Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Durkin to defy Welch *** Welch to Durkin: You can’t make statements or question witnesses, but you may be called to testify about your own ComEd role
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*** UPDATED x2 - Durkin to defy Welch *** Welch to Durkin: You can’t make statements or question witnesses, but you may be called to testify about your own ComEd role

Monday, Sep 28, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Last week

Commonwealth Edison has agreed to participate in next week’s meeting of a special Illinois House committee investigating Speaker Michael Madigan’s alleged role in a bribery scheme involving the utility.

House Republican Leader Jim Durkin informed the committee by letter Thursday that he intends to question ComEd representatives about the company’s deferred prosecution agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Durkin also planned to give an opening statement.

* Committee Chairman Rep. Chris Welch press release…

“Today, in a letter sent to counsel for Leader Durkin, I addressed points raised in his Sept. 24, 2020 letter regarding the administration of Tuesday’s Special Investigating Committee hearing. My letter informed Leader Durkin that as a signatory to the petition creating this Committee, he is not eligible to participate in the investigation process, as signatories to the petition are prohibited from serving on the Special Investing Committee under House rules. Granting his requests to make statements and question witnesses would therefore be inappropriate and in violation of the process he invoked.

“Leader Durkin was further informed that the Committee may choose to call him as a witness, due to his significant involvement in the energy legislation referenced in his petition.”

* That last bit is explained in this 2016 press release

Addressing gatherings at nuclear power plants in Cordova and Clinton, Gov. Bruce Rauner today celebrated the jobs saved and gains made one year in to the state’s tenure with the Future Energy Jobs Act.

“Today we are here to celebrate the bright future of energy jobs in Illinois,” Rauner said. “Thanks to the Future Energy Jobs Act, Illinois is poised to compete head-to-head with any state in the nation to attract energy investment and jobs, while still protecting ratepayers and taxpayers.”

On Dec. 7, 2016, legislators, industry stakeholders and members of the Rauner Administration came together for the signing of FEJA. The landmark piece of legislation prevented the Quad Cities and Clinton power plants from closing, saving 800 jobs in the Quad Cities and 700 in Clinton while ushering in the addition of 100 more permanent Exelon jobs plus 400 construction jobs while capital improvements are under way. […]

“The Future Energy Jobs Act preserved our nuclear plants and protected thousands of jobs for Illinois working families,” said Mitchell, noting that Rauner and House Republican Leader Jim Durkin worked tirelessly on its passage. “This was not an easy bill to pass and they moved mountains to help get it done.”


Things are getting seriously ugly, campers.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Leader Durkin…

It is clear that Chairman Welch is not well-versed on the proceedings of an investigatory committee, as he needed a phone call and two letters from U.S. Attorney Lausch after repeatedly misinterpreting his guidance. Furthermore, Rep. Manley was already allowed to question me on the veracity of the petition and the charges in the previous committee hearing. Under my rights as not only the petitioner but also as a member of the General Assembly, I will be making an opening statement tomorrow and questioning the confirmed witness, Commonwealth Edison, on the admitted facts laid out in the petition against Michael J. Madigan. See you there!

*** UPDATE 2 *** According to Chairman Welch, ComEd has “confirmed that David Glockner will be in Springfield to testify tomorrow and he will be accompanied by their attorney Reid Schar.” Glockner is Executive Vice President, Compliance and Audit, for Exelon Corporation.


  1. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:06 pm:

    Durkin’s Folly

  2. - Norseman - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:08 pm:


  3. - Marty36 - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:09 pm:

    Does a bill have to pass both chambers and get a signature from the governor, or be overriden if the governor rejects the bill? So how did they bribe all these people? Facts is, they didn’t. I wonder if this is why the Feds are unable to make cases against Durkin, Cullerton, Brady or any other Illinois politican.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:11 pm:

    ===“Leader Durkin was further informed that the Committee may choose to call him as a witness, due to his significant involvement in the energy legislation referenced in his petition.”===

    (Chef Kiss)

    Will Demmer agree? That would achieve something, a legislative leader testifying about their role.

    This activity seems like a fool’s errand, and who thinks they can give a statement in front of any committee on anything without thinking they could be subjugated to questions.

    John Wooden was right. Never mistake activity for achievement.

    Raunerites… amirite?

  5. - TaxTheMemes - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:20 pm:

    We’ve gotten so deep in the weeds on this. If you think Madigan, as a legislative leader that has been credibly connected to these criminal charges, shouldn’t answer questions on it then just admit you like the guy, his organizations, his style, and discipline, and don’t care that he may be corrupt. At least admit it to yourself- it’ll be good for your cardiovascular health.

  6. - Huh? - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:21 pm:


  7. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:26 pm:

    ===If you think Madigan, as a legislative leader that has been credibly connected to these criminal charges, shouldn’t answer questions on it then just admit you like the guy, his organizations, his style, and discipline, and don’t care that he may be corrupt.===

    The committee invited Madigan. Madigan declined.

    Durkin wants to speak, give a statement. “Ok”. If you give a statement, you get questioned too.

    Demmer never thought about that I guess, busy with activities.

    Achieving a legislative leader testifying might happen… but in typical Raunerite phony, it backfires.

    What are you not grasping?

  8. - SSL - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:28 pm:

    They should call him. And he should show up and answer any and all questions. It is the honorable thing to do.

  9. - TaxTheMemes - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:35 pm:

    Oswego if you can’t understand that your comment is the perfect example for my point, then only one of us should look down at what we’re grasping.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:37 pm:

    === if you can’t understand that your comment is the perfect example for my point, then only one of us should look down at what we’re grasping.===

    The committee invited Madigan. Madigan declined.

    Durkin wants to speak, give a statement. “Ok”. If you give a statement, you get questioned too.

    This is how it backfired.

    “… then only one of us should look down at what we’re grasping”

    Your turn. I explained the situation, factually.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:41 pm:

    If Demmer and Durkin wanted to achieve anything they woulda got 60 members, including the HDem members calling for Madigan to step down and force an actual issue.

    Demmer chose to work on a committee, Durkin leveled the reason for such committee… activity.

    Durkin should give his statement, then testify.

  12. - This Just In - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:45 pm:

    THIS is exhibit A as to why the Progressive Tax will fail.

    The public sentiment is that they can count on some things without fail from the ILGA - hypocrisy, self-serving vitriol/talking points, double standards, insider dealings, little interest in curbing corruption.

    Absolutely nobody looks good here. That part is bipartisan. The Speaker and team blowing off the rules THEY set up is viewed as business as usual (see the preceding paragraph). The gamesmanship back and forth makes all involved look utterly ridiculous.

    The frustration from the public is exactly why a grifter like Trump could possibly be elected. The public is way, way, way past fed up.

  13. - Frank talks - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:46 pm:

    I’m guessing when this all started this theory wasn’t part of the equation. Difference between playing checkers and playing 3-Dimensional chess.
    That FEJA Bill is an explosion of inside politics on steroids. Front deals, side deals, back deals etc etc. it was the Rauner signature bill after he picked up seats in the 16 election. His hands plus his Chief of Staff orchestrated much of it with Madigan and Durkin playing their parts as well.
    Maybe the committee should call Rauner and Goldberg in On investigating this deal as well?

  14. - This Just In - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:47 pm:

    Should have added: The public trust in the ILGA equals exactly zero %.

  15. - Ok - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:49 pm:

    Speaker Welch continuing to show his leadership. Durkin can always decline the invitation, just like Rep. Madigan.

  16. - This Just In - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:49 pm:


    As a Democrat myself I must admit you are wrong here. It’s ok to go against our party sometimes. especially if they are in the wrong.

  17. - Pundent - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:50 pm:

    The committee meeting is political theater. Madigan chose not to participate as is his right. Others may do the same. I suppose the next step is subpoenas.

    Welch’s comment suggest that Durkin could very well be volunteering to face questions that he also doesn’t want to answer. It seems Durkin wasn’t counting on that possibility. But he should have been. Particularly after his “intense involvement” in Com Ed legislation was noted by Madigan.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:52 pm:

    === Under my rights as not only the petitioner but also as a member of the General Assembly, I will be making an opening statement tomorrow and questioning the confirmed witness, Commonwealth Edison, on the admitted facts laid out in the petition against Michael J. Madigan.===

    It appears Durkin doesn’t trust Demmer to ask the right questions.

    That makes sense.

    Otherwise, Demmer should be able to handle it.

    I agree, Demmer isn’t up to the task.

    Hopefully Durkin will respond why he voted as he did, celebrated with Rauner upon passage, and if any of that was corrupt.

    Did the HRO ever get ComEd monies? Durkin? Are those tainted?

  19. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:53 pm:

    Does Durkin think making these hearings about himself actually advances the HGOP agenda in having them?

  20. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:54 pm:

    === Democrat myself ===

    I’m a Republican.

    Still haven’t answered.

    The committee invited Madigan. Madigan declined.

    Durkin wants to speak, give a statement. “Ok”. If you give a statement, you get questioned too.

    I’m not denying Durkin the chance to speak. Durkin should testify. As a Raunerite during that time he can give insight to his vote.

  21. - This Just In - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 3:55 pm:

    The individual commenting at 3:49, is not the same person who commented at 3:45 and 3:47.

  22. - TaxTheMemes - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 4:09 pm:

    Normative statements in my comment you did not address. Positive statements in your comment proving my point of hiding behind justification. Your replies don’t even logically track as a reply to me.

  23. - Hilarious - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 4:10 pm:

    This is why the feds handle these cases and not politicians.

  24. - This Just In From a Stoner - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 4:11 pm:

    There fixed my name. My bad. What’s up Rich?

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 4:14 pm:

    === Normative statements in my comment you did not address. Positive statements in your comment proving my point of hiding behind justification. Your replies don’t even logically track as a reply to me.==


    === If you think Madigan, as a legislative leader that has been credibly connected to these criminal charges, shouldn’t answer questions on it then just admit you like the guy, his organizations, his style, and discipline, and don’t care that he may be corrupt.===

    It’s his right not to testify. He’s choosing not to.

    You want him in shackles and chains? It’s voluntarily.

    The committee invited Madigan. Madigan declined.

    Durkin wants to speak, give a statement. “Ok”. If you give a statement, you get questioned too.

    I dunno what you think is going on, it’s pure theatre.

    If Demmer had 60 votes, Madigan would be gone.

    For the 974th time, I *think* Madigan should resign, but this farce Demmer messed up and Durkin now finds himself *also* avoiding questioning…

    It’s getting ugly because bad politics, which I can’t stand watching, but here we are.

  26. - Socially DIstant Watcher - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 4:32 pm:

    So how does this work? Demmer is recognized, cedes his time to Durkin, someone objects, Welch grants the objection, there’s cross talk, nothing happens?

    Is that the image that the HGOP wants to project?

  27. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 4:33 pm:

    I can summarize in just a few words and save some time for those not following the back and forth

    Republicans hardest hit by corruption in the Democratic party and with Speaker Madigan and his organization

  28. - Thomas Paine - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 4:53 pm:

    Madigan is arguing the accusations against him are political theatre, and Durkin is proving his case for him.

    Durkin incompetently has allowed Madigan to enter into evidence that the ComEd Bill Madigan supposedly masterminded was signed by Rauner and championed by…Jim Durkin.

    Durkin could have given his questions to Demmer to ask. He could have asked them of ComEd independently. Instead he wants to turn a serious hearing into a clown show?

    I don’t understand the strategy here.

  29. - Shytown - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 5:05 pm:

    Oh boy! It’s going down!

  30. - Visa - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 5:27 pm:

    Excellent idea on calling Rich Goldberg to testify. If you want answers on this issue, there’s your guy.

  31. - Huh? - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 5:40 pm:

    “Durkin can always decline the invitation”

    In my opinion, if durkin makes a statement and questions ComEd, he loses his right to decline an invitation to be questioner by the committee.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 5:50 pm:

    All of this is “center cut, choice filet”

    === Madigan is arguing the accusations against him are political theatre, and Durkin is proving his case for him.===

    First… this is my whole point and real confusion to process. It’s truly activity (theatre) with no achievement (any upside with theatre). Durkin took it to 11.

    ===…was signed by Rauner and championed by…Jim Durkin.===

    By deciding to go after that part, how can this committee *not* question Durkin and his role after the plaudits Durkin saw for himself?

    ===Durkin could have given his questions to Demmer to ask. He could have asked them of ComEd independently. Instead he wants to turn a serious hearing into a clown show?===

    Durkin does NOT trust Demmer to do the job. Gotta give Durkin credit, he knows Demmer isn’t up to it, so he must step in to salvage this.

  33. - Socially DIstant Watcher - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 5:56 pm:

    ==Durkin does NOT trust Demmer to do the job. Gotta give Durkin credit, he knows Demmer isn’t up to it, so he must step in to salvage this.==

    Whoever decided to put Demmer on this committee outta have his head examined.

  34. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 5:58 pm:

    Durkin isn’t known for being a brain.

    He was questioned at the first meeting because the House Rules say the petition has to be presented and put into the record at the first meeting of a special investigating committee. Jim, go to and click on Rules under House. It also says members signing the petition can’t be members of the committee. Page 56!

    On another note, reading is fundamental! Especially when you’re a caucus leader!

  35. - Brewmaster - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 5:59 pm:

    ** I’m a Republican **

    Lol, I might stop laughing in an hour or so lololol, you are nothing of the sort. You have to have at least one conservative bone in your body, and I haven’t seen one since 2016.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 6:05 pm:

    - Brewmaster -

    Rauner was never a Republican, his social agenda was Uber-Left, costal, limousine liberal.

    Trump was never a Republican, being transactional, and ruining the GOP brand to cult levels.

    Thinking that those two, and the Raunerites in the GA represent those like Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar, or a John Kasich…

    … I’m not driven by racist thinking, hypocrisy, or holding a state hostage for an impassable agenda.

    It’s not laughable that you see me not as a Raunerite or Trumpkin since 2016, they aren’t Republicans even if you wish it to be.

  37. - Frank talks - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 6:53 pm:

    Anyone else notice Jim Durkin is having a fundraiser golf outing In Springfield the same day he’s also doing this hearing?

  38. - Been There - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 7:40 pm:

    ===Anyone else notice Jim Durkin is having a fundraiser golf outing In Springfield the same day he’s also doing this hearing? ===

    This, plus both Jim and Mike are Sox fans. And guess what time the Sox playoff game is? Same time as the hearing. The speaker played chess again with Jim and will get to watch the game. Chairman Welch is a Cubs fan but they don’t play until Weds so he doesn’t care.

  39. - walker - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 7:41 pm:

    My guess is Welch will call out Durkin as out-of-order by the rules, then Durkin will take that opportunity to be outraged and to walk out and go straight to the cameras.

    But I’m not the Director.

    This all could’ve been done toward some legitimate outcome, later in the Fed’s process. But that would have missed the voting period.

  40. - D - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 8:04 pm:

    Durkin has to get tased by the House doorkeepers tomorrow or totally not worth it.. Now that would make the news

  41. - PublicServant - Monday, Sep 28, 20 @ 8:50 pm:

    Willy, (and WalkerI might add) is one of the true conservatives left in the Republican party, and people like him may yet save it from its usurpation by the anti-American elements that have momentarily become more than the fringe radicals they are. Illinois, and America need more like them.

  42. - Chicagonk - Tuesday, Sep 29, 20 @ 8:17 am:

    @PublicServant - Parties change. There is no saving that will happen. It’s got to be hard for people in party politics. As an outsider, you can just change who you are supporting.

  43. - walker - Tuesday, Sep 29, 20 @ 10:24 am:

    “”Willy, (and WalkerI might add) is one of the true conservatives left in the Republican party”",

    Nice to say, but I am a Dem who respects many traditional Republican values, and believes we can all do better.

  44. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 29, 20 @ 10:28 am:

    ===who respects many traditional Republican values===

    … which is why I respect - walker - so much, here and in the “day job” - walker - has too


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