Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** ILGOP throws stones, chants “Madigan,” helps Lundy and ComEd
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*** UPDATED x1 *** ILGOP throws stones, chants “Madigan,” helps Lundy and ComEd

Monday, Aug 24, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller


WBEZ reports

    Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker plans today to lay out a sprawling framework for a renewable energy package he’d like to see the state legislature take up in November, including new ethics laws in response to Commonwealth Edison’s bribery-tainted lobbying practices.

The “point person on utility matters” for Pritzker? Christian Mitchell: Mike Madigan’s former executive director at the Democratic Party of Illinois, former Madigan loyalist in the State House and former campaign staffer for Lisa Madigan.

Here’s what Mitchell said when asked whether it was a problem that Madigan remained Speaker of the House during this new legislative push (you know, because he’s under federal investigation for bribery in connection with the issue)…

    The governor’s top aide stopped short of saying the administration would make a formal request that Madigan recuse himself from deliberations, considering the numerous Madigan references in the federal filing outlining ComEd’s bribery scheme.

    “The speaker’s not been involved in any working groups or conversations,” Mitchell said, when asked about the speaker recusing himself. “I think that’s a question for him.”

Recuse himself? Madigan is the Speaker of the House. He controls every detail of how every bill advances. He doesn’t need to be in the room. All the staff in the room works for Madigan.

How can Pritzker get away with this without demanding Mike Madigan resign as Speaker of the House immediately?

Also, how can Mitchell be involved in any of this? He’s not only conflicted by his strong ties to Madigan, he’s also conflicted by his past campaign contributions from ComEd.

And while we’re talking about conflicts of interest, let’s take a look at this bit from the WBEZ report:

    The governor is seeking to have Illinois running on 100% clean energy by 2050 and is calling for new steps to boost solar and wind project developments in the state, plus encourage use of electric vehicles. By 2030, the governor hopes to have 750,000 more electricity-powered vehicles on Illinois roads.

Wouldn’t you know it: one of the governor’s closest advisors, Dave Lundy, represents a number of “clean energy” clients and played a leading role in opposing the Future Energy Jobs Act back in 2016.

To review our key questions:

    1. Does Pritzker acknowledge that Madigan must resign as speaker before considering this proposal?
    2. Will Pritzker ask Christian Mitchell to step away from this portfolio given his conflicts of interest?
    3. Does Pritzker acknowledge he is conflicted in this debate by his senior political advisor Dave Lundy?

1) Mitchell’s ComEd contributions totaled $7,750 over 4+ years. He raised $2.3 million over that same time period. So, ComEd accounted for a whopping 0.3 percent of his total.

Interestingly enough, the Illinois Republican Party reported raising $41,600 from ComEd in that same time period.

2) It’s difficult to comprehend what the purpose of this press release is beyond just repeating the word “Madigan” over and over like it’s some sort of talisman. For example, Mitchell was installed at DPI as a check on Madigan. And AG Lisa Madigan was a very well-known ComEd nemesis.

3) Lundy has also been a ComEd nemesis for years. That company’s lobbyists hate him, as do many of the other folks who pushed the ComEd-backed Future Energy Jobs Act. But I don’t doubt that Lundy loves the idea of being known as the governor’s “senior political advisor.” Congrats, ILGOP, you just put money in Lundy’s pocket while enabling his enemies at ComEd. Swell job.

4) The basic gist that I’m getting out of this release, other than the Madigan stuff, is that the governor’s proposal needs to be put on hold until Madigan is gone. The only entity that truly benefits from such a result would be… ComEd. I mean, it’s not like Madigan can jump in and help his old pals at ComEd right now without adding to his already substantial legal problems. The opposition currently has ComEd right where it wants the utility. If you really want to zap that company, then now is the time to strike while Madigan is sidelined and ComEd is at its weakest point in decades.

So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?

*** UPDATE *** ILGOP response…

Your questions should be directed to Governor Pritzker. These are his conflicts of interest to address. As you may know, it’s the Republicans who called for a special session to deal with a range of ethics issues; it’s the Republicans who called for Madigan to resign immediately. And it’s JB Pritzker who has stood by Madigan’s side and protected his corrupt system. If you believe a bill will become a law in the State of Illinois without any control by Speaker Madigan - who employs all the staff writing and negotiating the bill - you are living in a fantasy land far away from Springfield. For Christian Mitchell to suggest otherwise is extraordinary.

I dunno. If I was a hair’s breadth away from an indictment over ComEd, I don’t think I’d go anywhere near that bill.


  1. - Candy Dogood - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 11:47 am:

    ===So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?===

    I don’t think we should be expecting any integrity or consistency from ILGOP or right leaning communications folks over the next few years. The last few years indicate that their over all strategy is just run in for the hit press hit and leave — following a very Rovian strategy that if you’re the first person to throw the rock, even if you’re in a glass house, the other person throwing the rock back looks bad because they look like they’re trying to draw attention away from their glass house, or in this case home with large bay windows.

    They’re communicating in the now, adding fuel to the fires that already burn in their supporters, and aren’t at all concerned about anything else.

  2. - dan l - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    //It’s difficult to comprehend what the purpose of this press release is beyond just repeating the word “Madigan” over and over like it’s some sort of talisman//

    Bold strategy, let’s see if it pays off.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    === So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?===

    1) Voters don’t do nuance

    2) Ginning up the base with Madigan as Trump sinks the ticket in the suburbs and women.

    3) There are no legislative victories by Raunerites as they choose to be the party of “No”, so when you’re losing in process and policy, you only have politics.

    4) Raunerites are truly terrible at politics, and the politics of Illinois… super-minorities, both chambers, no statewide offices…

    Other than all that?

    “So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?”

    I have no idea, lol

  4. - TheInvisibleMan - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 11:55 am:

    ===what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?===

    Maybe I’m the only one that sees their pattern?

    The GOP, at the federal as well as state level, makes statements of such absurdity for a single purpose.

    People, and the press, ends up talking incessantly at the non-stop string of nonsensical statements they are making.

    Because this is preferable to having any sort of conversation that even hints at being held accountable for the recent actions and inactions of the ILGOP.

    It’s not like the GOP is going to be holding up Darren Bailey as the torch holder as the virus is accelerating in rural parts of the state.

  5. - Ok - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 11:57 am:

    I mean, this is odd spin, given that the criticism has been that Lundy was the front for fossil fuel companies in 2015 / 2016 and still consults for them? Good for him for finding the light.

  6. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 11:58 am:

    So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?

    When you are surrounded on all sides and not sure what to do, you fire in every direction. Not exactly the Art of War. But when you are as far behind as the GOP is in Illinois, it is probably the best they can do. I honestly think it is a time for some self-reflection. They need to ask themselves why people think Mike Madigan is a better option than them.

  7. - dbk - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:02 pm:

    –the governor’s proposal needs to be put on hold until Madigan is gone–

    From what I understand of the Governor’s character and political-policy objectives, this isn’t gonna happen. Pritzker will move forward. It’s the right thing to do from every standpoint (environmental, economic primarily), and I’m trusting him to do it.

  8. - the Patriot - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:07 pm:

    Just gas lighting JB and democrats. A majority of democrats have taken the innocent until proven guilty approach with Madigan and Com Ed. Why are we addressing Com Ed ethics if we have not conceded there was any wrong doing? You can’t ask for reform if you won’t say this happened.

  9. - Roman - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:09 pm:

    The Illinois Chamber of Commerce said lots of nice things about JB’s energy policy proposal. Does the ILGOP think the Chamber is in the tank with Madigan too?

  10. - LarryLightsOut - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:10 pm:

    What are GOPs up to? Must be hoping media doesn’t notice that in addition to taking ComEd cash they watched staff and members be hired and voted YES on previous ComEd bills. GOPs behavior mirrors anything DOJ has offered as action.
    But don’t tell the media. Mr. Fax almost blew the secret by mentioning campaign cash.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:17 pm:

    === A majority of democrats have taken the innocent until proven guilty approach===

    LOL, the legal aspect of innocence until proven guilty is different then an ethics call.

    You do realize the difference, right? You are sounding like someone who not only doesn’t believe in the rule of law, you think guilt is presumed and anyone charges must probe innocence.

    Yikes, man, that’s a pathetic way to gaslight yourself… as a “Patriot”.


    I *think* Madigan should resign, said so since the presser with ComEd.

    According to your thinking, “Patriot”, all the Raunerites members who got ComEd money and voted for ComEd legislation must be corrupt? Is that it?

  12. - 47th Ward - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:17 pm:

    ===So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?===

    The ILGOP has been carrying ComEd’s water for decades. Why stop now?

    Sure, in recent years Madigan has taken the lead on ComEd’s bills, but his roll call always starts with plenty of HGOPs. They let Madigan keep his more liberal and/or vulnerable members from voting to jack up electricity rates while keeping clean energy out of the market.

    The truth is always more complicated than the spin.

  13. - JS Mill - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:18 pm:

    =So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?=

    They will let you know when they figure it out.

    This is classic. Grant Wherli speaking on behalf of the gang that can’t shoot straight.

    The ILGOP needs to reflect on the legacy of James Thompson. I mean, a serious come to Jesus type moment.

  14. - Rich Miller - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:22 pm:

    ===The ILGOP needs to reflect on the legacy of James Thompson===

    Sounds like they’re following it now. JRT was a big ComEd booster.

  15. - Ok - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:27 pm:

    Did they forget that it was their own Bruce Rauner that single-handidly pushed to lengthen the nuclear bailout and to extend formula rates in the bill?

    Maybe they are trying to get out in front of that.

  16. - Ok - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:28 pm:

    well, not “single-handedly,” clearly.

  17. - @misterjayem - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:43 pm:

    “So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?”

    Satisfying their mega-donors who are obsessed with Speaker Madigan.

    – MrJM

  18. - Moe Berg - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:51 pm:

    So, if Mitchell must recuse because he took campaign contributions from ComEd, then Durkin and Brady must as well? And, any other member of the GOP caucus?

  19. - Southern Skeptic - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:55 pm:

    The GOP is aligning themselves firmly and squarely with ComEd/Exelon and their criminality. And attacking some advisor to the gov because he’s a clean energy guy who as Rich said is a ComEd nemesis? Brilliant.

  20. - Soccermom - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 12:59 pm:

    Dave! You’re famous!

  21. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 1:02 pm:

    === then Durkin and Brady must===

    They are counting on voters not doing nuance, and ignoring fundraising and roll calls.

    I think it’s embarrassingly comical that after being put in the super-minority, losing every statewide office and the man who personally took them down looking for someone to take his place so he (Rauner) would not be humiliated with the worst Republican incumbent loss as governor…

    … it’s still about “Madigan”, even if ComEd also donated to Raunerites.

    How bereft of policy and politics do you have to be to self-own like this?

  22. - 618er - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 1:15 pm:

    ===So, what in the heck is the ILGOP up to?===

    Playing checkers in a chess match what I’m beginning to think…

  23. - Scott Cross for President - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 1:36 pm:

    One of the most popular elected officials in the history of the state of Illinois just passed, and he was a Republican.

    Does the Illinois GOP remind us of these good ol’ days with a daily e-blast ? A positive JRT story a day ? A refresher of how the GOP used to lead and can do so again ?


    They bash Madigan. Again. For the millionth time. To no avail.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 1:42 pm:

    === Does the Illinois GOP remind us of these good ol’ days with a daily e-blast ? A positive JRT story a day ? A refresher of how the GOP used to lead and can do so again ?


    They bash Madigan. Again. For the millionth time.===

    This is top shelf. Well said.

    The Raunerites should be lionizing JRT, make it a call to arms to regroup and reinvent themselves as Illinois Republicans that can win anywhere in the state, and be a huge open tent where 80% agreement is found, and policy around those politics means bipartisan results.

    Which voters who don’t like Madigan are left to sway?

    Why shrink the pool of folks you want to attract?

    I mean, seriously, some folks really think this is helping. Others are hoping it helps offset Trump’s drag. Others still, have moved on from a super-minority obsessed with both Madigan *and* Trump… without any self awareness.

  25. - Chicagonk - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 1:56 pm:

    @ScottCross - Many of the most popular GOP politicians in this state got popular by kicking the can on big financial issues. Big Jim was the one that agreed to COLA and 3 percent realizing he wouldn’t be the one paying for it. Jim Edgar kicked the can even further with his pension ramp. Add in Pate Philip and the glory days of the ILGOP aren’t that glorious.

  26. - Annonin' - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 3:51 pm:

    Always remember the good old days when the elected right wing whack jobs would rant about JRT or Percy never recognizing without folks like those two they were winless unless mandated a seat.

  27. - Hush - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 4:28 pm:

    == If you believe a bill will become a law in the State of Illinois without any control by Speaker Madigan - who employs all the staff writing and negotiating the bill - you are living in a fantasy land far away from Springfield. ==

    This is comical. Utilities legislation is extremely technical and complicated. No disrespect to the staff, but the Speaker does not employ anyone who could draft this kind of legislation, neither do the other caucuses, ICC, EPA, or Attorney General. FEJA and now CEJA are drafted by outside law firms hired and paid for by the interested parties, including the so called environmental groups. Legislators and staff are stuck trusting the bill does what those pushing it claim it does. These kind of bills are baked before shared with the legislators or staff.

  28. - Pundent - Monday, Aug 24, 20 @ 4:57 pm:

    =Which voters who don’t like Madigan are left to sway?=

    My disdain for Mike Madigan is only eclipsed by the disdain that I currently have towards the GOP. Madigan is but one individual and there’s just as much that is mythical as factual. He clearly occupies space in the head of most of the ILGOP. We saw with Bruce Rauner how dangerous such a singular focus can be. And this obsession with Madigan keeps them from dealing with the Baileys and Skillicorns of their party. Yelling Madigan has never been reason enough to vote for GOP candidates particularly when they are so inherently flawed (add names like Ives and Oberweis to the above). The sooner the party realizes this the better.

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