Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz calls on Madigan to resign
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Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz calls on Madigan to resign

Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rachel Hinton at the Sun-Times has the scoop

A north suburban legislator who has benefited from nearly $247,000 in contributions from House Speaker Michael Madigan is now calling for the beleaguered political powerhouse to step down, saying the Legislature can’t function below a cloud of “distractions, doubt or distrust.”

State Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz is joining the slowly growing list of House Democrats calling on Madigan to immediately step down from his leadership roles in the Illinois House and the state’s Democratic Party, saying federal investigations into corruption “at the highest levels have created a crisis of confidence and undermined the integrity and public trust that leadership demands.”

“If we are to move our state forward, Speaker Madigan must not continue to serve in the role of Speaker of the House or as Chair of the Illinois Democratic Party,” the Glenview Democrat said in a statement. “I understand and agree with many of my colleagues’ concerns about due process.

“I fully support due process for Speaker Madigan and anyone else with respect to ongoing criminal investigations. However, whether someone should retain leadership positions in the General Assembly and the Illinois Democratic Party is a question of moral, ethical, and personal judgement, not criminal process. Leadership is a privilege, and we must hold our leaders to a higher standard.” […]

Gong-Gershowitz joins six other members of Madigan’s caucus calling on him to step down immediately: North Siders Jonathan “Yoni” Pizer and Kelly Cassidy, Stephanie Kifowit of Oswego, Lindsey LaPointe of the Northwest Side, Terra Costa Howard of Glen Ellyn and Anne Stava-Murray of Naperville.

There’s more, so go read the rest.


  1. - Derek Smalls - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 5:23 pm:

    Good for her. Maybe someday one of her male House colleagues who is up for re-election will join the effort while it matters. Or, more likely, they will continue their silence until critical mass is achieved by others or an indictment comes out.

  2. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 5:33 pm:

    It’ll be incredibly disappointing if all of these representatives give the whole “I’ll vote for the Democratic candidate” line in January while preparing to vote for his reelection as speaker.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 5:34 pm:

    ===…joins six other members…===

    Slowly it grows.

    The first hurdle will be double digits, then on to 15.

  4. - SAP - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 5:37 pm:

    Rise of the Soccer Moms. (Not to be confused with the soccermom).

  5. - Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 5:38 pm:

    Even without the scandal the DPI needs leadership that reflects the party’s diversity.

  6. - Southern Skeptic - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 5:47 pm:

    Given the fact that she was the Speaker’s candidate in her first primary and that the Speaker was the key issue in that campaign against Candance Chow, this is a really interesting development.

  7. - Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 5:53 pm:

    ==Good for her. Maybe someday one of her male House colleagues who is up for re-election will join the effort while it matters.==

    Not just the House male colleagues, but some of the other female House members whom we haven’t heard from yet (e.g., Rep. Scherer).

  8. - Birds on the Bat - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 6:15 pm:

    And the varsity team remains silent.

  9. - SouthSide Markie - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 6:16 pm:

    “She said she doesn’t intend to give that money back because it was donated to her before Madigan was implicated in a federal bribery scheme involving ComEd.” Soon to be known as the Gong-Gershowitz Rule.

  10. - walker - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 6:32 pm:

    “”Soccer Moms”‘

    With respect, we probably need to leave that meme behind.
    These legislators are more technically qualified and effective professionals (litigators, advocates, etc.) than the average male member.

  11. - walker - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 6:34 pm:

    err… I mean “than many of their fellow legislators.”

  12. - low level - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 7:54 pm:

    She was the favored candidate in a primary by MJM, yes?

  13. - Peace Frog - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 8:28 pm:

    Kifowit was a favored candidate in her first primary as well. Madigan spent more than $500k to beat a couple challengers. Bold move on her part.

  14. - Been There - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 9:10 pm:

    I’ve always been a believer in not showing yours cards until you have to. If there was an actual revolt there would be a leader standing out. So far I don’t see that. And if I was the one counting heads trying to have a revolt I wouldn’t be trickling it out the way this is going. If it gets closer to 15 those that showed their cards already have been exposed. I get the difference in doing what your conscience says but that isn’t always the best way to play poker. And if it gets closer to 15 that is when the true lions start to circle to be the next speaker. Which could be the culmination of many many years of speculation. Or a continuation of it. But it’s up to 60 of them them.

  15. - Waguespacked - Tuesday, Aug 11, 20 @ 11:36 pm:

    Will Guzzardi is laying low these days. CTU is doing a masterful job of keeping the radicals on the sidelines to help Madigan.

  16. - Frank talks - Wednesday, Aug 12, 20 @ 1:02 am:

    For the last 4-5 cycles the Speaker had a formula for winning the traditional Republican suburban seats, strong, active, community involved women.
    Guessing the “mom on a mission” tag line that the Speaker used in a few of these races has a different meaning for him now?

    They certainly seem to be on a mission.

  17. - Centennial - Wednesday, Aug 12, 20 @ 8:02 am:

    If JGG, Kifowit, etc gave MJM all the money back, I would be impressed. Checking a box for the Cassidy crowd with empty words may work for that white liberal faction of the Party but that’s about it.

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