Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rep. Cabello takes heat for online comment
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Rep. Cabello takes heat for online comment

Tuesday, Aug 4, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This story doesn’t mention it, but Rep. Cabello is also a Rockford police detective. WREX TV

After a comment made by State Representative John Cabello on Facebook causes controversy, some local leaders are speaking up. On Saturday, a Facebook user thanked Rep. Cabello for holding a Back the Blue rally. In his comment, he asked Cabello “now is it time to lock and load? Asking for a friend”. Cabello responded by saying “not yet but be ready”. Winnebago County Board Chairman Frank Haney says he does not agree with the comments Cabello made.

“The comments themselves were just unhelpful. This is coming from someone who is in John’s party, I like John, I don’t have any issues on a personal level, but I fundamentally disagree on law enforcement officers making comments like that,” said Haney. […]

Mayor Tom McNamara released a statement on Sunday condemning Cabello for this comment. Monday, he said everyone, including leaders in the community, needs to understand the impact their words have. He also says now is the time to stick together as a community.

“Right now, we have a huge need to fill this massive void in our community of the threads of the fabric that bring us together and there is a number of areas that we should be focusing on that bring us together,” said McNamara.

* The exchange in question

If you click here, you’ll see there were some confrontations after Rockford’s Back the Blue rally. The county sent out its SWAT team, which seems excessive.

* Register-Star

Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara has asked that Cabello’s comments be reviewed and addressed by city officials.

“I am extremely concerned by a Facebook post by State Rep. and Rockford Police Officer John Cabello that was worded at worst to incite violence and at best not promote peace,” McNamara said Sunday in a social media post. “We must expect high levels of professionalism and performance from those who serve and represent us and his post was incendiary and not befitting of a public servant.”

* More from the mayor

There have been a number of high-tension incidents in our community in the last 48 hours that I want to address.

The Rockford Police Department and Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office lawfully arrested numerous people on Friday night on East State Street near the City Market pavilion. I appreciate the work of both departments as they work to keep our streets safe for all citizens and visitors.

During the arrests, there were reports of citizens assisting officers and deputies. Though we may have seen a legal explanation that citizens have the right to be involved, I want to be clear–we do not need or want civilians engaging in police activities when the scene is under control by law enforcement.

* Cabello’s response

I replied to a comment on Facebook that has somehow become “controversial” as it related to a five word short response to a Facebook comment. These five words have been contorted and twisted around to something that it is not. Am I surprised that my political opponents and their supporters, none of whom showed up this past Saturday to “back the blue”, is now trying to use this to “cancel” me. No.

This particular Facebook friend, like many of the people in my district is concerned over the lawlessness he has seen both locally and nationally. He expressed that view and his concerns in a way which elicited a similar tongue in cheek response from me that some posters on Facebook have implied means that I was advocating for violence. Not only do I reject that interpretation but I will not yield my support for law enforcement.

Everyone needs to be treated fairly and humanely and in my speech Saturday morning at the Back the Blue rally at the First Responders memorial I passionately spoke out about the need for those of us in blue to try to achieve perfection even though it is tough to do sometimes.

Saturday was an opportunity for people to show their admiration for those of us who wear the uniform of law enforcement. In the past few months my brothers and sisters in blue have been vilified and lumped together with a very few bad actors. We needed that rally on Saturday and so did the people who were in attendance. We had over well over 600 people there. Our speeches did not “incite” anyone nor did they even come close to advocating for lawlessness. We are all tired of the lawlessness and the politicians who don’t support the men and women of law enforcement. Another rally is being planned!


  1. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:01 am:

    They’re not the Hateful Eight for nothing.

    Like this…

    === We are all tired of the lawlessness and the politicians who don’t support the men and women of law enforcement.===

    Makes you wonder aloud how Cabello feels about Black Lives Matter?

    This is playing the victim to his own words.

    ===Am I surprised that my political opponents and their supporters, none of whom showed up this past Saturday to “back the blue”, is now trying to use this to “cancel” me. No.===

    I’d say I’m disappointed, but…

  2. - SAP - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:05 am:

    Pressing a bad bet John.

  3. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:07 am:

    Man, this stuff is getting dangerous. I remember when cops would actively refuse so-called “citizen” assistance like this. Now, they are practically encouraging armed people to help them intimidate lawful protesters.

    This is going to end very badly if we all don’t get control of ourselves. These “citizen” law enforcement helpers need to stand down, put their guns back in their safes and let the police do their job.

  4. - LoyalVirus - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:13 am:

    “not yet, but be ready” don’t need to be contorted and twisted, John- you said exactly what you meant and meant exactly what you said.

  5. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:23 am:

    He may have been speaking tongue-in-cheek — but his words nor their meaning were not distorted.

  6. - Club J - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:29 am:

    I can see why the Mayor is upset over his choice of words. After reading the news report about the Back the Blue Rally. The protesters that were arrested, pepper sprayed, knocked to the ground and hauled away. I’m sure that phrase didn’t calm anyone down.

    Some of the time people just need to really think before they not only say things, but put them on social media for the whole world to see. Cause no matter how it’s meant to sound it’s not always going to come across that way. Especially if you are in the public view which Cabello is.

  7. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:30 am:

    Instead of a “tongue in cheek(y)” reply to a fellow poster, why not bite your tongue and think twice about what such a flippant response might elicit in some people. Anything else is what LoyalVirus said.

  8. - Norseman - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:37 am:

    === … have been vilified and lumped together with a very few bad actors. ===

    Spoken by a man who specializes in vilification. The problem for Cabello and the “few bad actors” is that iPhone then others put cameras on phones. Unfortunately for them, there a lot of us who believe what they see with their own eyes.

  9. - LakeCo - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:45 am:

    =Everyone needs to be treated fairly and humanely=
    Which why you’re advising people to “be ready” to lock and load their weapons against their fellow citizens? You’re disgusting, John Cabello.

  10. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 10:49 am:

    ===Not only do I reject that interpretation but I will not yield my support for law enforcement.===

    Rep Cabello might want to find a better way to tip toe around this issue because his Facebook exchange is likely substantial enough to implicate him in ‘conspiracy to’ related charges and enough to merit investigation.

  11. - Lester Holt’s Mustache - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 11:15 am:

    We all know what the issue is here - Cabello and other police officers don’t like their actions being questioned, ever. They don’t like people complaining when they step over the line, and they don’t like being called out when they do their jobs improperly. Not by anyone, protesting citizens or elected officials. Municipalities are going to have to take a strong stance on this - officers and their unions have shown time and again that they are more than willing to threaten retaliation against anyone who doesn’t tow their line (even public libraries). You can’t have police forces whose members believe that people’s constitutional rights to free speech are secondary or tertiary concerns.

  12. - Fly like an eagle - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 11:37 am:

    “In the past few months my brothers and sisters in blue have been vilified and lumped together with a very few bad actors.”
    That’s your solution? Joke about guns being ready to kill people? And then he doubles down. Clueless.
    Police might need the assistance of some professional public relations people. I don’t know, police seem to do things to make public perception worse. Maybe work on addressing legitimate aggrievances would be a start.

  13. - Daily - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 12:11 pm:

    * conspiracy to *

    Geez, get over it, its an innocent exchange that could be found 1000 times in a single day. An exchange like that always means “I’m ready to defend my home” and not “I’m going on the prowl for xxxx”.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 12:13 pm:

    === An exchange like that always means “I’m ready to defend my home”===

    From what? Defend it from what?

    If it’s so innocent…

  15. - Daily - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 12:18 pm:

    *From what? Defend it from what?*

    For the same reason anyone would defend their home, violent intruders, others willing to do harm. I’m sure you would just run out the back door, but many of us wouldn’t.

  16. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 12:27 pm:

    === For the same reason anyone would defend their home, violent intruders, others willing to do harm.===

    Who was threatening?

    ===I’m sure you would just run out the back door, but many of us wouldn’t.===

    You know nothing of me. Good try.

    You are a “tough guy”… yikes, man… if you’re so tough, who is scaring you so?

  17. - @misterjayem - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    “I’m sure you would just run out the back door, but many of us wouldn’t.”

    And I’m sure you think this comment makes you seem like some kind of hero rather than another run-of-the-mill internet tough guy.

    – MrJM

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    ===“ now is it time to lock and load?”===

    - Daily -, Who are you fending off, exactly?

    In the context of the rally… it’s not very helpful language, that’s me being … polite.

  19. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 12:37 pm:

    === little race baiting===

    I didn’t bring up race, it appears you did… right there.

    Defending my home from an actual incident is quite different than signaling that it’s time to “lock and load”

    Who exactly is threatening that locking and loading needs to be done… soon?

    You can use your words.

  20. - 17% Solution - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 12:43 pm:

    ==I want to be clear–we do not need or want civilians engaging in police activities when the scene is under control by law enforcement.==
    Yikes. People do that? That could lead to some very bad outcomes. I’m guessing running towards the police with your gun out trying to help would be unsettling at best for officers in an already stressful situation.

  21. - 17% Solution - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 1:08 pm:

    Daily if Cabello was referring to a person defending his home why was his response be “not yet but be ready”? Wouldn’t his home need to be ready to be defended in the present? What future event is going to happen?
    He is not talking about defending a home. Not sure what future event he is talking about.

    Also I didn’t see any race baiting, little or otherwise.

  22. - Daily - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 1:46 pm:

    *Defending my home from an actual incident *

    Exactly what I was referring to, but you spend your time here trying to twist things to mean what you want them to mean.

    *You can use your words.*

    No thanks, I’m not going to get caught up in a game of Willys Word Play.

  23. - Birds on the Bat - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 1:46 pm:

    Municipalities are going to have to take a strong stance

    Are these the same municipalities that sit idly by while anarchists occupy their downtowns and terrorize their citizens? The same municipalities that sit idly by while innocent children are continually gunned down on their streets? Those municipalities?

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 1:52 pm:

    === Exactly what I was referring to, but you spend your time here trying to twist things to mean what you want them to mean.===

    What incident “right now” needs folks locked and loaded?

    Is your home in imminent danger right now? Who is threatening your home.., right now?

    === No thanks===

    So you can’t use your words.

    Welp, that imminent danger to your home, immediate, that you need be locked and loaded, from whom, you won’t say…

    I’d be at a loss for words too.

  25. - 17% Solution - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 1:52 pm:

    “that sit idly by”
    Sounds like no municipality I have ever heard of, but go on.
    Do municipalities have problems? You betcha. Do they sit idly by? Never heard of that.

  26. - Todd - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:01 pm:

    Lots of people are asking the same question maybe you missed that neighbors of the Seattle chief had to block the road in their subdivision to prevent a mob desending on her home

    Maybe you have missed the Minneapolis police say I g hand over your cell phones and belongings because we can’t protect you

    Maybe you were under a rock and missed a couple in St. Louis fearing for their safety and stood outside their home armed and now are charged

    Or maybe you’ve missed the attacker’s on individuals or businesses

    Maybe you should ask that question of all the people running to get foid cards as if memory server me correct instead of 5000 applications in June there were something like 60,0000

    Or the new record of gun sales last month and the new gun ow era deciding that since the cops won’t be there they need to take care of themselves

    Maybe they have see the attempts to block traffic then drag people from their cars or smash their windows with hammers

    Or they have simply seen police neutered when mobs are allowed to trash and your house business and buildings and they don’t want that to happen to theirs

  27. - All this - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:01 pm:

    == Are these the same municipalities that sit idly by while anarchists occupy their downtowns and terrorize their citizens? ==
    So some police sat around Rush’s office and ate some popcorn. They were tired. I’m sure it won’t happen again.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:05 pm:

    - Todd -

    With great respect, as always, bud.

    Still, the Minneapolis police example isn’t as strong as you may want it to be.

    Be well, stay well, as always.

  29. - Abby Normal - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:07 pm:

    == Lots of people are asking the same question.==
    What question is that? What Cabello meant when he said “not yet but be ready”? Be ready for what?

  30. - Mr. Green Genes - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:11 pm:

    “Or they have simply seen police neutered”
    What police are neutered? It sounds painful.

  31. - Todd - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:20 pm:

    Willie if the neighbors thought they had to block the road to prevent a mob from entering I’m. Of goo g to second guess the especially after the sheriff posted cars there 24/7

    The question is — when will we this ship show spill over to my neighborhood

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:23 pm:


    That’s the question.

    Do you think it’s imminent?

    That’s also the question too.

  33. - Todd - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:44 pm:

    Willie I think something is imminent

    George’s Floyd was a catalyst for what is going on now. I believe there is a similar catalyst for the right I just don’t know what it is

    And if current trends continue yes look at it this way if trump wins like he did he in ‘16 the left will go crazy and refuse to accept it and I think this is tame compared to what that could be

    Then you have people on the right who think of Biden wins it will be open season on conservatives and gun owners especially just look at Beto and the dnc platform on guns

    But statements or vids on you tube saying we’re coming for the suburbs and such don’t help and only ramp up the fear

    It is not going unnoticed the use of improvised munitions in some of the riots that is an escalation from bottles of water and it don’t come from right wing militias

  34. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:48 pm:

    === And if current trends continue yes look at it this way if trump wins like he did he in ‘16 the left will go crazy and refuse to accept it===

    - Todd -, you know I like you, but the only person, today, who said they won’t accept the election results, for the record, is Trump.

    The one thing I know is the temperature is way too hot and the next months ahead will decide how that temperature will be used… for good or bad.

  35. - Birds on the Bat - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:54 pm:

    Do municipalities have problems? You betcha. Do they sit idly by? Never heard of that.

    Your lib goggles are on a little too tight.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 2:59 pm:

    === Your lib goggles===

    How Face-bookey of you to say.

    Don’t worry, that lil thingy *owned* the libs good. lol

  37. - Fly like an eagle - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 3:05 pm:

    Anecdotes ain’t data, sugar. Bad things happen, but crime is down substantially from the mid nineties.

  38. - 17% Solution - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 3:21 pm:

    == Your lib goggles are on a little too tight.==
    Funny you think I have lib goggles. I work for the police, civilian support. You know what I see out of these googles? Men and women working their tails off to keep you safe. Some crime happens anyway, but guess what, Superman is an illegal alien so he can’t come here anymore and fix everything.

    With 50 lbs of gear on in the summer time, sometimes working twelve hours a day, you say these men and women are just slackers, and that the municipalities just sit idly by. I take offense at you belittling the work that these people do. Also I know what I see and the “idle by” comment is just untrue.

  39. - Birds on the Bat - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 3:30 pm:

    you say these men and women are just slackers

    Wow. I certainly didn’t say anything remotely close to that. Nobody, and I mean nobody has more respect for law enforcement than I do. My comments were aimed at the politicos sitting on their hands, not supporting their law enforcement while their cities are being ravaged. Sincere apologies if you took it otherwise. I know first hand as well what police officers deal with on a daily basis and would never disrespect their service and commitment.

  40. - Birds on the Bat - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 3:38 pm:

    you say these men and women are just slackers

    First of all, I never said anything remotely close to this. My comments were aimed at the politicos who are sitting on their hands and NOT supporting their police while their cities are being ravaged. Apologies if you interpreted it otherwise. I would never disrespect the service and commitment of our police officers. My son is a police officer, so I know first hand what officers deal with on a daily basis. I also know first hand when their efforts are not supported by admins, prompting my comment.

  41. - Birds on the Bat - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 3:44 pm:

    Apologies for the somewhat duplicative post. I am technologically challenged.

  42. - 17% Solution - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 3:48 pm:

    “ you say these men and women are just slackers Wow. I certainly didn’t say anything remotely close to that.”
    Um municipalities are made up of people. Did you mean the buildings are sitting idly by?

  43. - Birds on the Bat - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 3:59 pm:

    Forget it. I tried. You just want to argue. I’ll pass. Have a nice evening.

  44. - 17% Solution - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 4:03 pm:

    “ My comments were aimed at the politicos sitting on their hands, not supporting their law enforcement while their cities are being ravaged.”
    Glad you clarified what you meant.
    No one is more in the hot seat than the politicos. They have to fix things or they will be out. They are trying their damnedest, running up a down escalator.
    Do they know what to do? Probably not. If they did, the problems would be fixed by now. They will have to keep at it till they find that solution.

  45. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Aug 4, 20 @ 6:07 pm:

    may not come as a surprise to ya’ll, but old Blue is locked and loaded at all times.

  46. - Mr. Green Genes - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 7:35 am:

    “ Forget it. I tried. You just want to argue.”
    Another victim heard from. You can attack someone but they can’t counter you. Ok Karen.

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