Apparently, it’s now the young’s turn in the COVID barrel
Thursday, Oct 8, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller * Tired (from April 27th)…
* Wired…
…Adding… OneMan points out in comments that using just a 40 percent “herd immunity” (which is on the extreme low end of projections) would result in 57,591 additional deaths [updated number].
- DEE - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:10 pm:
I’m 69 so it makes some sense to me. /s
- Left of the Lake - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:11 pm:
Please tell me that Rep. Skillicorn is not actually now encouraging people to go get sick….
- Levois J - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:13 pm:
Ignorance isn’t going to help us get out of this. I don’t care if they’re Democrats or Republicans.
- NIU Grad - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:16 pm:
I didn’t need two working lungs anyway.
- L.A. - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:18 pm:
-”Exploit this fact”
What does that mean, intentionally give it to those under the age of 40 in an effort to achieve herd immunity? You would have to assume that some of those individuals would die, so you really want to intentionally infect over 1/2 of those over 40, in order to get to your dream scenario of 50% of the population being infected and then recovering.
Im assuming that Skillicorn and Massie would have their children and grandchildren in the front of the line for their volunteer infection to achieve herd immunity idea.
“Please tell me that Rep. Skillicorn is not actually now encouraging people to go get sick….”
Skillicorn is not encouraging people to go get sick. He is encouraging the government to intentionally infect those individuals under the age of 40 with COVID-19 in the hopes of achieving herd immunity.
- JS Mill - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:19 pm:
Have you met Darrel’s brother Darrel or his other brother, Darrel?
- Jibba - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:21 pm:
Logic that only Kodos of Tarsus 4 could love.
- The Way I See It - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:28 pm:
I love people who applaud the use of “common sense” when it comes to complex subjects that people have PhD’s in. According to rep Skillicorn’s common sense, we have the young who aren’t going to die from this any way get sick and then voila - old people won’t get it because of herd immunity. Flat out amazing.
- Rudy’s teeth - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:29 pm:
Oh, Darrel, did you skip the chapter on subject/verb agreement?
- OneMan - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:31 pm:
You first Representative, I would suggest you start licking doorknobs to make America free
The Mayo Clinic says the number is about 70% for COVID
John Hopkins says 50-90% depending on what the disease is
Some research says 43% for COVID-19
So let us use the 40% however and 2010 census numbers.
I am going to go out on a limb here and suspect you are not a total tool and are not proposing we give it to those under 5 so that is 6.5% of the population. Then again you might be willing to risk toddlers for the economy, (even if it is just getting them sick). So to get to your magical 40% you need to get 123,498,215 people sick with COVID.
So we can remove the 7.58 million cases to date so you are at 115,911,215 cases.
There were 52,635 cases yesterday at that rate it would take 2,202 days to get to 40% of the US population, so obviously Common Sense! says we have to infect more people.
Let us be aggressive and let’s shoot for 90 days, after all, Common Sense!
So 90 days would require us to get 1,287,902 people sick every day. Because after all wearing a mask is a pain and we want to be able to play Cornhole in groups.
So let us also assume half of these people are in the US workforce (the number would be higher) the us workforce before COVID was 164 million people (so 643,951 people in the workforce sick every day) so a shade under .5% of the US workforce has to get sick every day. So at any one time with the ‘Lets infect the young plan’ with a 14 day no work period (don’t want them getting the older folks sick) you are going to have 7% of the US workforce unable to work.
let us use half of the South Korean death rates for the 30-39 age group. So .05% gives you….
Congratulations you have only killed 579,591 more Americans
Common Sense!
- Michael Feltes - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:31 pm:
> Im assuming that Skillicorn and Massie would have their children and grandchildren in the front of the line for their volunteer infection to achieve herd immunity idea.
Oh, we millennials are already resigned to the fact that the boomers are going to bleed us dry. It’s just a question of what new and exciting ways they’ll find to mortgage the future.
- Jocko - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:34 pm:
==Exploit this fact and defeat the virus==
Why stop there? Let’s go full ‘Logan’s Run’ and start the Carrousel rite. Think of the savings (exclamation point)
- dbk - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:34 pm:
What is Massie suggesting, that we deliberately infect the entire under-40 population so that the “average” becomes 50%? (Btw, 50% is low from what I’ve read - it’s actually nearer 80%)
It’s being estimated that 20% of those who recover (all age cohorts) suffer from some serious health consequences - myocarditis, permanent lung damage, neurological disturbances … he’s good to go with that?
OK, I give up.
- Enviro - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:35 pm:
==“There has been some coronavirus here, but they was dying anyway,” Hickox said.==
This quote says more about Darrel Hickox then it says about the coronavirus.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:35 pm:
- OneMan -
Top shelf.
To the post,
The idea of cults can be the dying for the beliefs or person.
This Trump cult, they don’t mind the dying, cult followers or not, death is ok.
If you’re callous about life, don’t be surprised when you can’t get a majority willing to see death as acceptable
- STP2020 - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:38 pm:
I’ll be running against Hickox in 2022. Him not being removed from his position on the board speaks volumes to the lack of empathy and common sense in our area. Crazy that running against someone like that is actually a battle 🤔
- Dance Band on the Titanic - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:39 pm:
A lot of our youth have seen this one before.
- Shane Falco - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:40 pm:
Under the dangerous logic of Skillicorn, the increase of premature births and stillbirths would increase more than it already is from COVID. From a CDC research study and reported by CBS News, “The researchers looked at medical data on nearly 600 hospital patients between March and mid-August who both tested positive for COVID-19 and were pregnant. Among the 445 births during the study, 12.6% of were preterm deliveries, which is more than 25% higher than the rate of preterm delivery for the general U.S. population, according to the CDC. Preterm births were three times more common in symptomatic patients than those who were asymptomatic. Ten patients experienced either a miscarriage or stillbirth, but the report noted that the it “likely underestimates the percentage of pregnancy losses that occur among women with COVID-19.” Five of the pregnancy losses occurred after 20 weeks into the pregnancy.’
My wife and several friends are pregnant, this report has definitely concerned me. We have been social distancing and wearing masks from the beginning, but so much of staying safe and healthy relies on others being cautious. Statements like this and the actions from people supporting it are reckless. It is asking for a lot of people to suffer; those infected, their families struggling with medical bills, and those mourning the loss of loved ones. But sure, those under 40 are fine… if we stop caring about those with pre-existing conditions, are pregnant or plan to be, or live and interact with the elderly.
- Sox Fan - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:42 pm:
Oneman with the post of the year
- wildcat12 - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:45 pm:
Ah, the pro-life party. They were dying anyway.
- OneMan - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:45 pm:
My number is off, it is a .5% death rate that gets you to 579,591 a .05% death rate (too low IMHO) get you to 57,591.
- JoanP - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 1:59 pm:
=This Trump cult, they don’t mind the dying, cult followers or not, death is ok.=
As long as someone else is doing the dying.
- IllinoisBoi - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 2:03 pm:
They was gonna die anyhow, so now they’s with Jesus and ever’thang’s right as rain.
- Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 2:09 pm:
===Ah, the pro-life party. They were dying anyway.===
Correction, they “was” dying anyway. Gotta talk the talk if you want any credibility in Jasper Co.
- TheInvisibleMan - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 2:13 pm:
I don’t think that Jasper county board member understands that the movie Dr. Stangelove was a comedy.
Just let him know I’m happy to see he is onboard with killing off residents of rural Illinois just so he can get back to normal. Whatever that may be for him. Which is probably complaining about the communist conspiracy to sap his precious bodily fluids, and who he will be denying his essence to this week.
- Moe Berg - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 2:19 pm:
Skillicorn had $80,815.31 in his campaign account at the end of June. He’s since reported a $10,000 loan to himself.
His opponent, Suzanne Ness, had $11,547.77 on 6/30. She’s raised $960,156.21 since July 1.
Alan is just weeks away from exclusively being a random weirdo on Twitter.
- Leigh John-Ella - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 2:39 pm:
Alan could move to Jasper County after November and be just another nobody there.
- Sayitaintso - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 2:49 pm:
Hickox needn’t worry about getting that phone call from the Nobel Prize Committee.
- Hamlet's Ghost - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 3:08 pm:
How many of the 123 million of us who need to contract COVID to [maybe] achieve herd immunity will live but with life altering disabilities?
- PublicServant - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 3:13 pm:
I’m wondering whether they can raise the speed limit on I-130 in Jasper. If I have the bad luck to have to drive through there in the future, I’d like to leave as soon as possible, after dropping off a few grammar textbooks at the local library. They have one, don’t they?
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 3:39 pm:
How the logic works for this pro-life legislator:
The government can and must force a woman to carry a fertilized egg to term. (Losing one potential life is unacceptable.)
Wearing a mask (which protects others from a deadly disease) is a choice. (The government cannot tell you what to do; even when it come to protecting the life and health of others.)
Purposely infecting over half of the population with a deadly disease should be a goal (or a mandate?). (The government should be willing to accept (and encourage) hundreds of thousands of deaths to keep the “economy” going.)
Where to go with all of this? I have no idea.
- RetiredStateEmployee - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 3:54 pm:
It’s not just death - here’s why you don’t want Covid-19
- Joe Bidenopolous - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 4:15 pm:
Like Dear Leader, Skilly-crack-corn is a coward. If he weren’t, he’d be at the hospital getting himself infected so he can move on with life.
I’m really sick of these cowards who are willing to jeopardize OTHER people’s lives
- anon - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 4:15 pm:
Can Mr. Massie and Mr. skillicorn go get infected. After all actions speak louder than words.
- PublicServant - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 4:43 pm:
Asking for a friend. Can sacrificial lambs qualify for a compassionate use waiver for Remdesivir? Or, at least, a swig or two of bleach?
- JS Mill - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 6:33 pm:
@OneMan- You win, forever
- Ghost - Thursday, Oct 8, 20 @ 10:30 pm:
but this is not measles. You do not develop permanent immunity. People are becoming sick again a few months after getting better.
i.e. no herd immunity.