Morning open thread
Thursday, Aug 6, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller * I have some weekday-only things to take care of today, so I’ll see you after lunch. Please keep it civil and Illinois-centric. In other words, no national politics. Thanks. Keep an eye on the live coverage feed and that way you can also discuss any breaking news, if any. The governor has no public events scheduled today.
- God - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:17 am:
So how about Don Trump de-funding the Postal Service to undermine vote by mail?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:18 am:
I didn’t have the Cubs at 10-2, but there they are…
- Mugwump - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:20 am:
Fast saliva testing at U of I.
I hear that they are using it at UIS too. “Governor Pritzker said this test could be a model for the entire state.” When did he say that?
- Suburban Mom - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:22 am:
Saw a parent on a local group on social media talking about how she intends to violate the Cook County quarantine orders with a visit to Wisconsin, and send her kids to school in Illinois two days later. People yelled at her at length, and she just shrugged and said the quarantine order wasn’t enforceable and she wasn’t going to take any risks when she traveled.
So, yeah, schools aren’t going to stay open very long.
- Bruce (no not him) - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:23 am:
The Cubs closer has an ERA of 32.40 and has been in 3 games. The Cubs have won all 3?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:24 am:
=== The Cubs closer has an ERA of 32.40 and has been in 3 games. The Cubs have won all 3?===
Ball game, (no pun intended, lol)
Pitching, especially the bullpen, yikes. Nothing on the bump seems solid.
- Gohawks123 - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:33 am:
How about them Hawks!!!
- Chatham Resident - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:36 am:
=== The Cubs closer has an ERA of 32.40 and has been in 3 games. The Cubs have won all 3?===
It must be a miracle!
- Downstate - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:36 am:
I love the fact that the Cardinals have to go 9-0 just to catch the Cubs. And for the Cubs, they’ve already completed 20% of their season.
- nua - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:37 am:
@Suburban Mom,
Is the order for all or Cook or just Chicago? I may be misunderstanding the current rules. I have been following the Chicago Order, even though I am currently living in DuPage until Saturday.
- Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:38 am:
===Nothing on the bump seems solid.===
Cubs’ starters collective ERA 1.95 through twelve games is awfully solid. But the bullpen…yikes is right. It’s really early but Rossy looks like a quality managerial hire. Not so much because of their record but the his decision-making and communication skills with players.
- Bruce (no not him) - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:41 am:
Cubs starting pitching is very good. Bullpen??
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:42 am:
=== Cubs’ starters collective ERA 1.95 through twelve games is awfully solid.===
Yeah, some starts would be considered “season best” like the Hendricks outing. Let’s hope they can keep that up, that’s a heavy burden on the starters to keep it below 2 on the era.
- Jose Abreu's Next Homer - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:44 am:
More than half the league will the make the post season
- Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:48 am:
===a heavy burden on the starters to keep it below 2 on the era.===
That’s a huge ask but in a 60 game season you never know. I don’t think the starters are as good as they’ve shown thus far nor is the bullpen as bad. The pitching will most likely even out which means the offense will need to step it up a bit.
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:00 am:
I hope Rodney Davis makes a full recovery.
- Last Bull Moose - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:11 am:
BDD. How is your squirrel problem now they are in season?
- walker - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:12 am:
Rare good news this week: The Cottagers are back.
(Sorry, not Ilinois-centric, but Amalia and Gooner will appreciate.)
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:15 am:
The Hawks won an exciting one last night, with the winning goal coming near the end of the game.
- Diver Down - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:21 am:
I just bought my gray Luis Robert jersey at the Comiskey Park Sox store. So exciting. Even an opportunity for a Crosstown WS has me watching more baseball than ever.
- cermak_rd - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:31 am:
Why are the beaches still closed? Also some parks? I thought outside was safer than inside. I mean, I know crowding would be a problem but still.
Also, Oak Brook Mall has been packed for the past couple of weekends as I rode by. Is this an outdoor vs. indoor mall thing?
- Fly like an eagle - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:38 am:
Anyone know what’s happening at Lincoln Yards? It’s been two years since they tore everything down and won their court battles. Yet not a thing is happening there.
- BluegrassBoy - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:40 am:
Anybody going to the McHenry Drive-In to see any of the upcoming concerts? I tried to score tickets to Billy Strings on 9-16/17 but struck out, man I miss live music.
- ste_with_a_v_en - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 10:50 am:
Lincoln Library Cancels Exhibition Over Racial Sensitivity Concerns
- Cool Papa Bell - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:13 am:
Cubs vs White Sox - World Series….
Why not, it’s 2020 after all.
- Chatham Resident - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:14 am:
Bruce Rushton has a column in today’s Illinois Times calling for the cops to be called on mask-less customers in bars and restaurants:
- Chatham Resident - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:15 am:
Rushton also has an interesting article about the loopholes in the “social equity” rules in the legal marijuana business in Illinois:
- illinifan - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:21 am:
Anyone who violates mask or quarantine rule must do community service instead of pay a fine. Mandate community service be at a hospital or rehab center in a COVID wing????
- Nearly Normal - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:34 am:
Got an email this morning from the Teacher’s Retirement System of Illinois that Richard Ingram, the Exec Director, has resigned from his position on Aug. 3. The board had unanimously voted on Aug 31 to place him on administrative leave due to performance issues covered by his employment contract. Stan Rupnik, the Chief Financial Officer, was appointed interim Ex Dir.
I heard the Pritxker appointees had a difference of opinion in investment policies.
- bungalowlover - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:39 am:
The EPA in Springfield now has two reported cases of Covid. They have not closed the building and are still requiring some employees to come in even though most have been working from home since March.
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:40 am:
A new marijuana dispensary opened in Schaumburg, with booming sales reported. That’s great news. Last month’s recreational sales were the most yet, even with the taxes.
- Colin Robinson - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:48 am:
Any educated guesses on what may happen with respect to pandemic layoffs of state workers or early retirement offers?
- Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:50 am:
=Anybody going to the McHenry Drive-In to see any of the upcoming concerts?=
Yes! Coincidentally to see one of the bands that we saw in our last pre-COVID concert - Trampled by Turtles. Amazing outfit, two shows
- JS Mill - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:58 am:
=So, yeah, schools aren’t going to stay open very long.=
So you are you thinking masks do not work?
=A new marijuana dispensary opened in Schaumburg, with booming sales reported. That’s great news. Last month’s recreational sales were the most yet, even with the taxes.=
I wonder how the downstate drug gangs are doing now that pot is legal?/s
- thoughts matter - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 12:19 pm:
== Any educated guesses on what may happen with respect to pandemic layoffs of state workers or early retirement offers?==
I am of the opinion there will be layoffs and furlough days. I think they should announce those soon so that people don’t get blindsided at Christmas. It will be better for the states’ financial situation to do it sooner rather than later.
RNUG will probably tell us that early retirement offers are a no go. I think they could do one with a cash or insurance discount feature rather than a service time increase and people would still take it.
- DownSouth - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 12:31 pm:
Absolutely glorious day in southern IL woodlands today! Squirrels cutting (yes squirrel season is open! YAY! ) delicious chanterelle and chicken of the woods mushrooms flushing like crazy, and best of all only 60 degrees when I hit the woods at first light. What a wonderful change from the usual August sauna!
- Pundent - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 12:41 pm:
=So, yeah, schools aren’t going to stay open very long.
So you are you thinking masks do not work?=
Masks certainly do work. But when parents (or teachers) behave recklessly they increase the likelihood of their kids (or themselves) contracting the virus. And then what happens? People return to school, positive tests are recorded, and classrooms and cohorts have to quarantine. And the scenario plays out again and again disrupting the school year. Meanwhile these same individuals contribute to community spread which reaches a level where we have to shut down indoor activities to get things back under control.
But yes, masks do work, so wear them. But something tells me that if you’re wiling to travel to a hot spot you might not be someone who takes mask wearing seriously.
- Proud Sucker - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 12:41 pm:
In the past, Kimbrel’s wildness scared batters, now it scares him (and us.) Maybe Quintana’s return could take some pressure of of Craig as suggested by Gordon Wittenmyer.
- Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 12:47 pm:
===Anyone who violates mask or quarantine rule must do community service instead of pay a fine. Mandate community service be at a hospital or rehab center in a COVID wing????===
Good idea in theory but not just anyone can volunteer at such places. There would be required background checks, HIPAA concerns, etc. It would takes months to jump through all of the hoops just to get someone approved for this type of community service.
- RNUG - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 1:20 pm:
== Anyone who violates mask or quarantine rule must do community service instead of pay a fine. Mandate community service be at a hospital or rehab center in a COVID wing???? ==
Make them work in a public building or a restaurant enforcing the mask rules and social distancing.
- revvedup - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 1:36 pm:
Not a big sports fan, but there is something to be said for Cubs games on the radio; reminds me of my grandfather watching on TV, but listening on the radio play-by-play. Covid-19 mask violators can pickup trash on roads and in parks, cut grass for seniors/disabled, etc. No need for armed police/sheriffs to supervise at that point; social service and public works depts. can do it. Have a few dollars? Donate to food banks, who can stretch those dollars a lot farther than in-kind donations.
- DownSouth - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 1:55 pm:
Very disappointed at the Farmer’s Market in my community today. Only one vendor masked. Only a couple of vendors distanced appropriately from others. Otherwise, no masks, and vendors crammed cheek to jowl so they could all be in the shade. Aisle between rows of vendors barely wide enough for two people to pass without touching. So much for supporting my local growers.
- Chatham Resident - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 2:20 pm:
==Anyone who violates mask or quarantine rule must do community service instead of pay a fine==
I say do the fine, at least after one warning.
The revenue gained from mask/non-social distancing fines will also be nice too.
- cermak_rd - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:14 pm:
The problem with a fine is that the fine amount is pocket change to some and an emergency to others. I get that it’s bad if anyone endangers anyone else regardless of status, but it does exacerbate our inherent inequalities. But I would say same holds for community service where some people may wind up endangering a job or having to pay out scarce money for childcare.
I don’t know the answer, maybe sliding scale?, but those are my concerns.
- Suburban Mom - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 7:27 pm:
Do like the Nordic countries do and make the fines proportional to income.
- RNUG - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 7:55 pm:
Hmmm. I’m seeing my response to the ERI comment.
- thoughts matter - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 8:28 pm:
RNUG - can you retype your comment? I’m interested in your opinion and if you’ve changed your mind as 2020 rolls on. Remember - I’m one of those that will have a partial insurance premium when I retire.
- Chatham Resident - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:54 pm:
Two early MLB streaks ended tonight–the Royals’ 6-game skid and the Cubs’ 6-game winning streak.
KC crushes the Cubs tonight, 13-2. Chatwood got rocked for 8 earned runs in 2 1/3 innings.
- RNUG - Friday, Aug 7, 20 @ 12:43 pm:
- thoughts matter -
To summarize, an ERI may not increase state debt too much if they just reduce the Rule of 85 to 80 or 75. Part of what really jumped the pension debt in 2002 was allowing the ability to buy 5 years of service, because the State didn’t match the 5 year pay-in that the employee made.