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Friday, Aug 14, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Please keep it Illinois-centric and polite. Thanks.


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:18 am:

    Bob Morgan…profile in courage

  2. - The Captain - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:27 am:

    Man, I really miss the White Sox on their off days. Part of that is 2020 and a craving for normalcy but it’s a far cry from not too long ago when it was more of a chore or an obligation to watch them.

  3. - iggy - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:27 am:

    Good Riddance to Skillicorn.

    every interaction I ever had with this guy felt greasy. I’m not sure how he was ever elected, i’m not sure if he accomplished anything. but I am sure that his brand of politics is dull and ineffective. His presence only contributes to the rapid race republicans are running to extinction in Illinois politics.

    I hope he does put his money where his mouth is and walks right out of the state. the district will be better off without him.

  4. - Not a Pol - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:27 am:

    The charges of Terry Link require ethics reforms.

  5. - Just Me 2 - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:30 am:

    Can someone smarter than me tell me how much of his campaign warchest the Speaker gets to personally keep when he leaves office? I know that whatever the balance was when the law was changed is what he gets to walk away with.

  6. - MG85 - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:34 am:

    The Cubs seem to have figured out how to both win in terrible conditions and not contract COVID-19.

    Apparently all they have to do to achieve both is not play the Cardinals.

  7. - OneMan - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:36 am:

    Good Riddance to Skillicorn

    So what did I miss?

  8. - John Lopez - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:37 am:

    Cook Political Report announced ratings changes in three U.S. House races:

    IL-06 from Likely Democrat to Solid Democrat
    IL-13 from Toss Up to Leans Republican
    IL-14 from Leans Democrat to Likely Democrat

    Looks like college kids not returning to campus this fall helps Rodney Davis

  9. - #5 - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 9:59 am:

    OW - I am assuming the Skillicorn comments are refering to an article on the McHenry Co. Blog
    saying he might drop out of the race.

  10. - Shane Falco - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 10:01 am:

    Yesterday, ISBE updated their fall guideline FAQ. On page 6 the guideline states, “When performing clinical evaluation of a sick individual, school nurses will use enhanced droplet and contact transmission-based precautions. Staff performing this evaluation should use appropriate PPE including: (i) Fit-tested N95 respirator, (ii) Eye protection with face shield or goggles, (iii) Gown, and (iv) Gloves.

    Since N95 Masks are impossible to find, does this mean all schools must go remote and are unable to open to students for full in-person or hybrid learning? I know one district that moved full remote from a hybrid model this week specifically because of this change and being unable to procure N95 masks per this requirement.

    It appears to be bureaucratic red tape to force districts hands without the state officially ordering full remote learning.

  11. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 10:04 am:

    The power in a back on! Now I guess I should go buy food to replace what I threw out.

  12. - Just Me 2 - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 10:07 am:

    I thought the Sun Times hit job on the Mayor for the McCormick Hospital was a little unfair. Back in March we were fearing the worst after seeing what NYC was going through. When you spend money quickly you don’t spend it perfectly.

  13. - Mr. Green Genes - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 10:11 am:

    Carolyn Schofield should take Skillicorn’s place then.

  14. - Father Ted - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 10:44 am:

    The Bulls had no choice but to move on from Jim Boylen. It will be interesting to see who the new front office picks and what other changes will be made.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 10:48 am:

    The Ives and Oberweis races are examples of;

    The Raunerite-Trumpkin-Far Right extreme taking seats out of play in the suburbs

    The new map will solidify the Dem presence in the suburbs.

    How much further the party is away from relevance in Illinois as a whole

  16. - jimbo - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 10:50 am:

    ~~It appears to be bureaucratic red tape to force districts hands without the state officially ordering full remote learning.~~

    I am friends with a couple of RN’s and have recently been in the hospital a few times. They all had N95 masks, gowns, face shields, hair covering, etc.

    The school nurse would face the same risk level, so I don’t see why they shouldn’t be supplied the same protection.

    Supplies exist even if the local big box doesn’t have them.

  17. - 61462 - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 10:56 am:

    Interesting Bar Poll in 9th Judicial Circuit, Western Illinois. Republican candidate, and Warren County State’s Attorney, was Not Recommended by legal peers. Very low scores for legal ability, integrity and court management. Very little coverage of this race so far.

    Democrat Emily Sutton was appointed to judicial vacancy and is now seeking election. Judge Sutton was Recommended in the Bar Poll.

    This race for a circuit wide position covers six counties in Western Illinois.

  18. - 47th Ward - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 11:06 am:

    I’m hoping the Cardinals recover from their COVID Issues quickly so the White Sox can beat the (stuff) out of them this weekend. There aren’t too many times I can say this, but Go Sox!

  19. - revvedup - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 11:13 am:

    Electricity back on in Riverdale/Dolton areas after 4 days without. Thanks to ComEd crews, contractors, and mutual aid responding power company crews for doing an impossible job so quickly for so many.

  20. - Skeptic - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 11:32 am:

    “It appears to be bureaucratic red tape” Or it could be a way to keep the school nurses safe. Tomato, tomahto I guess.

  21. - historic66 - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 11:52 am:

    The Hutsonville school board has voted (4-3) to require masks and temperature checks.

  22. - Annoyed - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 11:56 am:

    Looks like Macy’s is closing their Water Tower store. Sure Bob the Looter is happy and willing to pick up the lost city revenue.

  23. - Mr. Green Genes - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 12:30 pm:

    == Sure Bob the Looter is happy and willing to pick up the lost city revenue.==
    Who is Bob the looter?

  24. - Tynie - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 1:20 pm:

    Looks like Macy’s is closing their Water Tower store.

    Why do I get the feeling that’ll kick off a domino effect in the area?

  25. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 1:48 pm:

    Which words are banned? I can kinda guess., but…… there a link to a list?

  26. - 17% Solution - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 2:48 pm:

    == Looks like Macy’s is closing their Water Tower store.
    Why do I get the feeling that’ll kick off a domino effect in the area?==
    Because Amazon is killing retail. Macy’s has been struggling for years.

  27. - Tynie - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 2:53 pm:

    17% I hadn’t considered that angle, but it does make a lot of sense. When I posted my prior comment, I meant it as in: a post looting domino effect. Either way, Annoyed had a point on the tax revenue angle.

  28. - Mr. Green Genes - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 2:57 pm:

    Annoyed doesn’t have a point. And who is Bob the looter anyway? Bob the Builder’s twin?

  29. - Tynie - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 3:20 pm:

    Mr. Green Genes, sorry I wasn’t clear on why I believe Annoyed had a point. As I said in my prior comment, my reaction to Macy’s closing was linked to the looting.17% made a valid argument I missed, I’ll freely admit that. As far as I know, the closure is linked to both angles.

  30. - Last Bull Moose - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 3:20 pm:

    Brick and mortar retail was under threat pre-pandemic. The pandemic has worsened the situation.

    Looting may be the straw that broke the camels back.

    Reduction of retail space and office space will hurt the City revenues. I am not forecasting a death spiral. But there may be a major restructuring of the economy.

  31. - Annoyed - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 3:37 pm:

    Mr Green, Bob the Looter was our poster yesterday who defended looting as some way to solve the world’s race problems. Bob is too dreamy-eyed to understand that Chicago pulls in major dollars from these retailers. And while I’m at it, also read United is moving people back to the suburbs from the Sears Tower, and with it more tax dollars.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 3:37 pm:

    ===As far as I know===

    Use the google. It might help

  33. - Tynie - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 3:44 pm:

    OW, I prefer Duckduckgo, but I’m in the process of doing that research now.

  34. - Mr. Green Genes - Friday, Aug 14, 20 @ 4:09 pm:

    == Mr Green, Bob the Looter was our poster yesterday who defended looting as some way to solve the world’s race problems. Bob is too dreamy-eyed to understand that Chicago pulls in major dollars from these retailers. ==
    Nope. If you’re talking about Bob_loblaw at 11:22 he said ; “People shouldn’t loot, but if there are no laws anymore and no faith in the social order, that’s going to happen.”
    I don’t necessarily agree with Mr. Loblaw but why should he pick up the lost city revenue? Maybe you should pick up the lost city revenue.

  35. - Tamarind - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 10:00 am:

    Macy’s was planning on leaving Watertower back in February.

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