Unclear on the concept
Wednesday, Aug 5, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Southern…
According to IDES, the scam involves filing unemployment claims using false identities and then attempting to have the payment method switched from the debit cards that people receive when they qualify for benefits to a direct deposit account to which scammers have access.
On July 6, the FBI reported that, “U.S. citizens from several states have been victimized by criminal actors impersonating the victims and using the victims’ stolen identities to submit fraudulent unemployment insurance claims online.” Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul and U.S. Rep. Mike Bost are among those who have received prepaid debit cards issued by KeyBank who didn’t apply for unemployment benefits. […]
[Rep. Terri Bryant, R-Murphysboro] said she asks herself if the fraud cases are actually spread throughout all 50 states or if they are in states where Deloitte holds the contract for the unemployment assistance tools. “I cannot get that question answered,” she said.
Well, maybe if you’d stop asking yourself and ask the Google or something you’d get an answer, Representative.
This has nothing to do with the state website or system contractor. The contractor isn’t being hacked. The victims’ identities were already stolen and those identities are then used to apply for unemployment benefits. She’s putting the cart before the horse here.
* From the FBI…
The FBI has seen a spike in fraudulent unemployment insurance claims complaints related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic involving the use of stolen personally identifiable information (PII).
U.S. citizens from several states have been victimized by criminal actors impersonating the victims and using the victims’ stolen identities to submit fraudulent unemployment insurance claims online. The criminals obtain the stolen identity using a variety of techniques, including the online purchase of stolen PII, previous data breaches, computer intrusions, cold-calling victims while using impersonation scams, email phishing schemes, physical theft of data from individuals or third parties, and from public websites and social media accounts, among other methods. Criminal actors will use third parties or persuade individuals who are victims of other scams or frauds to transfer fraudulent funds to accounts controlled by criminals.
Many victims of identity theft related to unemployment insurance claims do not know they have been targeted until they try to file a claim for unemployment insurance benefits, receive a notification from the state unemployment insurance agency, receive an IRS Form 1099-G showing the benefits collected from unemployment insurance, or get notified by their employer that a claim has been filed while the victim is still employed.
- Typical - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 10:07 am:
Articles have not explained what people should do if they have been part of this scam. Any tips for my wife?
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 10:11 am:
===said she asks herself if the fraud cases are actually spread throughout all 50 states or if they are in states where Deloitte holds the contract for the unemployment assistance tools. “I cannot get that question answered,” she (Bryant) said.===
What is this, a comedy routine?
“So I asked myself, ‘Self’, that’s what I call myself, ‘Self, is this happening everywhere?’… “
So what’s the punchline?
It’s a punch in the gut to inept ways to seem engaged to solving problems.
The state doesn’t need people who can point and ponder problems, we need solution based doers.
Anyone can’t point at spilled milk and wonder how it got on the floor.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 10:15 am:
===Articles have not explained===
I have. Do not activate the card and nothing happens. Make sure to report it, though.
- Mama - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 10:24 am:
== Make sure to report it, though. ==
Rich, do you report it to the Attorney General’s Office?
- Mama - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 10:26 am:
I had my ID stolen via a closed account with my investment banker. I have no idea if someone used my ID for the unemployment benefits. How would I find out if this is happening?
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 10:38 am:
===Rich, do you report it===
- Annoyed - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 10:41 am:
I do think it’s a fair question for IDES or their consultant to explain what safeguards are in place to stop the fraudulent switch from card to direct deposit.
- Our Joe - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 11:19 am:
Back it up, Ter. Always looking for a complaint and a microphone. Yesterday her (lame) issue was not getting any love from the governor when he was in Carbondale. Imagine that. Her constant whine is tiring.
- Smells - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 11:21 am:
Keep in mind that unemployment benefits are being “paid” to all these victims, even if they don’t activate the cards and withdraw the money. These benefits see taxable and will be reported to the IRS at the end of the year. So if you do nothing, you will get a nasty gram down the road for the IRS that you owe additional taxes and penalties. So you need to get in contact with IDES and cancel it. My 75 year old mom left a message for IDES 10 days ago, and has still not heard back from them. Another enormous debacle in the making.
- anotheretiree - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 11:27 am:
Was waking up this AM and heard Rodney Davis on WMAY bemoaning the lack of response at IDES and how so messed up it was that it was sending Debit cards to the wrong people. Another Pritzker failure.The hosts gingerly tried to explain to him that it wasn’t a system problem but a scam. He was oblivious.Then thought the scam involved grabbing cards from peoples mailboixes. It was a good comedy routine.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 11:28 am:
So had SEN/REPBRYANT asked the Trump-Barr Justice Dept she would have had an answer. Whew we were gettin’ nervous cause she never gets answered.
- weeds - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 11:57 am:
== Make sure to report it, though. ==
Rich, do you report it to the Attorney General’s Office?
===Rich, do you report it===
A good friend, finance professional, received an unsolicited unemployment benefits debit card. They have attempted to report it for weeks. Can’t get to a human, can’t get a call back. And now, they’re stuck in some IDES phone message que, waiting for a return call.
Now for the pathetic twist. This person’s job requires them to periodically call IDES on other subjects, but because they’re in the message que waiting for a return call on the bogus debit card, the phone system won’t let them move past that and on to other unrelated business.
Programmers know best. (rolls eyes)
- n-t-c - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 11:59 am:
===left a message for IDES 10 days ago, and has still not heard back===
If it were me (or my mom), I’d notify the Director by Certified Mail and follow up with my state rep or senator in a week so they can assist in getting action from IDES.
- Saluki1964 - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 12:06 pm:
Annoyed, how would IDES have any safeguards in place for what is an allowable switch? Call each person? Send an email? Duo verification. I suppose they could put something like this in place but they would have to have the same safeguards in place to stop fraudulent changes of addresses or changes of bank accounts. Businesses don’t put in safeguards to stop fraud. They put in safeguards to slow fraud.
- Yogi - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 12:12 pm:
This happened to me and two co-workers. You can make an online report to IDES on their website rather than waiting forever for a phone call. I found out when my employer contacted me asking about an unemployment claim which I didn’t in fact make. I put a fraud alert on my credit reports at the three reporting bureaus. Having been a victim of the Equifax hack my reports were frozen or locked. I check my credit reports regularly.I also made a police report in my home town which was suggested after I called them to inquire about what to do in the event of this type of fraud.
- The Old Man - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 2:24 pm:
Government has gotten really TOO BIG when an elected state representative is advised to GOOGLE to get an answer when this information should be forthcoming from the IDES people who let this no bid contract in Illinois. Imagine what a regular citizen would be told, keep after them MS Bryant.
- Mama - Wednesday, Aug 5, 20 @ 7:08 pm:
===Rich, do you report it===
Thank you.