Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rep. Tarver describes arrest, detainment after charges against him are finally dropped
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Rep. Tarver describes arrest, detainment after charges against him are finally dropped

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last November

State Rep. Curtis Tarver II (D-Chicago) was arrested Monday night in the Woodlawn section of Chicago and charged with carrying a weapon with an invalid concealed carry license (CCL), according to Chicago police.

Replying to an inquiry from Chicago City Wire, the CPD Office of Communications said that at approximately 8:32 p.m. on November 18 officers on patrol in the 6500 block of South Stony Island Avenue stopped a vehicle with a broken headlight. They asked the driver, whom they identified as Curtis Tarver, 38, if there were weapons in the vehicle.

“The driver handed officers a weapon that was in the vehicle, as well as a concealed carry license,” a CPD communications officer wrote in an email. “Further investigation revealed the license was revoked. The subject was taken into custody and charged accordingly.”

Tarver and (later) the CPD both claimed the matter was a simple clerical error on the part of the police.

* So, keep in mind when reading the rest of this that Rep. Tarver had a perfectly valid concealed carry license that even the police say he handed to them when he was stopped (by, as it turns out, six police cars). The question was whether his FOID card had expired. It hadn’t. And yet he was cuffed to a bench for nearly seven hours.

Press release today…

State Rep. Curtis J. Tarver II released the following statement Wednesday after charges against him of an expired concealed carry license were dropped:

“On November 18, 2019, after being subjected to a routine traffic stop originally for having a nonfunctioning headlight, I was arrested for allegedly not having a valid Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID) which would have triggered the revocation of my Concealed Carry License (CCL). At the time of my arrest my FOID as well as my CCL were both valid through the years 2029 and 2024 respectively. This update was not reflective within the Chicago Police Department (CPD)’s database unbeknownst to me.”

“Although the possession of my disclosed firearm was legal, I was subjected to unjust treatment by CPD officers, which included being pulled over by six police cars in my district and being handcuffed to bench for nearly seven hours.”

“Against CPD policy, I was demanded to hand my firearm to an officer. I continued to explain that this must have been a clerical error, as I was in legal possession of my firearm. Despite this explanation I was transported the 4th District police station, where one of the officers tried to persuade me into ‘taking this charge.’ It wasn’t until 2 a.m. when my sister, who is also an attorney, told them I was a lawyer and also formerly worked for the department that investigates police misconduct that they finally allowed me to speak with anyone after being denied a proper phone call.

“Ironically after learning of my profession, less than 15 minutes later I was released on bond after multiple hours of unfair and unjust treatment. Before I could be released I was forced to remove my sweatshirt to ensure that any visible tattoos I have would be present in my mugshot.”

“Experiences such as these shows the fallacies within the conduct of CPD. As a Black man from the Southside of Chicago, I am not looked at as an Illinois state representative during these interactions with law enforcement. I hate to imagine what could have happened that day if I was not fully knowledgeable of my constitutional rights, and what many of my constituents may be coerced with while interacting with law enforcement.”

“These charges being dropped vindicates my innocence, which I have always maintained, due to the clerical error within the database. I take considerable efforts to ensure that I am always in compliance with our state’s laws and following safe practice for handling a firearm. I am committed to solving issues relating to gun violence, illegal sales of firearms, and strengthening background checks. I look forward to continuing this work for the communities I represent.”


  1. - Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:32 pm:

    Six cars. As someone paying for this, I’d like an explanation. One that makes sense if that’s even possible.

  2. - JoanP - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:45 pm:

    He’s my state representative.

    And if the police even bothered to pull me over, it would be, “Ma’am, are you aware that you have a broken headlight? Just get it taken care of. Have a good evening.”

    And that’s the difference between being a white woman and a black man.

  3. - Perrid - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:47 pm:

    He was stopped by six cars? … how? They were all there at the scene from the beginning, no one had to call for back up (not that that would make sense either)? If it was a checkpoint or something I could believe it, but how does it work that 6 cars stopped him? There was just a pack of cop cars driving down the road and the leading car pulled him over?

  4. - Commisar Gritty - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:53 pm:

    I was just debating a friend of mine who is a correctional officer, telling him how cpd coerces confessions out of innocent people seemingly on a daily basis. How many times did that happen to someone, as Rep. Carver said, knowledgeable of their constitutional rights?

    They could have resolved this in about a minute if they just called ISP. Shame on them.

  5. - Tim - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:54 pm:

    Haven’t you heard? Everyone commenting on another thread says it’s the most dangerous profession.

    Snark aside, I’m certain there were calls for assistance when it was learned a weapon and “invalid” permits were discovered.

  6. - Ron - In Texas - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:54 pm:

    Black, Brown, White there is a lot of issues with gun arrests in Chicago. Some of it is legacy thinking (officers trained back when the ban was in place and grew in the system when CCW was not allowed at all).

    As to the six cars, my guess is backup called.

    As to clerical errors… Well, those in the illinois gun community know them well. Literally happens all the time. Never corrected as they sweep budget from FOID dept to others.

  7. - Commisar Gritty - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:54 pm:

    *who is not knowledgeable of their constituional rights.

    Can we get an edit button, Rich? 😂

  8. - Horseshoe Voter - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:55 pm:

    This is where the NRA/ISRA and BLM could work together and find some common ground. But they won’t. Just as the NRA ignored Philando Castile.

  9. - Mr. Green Genes - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:55 pm:

    So where are all the guns rights folks today? Golf course?

  10. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 1:58 pm:

    Not a single one of the 15 nearly all White Dems from today’s earlier post has stood up for Rep. Tarver or former Rep. Turner, Sr. Yet what we have is an unconstitutional arrest, unconstitutional conduct in detainment, and disproportionate resources thrown at an allegedly dead tail light. And these are two people with the knowledge and ability to get their stories out there. This happens every single day to Black men and women across America.

  11. - Red ghetto in a blue state - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:00 pm:

    Art Turner, now tarver. CPD in for some interesting times.

  12. - the Edge - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:02 pm:

    With 6 squads there had to be a supervisor present, who should have been the adult in the room and extended common courtesy of one government official to another. Geez.

  13. - Dotnonymous - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:02 pm:

    Armed White Male technicality?…no problem, better get that checked,cuz…Armed Black Male technicality?…Six squads…cuffs…puzzling?

  14. - Thomas Paine - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:07 pm:

    Hard to believe Tarver was pulled over and they did not know exactly who they were dealing with.

    Where are the 15 pro-CPD legislators today? No news release when your own colleague is harassed?

    Shameful cowards.

  15. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:08 pm:

    I cant offer help on the police iseues. But eliminate the FOID. It doesnt do a thing to deter gun crimes.

  16. - Ron - In Texas - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:09 pm:

    ” should have been the adult in the room and extended common courtesy of one government official to another.”

    UH… No. while I think the arrest, and 7 hours, etc, etc was BS, just because you work for the gov doesn’t mean you should get a pass. remind me of the old chicago days when some alderman forgot to re-register firearms and all the sudden they pass the ability to re-register.

    While the arrest was BS. The concept that a .GOV official should get a pass is BS also. that whole “nation of laws, not of men” thing.

  17. - fs - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:12 pm:

    The expiration dates of 2029 and 2024 mean that he was issued those cards last year.

    Not that it makes a difference in the end, but I’m curious if they were new or renewals? If they were renewals, did he have his old cards, but had applied for renewals, and hadn’t received the new cards yet? If he applied for renewal before the expiration date they would still be valid, but wouldn’t show that on the face of the card (obviously).

    That’s the only logical explanation for the initial overreaction…that, even if true, should’ve still been resolved with a quick check and not led to what happened to him.

  18. - Downstate Illinois - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:13 pm:

    Maybe he’ll start supporting reforms if not the elimination of the FOID cards. You shouldn’t need a license to protect yourself, a basic right in natural law.

  19. - Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:15 pm:

    I’ve been stopped for head/tail lights being out multiple times and have never been asked about weapons. Also never gotten a ticket because of it. I guess it must be my charming personality.

  20. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:16 pm:

    Every time I see CPD with sirens on in my neighborhood, it’s to add backup to another car that pulled someone over. Having excessive numbers of officers on scene escalates tensions and reduces an individual officer’s ability to use their own discretion.

    I’ve lived in Chicago for 6 years and haven’t been pulled over once. A black state representative, possibly even with state rep plates, can’t drive down the street in their neighborhood without getting pulled over and arrested. CPD is beyond reform…

  21. - pc - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:17 pm:

    this post is well-timed, coming on the heels as it does of the prior post about the politicians who unthinkingly accept the police propaganda. But it’s not a coincidence: the police are constantly showing us who they really are, and that the heroic image many people have of them is false.

  22. - Ron - In Texas - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:18 pm:

    that is a hope. the FOID is outdated (and has been for about 2 decades) in the age of instant background checks and fast communications its just kept because we’ve always had it and “Guns bad”

  23. - confused - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:19 pm:

    these occurrences should prompt leaders like Congressperson Lauren Underwood to declare support for the Black Lives Matter movement. its disturbing that she along with others have been silent.

  24. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:19 pm:

    A clerical error at CPD? They have a separate database of gun ownership and don’t (or can’t) just look up the person in the State system? What could possibly go wrong?

  25. - Ron - In Texas - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:20 pm:

    remember, street cops do what they are told and incented to do. Gun busts are a big deal in chicago (pols and white shirts love to talk about how many guns they got off the street).

    If the computer says “FOID is revoked” that cop can not just “let it go”. policies, procedures, general orders are all defined for them…

  26. - Thomas Paine - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:21 pm:

    There ought to be an office of professional standards investigation.

    It looks like CPD officers trying to teach a black lawmaker a lesson.

  27. - Pearly - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:22 pm:

    –general orders are all defined for them–

    Does it sound like “general procedure” to cuff him to a bench for 7 hours over what they wrongly believed was an out of date FOID card?

    If the CPD wants to shed its well-earned reputation of being the city’s best-funded gang, they might want to consider stopping this nonsense.

  28. - Ron - In Texas - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:24 pm:

    I was once cuffed to a bench for 3 because my name MATCHED someone with an out of state warrant… Even though I was 25 at the time and the other guy was in his 50s…

    Sounds to me like he got treated like a lot of people.

  29. - 1st Ward - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:30 pm:

    @FS I was thinking the same thing given that FOID’s expire ten years from issuance/renewal. The other follow-up should be - is this a CPD or ISP issue if it was issued/renewed but not in the system?

    The cuffing and benching for seven hours isn’t surprising given that the information on hand at the time was an invalid FOID card. He would need to be processed with bond set. That takes awhile.

    The issues are (i) why was the information incorrect in the system, (ii) why so many cops for someone cooperating, (iii) persuasion to plead guilty, (iv) 15 minutes after learning profession he is released.

    Clearly profiling occurred throughout the stop, detainment, arrest, and booking process.

    Neither here nor there but who has to pay the tow truck company for the mess up?

  30. - Dave W - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:31 pm:

    Sounds like Tarver just made an excellent case for eliminating the FOID. Will he be introducing the legislation soon?

  31. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:34 pm:

    How is everyone making this a FOID issue? If he was white: he would not have been pulled over, five more cars would not have arrived, they likely would not have asked about a weapon because of a broken light, he would not have been chained to a bench for 7 hours and denied rights, and he would not have been required to show tattoos for a booking photo (which is what they do for suspected gang members). This is not a FOID or database issue. It’s about CPD and race. That’s what it always has been about in this city.

  32. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:35 pm:

    ===How is everyone making this a FOID issue?===

    Two guesses.

  33. - Former Rep. Ed Sullivan - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:35 pm:

    -So where are all the guns rights folks today? Golf course? -

    In full disclosure, I lobby for ISRA. I personally reached out to Rep. Tarver after the incident. This was pre-pandemic. Now that the case is behind him I hope to have further discussions. This is the first we are hearing of the details of his case. Rightfully so as the case had not been previously been dropped. My personal thousand-foot opinion is this is pretty heavy-handed for a stop with a compliant person. I have been pulled over three times in the seven years I have had a CCW license. Each time I have self-reported a weapon on my person or one that was readily accessible to the officer which is not the law but in my opinion common sense. (You have to declare if asked). I have never had an officer ask for my weapon. In one stop the weapon was in plain sight. Are the circumstances different? Sure, the officer can only go by the data before them. But at the same time, you have a compliant person that gets six squads and seven hours locked up versus what I went through. The simple fact is the system in place to identify gun owners is fraught with problems and exacerbated by a reluctance to actually staff up to solve the problems.

  34. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:43 pm:

    Why are some people making this a FOID issue? I dont live in Chicago. If i did i would be screaming at the mayor to reprimand the officers involved. FOID is a state nuisance. I can direct my disgust at the governor and my state rep.

  35. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:45 pm:

    ===Two guesses.===

    Trick question. It’s racism and white supremacy. I am shocked at the extent to which some folks seem to be completely unaware of how pivoting the blame for an unconstitutional and illegal arrest onto the victim because they don’t like the law that the victim was in 100% compliance with when he was criminally charged with breaking it is ridiculous.

    Y’all be like “Ah, cops tortured a confession out of an innocent black child to frame him for murder, better make murder legal” too?

    I hope representative Tarver files suit. 10 months to accountability is absurd.

  36. - Dave W - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:52 pm:

    ==How is everyone making this a FOID issue? If he was white: he would not have been pulled over, five more cars would not have arrived, they likely would not have asked about a weapon because of a broken light, he would not have been chained to a bench for 7 hours and denied rights, and he would not have been required to show tattoos for a booking photo (which is what they do for suspected gang members). This is not a FOID or database issue. It’s about CPD and race. That’s what it always has been about in this city. ==

    Explain to me how a police officer can identify a driver’s race before pulling them over when they’re driving at night? This was in November, so I doubt his windows were down.

    Had it not been for his FOID being expired for 3 months, his CCW wouldn’t have been revoked, and he would’ve been given a warning or a ticket for only one headlight. How about some common sense legislation: the FOID has always been pointless, and more about revenue than preventing gun crimes (it’s actually caused more legal trouble for law-abiding gun owners than criminals). But if you’re going to have the silly FOID requirements, why the redundancy when someone has a CCW?

  37. - pc - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:53 pm:

    well said Candy Dogood

  38. - Incandenza - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 2:57 pm:

    == Sounds to me like he got treated like a lot of people. ==

    And that’s exactly the problem: police shouldn’t be detaining people in such an inhumane way. We are all innocent until proven guilty and should be treated well.

  39. - Blue Dog Dem - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 3:03 pm:

    I hope rep. Tarver files suit. Yes and paythe city pays forr it with those billions in tourism dollars.

  40. - Socially DIstant Watcher - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 3:05 pm:

    ==Explain to me how a police officer can identify a driver’s race before pulling them over when they’re driving at night? This was in November, so I doubt his windows were down.==

    And right here we see how people can’t see past their differences to find common ground. You could agree on police reform but insist on reframing the issue because you understand it better than the legislator, so much better that you’ll tell him how he should respond to his own experience.

    Best of luck!!!

  41. - Ron - In Texas - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 3:06 pm:

    “And that’s exactly the problem: police shouldn’t be detaining people in such an inhumane way. We are all innocent until proven guilty and should be treated well.”

    true. though we act as if police make their own rules. Make the laws they are to enforce… they dont. CPD is Run by Lightfoot. before that Rahm. Before that, and on and on. Laws (state and local) made by politicians. Orders made my ranks appointed by politicians.

    we have to direct our focus where it belongs.

  42. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 3:06 pm:

    ===Explain to me how a police officer can identify a driver’s race before pulling them over when they’re driving at night?===

    I believe if you do your own research you’ll find that though it is harder for the police officers to identify black drivers at night, based off of the fact they are still stopped at statistically significant higher rates would suggest that they’re able to.

  43. - fs - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 3:17 pm:

    The police clearly overreacted, and it never should’ve reached the point that it did. And race almost certainly influenced their actions.

    That being said, reading through the stories from November, this press release seems to leave a few questions unanswered. By his own admission in November, he let his foid care expire in August, which led to his concealed carry being revoked. Ask most people who have had that happen, and their concealed carry typically isn’t automatically reinstated once they get a new foid card. Both need to be appealed and corrected. Did both happen? Something just seems off about the explanations given now, on both sides, vs what they were saying in November.

  44. - Tamarind - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 3:19 pm:

    “we have to direct our focus where it belongs.”
    That’s why protesters are in the streets in front of Lightfoot’s home.

  45. - JoanP - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 3:37 pm:

    =Explain to me how a police officer can identify a driver’s race before pulling them over when they’re driving at night?=

    This isn’t a dark side street. It’s a main drag, nearby businesses including a strip mall, well-lit, lots of traffic.

  46. - Ron - In Texas - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 3:52 pm:

    That’s why protesters are in the streets in front of Lightfoot’s home.”

    Yeah… kinda. if they show up there, they meet numerous squad cars. and of course that ones trashing the mag mile???

    See what I mean. Lori, on one hand says “i’m on your side, i get it”. On the other, what has changed?

    There has to be a balance. We need police. And we need to recognize also politicians dictate what they do. The average street cop isnt in charge of anything…

  47. - Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 4:10 pm:

    - The average street cop isnt in charge of anything… -

    BS. There are thousands of laws, and thousands of people around. Street cops don’t have a politician sitting on their shoulder telling them which ones to enforce and which ones to target.

    They make their own decisions.

  48. - White male - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 4:29 pm:

    I was traveling between Carbondale and Springfield one evening and was stopped 3 times for a bad taillight. State trooper, County mounty and a local yokal along the trip. None of them asked about weapons or anything. First stop was a verbal warning, second a written warning and the third I just had to show the warning to him and drive away. A very memorable trip but felt I had a bullseye on my car that night. I feel bad for all the people that feel that way EVERY day.

  49. - Muddy trail - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 4:41 pm:

    === Sounds like Tarver just made an excellent case for eliminating the FOID. Will he be introducing the legislation soon?===
    How did Tarver make a case? What happened to him isn’t part of the FOID statute.
    Wouldn’t the expiration date be on the card itself?

  50. - 1st Ward - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 4:55 pm:

    “See what I mean. Lori, on one hand says “i’m on your side, i get it”. On the other, what has changed”

    Lori is trying to balance and is currently working through a new police union contract which expired under Rahm. We will see what reforms happen and if she can thread the needle politically. Teacher Union negotiations and meetings began as soon as she took office and a deal was struck about six months later.

    She has been in office for a little over a year - teachers strike/contract, budget issues, Covid, ComEd Franchise Agreement (ongoing), now an issue that has bubbled up over the years and ignored by prior administrations has exploded. Given her background on the police accountability review board, campaign stances, and the moment she seems to be the right person to collectively reach a deal that deals with some of the ills. Lets see where we are in Q1 next year.

  51. - Annoyed - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 5:45 pm:

    Prob too late for anyone to read, but anyone with a CCL has it listed on vehicle databases so when you are pulled over the cop knows if you have a CCL, so if u get pulled over like the Rep it would be malpractice for the police to not ask if you were armed. Second I heard the Rep knew his FOID was expired and it only was processed by ISP 2 days before the arrest. I’m sorry Mr. Rep but you should have enough brainpower to understand gov’t computer systems don’t update like google sheets, you should have contacted CPD before you resumed carrying.

  52. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 5:45 pm:

    I’m not clear on why anybody gets stopped and interviewed because of a broken taillight. Why not simply pull up beside the driver and tell them. And have some kind of automatic warning sent to their drivers license address if you want to do more than that.

  53. - Excitable Boy - Tuesday, Aug 18, 20 @ 9:26 pm:

    - it only was processed by ISP 2 days before the arrest. -

    Totally justifies chaining a compliant citizen to a bench for hours.

    Did you have to cheat off the guy next to you for the cop exam?

  54. - 17% Solution - Wednesday, Aug 19, 20 @ 6:32 am:

    == Second I heard the Rep knew his FOID was expired and it only was processed by ISP 2 days before the arrest. I’m sorry Mr. Rep but you should have enough brainpower to understand gov’t computer systems don’t update like google sheets.==
    That’s your response, blame the victim? His FOID card and his CCL were good.

  55. - Tamarind - Wednesday, Aug 19, 20 @ 6:36 am:

    “and of course that ones trashing the mag mile???”
    Protesters weren’t trashing mag mile.

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