Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Trouble brewing in Effingham County?
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Trouble brewing in Effingham County?

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Wall St. Journal

As new coronavirus cases continue to decline nationally, health officials and business leaders in rural parts of Illinois are raising alarms about rising infection rates that are fueling a steady increase in positive cases statewide.

In the past two weeks, eight of the 10 counties in Illinois with the fastest rates of new Covid-19 cases per capita were in smaller nonmetropolitan counties across the state, compared with two metro counties, according to an analysis of data tracked by Johns Hopkins University.

This is a reversal from an earlier trend, which saw Cook County, which includes Chicago, leading the state in coronavirus infections. Since March, Cook County has accounted for about 55% of the state’s Covid-19 cases. But its contribution has slowed as cases have spread to other corners of the state. In the week prior to Aug. 17, Cook County accounted for 38% of the state’s new cases.

In rural Effingham County, with a population of 34,000, cases recently surged from a few dozen in mid-July to 427 as of Sunday. That increase gave the county the highest rate of cases by population for the week ended Aug. 17, with more than 400 cases per 100,000 residents. By contrast, Cook County had a rate of about 100 cases per 100,000 residents for that week.

Effingham County had a 7.7 percent test positivity rate last week, according to IDPH data. Chicago’s rate was 5 percent. Effingham County reported 251 new cases per 100k population, while Chicago reported 84.

…Adding… 97.9 FM

There will be a local Republican gathering on the final night of the Republican National Convention.

The event is planned for 7 pm Thursday at the [Effingham] Holiday Inn.

State Representatives Blaine Wilhour, Darren Bailey, and Brad Halbrook are scheduled to attend, along with Congressional candidate Mary Miller and Judge David Overstreet.

The public is invited.


  1. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 10:14 am:

    As long as they can make it through Election Day, they’ll be fine. The next day, it will magically disappear

  2. - The Old Man - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 10:15 am:

    Believe that is pretty close to Bailey Country.

  3. - Sterling - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 10:18 am:

    === As long as they can make it through Election Day, they’ll be fine. The next day, it will magically disappear===

    There are about 177,000 more reasons why this is different than the GOP’s Ebola 2014 midterm playbook.

  4. - Duke of Normandy - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    It’s pretty simple if you know thing 1 about historical plagues. They start in populated areas then move to rural areas later. Far too many rural folks didn’t care early on because it didn’t affect them. It was a “big city” problem.

  5. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 10:24 am:

    I live in the county and have been watching with trepidation as the numbers continue to rise. My family has been doing all the right things since mid-March but mask use within the county is just now catching on. But there are still any number of business you can enter and see virtually no one wearing one. And of the ones who are, most aren’t wearing it properly. It was never a question of if this would happen in Effingham Co. but when. Darren Bailey is considered a messiah by many folks in this area. As one of the responsible people I sometimes feel like I’m on an island.

  6. - Gonzo - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 10:30 am:

    There is also a venue in Effingham allowing weddings w/ 200+ attendees. Who could’ve possibly seen this coming?

  7. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 10:38 am:

    And school starts today in Effingham. My youngest is a high school junior and my wife works as a paraprofessional. The school district, in their infinite wisdom, assigned her to two different school buildings so she’ll be exposed to that many more students on a daily basis. I have a feeling of impending doom.

  8. - Six Degrees of Separation - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 10:51 am:

    All things being equal, we’d expect to see cases in Cook County drop to 41% of the state’s total, in proportion to the county’s share of state population, so they are still high at 55% of cases. And the slowing of COVID spread in Cook has come with great upheaval. Metra trains are running at about 5% of their normal passenger load and many downtown businesses are looking at a permanent reduction or even elimination in office space. Still, for the rural counties, the shame is that they had the benefit of big-city experience and time to adjust, and many have not.

  9. - LakeCo - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 11:00 am:

    Wearing masks would help…

  10. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 11:21 am:

    For the millionth time, the virus doesn’t care about your politics or ideology. Nor does it care about where you live. Urban are easiest but eventually the virus will get you…even in Clay County.

  11. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 11:37 am:

    Don’t they got two of dem big, wide highways racing through the area? Guessin’ dem drivers from SHEEEEEcago probably spit out the window and sickened folks.

  12. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 11:41 am:

    Somehow there has to be a way to blame this on Chicago./s

  13. - JS Mill - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 12:26 pm:

    =I have a feeling of impending doom.=

    I hope not, and hope your family remains safe and healthy.

    Although she married a cubs fan your wife is surely and intelligent person and will wear a mask and keep washing her hands. Nothing is absolute but I am hoping that will keep her healthy and safe.

  14. - Birds on the Bat - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 12:26 pm:

    Somehow there has to be a way to blame this on Chicago./s

    JB already said it’s Missouri’s fault.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    Please wear a mask, socially distance, and stay away from overt things that cause the spread.

    Think of others. Please.

    Specifically to Effingham?

    At some point this virus becomes all to real to communities. Hoping that doesn’t happen to Effingham with cases turning into far worse results.

  16. - Dotnonymous - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 12:51 pm:

    I believe we should re-imagine erecting statues… monuments would feature failed anti-heroes as societal warnings…against willfully arrogant and ignorant behavior.

  17. - Lynn S. - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 12:54 pm:

    I grew up in the next county over from Effingham.

    When you’re in Effingham, you’re roughly 90 miles from St. Louis, and a lot of folks go to the Metro East and St. Louis for a lot of things.

    So JB blaming this on Missouri? He may not be as wrong as you want to think he is…

  18. - H-W - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 1:15 pm:

    This is not surprising, given that Effingham is at the crossroads of two prominent interstates. Assuming the local businesses were not diligent in enforcing masks there, it would have been only a matter of time before the local population was infected by travelers.

  19. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 1:28 pm:

    == The public is invited. ==
    Hard pass.

  20. - Mr. Smith - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 1:45 pm:

    There are many, MANY places down here that are in absolute denial. My staff has had horror stories to tell about people going in and out of stores with no masks, like nothing is happening at all.

    I do not wish anyone ill. But that said, there would be a certain amount of Karma if some of the Eastern Blockheads were to get this…

  21. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 1:55 pm:

    @ JS Mill–I appreciate the well wishes; dig at the Cubs and all. ;)

    We’re being as diligent as possible and hoping for the best.

  22. - Don't Bloc Me In - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 2:32 pm:

    I’ve had to bite my tongue when talking with other citizens of Effingham County. This was entirely predictable. The virus is everywhere. The blame lies firmly with the county’s own. A few large weddings, with several hundred attending (no masks), grocery stores where even employees don’t wear masks, food buffets where you serve yourself, packed bars. I have personally been ridiculed for being “scared” before being told the virus will go away on November 4. I have a narrow list of businesses I will visit that seem safer than others. As Cubs in ‘16 said, mask wearing is now on the rise….but there’s that old saying about closing the barn door after the cows are out.

  23. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 3:12 pm:

    “The event is planned for 7 pm Thursday at the [Effingham] Holiday Inn. State Representatives Blaine Wilhour, Darren Bailey, and Brad Halbrook are scheduled to attend, along with Congressional candidate Mary Miller and Judge David Overstreet.”

    Superspreader event…

  24. - Anthony - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 4:17 pm:

    Zero deaths in Effingham County.

    Zero CLI Hospitalizations.

    But, Orange Man Bad…

  25. - Anthony - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 4:21 pm:

    “There are many, MANY places down here that are in absolute denial. My staff has had horror stories to tell about people going in and out of stores with no masks, like nothing is happening at all.

    “I do not wish anyone ill. But that said, there would be a certain amount of Karma if some of the Eastern Blockheads were to get this…”

    Agree, it’d be terrible if they had a cold for a couple of days, or more likely be asymptomatic.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 4:28 pm:

    === Agree, it’d be terrible if they had a cold for a couple of days===

    You first, - Anthony -… you first.

  27. - Don't Bloc Me In - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 4:30 pm:

    Anthony, for now I’m going to bite my tongue. Again. Frankly, you may not be worth the time.

  28. - MaryHeart - Wednesday, Aug 26, 20 @ 4:33 pm:

    “Zero deaths in Effingham County. Zero CLI Hospitalizations.”

    There have been several hospitalizations of people from Effingham County - just not in Effingham County because we send seriously ill COVID patients to Springfield. Other hospitals are forced to deal with the recklessness of Effingham County residents. I know of one person who just came home from St. John’s and another who is currently on a respirator at St. John’s. I doubt that these individuals would agree with you that COVID is just like a cold.

    Also, deaths are a lagging indicator, so we can expect that to be happening in 4-6 weeks too.

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