Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 6, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Center Square…
The truncated COVID-19 session the Illinois legislature organized in late May in Springfield had an additional $143,000 taxpayer cost so the House could legislate while remaining socially distant. […]
The invoice from the Bank of Springfield Center put the final cost at $143,857. Of that, $50,600 was for audio and video equipment rental and nearly $5,500 for stage hands. Catering cost $48,900. Parking cost about $5,600. The facility rental was $20,000.
Not going to second-guess the price because May was a really bad COVID month.
* The Question: Should this sort of session be avoided in the future? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…
survey service
- Montrose - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:15 pm:
I voted no. Of course, if the necessary changes were made to allow for tele-legislating in times of crisis, that would be great, but unless and until that happens, the protocols put in place and costs associated with it were reasonable and needed.
- Groundhog Day - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:16 pm:
Sure, if there is no pandemic, avoid it by all means/s
- Bruce( no not him) - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:19 pm:
Nope, if a session is needed (which it is) the money is well spent to protect the legislators.
- Collinsville Kevin - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:22 pm:
Yes. Wonder what they had catered?
- illdoc - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:22 pm:
No. The session was able to happen in a safe way in the middle of a pandemic.
- Strategy Geek - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:26 pm:
As opposed to what? This is lazy reporting presenting this number in a vacuum. Tally up all the per diems for a regular 4-month session and this year was probably cheaper than usual.
- tomhail - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:28 pm:
No. Let’s remember that this was an emergency. Let’s don’t start making lists of things that could have been done differently, at least until later.
- Proud Sucker - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:30 pm:
Voted no because they need to be able to meet in a safe manner but, noting along Collinsville Kevin’s line that they should do a better job negotiating the catering fees. Catering is always high at venues where you must use the venue’s caterer(s). With no other business coming in, BoS should be able to adjust their prices downward a bit.
- Keyrock - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:31 pm:
Yes, because remote video sessions should be authorized for emergencies.
- Smalls - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:33 pm:
In general, I have no issue with it. But I voted Yes, as there is no reason that they can’t use Zoom (or other technology) like every other government in the country is using right now.
- downstate hack - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:37 pm:
Just have them wear masks and social distance. No other expenses. If our grocery store workers and other like them can work everyday so can spoied legislators.
- Waffle Fries - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:44 pm:
I think the best efforts were made to make it a functional session. However, I believe in the importance of face-to-face (masked) discussions and negotiations on policy.
- Candy Dogood - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:48 pm:
At first pass, I voted no. I think this session was appropriate and handled appropriately to protect our legislators from the Pandemic.
At second pass, I would like to know more information.
=== Catering cost $48,900.===
At a mere $276 per member I think I would want to know more details. Depending on the details this is either quite fair or outrageous. I would also have questions about the appropriateness of likewise claiming per diem for those days.
===$50,600 was for audio and video equipment rental===
I would like to know more about the bids, bidding process, etc, before I decided whether or not this was expensive.
===Tally up all the per diems for a regular 4-month session and this year was probably cheaper than usual.===
The People of Illinois also got an inferior product compared to usual sessions due to the conditions imposed by COVID-19.
- Downstate Illinois - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:48 pm:
Teleconferencing should be banned. Once you start allowing it they’ll stop showing up. Masks and social distancing is redundant. They can meet in the Capitol. On one hand they should be meeting to reassert their authority and rein in a governor who thinks emergencies never end. On the other hand I think the taxpayers of Illinois are generally safer when the legislature is not in session.
- 1st Ward - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:56 pm:
Voted Yes. Teleconference and remote vote. We live in a decentralized world and government is way behind the curve.
- Bobby - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:56 pm:
Exactly downstate
If everyone wears the mask
They are safe
No problem
- h'okay - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 3:58 pm:
@Candy, you do realize the food was for more than just the legislators, right? Like there were a lot of people that worked very hard for any of this to occur, and they deserve to eat too.
- Henry Francis - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:00 pm:
The session was necessary. Things are more difficult these days so costs are going to increase.
Has center square calculated for us taxpayers how much tax dollars are being spent on all of Bailey/Devore’s lawsuits?
- common sense - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:01 pm:
voted no. Whether they realize it or not, legislators are (supposed to be) our leaders and set examples, both good and bad, for the rest of us to see. Responsibly and safely conducting the State’s business falls in the “good example” category in my book.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:02 pm:
==rein in a governor who thinks emergencies never end==
You think the current pandemic has ended? Seems like an ongoing emergency to me.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:04 pm:
I voted no. I think they should meet in whatever manner they need to meet in order to get business done safely.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:04 pm:
===Masks and social distancing is redundant===
Ask Rodney Davis about that.
- AD - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:08 pm:
I voted no. I’d think there would’ve been cheaper ways to do it, but in the grand scheme of things $150k isn’t enough to get me worked up. Just the cost of a US Senate Seat.
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:09 pm:
Voted no. It’s a puny price to pay to save lives.
- bhartbanjo - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:20 pm:
I voted no, although it would have been nice to avoid the whole year.
- Lynn S. - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:23 pm:
I didn’t vote, because my response to the question would be “avoid if possible, but circumstances may require these types of sessions on an occasional basis. Don’t make this a habit.”
Masks and social distancing are necessary, and the legislators were correct in using both. They were meeting in an enclosed space, and I sure as heck have no idea how well the ventilation system at the BOS Center works.
That catering bill does seem high, but how many people were served? What special precautions or new procedures did the caterer have to follow ? (PPE for staff, perhaps extra security for delivery/service/tear-down and clean up?)
- Jake From Elwood - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:24 pm:
I can report that facility rental of audio and video equipment from conference centers is obscene. We figured out that we could have purchased a video projector and screen for less than the price we were forced to pay to use the hotel’s equipment for a four-day conference. This is where the real money is made and difficult to negotiate around.
- cermak_rd - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:24 pm:
The $ is peanuts so no complaints about what they did. THey did it in a safe manner and set good examples.
But I would like to see Zoom or whatever technology used going forward and for any illinois resident to be able to tune in and watch the legislators doing the state’s business (assuming in session time) at any time. Kind of like our own private CSPAN. There would have to be some kind of security to keep Wisconsonites and other foreigners away, but it could be done.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:31 pm:
I voted yes, but they could have done more with it while there to justify the cost. In a crisis, people want to see their elected legislators working the crisis. A sense that one branch of government is abdicating their duties isn’t good for anyone.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:31 pm:
I mean I voted no, they should meet in a crisis.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:39 pm:
I think the catering was deemed essential in order to avoid the legislators running around town to different establishments, but sheesh. That is high.
- Pundent - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:45 pm:
Voted no. We have to consider the cost in the context of what they were tasked with doing. And for those that say they should be using technology, have you ever tried to pull off an interactive 70 person all day Zoom call?
Now using technology for public attendance and transparency is a good idea.
- Titan - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:51 pm:
there was business that needed to be done
- Left Leaner - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:57 pm:
No. The people’s business needs to get done. And things were safe for the most part.
- cler dcn - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 4:57 pm:
I think they should just meet and everyone take major steps to avoid contamination. Have members get tested or take temps. We go to doctors offices now and certain types of activity demand more pointed approach.
- SSL - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 5:03 pm:
Voted no. The legislature needs to do the job they were elected to do so people can stop questioning everything JB does by executive order.
- Socially DIstant watcher - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 5:10 pm:
What did the GA save from not paying per diems in April and early May?
- Downstater-in-Chicago - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 5:13 pm:
Voted no. The legislature needs to do whatever is necessary to continue to legislate. Ideally, they would meet in person and pass legislation to create a mechanism to meet virtually when the need arises. Rauner is gone, and this isn’t DC. The government must continue to function.
- zatoichi - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 8:09 pm:
It is relatively small money. They should develop options B,C, and D just to have for future use. Televideo is OK but all day gets mindnumbing for the volume of people. Is it possible to simply shut down the capitol, use minimal staff, spread out to the gallery for the same time they used off campus? Government goes on.
- Mama - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 8:15 pm:
Should this sort of session be avoided in the future?
I voted no because people’s health is more important.
- Frumpy White Guy - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:00 pm:
The Trump State Rep rubes are refusing to listen to science and not adhering to the necessary safety measures. This increases the likelihood that the house and senate will be a breeding ground for Covid 19.
- natty lite - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 9:51 pm:
Translation: in 6 months, the state’s past-due bills will go up by $143,857.
- Consultant101 - Thursday, Aug 6, 20 @ 11:05 pm:
Voted no. You can’t complain that the legislature isn’t doing their job. Then complain about how much it costs to do that job safely. I will agree with what others have said that legislation needs to be passed to account for emergency remote sessions.
- Arock - Friday, Aug 7, 20 @ 8:48 am:
The failure to put together an emergency plan of action to be able to meet and vote on-line during this time and being involved in decisions during this pandemic is irresponsible. About as irresponsible as Michael Madigan still being Speaker and Head of the Illinois Democratic Party with all the unethical behavior associated too all those that are close to him. Lie with dogs wake up with fleas.