* Decatur Herald & Review…
The infection of a Macon County circuit court judge with COVID-19 caused a cascade of effects in the local legal world: a debate between state’s attorney candidates was suddenly scrubbed and two assistant state’s attorneys are now on home quarantine.
Associate Judge Jeffrey Geisler received a positive test for the virus over the weekend, according to Presiding Judge A.G. Webber IV.
“He had kind of a nagging cough last week and he felt fine but, in an abundance of caution and I think with the encouragement of his wife, he went and got tested and, to his surprise, it came back positive,” said Webber.
“And that was also a surprise to all of us.”
Do NOT endanger others like that. The world has changed, whether you like it or not. Deal with it.
* Yikes…
* New numbers…
American attitudes and their usage of masks have shifted broadly as President Trump has been hospitalized for COVID-19, a National Geographic and Morning Consult poll taken over the weekend has found.
More than 6 in 10 Americans questioned say they are more favorable toward people wearing a mask, and there have been steady increases in mask usage among people of all ages, demographic groups, and political leanings since a similar poll in July.
Despite noisy no-mask protests, 92 percent of 2,200 Americans polled say they wear a face mask when leaving their home, with 74 percent saying they “always” do. That “always” percentage is up nearly a quarter since July, according to the poll, which has a 2 percent margin of error.
* Yes, this two-day event was outside. But Christian County has an average positivity rate of 11.6 percent…
This is just one more reason why we can’t have nice things.
- ArchPundit - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 1:13 pm:
Yeah, even after we get Covid-19 under control. Stay home if you are sick. If you are sick, don’t get everyone else sick.
- Powdered Whig - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 1:25 pm:
=== This is just one more reason why we can’t have nice things. ===
One of the most depressing components to this pandemic is seeing just how irresponsible human beings can be. My faith in people to do the right thing has completely fallen off.
We have people who complain about businesses being closed, but also complain about wearing a mask, which would allow more businesses to be open. We have people partying, going to festivals, going to bars and restaurants without masks, etc. At the end of the day, people are going to do what they want to do, and it doesn’t matter what restrictions are in place or who else is impacted by the decision.
From my perspective, I have become much more reclusive. I stay home, and rarely invite anyone over. I don’t go places I am invited to - and its not because of coronavirus, its because I don’t wish to socialize with people these types of people that I loosely call my friends.
- thoughts matter - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 1:30 pm:
If I has a nagging cough, I would know I had an issues. Either bronchitis or Covid. A good friend of mine has a nagging cough year almost round because that’s how her long known allergies act. She’s hardly left her home since March because of the looks she gets from people around her in stores.
As to the photos… the rule for outside is wear your mask when you can’t socially distance. So carry it with you even when walking because you might become close to someone. There is no social distancing going on there.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 1:34 pm:
What a low point in our history. Thankfully so many of us who value the life and health of others and ourselves have a governor who is helping protect us. We, those who support and require COVID mitigation measures, have a chance to really change things in a few weeks. If recent polling is accurate we have a very good chance of winning.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 1:44 pm:
==to his surprise, it came back positive==
Did he just wake up from a eight month coma? Covid-19 has been around since January.
- Bourbon Street - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 1:47 pm:
==Don’t be afraid to call in sick==
Excellent advice that I hope people heed long after the pandemic is a distant memory. There’s absolutely no need for anyone with a contagious illness to show up at work or school (or anyplace else for that matter).
- Helm - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 1:48 pm:
By the looks of some of those folks in the crowd, they already have risk factors…..Chilli Peppers, Chili or whatever other deep friend corn on the stick thingys they’d ingest at this fest is the last thing they need.
- Big Mike - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 2:20 pm:
Looks looks we’re in for a long desolate winter after seeing these pictures. My church is already planning for Zoom Christmas services this year.
- Free Market - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 2:29 pm:
Looks like peaceful assembly to me
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 2:32 pm:
=== Looks like peaceful assembly to me===
… or super-spreader event… tomato, to-mah-toe…
- Steve Polite - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 2:37 pm:
@Free Market
A peaceful assembly and super spreader event
- very old soil - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 2:59 pm:
Another interesting article in The Atlantic.
- Anon221 - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 3:02 pm:
Saw a news segment on the local news the other day. It was about mask wearing (or not) near Omaha, NE. One of the people they interviewed was a young waitress who eventually admitted that she was uncomfortable when people came into the establishment without masks, and she would be more comfortable wearing one herself. But then she almost sheepishly told the reporter that she was worried people would look at her funny-like, “Well, she’s one of them.” One of them… a person who wears a mask to protect others. How have we as a Nation come so low that a young woman feels she has to succumb to peer pressure NOT to protect her health and the health of others???
- don the legend - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 3:27 pm:
==How have we as a Nation come so low that a young woman feels she has to succumb to peer pressure NOT to protect her health and the health of others???==
Really. Have you not watched the Super Spreader in Chief the last eight months?
- Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 3:27 pm:
Rich, I am not sure you understand the cultural significance and the important spiritual role played by the Taylorville Chilli Pepper Queen.
Also, do they know they spelled chili wrong?
- JoanP - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 3:33 pm:
= There’s absolutely no need for anyone with a contagious illness to show up at work =
I wish that were true. Unfortunately, too many people are without paid sick days, and many of those are living on the edge. They don’t work, they can’t pay the rent or buy food. So they show up.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 3:36 pm:
===too many people are without paid sick days===
Fully agreed. However, judges are not among those people.
- Groundhog Day - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 3:55 pm:
The article link as kindly provided by ~very old soil~ is extremely eye-opening. I read it last week, and it explains a lot about how this virus acts. Stochastic model of spread.
- zatoichi - Tuesday, Oct 6, 20 @ 4:15 pm:
What is different between the Rose Garden, Taylorville Chili, the houseboat parties, and any large group setting? Until mask, wash, space is followed by everyone, there is no difference. Hopefully vacines actually work when they come next year.