/McCann pre-Trump/Rauner GOPer).

    But at risk of getting off the subject–I am also going to lump the anti-vaxxers and 5G conspirasists with NIMBY opponents of essential capital projects statewide. Including the Route 53 extension, Prairie Parkway, improving Route 47. And locally in the Springfield area why MacArthur Boulevard was not only just extended to I-72, but why they didn’t build the thing all the way to Iron Bridge/Woodside road and build the new overpass in that area 10 years ago?

    IMO the NIMBYites rank up there in my book with Covidiots, anti-vaxxers and anti-mask wearers, and 5G conspiracists (IMO bring on 6G).

  21. - OneMan - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:39 am:

    Having judged multiple science fairs over the years at the middle school (one school in our district requires you to participate) I have to say this level of understanding does not surprise me.

    == “Asymptomatic, if i am asymptomatic, and you make that call, and i assume you are asymptomatic, if we are both asymptomatic, then why are we even wearing masks. We already got it,” Rebresh said. ==

    I am starting to wonder if areas should create zones for these people.

  22. - Bob Loblaw - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:41 am:

    == Republicans don’t deserve to be lumped together with these folks.==

    91% approval for Trump among Republicans

  23. - twowaystreet - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:41 am:

    “I know I don’t need to wear a mask and I’m not going to told to wear a mask.”

    Rep. Bailey, you were told to wear a mask… and then you put one on.

    Did you already forgot about special session?

  24. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:42 am:

    === Part of Trump’s base maybe but the vast majority of Republicans don’t deserve to be lumped together with these folks.===

    No, the Trump base is predicated on forcing beliefs and mores on the majority by this Trump minority… and the racism that’s also baked in too.

    If you’re rationalizing the politicizing of mask wearing and ignoring that it’s Trump base too, that’s like saying Trump isn’t a racist… and Republicans are against racism… and ignoring these Republicans support an overt racist.


  25. - Independent - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:44 am:

    I’m disappointed. No Pizzagate signs? No mentions of Q?

  26. - Huh? - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:45 am:

    The issue can become moot if the school districts add into the dress code that all students must wear a mask on school property.

  27. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:52 am:

    ===Part of Trump’s base maybe but the vast majority of Republicans don’t deserve to be lumped together with these folks.===

    Then why aren’t the majority of Republicans condemning their “lunatic fringe”? They are doing severe, long term damage to the GOP brand.

  28. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:53 am:

    Apologies for my confusing comment. What I mean is the people who showed up for this march aren’t representative of the Republican base as a whole. They are outliers.

  29. - Streator Curmudgeon - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:54 am:

    My favorite sign is still: “If you think masks are uncomfortable, wait ’til you’re on a ventilator.”

  30. - Blue Dog Dem - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:54 am:

    I guess some folks just have lots of free time on their hands.

  31. - The Dude Abides - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:57 am:

    They are not only very ignorant people but rude. They are good at spitting on people though. I feel sorry for the kids they are raising.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 10:59 am:

    === What I mean is the people who showed up for this march aren’t representative of the Republican base as a whole. They are outliers.===

    No. Again..

    What polling is showing is those supporting the mask *can* be in the Trumpkin base.

    That is true.

    These folks, they *are* the Trumpkin base.

    These folks aren’t voting for a Democrat in any office.

    Those protesting *are* the GOP… they are the base.

  33. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:04 am:

    Every time I see one of these rallies, I always seem to think of this.

  34. - TheInvisibleMan - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:13 am:

    ===the vast majority of Republicans don’t deserve to be lumped together with these folks===

    It’s not a coincidence this is the exact same argument I hear about why members of a certain denomination shouldn’t all be lumped together, just because they stood in silence and inaction while the hierarchy of their group knowingly abused, and protected the abusers of, children.

    You avoid being lumped into the group, by standing up against the group when they do something you don’t approve of. Not by silently going along with it.

    Otherwise, your silence and inaction is what leads you to be in that group. You don’t get to choose how people see you when you belong to a group with a terrible reputation.

  35. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:16 am:


    I think you and I are defining ‘base’ differently. I see ‘base’ as the majority of voters and I don’t believe most Republicans share this group’s views. Otherwise more than 150 of them would’ve shown up. But I do understand what you and the others are saying.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:19 am:

    === I think you and I are defining ‘base’ differently.===


    I see the base as those who will support Trump if he does something on 5th Avenue and won’t lose that supporter.

    You are trying to rationalize that you don’t want others lumped in with anti-maskers and racist… but those not wearing masks and racist… they are the Trump base.

    The rest is parlor games so others can rationalize supporting a racist like Trump.


    Respectfully, these folks *are* the base. They aren’t voting for a Dem… they are the bedrock.

  37. - Rudy’s teeth - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:26 am:

    Perhaps Mayor Pekau will invite Darren Bailey to be his guest at Taste of Orland.
    Fire up the party bus, Darren, and bring your pals from Xenia.

  38. - Jibba - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:40 am:

    These people are part and parcel of the Tea Party, who controlled the direction of the Republican Party for a decade then became Trumpers. Sadly, they are the base now, not just a fringe. Moderate Republicans no longer have a voice and are not welcome in their party.

  39. - Jibba - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:47 am:

    Sure you have a choice to mask your kids or not. And the school can choose whether to admit them or not. Isn’t free will great?

  40. - Johnny Tractor - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 11:59 am:

    Demoralized - you know what the trouble with kids these days is? Their parents, for the reasons you cite.

    To the protesters- you’re ok with the state forcing your children to be removed from your home and confined off-site without your supervision for six hours a day, but it’s an egregious assault on their rights to require them to practice safe hygiene while doing so?

  41. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:00 pm:

    =Respectfully, no. They are the lunatic fringe. Part of Trump’s base maybe but the vast majority of Republicans don’t deserve to be lumped together with these folks.=

    Where they go one, they go all. As long as their support is tolerated, that’s who Republicans are. Sleep with the dogs and all that.

  42. - LakeCo - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:15 pm:

    T-14 days until the first COVID case spread at this rally is announced…

  43. - Tired Teacher - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:19 pm:

    I am tired of Bailey and his ilk. Science, reason, facts just have no place in their lives. How about we all chip in and offer to help them move to Florida? I hear there is a governor there they might like

  44. - Pundent - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:39 pm:

    =What I mean is the people who showed up for this march aren’t representative of the Republican base as a whole. They are outliers.=

    When the leader of the party creates a narrow message to appeal to these individuals the base becomes the party. You can’t be all in on Trump, but oppose the base. The cake is already baked.

  45. - Thinking Back - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:49 pm:

    Thinking back many many years ago when I was in middle school I remember Eugene spitting on Johnny and the teacher catching him. He got sent home to his parents. So wonder why this man who put on this march didn’t get arrested? Is this the type of base Bailey and DeVore preach to at all the gatherings they appear at? No wonder the Judge in Clay County is so backwards.

    What’s going to happen next at one of these Three Dozen Unmasked March events?

  46. - A - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 12:50 pm:

    Schools definitely need to make wearing a mask a requirement for attendance. That resolves the problem. Don’t want your kid to wear a mask? Home school or, if an option, remote learning. Unfortunately the burden of enforcement falls on the teacher (as will probably the cost of wipes, sanitizing equipment, spare masks for those who “forget”, etc, etc).

  47. - 1st Ward - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:09 pm:

    Would be interested in a poll asking support/oppose fining/criminalizing people who do not wear masks.

  48. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 1:21 pm:

    == aren’t representative of the Republican base as a whole. ==

    Sorry pal, it doesn’t work like that. If it did, every GOP official in the country wouldn’t be trying to sell you a sham story about how Joe Biden is secretly a tool of radical leftist protesters who loot and set fires. If those people are defacto Biden supporters, then these loons *are* the GOP

  49. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 3:00 pm:

    -Pundent, OW, and LHM-

    I think I understand now. Thanks for the perspective.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 3:25 pm:

    - Cubs in ‘16 -

    You’re all good.

    The times right now, tail, dog, waging, and folks who should be at the barest of minimum marginalized are the base others can’t shake as their cohorts.

    Also, go Cubs.

  51. - Keeping Track - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 3:46 pm:

    The government tells me I have to wear pants in public. What happened to MY CHOICE? Also, the State Police say I have to obey the speed limit on the Illinois Tollway. OK, bad example since there doesn’t appear to be a speed limit there. (Trick question.)

  52. - Pundent - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 3:59 pm:

    We hear alot about how the President’s popularity is at an unprecedented level within the Republican party. It’s the reason most often cited for fellow Republicans not holding him accountable. What we hear little of is how many people no longer identify as Republicans and whether that is a temporary or long term problem. It’s not that OW or Cubs in ‘16 have abandoned the party. It’s that the party has abandoned them. And it’s done so for this “base” that few of us can identify with.

  53. - NothsideNoMore - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 5:07 pm:

    Maybe there could be public IDs if your asymptomatic. Wear big letter A, make it scarlette red. No wait nevermind….

  54. - Gdubya - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 5:13 pm:

    Advantage of wearing a mask: You can’t see the crap in their teeth and by the sound of it they have a lot coming out of their pie holes.

  55. - PublicServant - Monday, Jul 27, 20 @ 9:12 pm:

    A lotta people screaming about their rights, seem not to acknowledge their responsibilities to their country.

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