Question of the day
Wednesday, Aug 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Mary Schmich…
Every mask tells a story. What’s yours?
Obviously, this question presumes that you have a mask and use it, in which case, you’re not the prime target for the new Illinois ad campaign that comes with the slogan “It Only Works if You Wear It.” The $5 million campaign, which the governor announced Monday, is aimed at the mask resisters, the legions whose behavior is one reason a killer virus continues to stalk the land.
But if you do wear a mask when you should — generally indoors in public spaces, outdoors when you can’t keep proper social distance — you probably have a story, and that story makes the mask easier to wear. You can recount where you got it, when and why, maybe who made it.
“What’s the story of your mask?” I often ask people. It’s a good conversation starter, and I always learn something about the person that goes beyond the mask, often something about their relatives, friends, passions.
* The Question: Do you have a story about your mask(s)?
- Amalia - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:05 pm:
Just one? Fashion, politics, pure ppe, given as required when facility says you must wear theirs.. The common motto is always worn when near others outside of the home.
- lake county democrat - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:05 pm:
My mask probably tells the story of a hypochondriac and/or exceedingly risk-adverse person: it’s a KN-95 mask purchased after researching dealer reputation and checking (and rechecking) the FDA list of approved Chinese manufacturers (rechecking because some originally approved have been taken off). And if I wear the ones with the “easier to breathe” valve, I wear a second, looser fitting mask over that to protect people from my own breath/droplets.
- thoughts matter - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:09 pm:
The fact that I made them. The fabric that I picked for me is just pretty floral prints. The fabric I picked for family and friends is based on their interests and favorite colors. The fact that I had never made anything with a pleat before. The fact that most if the fabric came from my ‘stash’. Quilters know what I mean.
- Cheryl44 - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:11 pm:
I have 2 that were premiums for donating money to Glessner House. In keeping with the house’s design and decor, their made from reproduction William Morris printed fabric.
- the Patriot - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:18 pm:
My logo-I can’t tell you if the things work or not, but I can use them for advertising. They are cheap in bulk and you can have them custom.
- Ray del Camino - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:21 pm:
La Señora del Camino sat down and sewed about a hundred of them in March before they became a go-to accessory, sharing bunches of them with friends and siblings, and our offspring–one of whom is an essential front-line worker in the justice system. My favorite one is Cardinal-themed, of course.
- revvedup - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:22 pm:
My first masks were heavy grade blue shop paper towels with rubber bands for straps. My new ones are from Menards, but not certified by any U.S. agency as far as they reported. But they work for the limited times I am in close public spaces.
- SAP - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:26 pm:
I use a bandana so I can look like a cowboy.
- Saluki24 - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:33 pm:
When I was a kid, my favorite movie was Aladdin. Grew to LOVE Robin Williams. From Flubber and Mrs. Doubtfire to Good Will Hunting and Good Morning Vietnam, I loved to laugh because of his jokes and antics, while also appreciating his ability as a dramatic actor. As I grew up, I also discovered his stand-up and marveled at how his mind could go. To this day, I love to make people laugh; I have no doubt that was first inspired by Robin.
Fast forward, and I worked in TV news from late 2000s to late 2010s. Through all the tragedies in the world during that time, only two ever made me cry. One was the Sandy Hook shooting. The other was the day Robin Williams, the man who made everyone laugh, tragically took his own life.
My mask has Genie from Aladdin doing different poses and faces from the movie. I can’t tell you how many times someone has told me they love it and, while I couldn’t see their smiles behind their masks, I could see their smiles in their eyes.
Somewhere, I hope Robin is smiling, too.
- RNUG - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:35 pm:
I often use paper N95’s because I’ve used them for years when doing paint and body work, so I’m used to them and had boxes in the garage. I like them because the two bands go completely around the head instead of hooking over the ears.
I do have a couple of cloth ones that depict the kind on cars I collect. I sometimes wear them when going out with my wife. Any more detail and I would be outing myself because they are kind of unique.
- Red Ketcher - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:39 pm:
Just a simple Black Mask , But generates great energy when pulling up to The Bank.
- RIJ - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:39 pm:
I hand stitched several masks for my wife and myself. I had a lovely fabric printed with cats, and two of the images looked like a current and former pet. I used more of the fabric to make masks for everyone at my veterinarian’s office as a thank you for how kind they were when I had to have a cat euthanized at the height of the lockdown.
- 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:45 pm:
I ordered some from Hedley & Bennett, the company that makes chef and restaurant staff gear like aprons, as they would send one mask to front line workers and farmers for everyone purchased. My spouse is a food and restaurant writer and so trying to help in any way to support an industry that is really suffering due to restaurant and bar closures.
- Cable Line Beer Gardener - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:45 pm:
My poor ’stash’ is beginning to dwindle, but it gives me comfort to repurpose these scraps. There are a lot of people who are wearing masks made from the scraps of my favorite quilts. I have given many away and the only payment I accept is the recipient make a donation to their local food bank.
- Majority of Me - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:48 pm:
When the public recommendations first shifted back to suggesting masks for everyone, I posted a picture on social media heading into a store without a mask. Someone inquired on the post why I was not wearing one and I mentioned I did not have one and was actually looking to buy something that would work.
I quickly received many free, home-made masks from friends which guaranteed I would not enter another public place without one. It was positive peer pressure.
- JoanP - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:49 pm:
=I have 2 that were premiums for donating money to Glessner House. =
I have one of those, too. I also have one that was made for me by a fellow interpreter with the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust.
Two more: one found on Threadless, just because it’s cute - it’s birds on a wire turning into musical notes, and one purchased from a neighborhood store, to support a local business.
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:54 pm:
My SIL makes them so she has made ones for me that are Space Shuttle missions (my Dad worked on the program), Cubs, Bears, and general baseball.
- SchoolPrincipal - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:56 pm:
While I have a few, I run in one where I cut up my wife’s tights she used to wear when she had to go into work. (not now!) the Waist band fits snugly across the nose and it’s easier to breathe when running! Take off the legs and it’s good to go!
- ArchPundit - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:57 pm:
===I have one of those, too. I also have one that was made for me by a fellow interpreter with the Frank Lloyd Wright Trust.
I’m betting Joan and Cheryl may have more tote bags than I do which is impressive.
- Nick Name - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:03 pm:
I ordered a box of them from Amazon. Not much of a story.
- The Magnificent Purple Walnut - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:05 pm:
The mother of one of our daughter’s best friends left three masks that she made hanging on our door handle. Wonderful to be reminded how many caring and considerate people there are in our town. It was and is greatly appreciated.
- Bored HouseMom - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:06 pm:
I use a gator. I match them to my outfits. I don’t mind wearing it, I want to tell my grandchildren, that in 2020, I survived.
- the Edge - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:10 pm:
My wife has made over 500 masks for a volunteer group which has donated them to various organizations (hospitals, park district youth camps, etc.). I have two; one shows the original 6 hockey team logos, and the other dinosaurs (because I am one).
- Horseshoe Voter - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:17 pm:
Half of my masks say “Black Lives Matter,” others were made by my bf’s mom, and a couple awkward specimens I attempted to make myself. My kids have a great stash of the bf’s-mom-sewn variety and often fight over who gets to wear the superhero one into daycare, where the phenomenal staff is taking masking super-seriously and gives me confidence that elementary school kids will wear masks just fine when schools start back up.
- hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:18 pm:
When they are not in the wash, I wear a mask sewn by the same woman who did my wedding dress alterations. Was not expecting to have need of her services after that day as I am not much of a fashionista in my everyday life but here we are. She is very talented about making them though. They fit so much better than storebought masks.
- M - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:30 pm:
I’ve made so many masks for my family. Personally, I prefer the two tie masks over elastic. I think they will definitely last longer and, if I am going to be wearing/washing them frequently, I want them to last. I’ve got Blackhawks, a bunch of Disney prints, Harry Potter, and some Big Bang Theory that has been in my stash for ages.
-thoughts matter…I know exactly what you mean! I’ve raided my stash and it has been great to use fabric that I loved but I’ve never quite known what to do with(although I also bought fabric because I wanted something specific). I use the Missouri Star Quilt Company video/pattern and I finally bought a bias tape maker to speed up the process and it works amazingly well.
- Mr. B.A. - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:31 pm:
Just got my Bradley University mask in the mail. Stylin’!
- Proud Papa Bear - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:32 pm:
When this started, a nurse in my neighborhood posted on Facebook that she was making them with leftover cloth for $7.
Mine is a Captain America pattern and fits great. I’m ordering more.
- pool boy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:34 pm:
I wear a mask I made myself that says COVID Sucks.
- Just learning - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:42 pm:
My friend made a variety and gave them out. I am not sure about saying this here but one of my favorites is the St. Louis Cardinals. In my defense I live in the Metro East so we are Cardinal and Blues fans. I also have a couple of boxes of the paper masks that I had ordered from Amazon.
- Ken_in_Aurora - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:45 pm:
Mine are pretty common - KN95s when I fly or are in what I consider to be a high risk area, cloth other times.
Why? Two reasons, both related - for, and because of my partner.
Her three boys are severely immunocompromised. I’m travelling back and forth to and from the Boston areas by air to be with her and need to stay healthy for them.
And her mother was killed by COVID in her MA memory care facility.
I close on my new home in NH at the end of the month, and will be completely moved in there within a few months at most. At that point we should be able to relax a little since my flying will be severely curtailed.
- Stanley - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 3:55 pm:
My masks tell the story of someone whose mother was on a ventilator last year. She was on it for five days due to acute respiratory distress from pneumonia, and those five days alone took enough strength out of her that I had to feed her by hand when she woke up. Thankfully, she’s okay now but retired from nursing when she was recovering from that illness. Never one to sit while others help, she began making masks at home to give to her coworkers and others. Some of her creations are in my collection.
If she contracted COVID-19, I don’t know that she’d survive.
I don’t wish what she experienced, or what I did seeing her on that machine, on anyone or their loved ones.
- Way down yonder - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 4:04 pm:
In my community the mayor asked for people to begin wearing masks in on about Mar 12. It was also asked that people begin to make mask to provide enough for all the people of the county. There were some where between 10-15,000 made. I have one of those.
- Mandymae - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 4:18 pm:
All the masks I wear have been sewn by my MIL, who has made nearly 1000 masks and distributed them in her community up in LaSalle County (as well as family members, of course). She’s made our family Harry Potter, Star Wars, Cubs and Incredibles masks (we have 4 boys, so…)
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 4:35 pm:
My original was made with scraps by my MIL, who made about 100 and passed them out to friends and family. Later, I got this pretty sweet green tartan cloth mask thinking I’d need something a little classed up if I had to go to the Capitol or DC - HA(banned punctuation). Got the box from Amazon, ordered in Feb, arrived in late May. And then recently we picked up several BLM and Black-artist designed masks.
- formerGOPer - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 4:46 pm:
I also have a Glessner House mask. The ones we first had were made by someone at my church. It was a fair exchange, I gave her old sheets and elastic, she gave us masks. After the Glessner House mask, I’ve gotten one with Native American, cat, and book themes. Have one on order with Phantom of the Opera for me and John Wayne for my husband.
- Mrsfloyddog - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 4:59 pm:
My mother made my household several masks out of scrap material from quilts, which I love because one of the quilts used to lay on my bed. More recently, she made me a mask out of a Crown Royal bag, which I get tons of comments on, and LOVE. My son says “nothing says ‘I’m a problem drinker’ like a Crown mask”
- The Ford Lawyer - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 5:07 pm:
I have three black masks to wear for work and a St. Louis Cardinals mask for casual wear. All of them were made by a lady in our central Illinois community. We’ve been supporting our community every way we can.
- Frank talks - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 5:09 pm:
Friend of mine makes them. Sports teams 100%
- FormerParatrooper - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 5:26 pm:
My Aunt made a few for family, all sporting the KC Chiefs Superbowl champs. We do it every 50 years so figure wear them while people remember who the Chiefs are.
- Steve - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 6:21 pm:
My neighbor has a cool Pro-America anti-Trump USA flag flying–was able to find the same design on a high quality face mask on etsy!
- tea_and_honey - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 9:13 pm:
I live with/care for my immunocompromised mother so in mid-March when I was still being forced to go to work in person (despite classes moving online staff still had to work in person) my neighbor hand stitched me a Chicago Cubs mask to wear even though in my area of downstate masks weren’t even a thing yet.
My second mask I bought as a result of binging the Mandalorian during all this - it features the Child saying “stand back you must.”
- AnnieH - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 10:58 pm:
My first, made by a friend I’ve known since I was two, has hippos on it (she collects hippos). Since then I’ve bought some nice northwoods plaid ones from a small business in Ironwood, Michigan, and a whole assortment of pretty ones from a jewelry store in my hometown that is employing local women to make masks. When I saw JB’s Illinois mask, I found myself a Michigan one and I’ve got some VOTE masks on the way. I try to always have some new ones with me so when I see someone without a mask I can offer them one. So far only one person has taken me up on it, but no one has seemed offended.
- Billi Mellen - Monday, Aug 10, 20 @ 10:13 pm:
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