Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rep. Maurice West will not vote to reelect Speaker Madigan
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Rep. Maurice West will not vote to reelect Speaker Madigan

Friday, Oct 23, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

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As residents gear up to cast their vote this election, WIFR wants to help you get to know the names you will see on the ballot.

One race to look out for is State Representative in the 67th District. Democrat incumbent Rep. Maurice West joined Courtney Sisk on 23 News First at Four to discuss his run for a second term.

Rep. West said he’s proud of the work he’s already done, including bringing $2 million in funding to the district to provide job training to young adults. For the first time publically, Rep. West said if he’s reelected, he will not be voting for Speaker Madigan.

“I am hoping that there’s a strong state representative that I could vote for. Someone who believes in term limits for leadership like I do. Someone who will be an advocate for strong, immediate ethics reform so that we can regain trust in our government. Someone who believes in bipartisanship. So I’m looking forward to another option.” Rep. West said.


  1. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:03 am:

    Thank you, Rep. West.

    Please be courageous voting for Speaker in January, House Dems.

  2. - phocion - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:04 am:

    Interesting development. Doubtful other Black caucus members will follow suit, though.

  3. - Northsider - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:16 am:


  4. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:20 am:

    Maybe if Demmer was honest to task he woulda found, at least a close try, a bipartisan “60”, but Demmer is continually about activity, not achievement.

    West highlights Demmer‘s and Wehrli’s political stunt, and not achieving the actual change in the Illinois House.

  5. - Nummy yummy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:21 am:

    This is not good news for Speaker Madigan. The black House members are seen as his biggest supporters. The walls are crumbling early.

  6. - Chatham Resident - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:38 am:

    If MJM somehow still gets reelected Speaker next year despite all the opposition, could he extract revenge for people voting against him in next year’s remap, regardless of party? Including West, Kifowit, TCH, ASM, etc.? By either mapping them out of their districts or primarying two reps together?

  7. - Say What? - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:45 am:

    Only Willy would take the news of a Democrat Representative announcing that he will not vote for the Speaker as an opportunity to indict Tom Demmer . . . . .LOL

    A truly weird obsession . . . . . . .

  8. - deesendem - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:45 am:

    sounds like people arent as afraid as they once were of MJM. what kept people in line was fear of retaliation. will MJM retaliate against members who announce that they will support him? will he retaliate against donors who don’t make contributions? will he retaliate against the governor for not hiring or promoting those he recommends? will he retaliate against his chosen lobbyists who fail to raise the amount they were asked to raise? will he retaliate against his precinct workers who cannot deliver the vote needed? will he retaliate against the neighbors who refuse to put up his yard sign? how will that retaliation look? are reporters talking to any of the people mentioned? have they done the work necessary to prepare for the MJM retaliation story?

  9. - Loop Lady - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:48 am:

    Following the women with guts in the GA.
    Thank you…

    If MJM is re-elected, this State has a whole bunch of pansies in the legislature…

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 10:52 am:

    ===…would take the news of a Democrat Representative announcing that he will not vote for the Speaker…===

    You’d think if Demmer is so bent on removing the Speaker he woulda reached out to *all* the Dems committed to not supporting Madigan, maybe find others who would say they won’t, make a bipartisan case, or highlight he (Demmer) tried to get Dems to make a bipartisan call for a change.

    Yeah, Demmer didn’t do that. Didn’t seemingly reach out, didn’t call out those who committed to not vote for Madigan and that hypocrisy.


    No, Demmer did neither. What the West announcement highlights… is that a phony circus Demmer was trying, all activity, no achievement, and another Dem has decided to speak out, and no building on a bipartisan call.

    Demmer was never serious in his committee circus, otherwise announcements like this would be a building block, not a lone “voice of the day”.

    Never… never confuse activity for achievement… that’s Demmer… “activity”.

    === Democrat Representative===

    Please, wear a mask with that mouth breathing of Limbaugh thinking.

  11. - Oldtimer - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:09 am:

    Maybe Demmer’s plan is in the mail to Jay Hoffman right now?

  12. - Say What? - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:14 am:

    Willy - honestly, this is your takeaway from Rep. West’s announcement?

    You truly are a bit untethered when it comes to Demmer. It would be humorous if it weren’t so all consuming weird for you.

  13. - Wondering - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:19 am:

    I’m wondering if West and Company have really thought this out. The initial vote for Speaker is in Caucus. Madigan has more than enough votes to survive any internal challenge. So why risk being re-mapped out of your district? Don’t see this being smart politically at all.

  14. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:19 am:

    === honestly, this is your takeaway from Rep. West’s announcement?===

    Is there a word or words you can’t understand?

    You think Demmer handles the circus all that well when folks are continually coming out of the woodwork and Demmer in is utter phoniness couldn’t get a single Dem to make his circus bipartisan?

    Demmer’s failure and charade of working hard… it’s a bunch of spinning wheels and pretend to task.

    West highlights the lacking. It’s seen in its lone statement, and reinforces Demmer’s only want was a partisan political school play.

    If there are words you’re struggling with, maybe a phrase, a dictionary is always a great place to learn.

  15. - hisgirlfriday - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:01 pm:

    Democrats need to get prepared now to be on the best possible footing for 2022 and beyond and that requires putting MJM out to pasture.

    In 2022, Dems won’t have Trump to run against to mobilize and unify the base but will have messy fights to resolve between the hard left and center-left/moderates. Just like 2010 there will likely be a backlash Republican surge against Biden and this may be heightened with the anti-Pritzker and COVID fatigue sentiments Republicans are already riling up. Dems do not need the headwinds of Madigan’s unpopularity and negative reputation to address in their campaigns on top of that.

    MJM is a bigger liability than he is a benefit to Illinois Dems at this point. The money can be raised by another figure who is not 78 and who does not have all this baggage.

  16. - Take a closer look - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    I would say take a closer look at this Rockford District in 2 years. West doesn’t have anything to worry about on November 3 because it’s a pretty safe blue district; however, I suspect a real primary opponent has just received a phone call for 2022.

  17. - SpiDem - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:33 pm:

    I am also flummoxed by Willy’s obsession with Demmer. He’s not even the leader of his caucus, and he didn’t file the ethics complaint.

    It’s truly bizarre, and one of the most predictable recurring themes of Willy’s 24-7 comments on every comment thread on the website.

  18. - Levois J - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:34 pm:

    I’m guessing that if Madigan comes out of this current scandal unscathed anyone who comes out against him can expect to have their seats in jeopardy….

  19. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:41 pm:

    - SpiDem -


    There’s a whole post about West… and you gaslight … by obsessing about me?

    How about adding to the discussion?

    === He’s (Demmer) not even the leader of his caucus, and he didn’t file the ethics complaint.===

    Durkin couldn’t trust Demmer to ask questions (as Durkin tried to take that away from Demmer) and Durkin needed to make a statement as fear Demmer would not be able to make any case as to why the circus was in town.

    If anything, Demmer’s own lacking was on display as Durkin continually tried to bail Demmer out… and here we are, West announces his own take on not supporting Madigan, you’d think the lead Raunerite on the committee investigating Madigan would attempt to get any and all HDems that are calling for Madigan to at least step down.

    West is another member Demmer seemingly forgot to talk to about Madigan. Isn’t the goal to get 60? Demmer apparently made no attempt.

  20. - Say What? - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:53 pm:

    = … by obsessing about me?=

    um . . . . .you are the one obsessing. That is the point being made. Speaking of mouth breathing . . . . .LOL

  21. - Spfld - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:53 pm:

    OW, with all due respect, you do come across a bit unhinged about Demmer.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:57 pm:

    Look, I get Demmer is a “swell guy”… “likable”…

    This idea that he’s not what John Wooden warned people about… the phonies that fool you to believe they’re all sorts of busy… but is never seen accomplishing… anything…

    You can still “like” him, but Demmer is truly ineffective, Durkin couldn’t trust him with the committee hearing circus… and West is a clear example of Demmer failing… again.., at accomplishing… anything

    I know you can’t dispute it, but please, make it about me… until the next HDem Demmer “forgot” to ask decides they can’t vote for Madigan.

  23. - Say What? - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 1:27 pm:

    You actually brought up Demmer, completely out of context with your first comment. The post was about Rep. West indicating in public that HE would not support the Madigan for Speaker.

    You are starting to give off that weird kind of Jeffrey Toobin kind of vibe with your obsession with Demmer.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 1:36 pm:

    === completely out of context ===

    The context is quite clear.

    Demmer’s continued failure at the politics and governing is seen in West saying he won’t support Madigan, and yet Demmer couldn’t find one HDem to make the case in the phony circus, that Durkin had to try to take over to save Demmer… and Demmer seen here as failing the House Chamber.

    ===Jeffrey Toobin===

    Two days ago we had someone mock child molestation victims, now your take, as bad as it is, apparently is to try to not make me a child molestation victim, but a “Jeffery Toobin”

    I know no one likes that Demmer isn’t all that great and there’s this need to pretend he’s the face of the party, as he would sink it further and further down, an empty suit consumer with activity over achievement, but I dunno if defending John Wooden’s walking example of warning is best done by… “Jefferey Toobin”?

    Maybe you need Durkin to save you like he tried to save Demmer

    West’s announcement clearly shows how weak Demmer was in finding bipartisan support. How many more Dems will Demmer ignore?

    When you wanna discuss that…

  25. - SpiDem - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 1:52 pm:


    Did I miss something? Is Demmer running for Speaker? What exactly is he supposed to be rounding up votes for?

    He’s the minority spokesperson for an investigation committee he had no hand in creating.

    Regarding the post itself, there really isn’t a lot to say. It’s pretty straightforward. But you trying to immediately bring your obsession with Tom Demmer into the conversation is the comment thread equivalent of fingernails on the chalkboard n that it is both extremely weird and unnecessary.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 2:01 pm:

    === Did I miss something? Is Demmer running for Speaker? What exactly is he supposed to be rounding up votes for?===

    There’s a whole investigation and committee to out Madigan from the GA.

    Either you *know* that, and your phony ignorance is like Demmer saying the investigation is about good governance, or you don’t know, then maybe this place might be too much for you to grasp or you need to get up to speed.

    I say you’re trying the “babe in the woods” routine. Why, I can’t see how that helps, but keep trying.

    === He’s the minority spokesperson for an investigation committee he had no hand in creating.===

    We can agree that this is activity disgusted as achievement, and with that observation, you know what was what, you’re just pretending in hopes that back handedly admitting Demmer is ineffective, that’ll fly. Durkin saw it, tried to step in. It appears many saw how Demmer was ineffective.

    ===…there really isn’t a lot to say. It’s pretty straightforward.===

    It is, isn’t it?

    You’d think Demmer woulda tried to find these members when the circus was in town. Demmer didn’t. It highlights again, what even you admit;

    === He’s the minority spokesperson for an investigation committee he had no hand in creating.===

    Demmer isn’t all “that”. If he was, instead of being wholly ineffective, Demmer might’ve found those Dems already asking what was the goal of the committee, Madigan leaving.

    You don’t like my take, yet you seemingly agree with my points.


  27. - Oldtimer - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 2:16 pm:

    How bout switching from the speed bag (Demmer) to the Heavy Bag (Wehrli)? Demmer’s worn out.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 2:19 pm:

    “Wehrli… won’t see him no more”


  29. - Frumpy White Guy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 2:47 pm:

    Great discussions about Demmer. I’m sure it’s not designed to distract from the fact that another democratic state representative has just announced their intention of voting no to re-electing Madigan Speaker.

  30. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 2:50 pm:

    === I’m sure it’s not designed to distract from the fact that another democratic state representative has just announced their intention of voting no to re-electing Madigan Speaker.===


    The goal, Demmer’s failings or not… is to get Madigan below 58, (Himself would make 59)

    Considering I’ve said I think Madigan should resign since July 18th, your concern seems misplaced.

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