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Weekend protest roundup

Monday, Aug 17, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Chicago Police Superintendent David Brown today…

* After watching several videos, it’s not hard to see that at least some protesters were indeed itching for a fight…

* But this is from an NBC5 video of the situation on LaSalle St

That looks like classic kettling

“Kettling needs to stop,” [Ald. Andre Vasquez] tweeted Saturday night, alongside a video showing officers appearing to surround protesters. Vasquez echoed critics of the tactic in adding, “It is what creates the tension. It’s what made things escalate the night of the first riots and it continues to.”


In 2012 the City of Chicago agreed to a $6.2 million class-action settlement over the mass arrest of protesters and passersby kettled during a massive protest marking the start of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

* CPD claims it offered people an opportunity to leave…


* Sunday press release…

Below is a statement from elected officials on Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the Chicago Police Department’s crackdown on young protestors in the loop on Saturday evening.

The elected officials signing on to the statement at this time are: State Senator Robert Peters, State Senator Celina Villanueva, State Representative Lakesia Collins, State Representative Theresa Mah, Alderman Byron Sigcho-Lopez, Alderwoman Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez, Alderman Andre Vasquez, Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, Alderwoman Jeanette Taylor, and Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson.

“Chicagoans have been told that it is necessary to spend 40% of the Chicago budget on police in order to prevent violence and promote public safety. Yet this weekend, just 24 hours after a 12-year-old boy was shot and at the same time as another shooting was taking place on the south side, Mayor Lightfoot and Superintendent Brown stationed thousands of officers downtown, where they kettled, pepper sprayed, and beat demonstrators–some of them as young as 17 years old.

“We once again condemn Mayor Lightfoot and Superintendent Brown for their use of police force against these demonstrators on Saturday night, and for the continued escalation of surveillance, violence, and detention of protestors. We question the logic of spending police dollars on social media surveillance, pepper spray, and riot gear to beat teenagers while the directives of the federal consent decree go unmet and the murder clearance rate remains abysmally low.

“We are wholeheartedly with the protestors who have taken to the streets to demand a future free of violence. Many of these young people are themselves anti-violence activists who, like too many other Black and Latinx Chicagoans, have lost friends and family to gun violence. It is their right to protest, and it is our responsibility to listen. We encourage Mayor Lightfoot and Superintendent Brown to do the same.”

Follow-up today…

Since this statement was released, the Chicago Police Department has continued to escalate its surveillance, abuse, and propaganda efforts:

They have made the frankly ridiculous argument that officers with guns, helmets, bulletproof vests, batons, riot gear, and pepper spray were threatened by teenagers with umbrellas and skateboards.

Somehow, they did not have ANY body camera footage of the latest shooting of a civilian last weekend, but they were able to immediately release selectively edited footage of Saturday’s protests in an attempt to justify their use of force despite firsthand footage showing officers beating an unarmed Black youth as he lies on the ground.

They have been condemned by legal observers for publishing the pictures, full names, and locations of those arrested on Saturday

* Tribune

Chicago police released a video Sunday afternoon saying it showed outside agitators in rain ponchos and umbrellas instigated the violence Saturday, but organizers pushed back on the narrative.

“They come out with a gun and a baton and pepper spray and Mace and they get mad about some water bottles? They get mad at umbrellas?” Kamil said.

CPD video…

The use of umbrellas is a tactic devised by anti-government demonstrators in Hong Kong

In Hong Kong, umbrellas are more than just protection from rain or glaring sunshine. They have become tools for expression, privacy and self-defense—and that’s made them a staple of the anti-government demonstrations that have rocked the city over the past three months.

Ponchos also protect demonstrators from gas attacks and water is used to flush eyes after demonstrators are hit with pepper spray, or to hydrate during the heat, or, as the cops rightly note, to hurl the bottles at the police.

* CBS 2

Elena Chamorro, 18, of Lakeview, was charged with one felony count of aggravated battery to a peace officer and one misdemeanor count of mob action. Chamorro was arrested at 7:03 p.m. Saturday in the 0-99 block of East Randolph Street after police said she battered a uniformed deputy chief of police during the protest.

CPD posted Chamorro’s home address online. If you click here and here (language alert), you can watch video of the alleged altercation. Seems like the white shirt more than held his own. And the protester was a very determined person.

* Meanwhile

A family is raising money online to try to rebuild after their salon was damaged by people looting last week.

China McNeil opened ChiHair Imports about five years ago but has been in the hair business for more than 20 years. The salon, 674 N. Dearborn St., sells hair extensions and wigs.

The shop was among those targeted last week by people looting in the Loop and surrounding areas. The unrest began after police shot a 20-year-old man in Englewood, though those arrested for the thefts did not mention a connection to the shooting in court, the Tribune reported.

The fundraiser for ChiHair Imports was started by the owner’s daughter, who wrote on GoFundMe her mother had “lost everything she has worked for in one day.” The campaign has raised more than $6,000 so far, but the family-owned salon is trying to get at least $10,000 to rebuild.

McNeil’s daughter expressed solidarity with protesters condemning the killing of Black people at the hands of police, but said “in these moments of solidarity however, businesses have been destroyed.”

They’re almost to their $10K goal. Click here to donate.

* Some additional coverage…

* Blame game for weekend downtown melee pits mayor and CPD against activists

* Accusations fly between police and protesters one day after violent clash injured dozens

* At Tense Downtown Protest, Police ‘Kettle’ Activists — And Aldermen Have Questions


  1. - Two to tango - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:19 pm:

    “Being ordered to disperse, can’t disperse.”
    Unless they can move through a wall a pink granite.
    Why the gaslighting? Is that what we need right now?

  2. - iggy - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:21 pm:

    hard to unsee a rioter smashing a skateboard over the head of a police officer. not sure how this furthers the cause, but sure, good luck with that.

  3. - Responsa - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:27 pm:

    I don’t know if it will change anything in the streets right now but out in the public the police are winning the PR battle.

  4. - Downstate Illinois - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:43 pm:

    If you violently assault a cop and can still walk away my only complaint is that the cops were too restrained. Anyone participating in one of these events is knowingly violating the law, knowingly engaging in at least a conspiracy to riot.

  5. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:43 pm:

    - iggy - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:21 pm:

    Cops only have a legal monopoly on violence, not a moral one.

  6. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:44 pm:

    Downstate Illinois - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:43 pm:

    LOL, haven’t read much of the Constitution have you?

  7. - 1st Ward - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:44 pm:

    Both sides can be right and both sides can be wrong. The issue continues to be there is no middle ground outside of what Lightfoot says who has condemned officers and called for some to be suspended/fired when they do something wrong and rightfully labels individuals as “agitators” when some show up at protests to engage with police.

    What’s interesting with Saturday as I understand the protest against police brutality was peaceful with no incidents. The videos above was for an immigration reform/abolish ICE protest. Looking at the videos I have a feeling most of the white people didn’t know this. It’s also interesting that Good Kids Mad City was there and not at the police brutality protest. They are now calling the individual arrested for hitting the cops with a skateboard a “political prisoner” on their twitter feed.

  8. - Helm - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:46 pm:

    Ald. Vazquez needs to get off of twitter and into the streets of the 40th Ward where he was elected to serve his constituents. He’s an Alderman, not a US Senator.

    As a resident of the 40th Ward the potholes are ever increasing and his constituent services are nonexistent.

  9. - Tamarind - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:51 pm:

    “I don’t know if it will change anything in the streets right now but out in the public the police are winning the PR battle.“
    Of course. That is the why the violent people are doing this.

  10. - CT Resident - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 2:52 pm:

    That’s not her address - yes, it’s the block she lives on but that’s the level of anonymity provided for most reporting (Street level.)

  11. - Amalia - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:02 pm:

    today’s national polls show Trump is catching up. Chicago, Portland, thanks a lot.

  12. - 17% Solution - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:10 pm:

    Protesters never dress like police but some police dress like protesters.

  13. - Muddy trail - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:13 pm:

    == today’s national polls show Trump is catching up. Chicago, Portland, thanks a lot.==
    Polls always tighten up nearer to the voting date. Where’ve you been?

  14. - City Zen - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:20 pm:

    To file under lessons learned: Put more space between your “Defund CPD” and “Loot it all back” banners.

  15. - Amalia - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:27 pm:

    @Muddy Trail, get that. but this is why it is happening.

  16. - Sling - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:34 pm:

    “but this is why it is happening.” Trump supporters beating up police cause people to vote for Trump? Ok

  17. - Levois J - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:35 pm:

    This is a fair post regarding what happened this weekend. I’m tired of the propaganda, and it seems the protestors did most of that. They posted the address of one person arrested for their activities on Saturday. And they complain about doxing, but usually when someone is arrested even if we don’t directly know their address we know roughly where they live.

  18. - Roman - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:36 pm:

    == Polls always tighten up nearer to the voting date. ==

    True, but @Amalia’s point is still on target. No one is cheering for the looters and those goofballs in ponchos Saturday more than the Trump campaign. Conflict and chaos, that’s what Trump is counting on. It won’t change the outcome in Illinois, but “Chicago violence” is used to scare folks in Maricopa, Bucks and Sheboygan Counties.

  19. - 1st Ward - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:37 pm:

    “Put more space between your “Defund CPD” and “Loot it all back” banners”

    Says it all. Too much mixed messaging. These groups (kids) are torpedoing any support/reform they had/have.

  20. - Bob_Loblaw - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:43 pm:

    Confidence in police at all time lows, support for BLM at all time highs would seem to contradict the pro-police narrative crystallizing here

  21. - Pundent - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:43 pm:

    =Muddy Trail, get that. but this is why it is happening.=

    Haven’t seen any objective evidence of that. Kind of hard to blame violence that’s happening on your watch on your opponent. And if President Trump is the only person capable of curtailing violence in these cities why isn’t it happening?

  22. - Annoyed - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 3:58 pm:

    Is Kettling the term a defeated mob uses when it it’s surrounded because they do not understand how to employ a tactical retreat?

  23. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 4:00 pm:

    ===do not understand how to employ a tactical retreat===

    How is that possible when they’re surrounded? Fight their way through the lines?

  24. - lake county democrat - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 4:34 pm:

    Sorry, my bad - rioters.

  25. - Annoyed - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 4:45 pm:

    Rich, after the 1st Volunteer Looters Brigade got repulsed by the police on Wacker, it appeared to me in CWB video they retreated and ran straight down LaSalle into the arms of another police group. So either a side street or diversion for the main force to escape like the Taliban use to do.

  26. - lake county democrat - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 5:15 pm:

    Huh - first post didn’t go through, second one did…

  27. - Excitable Boy - Monday, Aug 17, 20 @ 6:46 pm:

    - Seems like the white shirt more than held his own -

    Yeah, armed grown man against unarmed skinny teenage girl. I hope he has a kids he can show that video to so he can teach them about real courage.

  28. - Arock - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 8:35 am:

    Way to go after your public employees that you gave extreme power too with their Union contracts. Eating your own I see. I have respect for the vast majority of police officers and realize there are bad apples that probably most Police officers would have liked to have seen gone long ago. It is the same in every public employee union, they know who the bad apple and freeloaders are and would like to see those people gone as much as management would. But with union protection and the union protocol that you don’t snitch on your fellow union brother or sister it can sometimes make it impossible to get through all the progressive disciplinary steps to get rid of the bad apples.

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