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Weird people and their even weirder conspiracy theories

Friday, Oct 23, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I posted a document from the governor’s office on contact tracing on October 5th. I was apparently the only one to do that. So, the governor’s press secretary linked to my Google Drive upload…

* Her link brought out the tinfoil hatters, including this guy…


* Oh, and check out my new pen pal…


Incredibly impressive 2nd grade level contact tracing data you sent the Governor, with results in direct conflict with all available data globally.

You absolute pathetic hack.


  1. - Mama - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:23 am:

    What is wrong with Contact Tracing? If a restaurant or bar staff or my friend tested positive for COVID-19, I would want to know. Wouldn’t you?

  2. - DownSouth - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:23 am:

    St. Clair county provided county level contact tracing data that clearly showed the correlation to bars, restraunts, gatherings. Multiple times on multiple days during their daily briefings.

  3. - Bruce( no not him) - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:24 am:

    I’ll bet he buys a subscription. /S

  4. - NIU Grad - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:24 am:

    This is what happens when State employees can’t officially use Google account services and need to rely on external parties to post easily readable documents. Yikes.

  5. - Roadrager - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:26 am:

    Poor Mark Konkol’s really come unspooled since he lost the ability to scream and swear at an office full if subordinates.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:31 am:

    Meh. Everyone’s a critic.

    “Thanks, and keep reading”


    To the post,

    The most important thing to the Covidiots is not proving their own case, but it’s to try to fool enough people to dismiss science… and conspiracies are a great way to attempt to insert “alternative facts”

    Alternative facts never discredit facts, they attempt to muddy facts they can’t “change”.

    I’m surprised Amazon, Wal-Mart, et al have any tinfoil left.

  7. - Jakita Wagner - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:36 am:

    People are so weird.

  8. - Change Agent - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:40 am:

    It is odd that this wasn’t posted anywhere else. I’m currently working on a research article, and we’re considering citing your upload as well. The amount of important science that’s out there without peer review–and the amount of garbage science that’s made it through peer review–is real cause for concern.

  9. - ChicagoBars - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:41 am:

    The Google Drive sleuthing skills of those tweeters were the laugh I needed this morning.

  10. - Rich Miller - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:49 am:

    ===It is odd that this wasn’t posted anywhere else===

    What’s even odder is that reporters are still asking for this information during press conferences, even though it’s been sent to them multiple times.

  11. - Da Big Bad Wolf - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:50 am:

    I don’t understand Mark Konkol and the others. It says right on the document the source was the CDC.

  12. - Commisar Gritty - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:54 am:

    If you have fascists angry, you’re doing the right thing. Also, it’d be a shame if someone dropped the contact information for that new pen pal of yours.

  13. - Chatham Resident - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 11:57 am:

    ==What’s even odder is that reporters are still asking for this information during press conferences==

    I wonder how many of the reporters constantly asking for this info are from the Sinclair School of Broadcasting (aka Channel 20). From the sounds of the Q&A yesterday in East St. Louis and the Governor’s patience in my opinion seeming to wear thin with the reporters, it sounded like yesterday Channel 20 took a busload of reporters down from Springfield to ESL for yesterday’s conference.

  14. - thisjustinagain - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:04 pm:

    There are never “alternative facts”; there are LIES. And the Tinfoil Hat Brigade spreads them like Covid and peanut butter. Keep up the fight, Rich.

  15. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:10 pm:

    === There are never “alternative facts”; there are LIES===

    You know.., alternative facts… is mocking the idea they are sold as truth.


    Agree. Keep up the fight, Rich.

  16. - Dotnonymous - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:10 pm:

    He sounds like a Konkol…a big one.

  17. - Swimdad13 - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:13 pm:

    Contract Tracing isn’t the problem. In fact it’s good. What isn’t good is the recipient of the call being told to go get tested unless you want to increase the chances of positive test results.

  18. - Lt Guv - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:15 pm:

    Let the pound. . . salt.

  19. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:20 pm:

    A week or two ago Konkol ran a story about how the state wasn’t using science to make decisions.

    The supposed proof that Konol uncovered was from a professor who tried to give a presentation to the state, after which the state decided to not use it. No details at all as to why it wasn’t science, just that it wasn’t.

    The outrage was that the state was not using science, and Konkol printed that as the headline. One of the last sentences in his blog entry -=I refuse to call it an article=- was that when this scientist was asked what it was specifically that was unscientific about what the state was doing, they ran away and stopped responding to questions.

    That’s who Mark Konkol is.

  20. - Left of the Lake - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:26 pm:

    Took a peek into their rabbit hole, wish I didn’t. Won’t be getting those minutes back today. Makes me think of a good Happy Madison quote.

  21. - Southern Skeptic - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:29 pm:

    Mark Konkol. Heavy sigh. TheInvisibleMan summed it up pretty well. When I first read the post I thought you said, “Mad hater.” That would be very true too. Konkol has had about the worst career trajectory imaginable. Sun-Times, hitch a ride on a Pulitzer Prize winning team, get promoted to run the Chicago Reader and then fired for some serious lapses in judgment. So these days, he’s just mad. And his anger clouds his new judgment. But since he’s gone from Pulitzer to the Patch, it’s often a tree falling in the forest. Mark who?

  22. - Precinct Captain - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:40 pm:

    Remember when Mark Konkol lied about how much control Rahm Emanuel had over the documentary series Chicagoland?

    The guy makes Stephen Glass look like Pope John Paul II.

  23. - Amalia - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:40 pm:

    lots of kooks out there. also a few people planning violence. inspired by kooks.

  24. - Lt Guv - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 12:58 pm:

    Sorry, typo. 12:15pm was supposed to be:

    Let them pound. . . salt.

  25. - Boone's is Back - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 1:16 pm:

    It’s a beautiful day in troll neighborhood.

  26. - Skeptic - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 1:57 pm:

    “This is what happens when State employees can’t officially use Google..” I’m not seeing your point. If this is information provided by a State agency, then that agency (by law) has a web site where they can publish it. And if it’s not official State information, why does not being able to use a Google account matter?

  27. - Rich Hill - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 2:08 pm:

    When is Konkol joining the Tribune’s editorial board?

  28. - TheInvisibleMan - Friday, Oct 23, 20 @ 3:16 pm:

    ===Who are you?===

    I’m the guy pointing out that Mark isn’t using any sources or statements of fact in one of his most recent articles. I thought that was pretty clear.

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