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Question of the day

Tuesday, Nov 3, 2020 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Springfield Mayor Jim Langfelder said today that he will defy the governor’s order and allow his city’s restaurants and bars to stay open with 25 percent indoor capacity. State mitigations forbid indoor dining and drinking because the IDPH region has surpassed an 8 percent positivity rate.

This same 25 percent strategy failed miserably in the Metro East when it was tried earlier this year, by the way. The mayor and county board chairman said they’ll be trying this policy out for a couple of weeks and then will reassess. It the county’s positivity rate is above 12 percent at that time, then the city and Sangamon County will drop its “phased approach.” Sangamon County’s average positivity rate is currently 9.8 percent.

The mayor brought law enforcement and politicians with him to the announcement today, but nobody with a medical degree attended. He said he would demand more mask-wearing and will mandate that house parties immediately end. Langfelder also claimed that Pritzker’s mitigations won’t work and wouldn’t pass the city council.


Under the new plan, establishments will be limited to 25 percent capacity and must close no later than 11pm. In addition, customers who want indoor service will be required to fill out a questionnaire about their exposure to the virus. Establishments will have to keep those questionnaires and turn them over to the county on request.

* Gov. Pritzker was asked about the mayor’s announcement today

The fact is that local officials who are not doing the right thing are the ones who are going to be responsible for the rates of infection going through the roof and our hospitals getting overrun and people dying if they don’t enforce the rules.

That is why those rules exist. And we didn’t make them up. Doctors all over the world have put forward studies and it’s very easy for you to find those, I’ve provided them to every official who has asked for them and frankly to every media outlet. We know that the places that are remaining open, they’re having large gatherings and defying these rules are, in fact, spreading locations. These are places that are amplifying the virus across the state and so you know when you’ve got double-digit positivity rates in your area, as is the case in Springfield, then the local officials need to take the laws that are on the books and the regulations that we’ve put forward and the orders that we’ve asked people to follow and enforce them locally.


The General Assembly’s veto session is scheduled to begin in Springfield two weeks from today. State law allows the governor to convene the GA outside Springfield “in case of pestilence or public danger.”

* The Question: Considering today’s decision by local officials, should the General Assembly cancel, postpone or move the veto session away from Springfield, or should it proceed as scheduled? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please…

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  1. - RNUG - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:04 pm:

    Go ahead as planned. The Legislators don’t have to hit the bars and restaurants … they can do take out or, for some of them, just go home every night. Just watch out for them returning at high speed in the morning …

  2. - Ok - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:06 pm:

    Yes. Relocate out of Springfield. Plenty of convention and meeting space in downtown Chicago.

    And, mayor, it ain’t like Springfield doesn’t have plenty of parking lots next to the restaurants to pop up some dining tents and heaters.

  3. - Fixer - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:10 pm:

    Voted to move it. Given the city wants to take matters into their own hands, no reason to risk staffers and GA members wellbeing.

  4. - NIU Grad - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:10 pm:

    Go ahead as planned and send requests that legislators take mitigating steps. After everything the state has been through, I don’t think it sends the right message to have a temporary capitol (especially if it ignites factionalism, based on where it is).

  5. - Ron Burgundy - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:11 pm:

    Anything other than cancel. They have jobs to do and they need to lead.

  6. - DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:11 pm:

    No stay and as first order of business pass law stating emergency powers of governor may be extended up towards years and make violations of orders subject to large fine and loss of business license

  7. - Earnest - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:12 pm:

    Move to Chicago, whose mayor also wanted to avoid compliance but came around to the need to follow public health guidelines.

  8. - Veil of Ignorance - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:13 pm:

    Move. ILGA members and staff cannot be put at risk because of these irresponsible decisions and the Governor will undermine his own calls for following best practices and guidelines if there’s no consequences and veto session proceeds in Springfield. Folks down there should be careful that legislators come to really like/prefer session nearer to Chicago…bad move by Springfield decision makers.

  9. - Ok - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:13 pm:

    Springfield is going to regret becoming known for pestilence.

  10. - SSL - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:15 pm:

    Go ahead as planned. There’s work to be done and they can do it smartly and safely. Lead by example for once.

  11. - Frank talks - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:17 pm:

    Move it to two convention hotels in Chicago one for house one for senate then have each chamber and respective staff stay in same locations. Mandate everyone staying in the bubble have a negative test before coming. Room service will be available and they’ll all be good.

  12. - illinifan - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:20 pm:

    Go ahead as planned but set the example and do carry out only.

  13. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:20 pm:

    Voted “move”. There needs to be a consequence for the bad decisions.

    If this is now de rigueur, what rules/laws do we actually have to follow?

  14. - Interim retiree - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:21 pm:

    Move it to Chicago. Most legislators are closer to Chicago than Springfield & some could go home & stay the night w/families.

  15. - Bruce( no not him) - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:23 pm:

    Go ahead and move. Actions of the city should have consequences.

  16. - TheInvisibleMan - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:25 pm:


    And I mean all of it. Move the capitol to another city permanently.

    If the mayor doesn’t want to recognize he is part of a larger whole, then his city can do without the benefit of having a state capitol.

  17. - Moe Berg - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:26 pm:

    There’s no safe space right now and there’s nothing that cannot wait until early January or, possibly December if the pandemic is brought back under some semblance of control. Cancel for now.

    I’d love to see some local doctors, nurses and other health care workers challenge Langfelder to come talk with them on camera and explain his reasoning.

    Once again, an elected official writing a check for someone else to cash, perhaps with their life. He really ought to be ashamed of himself.

    But, this was the guy getting his party on on St. Patrick’s Day. Mayor Ya-hoo.

  18. - Curious George - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:28 pm:

    Go ahead , we know what they will do what the Speaker wishes

  19. - Roman - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:30 pm:

    It’s pretty bad all over the state…not sure you can “move” away from the virus.

  20. - Notorious JMB - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:32 pm:

    Chicago is at 10.2, Cook at 10.5, Sangamon at 9.8. Even if the Mayor were following state mitigation it would take at least 2 weeks to see an impact. There was a news article earlier this morning that said Thanksgiving would be the national tipping point. Meet with the legislative leaders and delay or cancel.

  21. - Leigh John-Ella - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:32 pm:

    Move it. How about a Bubble Session for veto at McCormick Place? Seal it off. Minimal staffing. You have onsite accommodations for everyone involved.

    Langfelder is not prioritizing public health and safety in Springfield.

  22. - Club J - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:33 pm:

    I say move away from Springfield. The last thing Springfield needs is a big group of people coming to town from all over with us only doing the “Mask Up” mitigation. I just don’t think it’s a good time for anyone to come to Springfield. It’s proven we can’t get our act together.

  23. - cermak_rd - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:33 pm:

    Voted move. Move it to a state park that has room for some tents and have them do the state’s business there. That would avoid inflaming the north/south division of the state while still making a point.

  24. - Montrose - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:34 pm:

    Move it, but ideally to a location that is following the rules that is not Chicago. That way it is not about geography, but about being smart in a pandemic.

  25. - Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:35 pm:

    State employees working in the complex that have already been back at the office and not working remotely (notably all Secretary of State employees, but also some in the Stratton) still have to come to work despite Langfelder’s madness.

    I wonder if state employee unions might raise the subject of Langfelder’s decision not to enforce the latest mitigations? Surprised they haven’t brought this up yet.

  26. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:39 pm:

    Move it.

    Assembly Hall, Urbana-Champaign.

    The university will do nicely.

  27. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:39 pm:

    Plan to postpone and prioritize the bare minimum legislative work that needs to get done during the veto session that requires in-person attendance- especially any COVID relief work. The fight over the general national election may still be playing out when the veto session is due to start, and there may be a need to postpone. Stay in Springfield, otherwise, and reward those businesses that provide food and drink who choose to follow the COVID-19 rules and regs- i.e. through safe deliveries or curbside service. And they are going to have to have fast and accurate testing of all legislators and staff because of all the “Baileys” out there. Of course by then, those that have been roadies with Devore, may have to be in quarantine or (hopefully not for them, although it might be a change of attitude life lesson) in the hospital. Masks and distancing must be mandatory as well on the floor, just as in the Spring session. So, convention center here they go again?

  28. - Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:39 pm:

    Move it temporarily to Kaskaskia, albeit 2 years too late for the Bicentennial. Very easy to social distance and bring your own lunch to work in Kaskaskia.

  29. - Pundent - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:42 pm:

    Voted to move it. In defying the order the mayor is also inviting the Eastern Bloc and others to thumb their nose at Pritzker by dining out in Springfield. Why give them the opportunity? And if there was ever going to be justification for convening the GA outside of Springfield due to pestilence, this has to be a textbook case. Otherwise why even have the law?

  30. - Norseman - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:43 pm:

    Postpone. I wouldn’t mind a little slap at Langfelder and the other petulant pestilence politicians by moving, but where are they going to move that isn’t in mitigation? Therefore, I would say the veto session should be delayed.

  31. - Professor - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:45 pm:

    Voted to move the session. What is the mayor thinking?

  32. - Joe Schmoe - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:45 pm:

    Do it as scheduled. Why move it? There’s no place with any better numbers. But the way I hear it from legislative leaders who should know what’s going on….everything is on hold.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:46 pm:

    === Move it.

    Assembly Hall, Urbana-Champaign.

    The university will do nicely.===

    If the whole state is at the same level of stress, moving to any location away from Covidiots will be helpful.

    Sure, they can postpone, but if Zoom isn’t really an option, get the bare bones done… and done.

  34. - Joe Bidenopolous - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:47 pm:

    Move it. Assembly Hall/Urbana generally is a great idea. They could even hook up members and staff with their testing program, which would help a lot of folks’ comfort level.

  35. - Leigh John-Ella - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:50 pm:

    OK, if you don’t want to move it to Chicago, how about Rosemont?

    Again, a location where you could do a short GA “bubble” session with on-site, connected accommodations for everyone involved.

    You arrive for session, you are in the bubble. Staff, lawmakers, security, etc. No one out until it’s over. No one in once it starts.

    Adapt the successful NBA/NHL bubble to a quick veto session platform.

  36. - Give Us Barabbas - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:51 pm:

    I’d vote to move it, but maybe to Western or Southern Illinois, since they never get any love. Move it wherever, though; because although I like the Mayor generally, he’s completely wrong on this and in thrall to local county republican-led scofflaw behavior, even though he’s a Dem… No reason to reward his pandering to the restauranteurs at the cost of our lives. You want to throw elbows, you do it where it hurts, in the pocketbook. The bars and restaurants make a lot of money off the GA when it is in town. Losing that one time might be very… instructive to the mayor. And the local Chamber.

    What the Mayor of Springfield *should* be doing, IMO, is using what resources are available to assist the restaurants that don’t have any mind of drive-up/drive-thru, to set that up, and his office should be on the phone assisting every business owner in signing up for those BIG grants. Getting the cash flow from the grants means it’s less important to break the health rules and bring in customers when it’s not healthy. What absolutely frosts me, though, is, letting the scofflaws businesses get away with it is punishing the many law-abiding proprietors that are doing the right thing, punishing them with unfair competition. On top of the fines, the yanking of liquor licenses and food licenses for the scofflaws should start tomorrow.

    Also… Mr. Mayor, we’re going to remember this the next time your primary comes up… just saying.

  37. - PK - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:55 pm:

    Have any peer reviewed literature for study on the effects of blood alcohol levels on the infectivity rate of aerosolized breath?

  38. - DownSouth - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 4:56 pm:

    Moving will only give rise to more complaints from southern IL, (unless it was moved to say SIU). I’m not certain that there’s any one real place within the state that has low enough positivity rates to make it true contender.

    Put them in a bubble, test every day, enforce masking and distancing.

    Pare it down, get them in and out. If the eastern bloc and southern IL Covidiots break protocol - cast them out (wait I guess that’s not legal is it? ).

    This can be done safely and smartly - start the planning and set up NOW.

  39. - Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:01 pm:

    While we’re at it, not to change the subject but I raised this point yesterday.

    Since the next Springfield’s mayor race is April 2023, if the Governor is reelected the previous November do any of you anticipate an Administration-backed candidate launching a candidacy against Langfelder (if he chooses to run for a third term)? If so, who do you think might be the Dem that is most likely to challenge Langfelder?

  40. - West Sider - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:03 pm:

    Move it to Chicago. McCormick Place, with both convention space and hotel rooms can serve as a bubble, along with the State offices.

  41. - Candy Dogood - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:06 pm:

    There’s a spacious barn or warehouse in the middle of nowhere near a Super 8.

    They should have session there.

  42. - PK - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:23 pm:

    The article and question appear to retaliate against the residents of Springfield and action of the Mayor, going so far as to forebode two weeks into the future. Hardly doing the right thing.

  43. - The Other Rich Hill - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:31 pm:

    Easy choice - move it to any other city that can (a) accommodate the lege and (b) is following the simple daggum rules.

  44. - Really - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:33 pm:

    Stay put and do the people’s business. If you cancel, you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are not essential workers. I think many of us knew this already.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:34 pm:

    === The article and question appear to retaliate against the residents of Springfield and action of the Mayor, going so far as to forebode two weeks into the future. Hardly doing the right thing.===

    It’s a safety issue. The mayor is not interested in safety.

    === Stay put and do the people’s business. If you cancel, you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you are not essential workers.===

    They can work remotely, committee meetings, as an example, can and have been elsewhere.

  46. - Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:38 pm:

    Illiopolis could also be considered for session this time. They are the location of the “geographical center of Illinois” that was actually consdiered as a possible Capitol site before Lincoln and the “Long Nine” secured the Capitol for Springfield from Vandalia:

  47. - MyTwoCents - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:46 pm:

    I voted move and I think Oswego Willy is on to something. The Assembly Hall and the I Hotel would be perfect for hosting and you would be putting it in a county where the local leadership is taking things seriously, unlike the jokers in Sangamon County. You gotta love the arbitrary 12% positivity rate.

  48. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 5:52 pm:

    ===appear to retaliate against the residents of Springfield and action of the Mayor===

    I didn’t do this, he did. And the people who live in my city elected him. Elections have consequences and so do official acts.

    Also, bite me.

  49. - n-t-c - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:00 pm:

    I voted to move. I agree with Oswego Willy that UIUC is the place for it. They can follow the university’s testing protocol. Perhaps they will be inspired to fund testing capacity expansion for the benefit of the rest of the state’s schools.

  50. - RNUG - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:07 pm:

    == the people who live in my city elected him. ==

    Some of us didn’t vote for him. I expect him to lose next election.

    He’s proven he isn’t his dad. I especially didn’t like his multi-year (and counting) fumbling of the whole homeless housing / warming center issue.

  51. - JoanP - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:13 pm:

    Move. Go somewhere where people understand that following the rules protects themselves and others.

  52. - Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:40 pm:

    ==Stay in Springfield, otherwise, and reward those businesses that provide food and drink who choose to follow the COVID-19 rules and regs- i.e. through safe deliveries or curbside service.==

    Or better yet, a novel idea: The GA brown-bags their own lunch. Or gets food from the Howlett or Stratton cafeterias in the complex (Howlett Cafe has reopened; not sure about Stratton). Or just gets drive thru from the nearby fast food places to the complex on Jefferson (e.g., McDonald’s, Burger King, Hardees).

  53. - Durkin's Firkin - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:42 pm:

    Go on as planned. When the “fair tax” fails, the state will have to act quickly to raise revenue.

  54. - Chatham Resident - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:42 pm:

    ==There’s a spacious barn or warehouse in the middle of nowhere near a Super 8.==

    They could ask Pat Quinn if they could borrow his Super 8 preferred rewards card and try to get a discount. And his handy Super 8 worldwide location directory.

  55. - Stormsw7706 - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:45 pm:

    Lang-failure. From a 2 time supporter. No medical people needed to determine medical issues in Springfield. They gum up the works. Cops and politicians always make the best medical decisions. I’ll keep that in mind if I ever need surgery. What a failure of leadership and what a selllout.

  56. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:46 pm:

    Chatham Resident- Chestnut, IL is the geographic center of Illinois, not Illiopolis.

  57. - Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 6:55 pm:

    If it’s moved, Tim Butler will have a stroke

  58. - Gus - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 7:29 pm:

    Move to Comiskey Park, hold outdoor session, state already owns it

  59. - Ben - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 7:42 pm:

    This is Springfield mayor helping out this SHG friends that own local bars.

  60. - Mutty Waters - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 7:48 pm:

    The city head lawyer’s family owns a bar (anvil & forge), but doubt that’s a factor. /s

  61. - Fox - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 11:15 pm:

    I am already boycotting Springfield to deprive the city of my sales tax dollars. Have urged my friends to do so. Moving the legislative session would have much more impact and send a much stronger message to the mayor.

  62. - Enemy of the State - Tuesday, Nov 3, 20 @ 11:52 pm:

    Move to Mississippi. Don’t come back.

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